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Special Attacks -- Definitive List

Not sure of the odds. Just drove 6 hours from MN back home, so I'm pretty tired right now. I'd think that the odds are pretty even, but I really don't know for sure.

Anyone want to take a crack at that one?
This seems like an appropriate thread to ask this question...it came up while we were playing today...

Obviously nothing modifies a special attack, but what about defending against one? Can a defending unit have height advantage over a special attack? (For example, can I add an extra die if I am higher than Johnny Shotgun when he does his special?) What about a special ability?

Just when I think we're clear on the rules..something new pops up. I'm surprised this hasn't come up for us before...
Jaz1597 said:
This seems like an appropriate thread to ask this question...it came up while we were playing today...

Obviously nothing modifies a special attack, but what about defending against one? Can a defending unit have height advantage over a special attack? (For example, can I add an extra die if I am higher than Johnny Shotgun when he does his special?) What about a special ability?

Just when I think we're clear on the rules..something new pops up. I'm surprised this hasn't come up for us before...

Defenders get to modify their defense rolls versus Special Attacks if any bonuses apply. Attackers using Special Attacks use the printed stats on the cards always (i.e. Special Attacks are never modified.) The example of the AE in the Rulebook shows defenders getting height bonus when saving versus the Grenade Special Attack (Page 16 in 2nd Ed. Rulebook).

Thanks for the speedy reply, LilNewbie. We were finally using the 2nd Edition for our questions today. Usually I check the official FAQ or try to find the answer here, but we just couldn't find it.

And I was so sure Nether was going to be the first to reply...
Oh, Newb. has come in with some nether-whooping speed now and then. <grin>
Absoutely right, Jaz1597...thanks for the heads-up; it's corrected.
Since all the Cards from Swarm of the Marro are known, this list will need an update. (For wave 8 and the large expansion set, we can still wait a little more...)

From Swarm of the Marro:

Shiori - Shuriken Special Attack
Major Q10 - Machine Pistol Special Attack
Major Q10 - Wrist Rocket Special Attack
Sgt. Drake Alexander (2nd ed.) - Pistol Fire Special Attack

The list is fantastic; thanks for putting it together and keeping it current. Su-Bak-Na noted on page 1 how relatively few special attacks there are. I'd be curious to note how many abilities apply only to normal attacks (i.e. - Drake's Thorian Speed or the WoA's Defensive Agility). Is there a list of this or should I take it on as a personal task? (feel free to flame me if there is a list and I'm to lazy to have checked for it)
Nadom said:
The list is fantastic; thanks for putting it together and keeping it current. Su-Bak-Na noted on page 1 how relatively few special attacks there are. I'd be curious to note how many abilities apply only to normal attacks (i.e. - Drake's Thorian Speed or the WoA's Defensive Agility). Is there a list of this or should I take it on as a personal task? (feel free to flame me if there is a list and I'm to lazy to have checked for it)

You can check the List of Lists HERE.

There isn't a list such as you've suggested, but if you'll make one and agree to keep it up, I'll happily add your list to the list of lists. (don't try to say that fast)
Revdyer said:
Nadom said:
The list is fantastic; thanks for putting it together and keeping it current. Su-Bak-Na noted on page 1 how relatively few special attacks there are. I'd be curious to note how many abilities apply only to normal attacks (i.e. - Drake's Thorian Speed or the WoA's Defensive Agility). Is there a list of this or should I take it on as a personal task? (feel free to flame me if there is a list and I'm to lazy to have checked for it)

You can check the List of Lists HERE.

There isn't a list such as you've suggested, but if you'll make one and agree to keep it up, I'll happily add your list to the list of lists. (don't try to say that fast)
Thank you! I've put it together (still doesn't look very pretty, but, then again, neither do I) and will be glad to keep it up. This is one of my favorite things to catch opponents on, nasty little bugger that I am. Here's the link: http://heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?p=359862#388397
Nadom, you're indexed; thanks. You might want to rename (edit in your first post) the title to "Defense against Normal Attacks - Definitive List" if you'd like consistent style with the other list titles.

Thanks, again, for your list.
It has already been noted how not many cards have special attacks and I thought I would figure a percentage.

As of today, there are 27 cards with special attacks and 144 cards in total (counting the door).

27/144 = 18.75%

If you don't want to count the door:
27/143 is about 18.88%

I guess it just seems higher because these cards see a lot of play time.
It has already been noted how not many cards have special attacks and I thought I would figure a percentage.

As of today, there are 27 cards with special powers and 144 cards in total (counting the door).

27/144 = 18.75%

If you don't want to count the door:
27/143 is about 18.88%

I guess it just seems higher because these cards see a lot of play time.


~Aldin, powerlessly
Well, it shouldn't be that ubiquitous. If everyone had special attacks, they wouldn't be very special, would they?
Well, it shouldn't be that ubiquitous. If everyone had special attacks, they wouldn't be very special, would they?

Mr. Incredible: You mean you killed off real heroes so that you could *pretend* to be one?
Syndrome: Oh, I'm real. Real enough to defeat you! And I did it without your precious gifts, your oh-so-special powers. I'll give them heroics. I'll give them the most spectacular heroics the world has ever seen! And when I'm old and I've had my fun, I'll sell my inventions so that *everyone* can have powers. *Everyone* can be super! And when everyone's super--
[chuckles evilly]
Syndrome: --no one will be.

~Aldin, with thanks to IMDB http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0317705/quotes
Well, it shouldn't be that ubiquitous. If everyone had special attacks, they wouldn't be very special, would they?

Mr. Incredible: You mean you killed off real heroes so that you could *pretend* to be one?
Syndrome: Oh, I'm real. Real enough to defeat you! And I did it without your precious gifts, your oh-so-special powers. I'll give them heroics. I'll give them the most spectacular heroics the world has ever seen! And when I'm old and I've had my fun, I'll sell my inventions so that *everyone* can have powers. *Everyone* can be super! And when everyone's super--
[chuckles evilly]
Syndrome: --no one will be.

~Aldin, with thanks to IMDB http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0317705/quotes

At least we can be grateful that Syndrome doesn't have special attacks, only special powers :)
For the stats above, it seems that you guys used 27 cards, while the first post lists 28 figures.

The stats with 28 figures:

28/144: 19.44

28/143: 19.58
For the stats above, it seems that you guys used 27 cards, while the first post lists 28 figures.

The stats with 28 figures:

28/144: 19.44

28/143: 19.58

Major Q10 has 2 special attacks. 27 is the number of cards with special attacks.
For the stats above, it seems that you guys used 27 cards, while the first post lists 28 figures.

The stats with 28 figures:

28/144: 19.44

28/143: 19.58

Major Q10 has 2 special attacks. 27 is the number of cards with special attacks.

No - I'm pretty sure he's right. There are 29 special attacks listed on the first page. Q10 is listed as 20. and 20a. Maybe Zelrig wasn't on there before or something...
Yes, KillerCactus is correct, there actually are 28 figures, 29 different special attacks.

And I'm pretty sure that Zelrig was on there this morning so.....