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The Book of Arthur of Sherwood


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The Book of Arthur of Sherwood

C3V Wave 21 - Curse of Stormtorn Peak - Heroes of the Moonlight Vale


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The figure used for this unit is a Dungeons and Dragons figure from the Savage Encounters set. The name of the figure used is Human Outrider.

Character Bio: Arthur gallops in to join the Merry Men of Sherwood Forest. He is an adept rider, but that's not his most impressive trick. A true nimble-fingered rogue, he can pick up treasure without stopping. And beware as he rides by: he's the one that gets to deal a passing blow.

Once while moving normally, Arthur of Sherwood may choose a small or medium figure that he was not engaged to at the start of this turn. When Arthur leaves engagement with that figure, you may roll the 20-sided die. If you roll an 11 or higher, the chosen figure receives one wound. Arthur cannot attack the chosen figure on this turn.

At any point while moving normally, Arthur may attempt to pick up or activate a Treasure Glyph, as long as he is on a space where he could end his movement. When you roll the 20-sided die for a Treasure Glyph trap with Arthur of Sherwood, if you set off the trap, Arthur ends his movement immediately and may not attempt to pick up or activate that Treasure Glyph again this turn.

Arthur of Sherwood is never attacked when leaving an engagement.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • Arthur of Sherwood is a double-spaced figure.

  • Q: If Arthur leaves engagement with a small or medium figure to move adjacent to an Ice Elemental, which happens first, Passing Blow or Ice Spikes?
    A: Passing Blow.
    Passing Blow occurs when Arthur leaves the space adjacent to the small or medium figure, which is before entering the space adjacent to the Ice Elemental.

  • Q: If Arthur moves onto a Treasure Glyph on a space adjacent to an Ice Elemental, can he use Treasure Grab before being affected by Ice Spikes?
    A: No.
    Ice Spikes occurs as Arthur enters the space, and Treasure Grab can only be used once Arthur is on the space.

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
    As a Rogue Hero, Arthur of Sherwood may benefit from the Nottingham Brigands' ROGUE HERO BONDING activation bonus.

    As a unit that follows Ullar, Arthur of Sherwood may benefit from Acolarh's ULLAR'S AMULET movement bonus.
Synergy Benefits Offered
    As a Unique Human, a destroyed Ebon Armor you control may be placed on Arthur of Sherwood's Army Card to replace Arthur of Sherwood upon his own destruction.
Synergy Imposed
  • N/A

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
- TBA​

-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Ranking and Master Index

- TBA​
Unit Strategy Review

NOTE: Arthur of Sherwood is a double-spaced figure. The figure in this picture hasn't been rebased.
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If I missed anything, feel free to let me know and I'll add it into the main post. I couldn't find the normal PDF in the Downloads section yet, so I'll add in that link as soon as the file is uploaded.
If I missed anything, feel free to let me know and I'll add it into the main post. I couldn't find the normal PDF in the Downloads section yet, so I'll add in that link as soon as the file is uploaded.

The only thing I can think of is Acolarh. I'll link the PDF once it's done.
I really don't understand this figure's Treasure Grab ability. I thought all unique/uncommon heroes could pick up treasure glyphs during their movement like his ability is proclaiming? I always thought the rules were you could step on a treasure glyph during your movement, roll to see if you pick it up, if successful you then move the treasure glyph to your hero's card and continue your turn, and if unsuccessful you end your movement and face the scenario-trap?

Or am I just not remembering the official rules for treasure glyphs correctly? Is the rule that you have to stop when landing on a treasure glyph and you can then attempt to gain it? And if unsuccessful then you face to trap consequence?

If that's the case then it makes more sense - Arthur is the only figure that can pick up treasure glyphs throughout his movement, whereas everyone else has to end their movement on a treasure glyph before attempting to pick one up. The rules for treasure glyphs are a thing I don't have firmly memorized in my head lol....maybe it's because I know that the trap isn't set in stone and is technically scenario-based so the competitive side of me is always a bit shy on it? Not sure.

I know last time I went to GenCon the trap was "roll three attack dice at the figure that failed the trap." I also thought at GenCon the ruling was what I stated above - you could pick them up during your movement but had to stop if you weren't successful on the trap roll. I could easily be wrong though. Again, my knowledge on treasure glyph rules is pretty iffy.

Another question on the ability - where does Arthur have to be to attempt to pick up the treasure glyph? It just says he has to be on a space where he could end his movement....which is confusing because wouldn't being on a treasure glyph space always be a space where you can end your movement? Can he just be adjacent to a treasure glyph to attempt grabbing it and not have to be on it? Is that true for treasure glyphs in general, you don't have to be directly on one you can also just be adjacent to attempt to grab it?

I guess I need a firm refresher on the rules of treasure glyphs and how the process of picking them up is stated. And, how Arthur's ability is something unique to him.
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Treasure Glyphs are rolled for after moving. Since Treasure Grab says "while moving", you can roll during Arthur's movement, and then continue to move if he's successful on the roll.

The thing about "while on a space you can end the movement" is so that you're not stuck with any weird crap if he fails the roll. So Arthur cannot be half on one level, half on another when he rolls. Like TKN and Trample Stomp.
I found the following explanation on Page 14 of the Underdark rulebook:
Wizards of the Coast said:
Treasure Glyphs do not force figures to stop when moving onto them.
However, a Unique Hero figure that ends its movement on a space with a
Treasure Glyph may attempt to pick it up or activate it, depending on the
Treasure Glyph’s individual rule.

So you're not forced to stop when moving onto a Treasure Glyph like you are for normal glyphs, but you can't attempt to pick one up unless you do stop there. Arthur's power lets him get past that restriction.

The part about him needing to be on a space where he can end his movement is to ensure that he doesn't get stuck in a weird position because he's a double-spaced figure. He still has to be able to stop on that space like he was normally picking up the glyph.
Treasure Glyphs are rolled for after moving. Since Treasure Grab says "while moving", you can roll during Arthur's movement, and then continue to move if he's successful on the roll.

The thing about "while on a space you can end the movement" is so that you're not stuck with any weird crap if he fails the roll. So Arthur cannot be half on one level, half on another when he rolls. Like TKN and Trample Stomp.

I found the following explanation on Page 14 of the Underdark rulebook:
Wizards of the Coast said:
Treasure Glyphs do not force figures to stop when moving onto them.
However, a Unique Hero figure that ends its movement on a space with a
Treasure Glyph may attempt to pick it up or activate it, depending on the
Treasure Glyph’s individual rule.

So you're not forced to stop when moving onto a Treasure Glyph like you are for normal glyphs, but you can't attempt to pick one up unless you do stop there. Arthur's power lets him get past that restriction.

The part about him needing to be on a space where he can end his movement is to ensure that he doesn't get stuck in a weird position because he's a double-spaced figure. He still has to be able to stop on that space like he was normally picking up the glyph.

Oooh, I see, you can indeed pass over them but if you want to pick one up you have to end your movement on them. And Arthur can do both.

Also, didn't realize he was a double space figure. That line makes sense now. In his picture it shows him as a single spacer.

Thanks for the clarification guys, much appreciated. I was quite confused haha.
Oooh, I see, you can indeed pass over them but if you want to pick one up you have to end your movement on them. And Arthur can do both.

Also, didn't realize he was a double space figure. That line makes sense now. In his picture it shows him as a single spacer.

Thanks for the clarification guys, much appreciated. I was quite confused haha.

Sorry about the confusion caused by the picture. I unfortunately don't own his sculpt and don't have access to a picture of him rebased onto a peanut, but if anyone else does then I'll gladly edit it into the main post.

And no problem! I definitely had to read up on the Treasure Glyph rules again when Locksley and Arthur were added, since they're not very common outside of scenario games.
The C3V Rules Team would like to add the following R&Cs:
Q: If Arthur leaves engagement with a small or medium figure to move adjacent to an Ice Elemental, which happens first, Passing Blow or Ice Spikes?
A: Passing Blow.
Passing Blow occurs when Arthur leaves the space adjacent to the small or medium figure, which is before entering the space adjacent to the Ice Elemental.

Q: If Arthur moves onto a Treasure Glyph on a space adjacent to an Ice Elemental, can he use Treasure Grab before being affected by Ice Spikes?
A: No.
Ice Spikes occurs as Arthur enters the space, and Treasure Grab can only be used once Arthur is on the space.