This is merely a joke.
The Book of Ashi-Dhulu
Soldiers of Valhalla
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Basic Side Card:
The figure used for this unit is a Reaper figure from the Legendary Encounters set. Its model name and number are 20018 Great Worm.
This figure is also available as an unpainted miniature from the Reaper Bones line.
Soldiers of Valhalla
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Basic Side Card:
Spoiler Alert!
The figure used for this unit is a Reaper figure from the Legendary Encounters set. Its model name and number are 20018 Great Worm.
This figure is also available as an unpainted miniature from the Reaper Bones line.
Character Bio:TBD
_________________________________________________________________SPECIAL POWERS said:STEALTH UNDERGROUND MOVEMENT
Instead of moving normally with Ashi-Dhulu, you may immediately place him on any empty non-water space that is within 4 spaces of Ashi-Dhulu and is no higher than 1 level above his height or 3 levels below his base. If Ashi-Dhulu is engaged when he starts his Stealth Underground Movement, he will not take any leaving engagement attacks.
Before using Stealth Underground Movement, you may choose a small or medium Common figure on a space where Ashi-Dhulu could end his Stealth Underground Movement. Destroy the chosen figure and immediately place Ashi-Dhulu on that space using Stealth Underground Movement.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
- TBA.
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Offered
Synergy Benefits Received
- DUMUTEF GUARD : Devourer Attack Enhancement
As a devourer, Ashi-Dhulu may benefit from Dumutef Guard’s DEVOURER ATTACK ENHANCMENT. - SKULL DEMON : VALKRILL ATTACK AURA 1 1
As a Valkrill follower with a Range of 1, Ashi-Dhulu may benefit from the Skull Demon's VALKRILL ATTACK AURA 1 ability. - GOTHLOK: Aura of Despair
As a figure that follows Valkrill, Ashi-Dhulu is immune to the affects of AURA OF DESPAIR.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
_________________________________________________________________-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Ranking & Master Index
Matchup dependent and lacking any significant synergy, but pretty devastating against expensive commons. B
Unit Strategy Review
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