no baby bump - false alarm!
The Book of Air Elemental
Champions of the Forgotten Realms – Collection D1 – Fury of the Primordials

Spoiler Alert!

If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check the Heroscapers Gallery for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.
Character Bio (from Truth's front-page description) : The Air Elemental is a Jandar-summoned Common Hero that truly halts any forward movement up on the battlefield. While flying figures can fly over its SWIRLING VORTEX, they will feel the wrath of its AIR MASTERY power.
_________________________________________________________________SWIRLING VORTEX
When an opponent’s small or medium figure moves into a space within 2 clear sight spaces of an Air Elemental you control, that figure must end its move there. Figures can never move through any figure affected by Swirling Vortex.
Figures that have the Flying or Stealth Flying special power subtract 1 from their defence dice when attacked by an Air Elemental.
When counting spaces for an Air Elemental’s movement, ignore elevations. An Air Elemental may fly over water without stopping, pass over figures without becoming engaged, and fly over obstacles such as ruins. When an Air Elemental starts to fly, if it is engaged it will not take any leaving engagement attacks.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
SWIRLING VORTEX: & Flying Figures:
Q. Can a flying figure land next to the Air Elemental, unaffected by the AE's SWIRLING VORTEX?
A. Yes. Flying figures may also pass over figures affected by SWIRLING VORTEX, since they do not have to move through them.
Q. Can Tul-Bak-Ra land next to the Air Elemental using TELEPORT, unaffected by the AE's SWIRLING VORTEX?
A. Yes. AND, so can any figure making a move which is actually the "placement" of a figure. Erevan Sunshadow's FEY STEP comes to mind, as do the Shaolin Monks' STEALTH LEAP, Sgt. Drake Alexander's GRAPPLE ARM, the Water Elemental's WATER TUNNEL, the Marro Drudge's SWAMP WATER TUNNEL, and the Earth Elemental's UNDERGROUND MOVEMENT. I may be leaving some out, but if the ability says "place the figure," then it gets through the SWIRLING VORTEX. (Thanks to killercactus for the post that listed all those for me).
Shootin' the Breeze : Fliers standing in the SWIRLING VORTEX:
Q. Is a flying figure within 2 clear sight spaces of an Air Elemental considered affected by SWIRLING VORTEX, even though their flying move is not inhibited by S.V.?
A. Yes, meaning no figure may move through a flying figure standing within 2 clear sight spaces of an Air Elemental. That figure would still need to stop, and it cannot stop on the occupied space.
Q. The text of the GHOST WALK (see: Agent Carr's Army Card) and PHANTOM WALK (see: Isamu's Army Card) Special Abilities says: "May move through all figures." Does this mean a figure with one of these abilities can move through a figure affected by SWIRLING VORTEX?
A. No. The text of SWIRLING VORTEX creates an exception to the preeminence of the GHOST WALK and PHANTOM WALK Special Abilities. Like any other figure, a figure with one of these abilities would still be required to stop once it is within 2 spaces of the Air Elemental. If the space is occupied and it cannot stop, it cannot move through that space.
_________________________________________________________________Q. Can a flying figure land next to the Air Elemental, unaffected by the AE's SWIRLING VORTEX?
A. Yes. Flying figures may also pass over figures affected by SWIRLING VORTEX, since they do not have to move through them.
Q. Can Tul-Bak-Ra land next to the Air Elemental using TELEPORT, unaffected by the AE's SWIRLING VORTEX?
A. Yes. AND, so can any figure making a move which is actually the "placement" of a figure. Erevan Sunshadow's FEY STEP comes to mind, as do the Shaolin Monks' STEALTH LEAP, Sgt. Drake Alexander's GRAPPLE ARM, the Water Elemental's WATER TUNNEL, the Marro Drudge's SWAMP WATER TUNNEL, and the Earth Elemental's UNDERGROUND MOVEMENT. I may be leaving some out, but if the ability says "place the figure," then it gets through the SWIRLING VORTEX. (Thanks to killercactus for the post that listed all those for me).
Shootin' the Breeze : Fliers standing in the SWIRLING VORTEX:
Q. Is a flying figure within 2 clear sight spaces of an Air Elemental considered affected by SWIRLING VORTEX, even though their flying move is not inhibited by S.V.?
A. Yes, meaning no figure may move through a flying figure standing within 2 clear sight spaces of an Air Elemental. That figure would still need to stop, and it cannot stop on the occupied space.
Q. The text of the GHOST WALK (see: Agent Carr's Army Card) and PHANTOM WALK (see: Isamu's Army Card) Special Abilities says: "May move through all figures." Does this mean a figure with one of these abilities can move through a figure affected by SWIRLING VORTEX?
A. No. The text of SWIRLING VORTEX creates an exception to the preeminence of the GHOST WALK and PHANTOM WALK Special Abilities. Like any other figure, a figure with one of these abilities would still be required to stop once it is within 2 spaces of the Air Elemental. If the space is occupied and it cannot stop, it cannot move through that space.
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
- THE DEATH KNIGHTS OF VALKRILL: As Medium heroes with "Relentless" personalities, Air Elementals may benefit from the Death Knights of Valkrill's UNHOLY BONDING activation synergy.
- KHOSUMET THE DARKLORD: Relentless Assault
Having a relentless personality, the Air Elemental may benefit from Khosumet the Darklord’s RELENTLESS ASSAULT Attack bonus.
As an elemental, the Air Elemental may be revived by Kurrok's SUMMON ELEMENTALS resurrection synergy.
- KURROK THE ELEMENTALIST: Master of the Elements:
As an elemental, the Air Elemental may benefit from Kurrok's MASTER OF THE ELEMENTS activation synergy.
Synergy Benefits Offered- KHOSUMET THE DARKLORD: Relentless Assault
Having a relentless personality, the Air Elemental may benefit from Khosumet the Darklord’s RELENTLESS ASSAULT Attack bonus.
As an elemental, the Air Elemental may be revived by Kurrok's SUMMON ELEMENTALS resurrection synergy.
- KURROK THE ELEMENTALIST: Master of the Elements:
As an elemental, the Air Elemental may benefit from Kurrok's MASTER OF THE ELEMENTS activation synergy.
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!
Synergy Benefits Offered
Having a Relentless personality, the Air Elemental may aid the Knights of Blackgaard with their RELENTLESS ARMY ATTACK BONUS.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Rankings
Jexik: Air Elemental- The interdiction might come in handy. B-
OEAO: Air Elemental- A decent figure who is often stronger on paper than in gameplay. The problem is that he does not really help the two armies that synergies with him: Death Knights and Elementals. Death Knights already are fine vs melee, they don't want to invest points into figures that aren't helping their atrocious range matchups. Elementals outside Fire Elementals aren't really viable, and while splashing one of these in alongside Water and Earth Elementals is... ok, it's not good. B-
Cleon: Tier 4 (159/208)
dok (VC inclusive): B-
Master Index
Air Elemental Pre-Release Discussion
Air Elemental and restricted movement.
Air Element Wall Strategy (Image Heavy)
Elemental Poll
Kurrok the Elementalist rampant speculation thread
D1 army ideas
Unit Strategy Review

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