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The Book of Angel (Liam)


Who ISN'T One of My Brothers??
The Book of Angel



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Man of Steel set.
Its model number and name are #009 / Clark Kent.

Character Bio - The vampire know as Angelus was one of the most brutal and terrible vampires to ever terrorize the people of Europe. Angelus killed and tortured many over a century and a half, before a gypsy clan, angered over the death of their favorite daughter at Angelus's hands, cursed him with the return of his soul. Feeling all the guilt and remorse of his previous actions, Angelus, now calling himself Angel, moved to America to live in isolation, attempting to remove himself from the temptation to feed on humans. After nearly a hundred years of exile, Angel's path crossed with that of Buffy Summers, the newly awakened vampire Slayer. Smitten both with Buffy and the idea of a new purpose in his life, Angel followed Buffy to Sunnydale, where he would become one of her closest allies.
This relationship with Buffy quickly moved to a romantic one, but at a terrible cost. The curse that had restored Angel's soul was dissolved when he experienced a moment of perfect happiness with Buffy. When the dormant Angelus awoke, he attempted to destroy the world, but he was stopped by Buffy, who was forced to kill Angel. After some time in a hell dimension, Angel was returned to Earth, again ensouled. After helping Buffy to defeat the rogue Slayer Faith and the evil Mayor Wilkins, Angel felt that his time in Sunnydale was over and he moved once again, this time to Los Angeles, where he would open a private investigation agency with Cordelia Chase and Wesley Wyndham-Pryce. Always fighting his darker side, Angel continues to battle the forces of evil, a dark avenger.

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  • N/A

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Incoming Synergy:Outgoing Synergy:
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-Heroscapers Community Contributions-Card Updates:
7 March 2021 - Class changed to Investigator
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Re: The Book of Angel - Design Phase




LIFE = 6

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 200

Immediately after a friendly figure within 3 spaces of Angel rolls defense dice against a normal attack, you may move Angel adjacent to the defending figure, if possible. If Angel ends this move also engaged with the attacking figure, you may roll 1 unblockable attack die against that figure. When Angel uses Dark Avenger, he will take any leaving engagement attacks.

After taking a turn with Angel, if he inflicted one or more wounds with his normal attack, you must roll the 20-sided die. If you roll 1-4, choose an opponent to take control of Angel. Remove all Order Markers from this card, then give this card to the chosen opponent. If Angel is controlled by a player that did not control Angel at the start of the game, Angel cannot use his Dark Avenger special power and rolls one additional attack die.

At the end of the round, remove 1 Wound Marker from this card.
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Re: The Book of Angel - Design Phase

Stats may be a little high, if he's coming out too strong in testing, I can bring them down.

I'm worried that the mini in the OP may not be readily available anymore. There were plenty available when I first chose it, but not so much anymore. I have some other options, but I liked this mini for the card because it wouldn't require any modding or painting.


Comic Art:
Spoiler Alert!
Re: The Book of Angel - Design Phase

Dark Avenger could be potent. Hopefully it stacks okay with other similar powers, though.

Vampiric Healing seems odd to me. What makes it Vampiric? I feel like we might already have a power with the same text, as well.

I'd prefer a somewhat hard-to-find but unmodded figure to a mod. If it works, use it - that's my philosophy.
Re: The Book of Angel - Design Phase

Dark Avenger could be potent. Hopefully it stacks okay with other similar powers, though.

How so? It doesn't do anything to protect the friendly figure and it only has a 50% chance of wounding a normal-attacking melee figure if Angel can move adjacent.

I'd be fine with changing the name on the healing power. I may have overlooked a power, but I couldn't find anything with the exact same wording. I have 'Vampiric' in there to describe where the healing abilities come from, but it's not necessary.
Re: The Book of Angel - Design Phase

Cool design, not much to say here.

I agree with Johnny, though. The name Vampiric Healing makes me think of drinking blood, not regenerating. Does he bite people? We could use Life Drain.
Re: The Book of Angel - Design Phase

Gamma Healing is the closest thing we have, mechanically, to the healing power here:

Before rolling for initiative, if She-Hulk has one or more Order Markers on her card, you may remove 1 Wound Marker from this card.

The trigger timing is just oh-so-slightly different.

I like the stats, etc. for this guy. Looks thematic. If he's too powerful, especially with the healing, I could see dropping the life by 1. His staying power might be a tad too high.

Looks good, otherwise. Though altering the healing power to distinguish it more as a vampiric one works for me.

Oh, also, he should have SS right? The Vampire Minions do.
Re: The Book of Angel - Design Phase

I agree with Johnny, though. The name Vampiric Healing makes me think of drinking blood, not regenerating. Does he bite people? We could use Life Drain.
He does drink blood, but not from victims. He's reformed vampire. Most of the time, anyway.

Oh, also, he should have SS right? The Vampire Minions do.

We've been over this before. :p We decided against Buffy-verse vamps having SS when Buffy was designed. Buffy is on the same strength level as the vamps and she doesn't have SS.
Re: The Book of Angel - Design Phase

I'm fine with either making Vampiric Healing more vampiric or generalizing the name. Up to you, really... how does he heal, thematically? Is it just a basic Healing Factor, only slower (or slower than how we represent it at least)?
Re: The Book of Angel - Design Phase

I don't understand why the Vampire Minions would have super strength & Angel wouldn't?

I don't recall him sucking the life out of anybody to heal. So maybe just Regeneration (not bothering to look to see if we have used that already)?
Re: The Book of Angel - Design Phase

Different vampires from different universes (Minions are Marvel U and Angel is not).
Re: The Book of Angel - Design Phase

Different vampires from different universes (Minions are Marvel U and Angel is not).


And different species in different universes have different powers and attributes .... A Symbiote in DCU is not like a Symbiote in Marvel, etc., etc.

Edit: Btw, we'll have to add something to the title here to differentiate this Angel from the Marvel one. :)
Re: The Book of Angel - Design Phase

Edit: Btw, we'll have to add something to the title here to differentiate this Angel from the Marvel one. :)

Definitely, I actually thought TB was doing a remake when I saw the PM. ;)
Re: The Book of Angel - Design Phase

I'm fine with either making Vampiric Healing more vampiric or generalizing the name. Up to you, really... how does he heal, thematically? Is it just a basic Healing Factor, only slower (or slower than how we represent it at least)?

It's a fairly general tough-to-kill, undead, Healing Factor-type ability. In fact now that I think about it, Undead Resilience might be a better fit here... :ponder:

I don't understand why the Vampire Minions would have super strength & Angel wouldn't?

Like Bats said: different universes, different power levels. We decided against him having SS when we dropped SS from Buffy. She has the same strength as the vamps.
Re: The Book of Angel (Liam) - Design Phase

For me, Undead Resilience is "you can blow a hole through me and I don't even feel it." Like a zombie, where you can knock off limbs and it's no big deal... or the Black Knight from Monty Python. :p If that's what you're going for, good, but if it's more like Wolverine or the Hulk, where you get riddled with holes and your body fills them in, we should stick with healing wounds.
Re: The Book of Angel (Liam) - Design Phase

Huh, I always saw it as a "shrugging off most attacks" or needing to kill them in a specific way kind of thing. Like taking out the brain or, in this case, a stake through the heart.
Re: The Book of Angel (Liam) - Design Phase

I think it can be open to different translations .... it does seem to fit as a power here.
Re: The Book of Angel (Liam) - Design Phase

Yeah, I agree it can be interpreted in a wider/narrower way. Even so, it's not healing, y'know? If he's regenerating he should have a regeneration power not a "isn't affected by your attacks" power.

But I haven't watched a single minute of Buffy so I'll leave it to you guys as to appropriateness here. :lol:
Re: The Book of Angel (Liam) - Design Phase

I'm with Johnny here. If it's resistance you want then Tough would do, but I think you had the power right -- healing at the end of the round seems like the correct rate of heal for him. He definitely doesn't have Wolverine healing but it was accelerated. If Angel got shot in the arm he never just ignored it, his arm wouldn't have strength for a while until it healed.

On the matter of Buffy vs Vampire strength, I remember it differently in the show. She was always being grabbed by them & they over-powering her. She just beat them with skill & cunning. Yes she had better than human strength but she wasn't as strong as the vamps. But that really wasn't the point I was making. I was thinking that vampires are vampires if you give to one you have to give to the other. :shrug:
Re: The Book of Angel (Liam) - Design Phase

But ... they aren't. :p No more than Atlanteans are Atlanteans.
Re: The Book of Angel (Liam) - Design Phase

I'm with Johnny here. If it's resistance you want then Tough would do, but I think you had the power right -- healing at the end of the round seems like the correct rate of heal for him. He definitely doesn't have Wolverine healing but it was accelerated. If Angel got shot in the arm he never just ignored it, his arm wouldn't have strength for a while until it healed.

Okay, so just a more generic name for the power in the OP? Anybody have any ideas? I'm stumped right now.

As for SS, Buffy was pretty consistently shown to be on the same physical level as the vamps. I don't recall her being overwhelmed very often. And the explanation for her (and all the Slayers') powers is that she was given the strength and abilities of a vampire. The Buffy-verse vamps are from a different universe and therefore operate under different rules. I mean, we didn't give the Vampire Minions Stealth Flying or Life Drain just because the Classic vampires had those powers.
Re: The Book of Angel (Liam) - Design Phase

Generic ... SELF-HEALING?