• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Tabletop Simulator Announcements and Links - New Tournament!


Setting the Table for Super
Site Supporter
New Tournament information here.

With more people testing on Tabletop Simulator I thought I'd put together a place for links to get all the things you need to getting going in one spot.

Below are links to Steam Workshops, click on the subscribe button and they will be added to you account and when you load up Tabletop they will be available for you to use.

***All New 2.0 C3G Workshop is now live and can be found here***

1.0 C3G Links:
My Workshop of all the cards, figures, glyphs, etc. taken over from FreshFoods. Fresh has done a great job keeping it maintained and up to date. 99% of C3G created stuff outside of maps are there. My plan is to keep it as strong as he did. Subscribe here

Japes updated Kraken Table with the most up to date Maps here

My Workshop which currently contains:
A3N's Kraken Table Mod for C3G, 4 Competitive maps not on the Kraken Table and a Blank Map Builder for people who want to buld their own maps. Go here and subscribe to what you want.

Look to my workshop page for more stuff soon.
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Re: Tabletop Simulator Links

If anyone has other TTS links for C3G/Heroscape put them here and I'll add them to the OP
Re: Tabletop Simulator Links

Thanks for this thread Eric! I'll post whenever I update the table.

Having all of our TTS stuff in one spot will be really helpful!
Re: Tabletop Simulator Links

Added my new map Elm Street to the link in the OP
Re: Tabletop Simulator Links

Good stuff. I added a link to this thread to the Welcome to C3G thread.
Re: Tabletop Simulator Links

Just updated my figure table with Wave 45 and a few other figures released recently. Also gonna start replacing low quality cards in the workshop.

Check it out!
Re: Tabletop Simulator Links

Table Mod updated with all the map for the Worlds Finest scenarios.

Thanks Ericth for your contributions here.
Re: Tabletop Simulator Links

Nice work, fellas! Much appreciated. Definitely want to do a TTS event some time with the campaigns.
Re: Tabletop Simulator Links

Premade Army Workshop added to the OP

Can be subscribed to here

Over 30 teams ranging from 700 to 1200 points. More coming soon.
Re: Tabletop Simulator Links

Premade Army Workshop added to the OP

Can be subscribed to here

Over 30 teams ranging from 700 to 1200 points. More coming soon.

Outstanding work creating this and thanks to all those that will contribute.
Re: Tabletop Simulator Links

:word: Thanks, Eric! I'll try to take a look and add what I can eventually (like when Bat Kiddo is back in school later this week!).
Re: Tabletop Simulator Links

Added a few more teams and Markers to the Premade Teams Workshop.
Re: Tabletop Simulator Links

New link to the Cards and Figures workshop, please subscribe to stay up to date with new updates.

Link here
Welcome to the C3G 2.0 Winter Release Tournament.

We are running a new tournament using our new 2.0 rules and cards. All of the games will be played using Tabletop Simulator. The link to the C3G 2.0 workshop can be found here.

The format we are using will be as follows:

1. Teams are 1000 points
2. You must include 1 unit from the Winter 2024 release found here the rest can be filled with 2.0 released figures. Released figures are found here.
3. No Event Heroes

We will not hold a draft, just make a team and show up with it. It's a double elimination tournament, you may field the same or different team each round as long as it meets the format rules above.

Everyone will play on the same map each round, with a different map for each round.

Looking to get at least 8 people signed up. Start date is the weekend of March 23th.

Sign-up so far:

1. Ericth74
2. Arch-Vile
3. IAmBatman
4. Quozl
5. Ronin
6. Shiftrex
7. Alexan2507
8. Soundwarp SG-1

Map pool is the following:

Cell Games Arena
City Park
Elm Street
Island Plane Crash
Sacred Shrine
Sewer Labyrinth
Wakandan Royal Forest
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I'm looking forward to seeing what (if anything) this tells us about the state of the meta in 2.0.