The Book of Ataraxis the Starlich
C3V Wave 23 - Yngvild's Vision - Heroes of the Outlands
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The figure used for this unit is Necrovite from the Starfinder Battles - Galactic Villains set. C3V Wave 23 - Yngvild's Vision - Heroes of the Outlands
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Character Bio: From a new world, Utgar has called forth a new evil: Ataraxis, a starlich summoned from the distant planet Dyer 3. Ataraxis has found her place on Valhalla fighting alongside the Esenweins and their undead armies. Her Terror Enhancement Field amplifies the fear of her enemies a hundred-fold, causing the defenses of even the most stalwart warrior to falter. And should she fall in battle, Ataraxis’s consciousness can be transferred to a new host via nanobot technology, ensuring that the cycle of terror shall never truly end.
Spoiler Alert!
General: Utgar
Species: Undead
Uniquity: Unique
Type: Hero
Class: Lady
Personality: Terrifying
Size: Medium
Height: 5
Master Stats
Life: 3
Move: 5
Range: 5
Attack: 3
Defense: 4
Points: 160
Basic Stats
Move: 5
Range: 5
Attack: 3
Defense: 4
Species: Undead
Uniquity: Unique
Type: Hero
Class: Lady
Personality: Terrifying
Size: Medium
Height: 5
Master Stats
Life: 3
Move: 5
Range: 5
Attack: 3
Defense: 4
Points: 160
Basic Stats
Move: 5
Range: 5
Attack: 3
Defense: 4
_________________________________________________________________NECROTIZING WORMHOLE
Before moving, you may choose a small or medium figure you control within 5 spaces of Ataraxis. Switch Ataraxis and the chosen figure. If the chosen figure is not Undead, it receives 1 wound. Figures moved by Necrotizing Wormhole never take any leaving engagement attacks.
Opponents’ figures within 5 spaces of Ataraxis roll 1 less defense die against terrifying figures.
When Ataraxis is destroyed, you may remove all wound markers from this card and place Ataraxis on the card of any Unique Hero within 5 spaces of Ataraxis. For the entire game, if a Unique Hero with your Ataraxis on its card is destroyed by a normal or special attack or a leaving engagement attack, immediately place Ataraxis on a space the destroyed figure occupied, if possible.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
Q: If Ataraxis is on a Unique Hero's Army Card, and that Unique Hero is killed by a Zombie of Morrindan, what happens first, Zombies Rise Again, or the resurrection from Nanobot Soul Cage?
A: If the Zombie and Ataraxis are owned by different players, the two players roll off to see which effect activates first, the placement from Zombies Rise Again or the placement from Nanobot Soul Cage. If the Zombie and Ataraxis are owned by the same player, the owner decides the order of operations. If the placement from Zombies Rise Again happens first, Ataraxis cannot be placed and remains on the destroyed Hero's card. If the placement from Nanobot Soul Cage happens first, Ataraxis is placed and no Zombie is placed.
Q: If Ataraxis is on a Unique Hero's Army Card, and that Unique Hero also has an Ebon Armor on its Army Card, when that Unique Hero dies what happens first the resurrection from Eternal War or the resurrection from Nanobot Soul Cage?
A: Ataraxis is placed first due to "immediately" in Nanobot Soul Cage. The Ebon Armor is not placed.
Q: What happens when a Wolf of Badru uses Pounce Special Attack to kill a Hero holding Ataraxis's Nanobot Soul Cage?
A: If the Wolf and Ataraxis are owned by different players, the two players roll off to see which effect activates first, the placement from the Pounce or the placement from Nanobot Soul Cage. If the Wolf and Ataraxis are owned by the same player, the owner decides the order of operations. If the placement from the Pounce happens first, Ataraxis cannot be placed and remains on the destroyed Hero's card. If the placement from Nanobot Soul Cage happens first, Ataraxis is placed and the Wolf does not move because there is no legal placement. (The Wolf is not destroyed because the target Hero was successfully destroyed.)
Q: If Ataraxis is on a Unique Hero's Army Card due to Nanobot Soul Cage, and that Unique Hero dies from something other than a normal attack, special attack, or leaving engagement attack, or Ataraxis cannot be placed, what happens to Ataraxis?
A: Ataraxis remains on that Unique Hero's Army Card. If that Unique Hero is resurrected, Ataraxis may replace the figure the next time it dies.
Q: If Ataraxis is hit by Shurrak is dies due to falling damage from Knockback, can Nanobot Soul Cage be used?
A: No. The damage is due to the fall, not from the attack or special attack.
Q: Can Ataraxis be revived by the Glyph of Sturla while on the Army Card of a Unique Hero?
A: Yes. Ataraxis is destroyed and can be revived normally. Obviously Nanobot Soul Cage cannot be used to return Ataraxis to the battlefield afterward because she is already on the battlefield.
Q: If Ataraxis is on Kursus's Army Card, and Kursus dies when using Sonic Fists Special Attack, can Ataraxis be placed on the map?
A: Yes, in Kursus's original position. Kursus died due to his own special attack, so Ataraxis is placed on the last space Kursus occupied.
_________________________________________________________________A: If the Zombie and Ataraxis are owned by different players, the two players roll off to see which effect activates first, the placement from Zombies Rise Again or the placement from Nanobot Soul Cage. If the Zombie and Ataraxis are owned by the same player, the owner decides the order of operations. If the placement from Zombies Rise Again happens first, Ataraxis cannot be placed and remains on the destroyed Hero's card. If the placement from Nanobot Soul Cage happens first, Ataraxis is placed and no Zombie is placed.
Q: If Ataraxis is on a Unique Hero's Army Card, and that Unique Hero also has an Ebon Armor on its Army Card, when that Unique Hero dies what happens first the resurrection from Eternal War or the resurrection from Nanobot Soul Cage?
A: Ataraxis is placed first due to "immediately" in Nanobot Soul Cage. The Ebon Armor is not placed.
Q: What happens when a Wolf of Badru uses Pounce Special Attack to kill a Hero holding Ataraxis's Nanobot Soul Cage?
A: If the Wolf and Ataraxis are owned by different players, the two players roll off to see which effect activates first, the placement from the Pounce or the placement from Nanobot Soul Cage. If the Wolf and Ataraxis are owned by the same player, the owner decides the order of operations. If the placement from the Pounce happens first, Ataraxis cannot be placed and remains on the destroyed Hero's card. If the placement from Nanobot Soul Cage happens first, Ataraxis is placed and the Wolf does not move because there is no legal placement. (The Wolf is not destroyed because the target Hero was successfully destroyed.)
Q: If Ataraxis is on a Unique Hero's Army Card due to Nanobot Soul Cage, and that Unique Hero dies from something other than a normal attack, special attack, or leaving engagement attack, or Ataraxis cannot be placed, what happens to Ataraxis?
A: Ataraxis remains on that Unique Hero's Army Card. If that Unique Hero is resurrected, Ataraxis may replace the figure the next time it dies.
Q: If Ataraxis is hit by Shurrak is dies due to falling damage from Knockback, can Nanobot Soul Cage be used?
A: No. The damage is due to the fall, not from the attack or special attack.
Q: Can Ataraxis be revived by the Glyph of Sturla while on the Army Card of a Unique Hero?
A: Yes. Ataraxis is destroyed and can be revived normally. Obviously Nanobot Soul Cage cannot be used to return Ataraxis to the battlefield afterward because she is already on the battlefield.
Q: If Ataraxis is on Kursus's Army Card, and Kursus dies when using Sonic Fists Special Attack, can Ataraxis be placed on the map?
A: Yes, in Kursus's original position. Kursus died due to his own special attack, so Ataraxis is placed on the last space Kursus occupied.
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
- ORNAK : Red Flag of Fury
As a unique hero that follows Utgar, Ataraxis may benefit from Ornak’s RED FLAG OF FURY activation synergy. - TORIN : Evil Eye Protection
As a medium figure who follows Utgar, Ataraxis benefits from Torin's EVIL EYE PROTECTION special power when she rolls defense dice against a normal ranged attack while she is adjacent to Torin (Ataraxis’s excess shields count as unblockable hits inflicted by Torin on the attacking figure). - SKELETONS OF ANNELLINTIA : Necromancy & Reanimation
As a Unique Lady, Ataraxis may interact with the Skeletons of Annellintia's NECROMANCY & REANIMATION abilities.
Synergy Benefits Offered
- TERROR ENHANCEMENT FIELD - Terrifying figures:
Spoiler Alert!
* Akumaken
* Ataraxis the Starlich
* Bloodburst Thrall
* Corvor the Tainted One
* Cxurg'gyath
* Cyprien Esenwein
* Ebon Armor
* Iskra Esenwein
* Marcu Esenwein
* Marro Hive
* Mind Flayer Mastermind
* Morgoloth
* Rechets of Bogdan
* Shades of Bleakewoode
* Shadow Binder
* Shadow Fiend
* Shadow Hound
* Skeletons of Annellintia
* Sonya Esenwein
* Specters of Aldorn
* The Varja
* Tor-Kul-Na
* Torin
* Tul-Bak-Ra
* Wo-Sa-Ga
* Zombie Hulk
* Zombies of Morindan
- NECROTIZING WORMHOLE - Undead figures not wounded by Necrotizing Wormhole:
Spoiler Alert!
* Banshees of Durgeth Swamp
* Bloodburst Thrall
* Crypt Guardian
* Cyprien Esenwein
* Darkprowl Thrall
* Death Knights of Valkrill
* Deathstrike Thrall
* Iskra Esenwein
* Marcu Esenwein
* Nicholas Esenwein
* Phantom Knights
* Preyblood Thrall
* Rechets of Bogdan
* Shades of Bleakewoode
* Skeletons of Annellintia
* Sonya Esenwein
* Specters of Aldorn
* Sudema
* Tomb Skeleton Archers
* Tomb Skeletons
* Zombies of Morindan
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Ranking and Master Index
Unit Strategy Review
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