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The Book of Agent Carr
Rise of the Valkyrie - Master Set
Rise of the Valkyrie - Master Set

Character Bio: On his home planet Earth, Agent Carr was a revered master of Krav Maga, the 'no rules' art of face-to-face street combat. With his superhuman senses, lightning-fast reflexes and advanced stealth techniques, Agent Carr simply cannot be caught off-guard. A cautious man who leaves nothing to chance, Carr is also well-schooled in the art of weaponry. He usually carries a gun and a long sword, both gifts from Vydar, his Valkyrie General. Agent Carr is the strong, silent type who asks few questions, and answers even fewer. (Hasbro)
_____________________________________________________________GHOST WALK
Agent Carr can move through all figures.
If Agent Carr is attacking an adjacent figure, add 4 dice to Agent Carr’s attack.
Agent Carr is never attacked when leaving an engagement.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
- N/A
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
- LAGLOR: Vydar’s Range Enhancement Aura
Being a Vydar figure with a range greater than 4, Agent Carr may benefit from Laglor’s VYDAR’S RANGE ENHANCEMENT AURA.
- AGENT SKAHEN: Cover Fire
Having a Tricky personality, Agent Carr may benefit from Agent Skahen's COVER FIRE.
Synergy Benefits OfferedBeing a Vydar figure with a range greater than 4, Agent Carr may benefit from Laglor’s VYDAR’S RANGE ENHANCEMENT AURA.
- AGENT SKAHEN: Cover Fire
Having a Tricky personality, Agent Carr may benefit from Agent Skahen's COVER FIRE.
- OTONASHI: Tricky Speed 4
Since Agent Carr has a Tricky personality, if Otonashi starts her turn adjacent to him, she may add 4 to her move.
C3V and SoV Custom SynergiesSince Agent Carr has a Tricky personality, if Otonashi starts her turn adjacent to him, she may add 4 to her move.
Spoiler Alert!
Synergy Benefits Offered
Synergy Benefits Received
As a Medium Unique figure who follows Vydar, Agent Carr may take a turn when a Command Courier uses COMMAND DISPATCH.
As a Unique Human, a destroyed Ebon Armor you control may be placed on Agent Carr's Army Card to replace Agent Carr upon his own destruction.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
Strategy Notes:
- Agent Carr is a man of great power, and has many weapons in his arsenal. Unlike most figures, he can attack with range even though his strength lies in melee combat. In fact, if you compare them side- y-side, Agent Carr has the same melee attack as Sgt. Drake Alexander, but one more defense dice! However, he is slightly less durable than Jandar’s great soldier with a life of 4 vs. 5. He has the ability to walk through all figures and he is never attacked while leaving engagements. This gives him the very thematic ability to run straight at whatever figure he wants, firing with his ranged attack as he runs along. The targeted figure can only hope that his allies can inflict a few wounds on Agent Carr as he barrels towards him. (Hasbro FAQ)
Who else could I draft with Agent Carr?
- Krav Maga Agents
The Krav Maga Agents are a great support squad for Agent Carr. Their ability to deflect all ranged attack with only one shield makes them exactly the squad Agent Carr wants watching his back while he’s rushing into battle. (Hasbro FAQ)
- Laglor
While not drafted to solely compliment Agent Carr, Laglor can be an immense help in an army composed entirely of Vydar figures, specially if you drafted ranged squads like the Microcorp Agents, or the Krav Maga Agents. Also, while Carr is within 4 clear sight spaces of Laglor, his range is boosted to a formidable 8. Laglor, Carr, and the rest of the ranged army can just sit back and fire on any advancing army, till they are close enough for Agent Carr to run up and start striking them down with his Sword of Reckoning. (Hasbro FAQ)
- Major Q9
Not that Q9 really needs support; he’s a one Soulborg wrecking machine. However, with his Queglix Gun Special Attack, he can take out the cannon fodder in your opponent’s army and leave the strong melee Heroes to Agent Carr. True, Agent Carr has as much life as Q9 (4), but Carr’s higher than average melee attack of 6 makes him well suited to take out those tough to destroy heroes quickly and efficiently. Plus, if Carr falters, Q9 is there to back him up, with deadly Soulborg efficiency. (Hasbro FAQ)
Who does Agent Carr work well against? The Krav Maga Agents are a great support squad for Agent Carr. Their ability to deflect all ranged attack with only one shield makes them exactly the squad Agent Carr wants watching his back while he’s rushing into battle. (Hasbro FAQ)
- Laglor
While not drafted to solely compliment Agent Carr, Laglor can be an immense help in an army composed entirely of Vydar figures, specially if you drafted ranged squads like the Microcorp Agents, or the Krav Maga Agents. Also, while Carr is within 4 clear sight spaces of Laglor, his range is boosted to a formidable 8. Laglor, Carr, and the rest of the ranged army can just sit back and fire on any advancing army, till they are close enough for Agent Carr to run up and start striking them down with his Sword of Reckoning. (Hasbro FAQ)
- Major Q9
Not that Q9 really needs support; he’s a one Soulborg wrecking machine. However, with his Queglix Gun Special Attack, he can take out the cannon fodder in your opponent’s army and leave the strong melee Heroes to Agent Carr. True, Agent Carr has as much life as Q9 (4), but Carr’s higher than average melee attack of 6 makes him well suited to take out those tough to destroy heroes quickly and efficiently. Plus, if Carr falters, Q9 is there to back him up, with deadly Soulborg efficiency. (Hasbro FAQ)
- Kozuke Samurai
With most Samurai, the safe bet is to target them with range and take your chances that you can take them out before they can catch up to you. However, the Kozuke are a bit different. If they can reach you in the same turn, they can move up to 8 spaces (3 more than their base move thanks to their Charging Assault special power). Because of that, the normal ranged strategy might not work against them. You need a strong Hero to stand between them and the rest of your army and take at least one of them out quickly. The Kozuke are also Unique, so as soon as you cut one of them down, you have also cut down their intimidation factor (2 attacks per turn instead of 3). By using a strong Hero you can cut down on the chance that they will be able to use Counterstrike, and you can maximize the chances that your attacks will hit their mark. Pay attention to your opponent’s order markers and try to strike when he only has one turn left, or only one order marker on the Kozuke. Hopefully, the gamble will pay off, and Agent Carr can destroy this Samurai Squad before it can threaten your army. (Hasbro FAQ)
- Brunak
If Brunak is let loose against your squad figures, they won’t last long at all. Even though he has a very low life of 3, it is protected well by a higher than average defense of 7. He’s a beast to take down. Because of that, he will rumble up to your squad and utilize his Blood Hungry Special Attack to attempt to take out one after another, all in the same turn! That kind of ferocity needs to be dealt with quickly. Agent Carr’s defense of 4 makes him able to withstand Brunak’s attacks for a turn or two before he starts taking critical damage. Remember, you have a higher chance of rolling a skull than a shield on a combat die roll. Use that to your advantage and hope Agent Carr’s sword of Reckoning can land a few well-placed blows and take down Utgar’s raging Trolticor before he can decimate your army. (Hasbro FAQ)
-Heroscapers Community Contributions- With most Samurai, the safe bet is to target them with range and take your chances that you can take them out before they can catch up to you. However, the Kozuke are a bit different. If they can reach you in the same turn, they can move up to 8 spaces (3 more than their base move thanks to their Charging Assault special power). Because of that, the normal ranged strategy might not work against them. You need a strong Hero to stand between them and the rest of your army and take at least one of them out quickly. The Kozuke are also Unique, so as soon as you cut one of them down, you have also cut down their intimidation factor (2 attacks per turn instead of 3). By using a strong Hero you can cut down on the chance that they will be able to use Counterstrike, and you can maximize the chances that your attacks will hit their mark. Pay attention to your opponent’s order markers and try to strike when he only has one turn left, or only one order marker on the Kozuke. Hopefully, the gamble will pay off, and Agent Carr can destroy this Samurai Squad before it can threaten your army. (Hasbro FAQ)
- Brunak
If Brunak is let loose against your squad figures, they won’t last long at all. Even though he has a very low life of 3, it is protected well by a higher than average defense of 7. He’s a beast to take down. Because of that, he will rumble up to your squad and utilize his Blood Hungry Special Attack to attempt to take out one after another, all in the same turn! That kind of ferocity needs to be dealt with quickly. Agent Carr’s defense of 4 makes him able to withstand Brunak’s attacks for a turn or two before he starts taking critical damage. Remember, you have a higher chance of rolling a skull than a shield on a combat die roll. Use that to your advantage and hope Agent Carr’s sword of Reckoning can land a few well-placed blows and take down Utgar’s raging Trolticor before he can decimate your army. (Hasbro FAQ)
Power Rankings
Jexik: Agent Carr- While a bit delicate, Carr can hit hard when needed. C+
OEAO: Agent Carr- Nice for his ability to create action and draw the opponent in to set up his 6-die melee attack. Not the tankiest figure so he should be used opportunistically. If you jam him in the middle, he's going to die. Kite from range and poke the edges of your opponent's army. C+
Cleon: Tier 4 (166/208)
dok (VC inclusive): C+
Master Index
Just How Awesome is Agent Carr?
Agent Carr Strategy
Ghost Walk through Castle Door?
Sword of Reckoning
Unit Strategy Review
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