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The Book of A-Bomb


Who ISN'T One of My Brothers??
The Book of A-Bomb



Comic PDF


Mini PDF

The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Incredible Hulk set.
Its model number and name are #040 / A-Bomb.


Character Bio - Under the control of M.O.D.O.K., the Intelligencia attempted to use Abomination's blood to turn mild-mannered Rick Jones into a weapon programmed to defeat the Hulk. However, with Bruce's help, Rick was able to overcome this programming and is now a Hero on the level of the Hulk, his former mentor.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
  • N/A

-Combinations and Synergies-

Incoming Synergy:
Outgoing Synergy:
  • N/A
Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses:

-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
  • N/A
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-
Card Updates:
3 January 2021 - Super Leap wording update
7 March 2021 - Species changed to Gamma Mutate
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Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase




LIFE = 7

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 370

If A-Bomb is not engaged, he cannot be targeted by opponents' non-adjacent figures for any attacks or any special powers that require clear sight.

Instead of his normal move, A-Bomb may move up to 10 spaces with Super Leap. When moving with Super Leap, A-Bomb has the Flying special power, but may not move up or down more than 50 levels in a single leap. A-Bomb rolls 3 fewer attack dice on any turn that he chooses to Super Leap.

After moving with Super Leap, instead of attacking, you may roll an unblockable attack die against each figure within 2 spaces of A-Bomb whose base is not more than 3 levels above or below A-Bomb's base. Place each figure that received a wound from this special power on an empty space within 1 space of its original placement. Placed figures never take any leaving engagement attacks and non-flying figures moved lower can receive any falling damage that may apply.

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Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

Smash Landing needs to specify what type of die (do we usually say attack die there or combat die?). Looks good otherwise!

Would "Unstable" fit for his personality.
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

I really like Camouflage. Has that been used before?

As for Smash Landing, I think 3 spaces is too many. I simplified it a bit by taking out the Super Strength and then added in LEAs and falling damage. How's this?

After moving with Super Leap and instead of attacking, you may use Smash Landing. Roll an unblockable attack die once for each figure within 2 spaces of A-Bomb whose base is not more than 3 levels above or below A-Bomb's base. If you roll a skull, you may place the figure on any empty space one space away. A figure moved by Smash Landing never takes any leaving engagement attacks. A non-flying figure moved lower by Smash Landing can receive any falling damage that may apply.
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

Comic art:
Spoiler Alert!

Would "Unstable" fit for his personality.
That might work. TO be honest, I'm not really familiar all that familiar with A-Bomb but I liked the idea of Smash Landing.
I really like Camouflage. Has that been used before?
Nope. I was surprised by that fact, but the closest I could find was Titanium Man's Cloaking System.

I could roll with that version of Smash Landing, but if we're dropping the wounding part, how about this:

After moving with Super Leap and instead of before attacking, you may use Smash Landing. Roll an unblockable attack die once for each figure within 2 spaces of A-Bomb whose base is not more than 3 levels above or below A-Bomb's base. If you roll a skull, you may place the figure on any empty space one space away. A figure moved by Smash Landing never takes any leaving engagement attacks. A non-flying figure moved lower by Smash Landing can receive any falling damage that may apply.
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

The version I posted wounds more than the original. It doesn't drop wounds at all. :)
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

That it does! I was reading it as if it read "combat" die rather than "attack" die. Yeah, I'm cool with that version. :)
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

Looks good TB.

I like Unstable for the personality.

Q's version of Smash Landing works but for the phrasing "one space away." That's not defined well enough.
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

Modified a bit:

After moving with Super Leap and instead of attacking, you may use Smash Landing. Roll an unblockable attack die against each figure within 2 spaces of A-Bomb whose base is not more than 3 levels above or below A-Bomb's base. You may place all figures that received a wound from this special attack on empty spaces, each within 1 space of their original placements. A figure moved by Smash Landing never takes any leaving engagement attacks. A non-flying figure moved lower by Smash Landing can receive any falling damage that may apply.
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

I don't know A-Bomb very well either - maybe Spidey can jump in here and help with the personality?

Liking the direction of the Smash Landing edits. :up:
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

SP updated with Unstable personality and Smash Landing edits. If there are no more comments here, I'll send this guy out to the ERB tonight.
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

Just worried he'll demolish squads, especially since he's invisible to range much of the time, but otherwise loving the design! :up:
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

Just worried he'll demolish squads, especially since he's invisible to range much of the time, but otherwise loving the design! :up:

He's designed to beat up on squads and pods, so I'm okay with that. :) Plus, his cost will be pretty high, so he'll have to destroy a lot of squaddies to make up for that.
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

Well, its Rick Jones, so I'm not sure how Unstable he is, except that the guy has basically made a life of following around superheros and getting into and out of trouble, so maybe he is, LOL. I am pretty confident that unlike Banner, he can control his transformation and its not triggered by anger or anything similar.
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

Originally he was trapped as A-Bomb but he's now capable of transforming back and forth at will.

Haven't commented yet but he's fine if a bit bland on paper. I'm sure Camouflage will be more interesting on the field, though.
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

So do you have any suggestions for personality here, Spidey? :)
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

ERBs from David and dok:

davidlhsl said:

Baby got an Atom Bomb
A twenty-two megaton
You've never seen so much fun
Baby got poison gas
Baby got a heart attack
Baby got pain on tap
Baby gimme some of that.

Fluke - from their single Atom Bomb, with expletive deleted

Intent verification: Suppose you're playing in a 3-player free-for-all, with Player A drafting A-Bomb. If A-Bomb is engaged with only one of Player B's units, would this allow Player C -- with no figures engaged -- to attack? The wording indicates he could, because the only requirement to maintain Camouflage protection is to be engaged with any opponent's figure.

Thinking this over, that is likely intended and also seems thematic.

Super Leap

Smash Landing
"that received a wound from this special attack" : Would the use of "special attack" cause problems, since this is actually done instead of attacking and doesn't specifically refer to itself as a Special Attack?

"each within 1 space of their original placements" : should "their original placements" be singular corresponding with "each"? I might be wrong about this one.

I absolutely love this ability, and you can really scare the poop out of snipers in high places. So much for the Kill Box. :lol:

Final Thoughts
Smash Landing is awesome. Does it scream fun through a bullhorn? Not certain, but it does belch through an empty cardboard paper towel tube. :p

I've replaced "special attack" with "special power" but I'll leave the other wording issues to the experts. :)

dok said:
Feels close to 400, to me, but no particular issues.

I'll want to keep him under that, so if 400 turns out to be the case, I'll look at tweaks, but we'll see what testing brings first.
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

I think David is correct about "placement" here. But you'd also want to go with "its" instead of "their" to make that consistent throughout.
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase


- THEME TEST/ Check to see if there are any powers or stats on the test unit card that does not accurately reflect the theme or likeness of what the character would and could do. Also consider destructible objects, and whether or not this characters powers should affect them.

- MIRROR TEST/ Check to see if the unit were played against itself, if there would be any loops that would upset the balance of the game.

- BONDING TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing Bonding abilities to make sure there are no continual Bonding possibilities that do not stop appropriately or do not stop at all. This is to prevent loops in Bonding.

- SYNERGIES TEST/ Compare the unit card with all possible currently existing synergies to make sure there are no factors that could break the game by making any unit too powerful or too weak.

- POWER CHECK/ Consider the test unit and all existing units and all glyphs to compare to and check for any powers that could be over amplified and break the game. Each power must define when it takes place, who or what it affects, and what are the stipulations on the power if there are any.

- FUN TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play.

- FUN COMPETITIVE TEST/ Consider whether or not the design was fun to play against.

- DRAFTING TEST/ Consider whether or not this design is worth drafting.

- USAGE TEST/ Consider whether or not all of the powers on this card were used or at least usable.

- STRATEGY TEST/ Consider whether or not the design offers any real strategy or interesting tactics to the overall game.
Heavy Hitter or Mid-Level Hero Test

- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes
- What should be the unit's point value? 360-380
- Give a brief overview. A-Bomb did well against the 360 pointers, but struggled against 370ers. Smash Landing isn't the best in 1-on-1 match-ups and most of his opponents were melee, so Camouflage didn't have a chance to shine.
Map: Custom

Spoiler Alert!


Squad Test

- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes

- What should be the unit's point value? 350-370
- Give a brief overview. Poor rolls from A-Bomb spells bad news.
Map: Custom
Units: Intergang Agents x3 (360)
Spoiler Alert!


Squad Test

- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes

- What should be the unit's point value? 360-370
- Give a brief overview. Rematch!
Map: Custom
Units: Intergang Agents x3 (360)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test 1

- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes
- What should be the unit's point value? 360-380
- Give a brief overview.Thanks to some big rolls, A-Bomb did very well here, but he had to to make up for Frank's struggles.
Map: Coastal Ruins by ZJ

Units: A-Bomb (360), Frankenstein (320), Punisher (180), Robin: Damian (80) (940) VS Martian Manhunter (300), Stepford Cuckoos (400), Jean Grey (180), Jubilee (60) (940)

Unit Summary:
Damage: w/normal: 4 wounds to Celeste, 3 to Mindee, 4 to Esme, 6 to Martian Manhunter.
w/SL: 1 to Phoebe, 1 to Mindee, 1 to Sophie, 1 to Jubilee.
Smash Landing: used 2 times; 4 out of 9 wounds.

Spoiler Alert!

Army Test 2

- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes
- What should be the unit's point value? 360-380
- Give a brief overview.This is one tough pod, but this was a great map for A-Bomb and he took advantage of that.
Map: Coastal Ruins

Units: A-Bomb (360), Ms. Marvel (350), Green Arrow: Ollie (150) (860) VS Cable (275), Mastermind (90), Beat Cops x2 (130), Angel (90), War Machine (270) (855)

Unit Summary:
Damage: w/normal: 2 wounds to Cable.
w/SL: 2 wounds to Angel, 2 wounds to Mastermind, 1 wound to Cable, 3 Cops destroyed.
Smash Landing: used 3 times; 8 out of 16 wounds.

Spoiler Alert!

Army Test 3

- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes
- What should be the unit's point value? 360
- Give a brief overview.Rematch!
Map: Coastal Ruins

Units: A-Bomb (360), Ms. Marvel (350), Green Arrow: Ollie (150) (860) VS Cable (275), Mastermind (90), Beat Cops x2 (130), Angel (90), War Machine (270) (855)

Unit Summary:
Damage: w/normal: 4 wounds to War Machine, 2 Cops destroyed.
w/SL: 1 wound to Mastermind, 2 to Cable, 1 to Angel, 1 Cop destroyed.
Smash Landing: used 2 times; 5 out of 9 wounds.

Spoiler Alert!
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

Heavy Hitters and Squads done here. I'm liking 360 for the army tests, but I won't be surprised if his cost goes up there.

I think David is correct about "placement" here. But you'd also want to go with "its" instead of "their" to make that consistent throughout.

I've got no problem changing things here to be clearer/more correct, but I notice that the wording here is consistent with Ronan's SA:
Range 3. Attack 6.
If Ronan's chosen Accused figure is within 3 clear sight spaces of Ronan, before attacking with this special attack, you may place all figures adjacent to Ronan on empty spaces, each within 1 space of their original placements, if possible. Figures moved by this special attack cannot be placed adjacent to Ronan, will not take any leaving engagement attacks, and will receive any falling damage that may apply. Ronan can only attack his chosen Accused figure with this special attack.
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

Well, really, SirG is the wording guru. I was just making a grammatical suggestion. :shrug:
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

Heavy Hitters and Squads done here. I'm liking 360 for the army tests, but I won't be surprised if his cost goes up there.

I think David is correct about "placement" here. But you'd also want to go with "its" instead of "their" to make that consistent throughout.

I've got no problem changing things here to be clearer/more correct, but I notice that the wording here is consistent with Ronan's SA:
Range 3. Attack 6.
If Ronan's chosen Accused figure is within 3 clear sight spaces of Ronan, before attacking with this special attack, you may place all figures adjacent to Ronan on empty spaces, each within 1 space of their original placements, if possible. Figures moved by this special attack cannot be placed adjacent to Ronan, will not take any leaving engagement attacks, and will receive any falling damage that may apply. Ronan can only attack his chosen Accused figure with this special attack.

Not sure how that error slipped through. We've got "all figures" and then "each" and then "their".

The simplest fix is to replace "their" with "its".
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

Not sure how that error slipped through. We've got "all figures" and then "each" and then "their".

The simplest fix is to replace "their" with "its".

Works for me. :) I'll update the SP here.
Re: The Book of A-Bomb - Design Phase

Army tests added. Despite his potential against pods, I think 360 holds up.