• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

The Archives of HoSS (Index thread)

Fi Skirata

New member
We ask that you do not use the title "HOLOCRON" without permission to preserve the quality and avoid confusion. Thanks!

Please note: the HOLOCRONS are not intended as chat rooms or places where popularity votes ("These guys are really great!") are posted. Substantive insights and reports are always welcome.

Index of Holocrons (figure cards):

This ARCHIVE lists the HOLOCRONS by Name in Alphabetical Order

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This ARCHIVE lists the HOLOCRONS by Name in Faction Order

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This ARCHIVE lists the HOLOCRONS by Name in Point Order

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This ARCHIVE lists the HOLOCRONS by Name in Release Order

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This ARCHIVE lists the HOLOCRONS by Star Wars canon order

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This ARCHIVE lists the HOLOCRONS by Homeworld

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Classic Shape Card Set PDFs

Rectangular Card Sets by Faction

Index of Rulebooks and other Important Links
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The Archives of HoSS Map setion

Index of Holocrons of Maps:

This ARCHIVE lists the HOLOCRONS by Name in Alphabetical Order

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This ARCHIVE lists the HOLOCRONS by Name in Release Order

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This ARCHIVE lists the HOLOCRONS by Name in Type Order

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Re: The Archives of HoSS

Index of Holocrons of Destructible Objects:

This ARCHIVE lists the HOLOCRONS by Name in Alphabetical Order

This ARCHIVE lists the HOLOCRONS by Name in Release Order

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Rectangular Original Trilogy Destructible Object Set
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Re: The Archives of HoSS

One question: What happened to all the pictures for the maps in their holocrons? :?
Re: The Archives of HoSS

One question: What happened to all the pictures for the maps in their holocrons? :?

Finally got an answer for you!

White Knight said:
My Photobucket account reached its bandwidth limit.

It should reset on the 19th or 20th and the pictures will be visible again. When I get the chance, I'll upload the pictures to Heroscapers.com. But I can't do it right now because I'm on vacation. :(

So just a few more days and we get pictures again!!!
Re: The Archives of HoSS

One question: What happened to all the pictures for the maps in their holocrons? :?

Finally got an answer for you!

White Knight said:
My Photobucket account reached its bandwidth limit.

It should reset on the 19th or 20th and the pictures will be visible again. When I get the chance, I'll upload the pictures to Heroscapers.com. But I can't do it right now because I'm on vacation. :(

So just a few more days and we get pictures again!!!

Yay, in 2-3 days I can drool over beggars canyon again. :drool:

Uh.... I mean....:runaway:
Re: The Archives of HoSS

Ok, after having to look for the dang thing 3 times today it's getting frustrating...

Could you add the HoSS Symbol Reference card below the spoilers (and above the Important Links and such spoiler) please:


Thanks, Fi! :D

~HS2010, remembering now that he has the dang thing printed out. :duh:
Re: The Archives of HoSS

@Fi Skirata, since you're doing the synergies for the Sanctum, while you're thinking about it, could you update R2 and 3PO with Hoplitron's synergies?
Re: The Archives of HoSS

Here is the updated OP. @Fi Skirata

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Re: The Archives of HoSS

And here is the fourth post updated as well:

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