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The Book of 10th Regiment of Foot


no baby bump - false alarm!
The Book of 10th Regiment of Foot

Defenders of Kinsland - Collection 8 - Soldiers and Wolves

If you cannot see the Army Card graphic, check Hasbro's Unit Page for stats and special powers, plus "character biography" and other non-game unit info.

Character Bio:The crackling ring of musket fire breaks against the hillside. Men fall screaming all around me. A cannon bellows out a rumbling cry in the distance.

This is our third assault on the rebels at Breed's Hill. The field is littered with our dead.
The steady gun fire is dying, becoming sporadic. Ammunitions run low on both sides. The drum beats out a command to charge. We claw our way up the hill and collide with the rebels. They have no bayonets. We quickly overwhelm them and they break into retreat.

I turn to speak to a fellow soldier on my right, thinking the rebels have dispersed. I look over just in time to see a musket ball rip through the soldier's chest. The shot comes as a sudden shock, stunned I turn, searching for its origin. I catch a glimpse of a man in a brown coat and then the butt of his musket crashes across my vision and sends me into darkness.

I reawaken in another world. Many of my injured comrades of the 10th Regiment have joined me here. Madam Durnipia has healed many from grievous wound that surely should have killed them.


(Photos courtesy of Truth :truth:)

If none of the 10th Regiment of Foot move this turn, add 1 die to their attack.

When rolling defense dice against a normal attack from an adjacent figure, a soldier in the 10th Regiment of Foot adds 1 to his defense dice.

When rolling attack dice against an adjacent figure, a soldier in the 10th Regiment of Foot adds 1 to his attack dice. A soldier in the 10th Regiment of Foot can only use Bayonet Attack if he moved at least one space this turn.

-Rulings and Clarifications-
- WAIT THEN FIRE : Stacking Per Turn
Does Wait then Fire stack each turn I use it?
No, Wait then Fire does not stack. (Hasbro FAQ)

- WAIT THEN FIRE : Piecemeal
If I only move 2 members of my 10th Regiment Squad, may the 2 that do not move take advantage of Wait Then Fire?
No. The wording on the card states, "If none of the 10th Regiment of Foot move this turn . . ." If you move even one member of the squad, none of the 10th Regiment receive the Wait Then Fire bonus this turn. (Spiteofthedice)

- BAYONET ATTACK 1 : Modification
Is Bayonet Attack 1 subject to modification, such as by height or Taelord's Attack Aura?
Yes. Bayonet Attack 1 is itself a modifier of the 10th Regiment's normal Attack, and so it is subject to further modification. (Spiteofthedice)

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
- MARCUS DECIMUS GALLUS : Soldier Leadership
As soldiers, the 10th Regiment of Foot can benefit from Marcus Decimus Gallus’ SOLDIER LEADERSHIP movement bonus.

- MARCUS DECIMUS GALLUS : Soldier Attack Enhancement
As soldiers, the 10th Regiment of Foot may benefit from Marcus Decimus Gallus’ SOLDIER ATTACK ENHANCEMENT Attack bonus.
Synergy Benefits Offered
- SACRED BAND : Disciplined Army Defense Bonus
Having a Disciplined personality, the 10th Regiment of Foot may aid the Sacred Band with their DISCIPLINED ARMY DEFENSE BONUS.
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
Spoiler Alert!
-Strategy, Tactics and Tips-
-Heroscapers Community Contributions-

Power Rankings

Jexik: 10th Regiment of Foot- They're no 4th Mass, but who is? The Redcoats get better the more people play melee units. A-

OEAO: 10th Regiment of Foot- Almost as good as 4th Mass when you add Raelin. Marcus synergy is a nice way to consistently (yet predictably) get 4x4s. Vulnerable to range if they don't have Raelin... which they will. A

Cleon: Tier 9 (18/208)

dok (VC-inclusive): A

Master Index
Unit Debate #2 -- Minutemen Vs. Militia
10th Regiment of Foot- What's your Army Idea?

Unit Strategy Review-
  • TBA
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Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

Today I thought of a good name for Bayonet Charge. On most turns, I decided whether I wished to Wait then Fire, or Stick and Move.

I think they're a lot of fun to play. I played a couple games with these guys, Marcus, MBS, and some Romans on a map with Jungle and had a good time. I have always liked the melee do-si-do, so it's fun to have a ranged squad that can do that, as well as the WTF option.

I still think they're inferior to Valiant 4th Mass though. ;)
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

I played these guys today. Armies:

Sujoah 185
Zelrig 370
Fyorlags (x2) 450
10th Reg (x2) 600


Sir Denrick 100
Sir Gilbert 205
Major Q9 385
Isamu 395
Knights of Weston (x2) 535
Zetacron 595

Sujoah handled Q9, Zelrig did nothing (again), and the 10th Reg really held their own against the Knights/Champs. They work really well against melee, and their Bayonet Attack really makes them flexible. I had a lot of fun using them, as well. Me likey! :D
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

Sujoah handled Q9, Zelrig did nothing (again)
:lol: Don't you hate that? We just fielded Wo-Sa-Ga for the first time last game with the same result. Poor Marrworm never got the chance to do anything.
the 10th Reg really held their own against the Knights/Champs. They work really well against melee, and their Bayonet Attack really makes them flexible. I had a lot of fun using them, as well. Me likey! :D
Yeah, the 10th Reg were in our game too, and while they didn't hold up well against my Gurei, they were very good at dispatching a couple squads of my spiders (although the spiders aren't bad at killing them, either).


I love the cyclical nature of the 10th Reg, the way they fall into a sort of rhythm: Melee Attack boost, Melee Defense boost, Ranged Attack boost, Move, Melee Attack boost, Melee Defense boost . . . It plays very well and it mimics perfectly the sort of incremental advances that the colonial "soliders" would have made.
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

I've been playing the 10th Reg. a lot lately, too; especially comparing it, mentally, to the 4th Mass. While the two squads seem very similar, they do play quite differently. The 10th really shines when it gets into the rhythm of which spiteofthedice speaks. In addition, being able to bayonet charge a couple of the squad while being also able to shoot from a distance (albeit at a mere two dice) with the other members of the squad makes for some very interesting tactics.

I like them quite a bit.
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

So, reading the card, it looks like the 10th can run in circles around an enemy and still receive the bayonet bonus. Am I reading it correctly? Because they seemed to have avoided issues with powers like these (Valguard and Templars) It seems that it should work, but I'm having some pretty hilarious mental images of a bunch of redcoats stabbing a dragon, then running a lap around it, and stabbing it again.
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

Yes, Tai-Pan, that is how it works, although, in my experience, the "running around" usually involves a single hex of "still-engaged shuffle."
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

What's really cool is that if one of your 10th Reg dies, you'll (like all commons) have to bring another up. With the MM, you'd lose your WtF bonus while bringing one forward. With the 10th Reg, as long as you can move a space, you can use Bayonet Attack and keep that extra die. If the one you've brought forward is within range, he may even have himself a target to shoot at, as well.
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

I really want to run these guys since I now have five sets of them. I have been pondering the best 600 point army for them. I have been thinking of useing Marcus or Taelord, but its bugging me, I know there is a killer combination out there hidden in some cryptic synergy. Anyone discover what that is?
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

Jotun. He ends in a 5 too. Jotun + 5x Regiment of Foot = 600

Coincidence? (The funny thing is that it just might work since he rocks against Q9)
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

Jotun. He ends in a 5 too. Jotun + 5x Regiment of Foot = 600

Coincidence? (The funny thing is that it just might work since he rocks against Q9)

Funny you should say that. I've been battleing against a undefeated champion of our games and she uses Q9 in EVERY game! Even when I kill Q9 he leaves a deep hole in my army every time. And Jotun is a figure I rarely bring to to use. And thats only 21 figures and 22 hexs!
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

I was actually thinking that the wolves of badru would be good personal bodyguards to the 10th. Like this:

10th foot x3 225
Wolves of Badru x2 385
Khosumet 460
Deathwalker 8k 590
Isamu 600
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

Personally, I recommend a 'Soldiers' army. The one I played was an unorthodox number of points, so I'll spare you the specifics. Suffice it to say that the 10th Reg, MDG, Drake v.2, the Romans, all work well together, plus whatever additions you'd care to make (Johnny Shotgun worked for me that game, but that doesn't mean he's suddenly a universal draft :)).
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

Do you think that Marcus Gallus is good to have in an army of 10th x4 if it's a 400 pt tourney? It's nice and rounded but is that 100 pt character worth it to add 1 to movement, and maybe 1 to attack if adjacent? I understand that in higher pt games you could put in MBS or sacred band or something, but what about for a 400 pt tourney? My gut says "yes" but I dunno.
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

Do you think that Marcus Gallus is good to have in an army of 10th x4 if it's a 400 pt tourney? It's nice and rounded but is that 100 pt character worth it to add 1 to movement, and maybe 1 to attack if adjacent? I understand that in higher pt games you could put in MBS or sacred band or something, but what about for a 400 pt tourney? My gut says "yes" but I dunno.

If there's a spot on the map where you can get them on height in a ring around Marcus, with WTF you can have 20 dice on an attack. You just have to hope the AE or Jordhawn don't strike...
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

Do you think that Marcus Gallus is good to have in an army of 10th x4 if it's a 400 pt tourney? It's nice and rounded but is that 100 pt character worth it to add 1 to movement, and maybe 1 to attack if adjacent? I understand that in higher pt games you could put in MBS or sacred band or something, but what about for a 400 pt tourney? My gut says "yes" but I dunno.

I'm gonna say no. The move is nice, but without Warlord bonding it's gonna be tough to move Marcus around. This in turn means few, if any, attack boosts. For 100 points of melee/screen I like Izumi/1xRats or Kozuke depending on the situation.

~Aldin, with discipline
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

Do you think that Marcus Gallus is good to have in an army of 10th x4 if it's a 400 pt tourney? It's nice and rounded but is that 100 pt character worth it to add 1 to movement, and maybe 1 to attack if adjacent? I understand that in higher pt games you could put in MBS or sacred band or something, but what about for a 400 pt tourney? My gut says "yes" but I dunno.

It really depends on the map and opponent's army and the glyphs. I played 10th(4x) and Marcus in a 400 point tournament and never regretted having Marcus until I faced BlueDane's 10th(4x) + Krav on a road map. If I could do that tournament over again I would have bought 10th(4x) + Sacred Band(2x) since even without someone to bond with Sacred Band gives a good bang for the buck. A link to my tournament summary can be found in my sig(the June South Florida Game Day).
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

I'm trying to put together a good 500-point army using 2 squads of 10th Reg (that's all I've got and I won't be able to get more for a good while, so please bear with me). I instantly saw the Marcus synergy, and I figure I should take 2 squads of Romans with him (again, all I've got; I only have 1 squad of Sacred Band so I'd have to borrow someone else's to use that pairing in a tourney).
That leaves 150 left, so I wonder if I should go with AE and 40 points in something else (likely Guilty McCreech and Isamu/Otonashi), or maybe another warlord. I still don't have the Wave 4 heroes, so again, unless I can get somebody to lend me one for a few games I can't choose Valguard (wouldn't really want to without the Tarns anyway). I could choose Ne-Gok-Sa and Me-Burq-Sa with 10 points left over, or just MBS, leaving a cool, even 100. Darn it, why must those mere 10 points prevent me from combining MBS and the AE?

By the way, what is this "WTF move" you all refer too? I can guess what the abbreviation stands for, but what tactic does it suggest?
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

It stands for Wait Then Fire, one of their powers I discussed building a similar army here.
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

It stands for Wait Then Fire,

Oh.. DUH! How did I not see that before? Thanks. What is "MM", though?

Also, thank you for the link but it's not really what I'm going for. Also, your strategies are designed an army that's just over 500; how do I work with that? I'm thinking I'd be best off using what resources I know I have and use the Romans with a marro warlord for versatility; that, and MBS can add to the ranged power.
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

I've had pretty good success with 2x 10th as a core in a bunch of armies.

Personally, I like the soldier army
2x 10th - 150
Marcus - 100
AE - 110
Old Drake - 110
Guilty (or Eldgrim) - 30 (I know, I know ... not soldiers)

This one is pretty fun to play as well
2x 10th - 150
Cyprien - 150
Sonya - 45
Zettians - 70
James Murphy - 75
Isamu - 10

Anyway, there's lots of good and/or fun armies you could build with that 150pt core.

I'm trying to put together a good 500-point army using 2 squads of 10th Reg (that's all I've got and I won't be able to get more for a good while, so please bear with me). I instantly saw the Marcus synergy, and I figure I should take 2 squads of Romans with him (again, all I've got; I only have 1 squad of Sacred Band so I'd have to borrow someone else's to use that pairing in a tourney).
That leaves 150 left, so I wonder if I should go with AE and 40 points in something else (likely Guilty McCreech and Isamu/Otonashi), or maybe another warlord. I still don't have the Wave 4 heroes, so again, unless I can get somebody to lend me one for a few games I can't choose Valguard (wouldn't really want to without the Tarns anyway). I could choose Ne-Gok-Sa and Me-Burq-Sa with 10 points left over, or just MBS, leaving a cool, even 100. Darn it, why must those mere 10 points prevent me from combining MBS and the AE?

By the way, what is this "WTF move" you all refer too? I can guess what the abbreviation stands for, but what tactic does it suggest?
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

Not bad at all, fil. Old Drake is by no means useless, but I think I'd rather take some Roman Legionnaires, which would also free up another 10 points.
Re: The Book of 10th Regiment

Just watch for Elves/Zelrig/shotgun blast with that. Lots of clumped-together common squads are dangerous these days!

Hmm, good point. It pretty much revolves around the commons sticking together.