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The Book of Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior


no baby bump - false alarm!
____The Book of Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior
Blackmoon's Siege - Collection 9 - Heroes of the Moon Tribe


If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check Hasbro's Unit Page for stats and special powers, plus
"character biography" and other non-game unit info.

Character Bio: N/A.

Kyrie Leadership
All Kyrie you control, except Atlaga, move one additional space.

After moving and before attacking with Atlaga, you may choose any opponent's figure within 5 clear sight spaces of Atlaga. Roll the 20-sided die. If you roll a 1-15, nothing happens. If you roll a 16 or higher, the chosen figure is destroyed. Atlaga may attempt to use this power only once per game.

When counting spaces for Atlaga's movement, ignore elevations. Atlaga may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. When Atlaga starts to fly, if he is engaged he will take any leaving engagement attacks.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
-HITZONE: Really?
Q. The hitzone on Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior's card seems to say that his wings are part of his hitzone. Really?
A. No, not really:
Herscape Advanced FAQ Version 9.4 said:
Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior
“Blackmoon’s Siege”
ERRATA: Atlaga’s wings are not a Hit Zone.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
- ACOLARH : Ullar’s Amulet
As a follower of Ullar, Atlaga the kyrie warrior may benefit from Acolarh’s ULLAR’S AMULET movement bonus.
Synergy Benefits Offered
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • TBA
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Rankings

Jexik: Atlaga- With a movement boost to Minions and Protectors and a chance to swing the game in one roll, Atlaga is fairly versatile figure. A-

OEAO: Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior- Atlaga suffers from having to pay for what is quite possibly the worst designed special ability in the game, Bolt of the Witherwood. It should never have existed and do not count on it to win you games. Barring that, extra move on the Kyrie squads and Raelin is nice, and 4 dice at 5 range on a flying figure is solid. However, he is fragile and lacks the higher range needed to be able to stay back farther and kite more effectively. B+

Cleon: Tier 7 (68/208)

dok (VC inclusive): A-

Master Index
Atlaga and the Protectors Discussion Thread
Atlaga: What's your Army Idea?

Unit Strategy Review

(photo courtesy of basilmichael)
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I think with him and marcus, the Einar imperium can be moving fast enough to actualy do something useful. Add a few romans and your set.
In a competetive match? Nah. Kiova, Atlaga, and Marcus together cost 280, meaning you can only get one squad of Imperium before hitting the 500 mark. You can drop Kiova, but even then you'll only have two squads of Imperium with no way to garuntee they'll even live through a barrage of range attacks. It's a decent idea in a drafting environment and/or higher point games, though...
As for Atlaga himself, I'm more psyched for him then I am for the Protectors. Bolt of The Witherwood is great, and +one move to the Minions/Sentinels is outright nasty, and on top of those two, Atlaga has a ranged attack of 4 with flying. Confident fits this guy, because with powers like those his player would feel pretty confident too.
I like his bolt of the witherwood, it has the potential to take on those behemoths like Braxas, but at the same time isn't over kill, I also like how he keeps the speed of his Defenders equal with his
I don't just say this because of their obvious similarities, but I see Atlaga as being the new Concan - a well-costed, solid and reliable hero who will be added into the occasional non-themed army that just happens to have 90-100 points to spend. He's definitely one of the figures I'm most looking forward to in this wave.

I just hope I don't have to institute my first-ever house rule and make his wings untargetable. ;)
My first thought thought about Atlaga was "anything in one go?" Sure thats a great ability, but I probably wouldn't use it. One shot one kill... its almost ominous. I'd let him sit close behind the main fight just as a threat. They want to bring their heavy hitter in, but can't because that guy in green tights is watching!

Also it's only a 25% chance, so really its all just a mind game anyway.
I think this army could be really nasty...

Sentinels x3

500 points, 11 hexes

The Sentinels will speed to the enemy and be very tough to kill. If you face Braxas, send in Atlaga and try to Witherwood her.

I think he will be more valuable to the Minions and Sentinels, who have enough survivability not have to rely on Rat screens and can afford to spend the points on him. I really like him with Sentinels because he provides that 25% hero-kill.
I think this army could be really nasty...

Sentinels x3

500 points, 11 hexes

The Sentinels will speed to the enemy and be very tough to kill. If you face Braxas, send in Atlaga and try to Witherwood her.

I think he will be more valuable to the Minions and Sentinels, who have enough survivability not have to rely on Rat screens and can afford to spend the points on him. I really like him with Sentinels because he provides that 25% hero-kill.

But if you miss your Witherwood roll, your SoJs are doomed to die from the might of Braxas.
I think this army could be really nasty...

Sentinels x3

500 points, 11 hexes

The Sentinels will speed to the enemy and be very tough to kill. If you face Braxas, send in Atlaga and try to Witherwood her.

I think he will be more valuable to the Minions and Sentinels, who have enough survivability not have to rely on Rat screens and can afford to spend the points on him. I really like him with Sentinels because he provides that 25% hero-kill.

But if you miss your Witherwood roll, your SoJs are doomed to die from the might of Braxas.

Sure they are, but any Sentinel army is going to have a tough time against Braxas. At least Atlaga mitigates it somewhat, and also benefits the rest of the army.
I think this army could be really nasty...
The Sentinels will speed to the enemy and be very tough to kill. If you face Braxas, send in Atlaga and try to Witherwood her.

I love how we make proper nouns into verbs. :D

Although I don't think move 5 will speed you to the enemy.
My first thought thought about Atlaga was "anything in one go?" Sure thats a great ability, but I probably wouldn't use it. One shot one kill... its almost ominous. I'd let him sit close behind the main fight just as a threat. They want to bring their heavy hitter in, but can't because that guy in green tights is watching!

Also it's only a 25% chance, so really its all just a mind game anyway.

A 25% chance to auto-destroy any unit (from 5 spaces away!) isn't exactly a "longshot" either though. Any smart player will have to respect that chance if they are fielding any units worth more than 100 points or so.

I think the key to defeating Atlaga and the Protectors as well, is to field masses (hint hint) of ranged common squads, who will not be devastated by a Bolt of the Witherwood and who can afford to lose a few figures to the Xbows of the Protectors, whereas some heroes could go down in a single turn to Combined Arbalest.
My first thought thought about Atlaga was "anything in one go?" Sure thats a great ability, but I probably wouldn't use it. One shot one kill... its almost ominous. I'd let him sit close behind the main fight just as a threat. They want to bring their heavy hitter in, but can't because that guy in green tights is watching!

Also it's only a 25% chance, so really its all just a mind game anyway.

A 25% chance to auto-destroy any unit (from 5 spaces away!) isn't exactly a "longshot" either though. Any smart player will have to respect that chance if they are fielding any units worth more than 100 points or so.

I think the key to defeating Atlaga and the Protectors as well, is to field masses (hint hint) of ranged common squads.

I agree with all of it, but 25% once per game is very different than 25%. Sure that is a very high auto kill rate, but your chances of missing are 75%. I could never count that as a kill before I use it.

Respect it? Yes, but if you miss with it (which is 3 times more likely than a hit) your opponent will not respect it for the rest of the game.
Yes, but if nothing else Atlaga will draw fire away from your other Kyrie for an extra round (or two) while the threat still exists.

As was said earlier, the effect of the power is more on your opponents mind than your using it as a key strategy.
This is NOT good on the front lines. From what I saw from him yesterday in a proxy game, he needs to be used as a late game figure. He's far too fragile, and Bolt of Witherwood just doesn't have the confidence that you would think. One 7, and you feel like crap.
This is NOT good on the front lines. From what I saw from him yesterday in a proxy game, he needs to be used as a late game figure. He's far too fragile, and Bolt of Witherwood just doesn't have the confidence that you would think. One 7, and you feel like crap.

Indeed. Atlaga is the epitome of clean-up, but he also gives you a great boost while he's milling around in your start zone waiting for his turn to shine.
Atlaga is great for a sudden death game, like the Big Old Monster Battle at this year's GenCon, where killing a specific unit wins automatically.
Aren't the odds of losing a figure to Sudema just a little worse than losing one to Atlaga? Why then, is there all this commotion about his Witherwood Bolt? Sudema has an autokill ability with a slightly lower chance to score, but she can also use it all day. That being said, she rarely sees the light of day in most playing circles and certainly isn't tournament worthy. I think Atlaga's main strength lays in his movement boost to all Kyrie and his role as a solid warrior.
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Aren't the odds of losing a figure to Sudema just a little worse than losing one to Atlaga? Why then, is there all this commotion about his Witherwood Bolt? Sudema has an autokill ability with a slightly lower chance to score, but she can also use it all day. That being said, she rarely sees the light of day in most playing circles and certainly isn't tournament worthy. I think Atlaga's main strength lays in his movement boost to all Kyrie and his role as a solid warrior.
I think you've got it. Atlaga aslo has a ranged attack and can fly. He's more mobile than Sudema is, and for less points.
Aren't the odds of losing a figure to Sudema just a little worse than losing one to Atlaga? Why then, is there all this commotion about his Witherwood Bolt? Sudema has an autokill ability with a slightly lower chance to score, but she can also use it all day. That being said, she rarely sees the light of day in most playing circles and certainly isn't tournament worthy. I think Atlaga's main strength lays in his movement boost to all Kyrie and his role as a solid warrior.
I think you've got it. Atlaga aslo has a ranged attack and can fly. He's more mobile than Sudema is, and for less points.

The real reason is that Bolt of the Witherwood is just a bonus you get for using Atlaga - not the reason you draft him. Stare of Stone is the only thing Sudema has going for her.... period.
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Also, he can use the Bolt and still use his normal attack, which hits hard on its own. The bolt is icing on the cake.

If I were playing in War of the Worlds, I'd strongly consider a Valhalla army now.
Also, he can use the Bolt and still use his normal attack, which hits hard on its own. The bolt is icing on the cake.

If I were playing in War of the Worlds, I'd strongly consider a Valhalla army now.

I could see something like this doing pretty well, as I doubt Braxas will see much play:

Atlaga - 90
Raelin - 170
Sentinels / Minions / Protectors x2 - 390

I'd probably be going with the Sentinels - they're just so tough to kill with Raelin.

EDIT: I don't really see a decent Runa / Valhallan army at those point totals. The best I can come up with is:

Atlaga - 90
Raelin - 170
Runa - 290
Minions - 400

and I don't like that at all.
I was kicking ideas around in my head earlier and came up with this:

2x Minions

5 move minions, poweful clean up figure in Atlaga, and anti-rat and everything else in Nilfheim.

I'm going to have to play test this guy and this army soon.
I was kicking ideas around in my head earlier and came up with this:

2x Minions

5 move minions, poweful clean up figure in Atlaga, and anti-rat and everything else in Nilfheim.

I'm going to have to play test this guy and this army soon.
I'm looking forward to trying this as well. Only 8 figures, but they're all oh so good.

I've been contemplating a similar army with Zelrig instead.
I had an idea for more of a themed army. Probably less competitive, but:

Protectors x2

EDIT: I know you could use ROTV Raelin instead of Saylind, but I was strictly thinking Ullar...