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Team concept


New member
Hi all, I'm trying to develop a 1000 point team concept I had in mind, and I would like your thoughts (as I'm new to Heroscape and C3G).

The concept is based on my team being really hard to get rid of and slowly chipping away at enemies. It centres on optimizing blank rolls to ignore wounds:

Zatanna (220) - Core card who can add 1 blank to every combat roll.
Flash (280) - Main damage dealer. Speed dodge on blank rolls.
Nightcrawler (210) - BAMF used to control height advantage and defensive play. Blanks count for 2 blocks.
Multiplex (160) - Blanks spawn duploids, which are used to swarm the battlefield and draw fire.
Duploids (100) - As above

Total points: 970

My thoughts:
I like the strategy in my mind, and they seem to go together nicely. But it seems like I might have placed too much emphasis on defensive play that I don't have enough big hitters.
I'm also relying heavily on blanks.
Zatanna will be targeted early, but I'm hoping Flash and Nightcrawler should be able to defend her, and Trap Door Teleport should help whisk her away in an emergency.

I'd love your thoughts and tips!
I think you are right that its too defensive and you are really relying on Zatanna hitting regularly on 13+.

Flash will have a tough time dealing out enough damage to win games. Flash has a decent Special Attack but it takes some set-up and he can get in some Auto wounds but the rest of your team would struggle on offense. Most of your turns outside of Multiplex and the Duploids are going to be single attacks.

The 440 point Thor or the Avengers Quicksliver both have help on defense but also excellent offensive output.
One way I think of it is like this...You need something that moves you towards a win condition. So going all in on defense doesn't really help you there...it just makes you last longer. In a team game or 3+ game maybe that works as you aren't a threat and the bigger threats take each other out. But 1v1 it just makes you think you are doing well...until you aren't.

So you need some more balance at minimum.
Not a ton of turn efficiency there (typically turn efficiency is king in C3G 2.0) but the defensive stuff and the auto wounding are at least a hook that give you a chance. For that extra 30 points, you could get some spells to go with Zatanna, including stuff that possibly ups your offensive capabilities, like Hypnotize. You might also consider swapping out Nightcrawler for 230 point JL Batman, who can protect your Order Markers when your first wave falls and can boost Zatanna's d20 rolls.
Thanks for the tips all!
I agree that they need help in attack. So, I looked to replace Flash and Nightcrawler, with a bigger hitter. Thor is cool, but might be bit too expensive for the team, without just abandoning the concept all together.
I like the idea of supplementing the team with spells, I hadn't even started to look into those yet! So, that's cool.
I had a look through some more powerful cards and Captain Marvel (360) caught my eye as one who may play well with this concept, especially considering I can optimise his hits with more blanks.
He left 160 after I dropped Nightcrawler, so I looked at Blink (140), who would play a similar role to Nightcrawler but much cheaper.
Alternatively I saw Wasp (160), she can add some turn efficiency by having a free turn herself before passing a turn to Captain Marvel and can get a couple of undefended shots in, which could be useful too.
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The typical competitive C3G team will have 4-6 reliable activations per round (and some have more, usually with a cost). So keep that in mind when it comes to team-building as well.
The typical competitive C3G team will have 4-6 reliable activations per round (and some have more, usually with a cost). So keep that in mind when it comes to team-building as well.
Thanks, that's what I'm looking for really. It would be great if "card which grants additional activations" (is this what you guys mean by "bonding"?) was added as a list somewhere, as they seem necessary for almost every team.
With Wasp, I get an extra activation and the Duploids give me up to 2 more. So, I have a few extra activations in the team above. Rogue's extra activations are seemingly much more powerful though, as she gets an additional 2 mutant activations with no real cost.
Yeah, "bonding" is an old classic HS term for when a unit has an ability that activates another unit. Classic HS always had abilities like "Warlord Bonding" or whatever that would activate Warlords. Couldn't tell you why Classic used it, maybe there's some deep lore, it always seemed weird to me. (Warlord Bond I would get, but Warlord Bonding sounds like they're going to the park together or something)

C3G doesn't really use the term in ability titles (though it did a little bit in 1.0, especially early on) but it's still in most folks' vernacular as a general term for abilities that activate other units.

The wiki documents synergy stuff and is I believe up to date though @japes could confirm. It tracks more on the basis of "what you're trying to build around" versus "here's a master list of all turn efficiency scams" though. Like here's the Avengers page.
Yeah, the one thing about said hypothetical list is it's 1. Very extensive 2. Would therefore take quite a bit of time to assemble and 3. Is changing all the time due to new stuff in production

I typically build factionally, personally, which means I'm looking for in-faction efficiency pieces. I'm not sure how many "generalist activation bonders" we have in 2.0. A lot of stuff is factional or quasi-factional (i.e. works within a faction but also with pieces that are not explicitly factional).

Various factions are more open or closed, though, as well. For instance, all X-Men factional stuff is pretty open to Mutants in general, Avengers and Justice League faction stuff is pretty open in different ways, same with Masters of Evil, etc.