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The Book of Acolarh
Crest of the Valkyrie - Exclusive Sets - Ullar's Flag Bearer
Spoiler Alert!
Character Bio: Nimble fingers dance in delight; for some two and a half thousand years, they have spent long hours perfecting their craft. A gleeful laugh escapes from thin lips, turned upward in a smile. This is the culmination of his long life's work, and the elven craftsman can't help but loose his overwhelming joy. With great skill he carves upon the fair bark of the Waylan tree. The result of his blissful task will be the Leaf of the Home Tree. It will be blessed and borne into battle by the valiant wizard Acolarh, and will save many an elven warrior from a treacherous end. (Hasbro)
_________________________________________________________________LEAF OF THE HOME TREE AURA
When any Elf you control within 8 clear sight spaces of Acolarh receives enough wounds to be destroyed, you may roll 10 Ullar Valkyrie dice before removing the figure. If you roll at least 3 Ullar symbols, ignore any wounds that figure just received. Acolarh’s Leaf of the Home Tree Aura does not affect Acolarh.
All friendly figures who follow Ullar and start their turn adjacent to Acolarh may move 2 additional spaces.
-Rulings and Clarifications-
- LEAF OF THE HOME TREE AURA : “Clear Sight Spaces”
What does "clear sight spaces" mean?
From page 15 of the 2nd edition rules: "To determine clear sight, use Acolarh’s Target Point. If he can see any part of your Elf figures (not just the Hit Zone) within the 8 spaces, they are in range of the Leaf of the Home Tree Aura." (dnutt99)
_________________________________________________________________What does "clear sight spaces" mean?
From page 15 of the 2nd edition rules: "To determine clear sight, use Acolarh’s Target Point. If he can see any part of your Elf figures (not just the Hit Zone) within the 8 spaces, they are in range of the Leaf of the Home Tree Aura." (dnutt99)
-Combinations and Synergies-
Synergy Benefits Received
- KYNTELA GWYN: Strength of Oak Aura 1
As an elf, Acolarh may benefit from Kyntela Gwyn's STRENGTH OF OAK AURA 1 defense bonus.
- ULGINESH: Mind Link
As an Elf Wizard, Acolarh may benefit from Ulginesh's MIND LINK activation synergy.
Synergy Benefits OfferedAs an elf, Acolarh may benefit from Kyntela Gwyn's STRENGTH OF OAK AURA 1 defense bonus.
- ULGINESH: Mind Link
As an Elf Wizard, Acolarh may benefit from Ulginesh's MIND LINK activation synergy.
Any unit that follows Ullar and begins their turn adjacent to Acolarh may benefit from ULLAR’S AMULET movement bonus.
-ARKMER : Staff of Lerkintin : As an Elf Wizard, Acolarh may aid Arkmer with his STAFF OF LERKINTIN Defense enhancement.
-EMIRROON : Elven Summoning Spell : As an elf, Acolarh may aid Emirroon with his ELVEN SUMMONING SPELL d20 ability.
-JORHDAWN : Rain of Flame Special Attack : As an elf wizard, Acolarh may aid Jorhdawn with her Rain of Flame Special Attack.
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies* Arkmer
* Aubrien Archers
* Chardris
* Emirroon
* Jorhdawn
* Kyntela Gwyn
* Morsbane
* Sonlen
* Syvarris
* Ulginesh
* Warriors of Ashra
- ULLAR UNITS: Ullar's Amulet* Aubrien Archers
* Chardris
* Emirroon
* Jorhdawn
* Kyntela Gwyn
* Morsbane
* Sonlen
* Syvarris
* Ulginesh
* Warriors of Ashra
Any unit that follows Ullar and begins their turn adjacent to Acolarh may benefit from ULLAR’S AMULET movement bonus.
-ARKMER : Staff of Lerkintin : As an Elf Wizard, Acolarh may aid Arkmer with his STAFF OF LERKINTIN Defense enhancement.
-EMIRROON : Elven Summoning Spell : As an elf, Acolarh may aid Emirroon with his ELVEN SUMMONING SPELL d20 ability.
-JORHDAWN : Rain of Flame Special Attack : As an elf wizard, Acolarh may aid Jorhdawn with her Rain of Flame Special Attack.
Spoiler Alert!
Synergy Benefits Offered
- ULLAR UNITS: Ullar's Amulet
Any unit that follows Ullar and begins their turn adjacent to Acolarh may benefit from ULLAR’S AMULET movement bonus.
Synergy Benefits Received
As an Elf Wizard, Acolarh may benefit from Haduc's AEGIS OF THE CRIMSON SIGIL defense bonus.
As an Elf, Acolarh may benefit from Haduc's 20-sided die enhancement.
Synergy Imposed
The Tomb Skeletons cannot receive their defense bonus from SKELETAL FORM against Clerics & Wizards.
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Power Rankings
Jexik: Acolarh- Three symbols is a bit hard to roll. Not doing much outside that, Acorlarh doesn’t hold up too well. C-
OEAO: Acolarh- Almost more useful for the additional two move he grants than for his statistically poor chance of saving an Elf at 22.48% of the time. Really doesn't have a whole lot going for him. C-
Cleon: Tier 3 (178/208)
dok (VC inclusive): C-
Master Index
Acolarh Comprehensive Discussion
How to choose, and use, the Elven Army.
Unit Strategy Review
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