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Special Attacks -- Definitive List


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Special Attacks do not get any bonuses from height, glyphs, or the bonus fairy, right? It seems to me a definitive list would simplify a lot of the explanations and arguments. This is through Wave 8. Thanks to Aranas for updates. --Revdyer

HeroScape Special Attacks

1. Deathwalker 9000 – Explosion Special Attack
2. Deathwalker 8000 – Rapid Fire Special Attack
3. Mimring – Fire Line Special Attack
4. Brunak – Blood Hungry Special Attack
5. Airborne Elite – Grenade Special Attack
6. Johnny “Shotgun” Sullivan – Shotgun Special Attack
7. Roman Archers – Arrow Volley Special Attack
8. Deadeye Dan – Ullar Enhanced Rifle Special Attack
9. James Murphy – Shotgun Special Attack
10. Sir Hawthorne – Blind Rage Special Attack
11. Nilfheim – Ice Shard Breath Special Attack
12. Jotun – Wild Swing Special Attack
13. Major Q9 – Queglix Gun Special Attack
14. Laglor – Autoload Special Attack
15. Zombies - Onslaught Special Attack
16. Kaemon Awa - Quick Release Special Attack
17. Ashigaru Yari -Encircle Special Attack
18. Warden 816 - Evisceraxe Special Attack
19. Shiori - Shuriken Special Attack
20. Major Q10 - Machine Pistol Special Attack
20a. Major Q10 - Wrist Rocket Special Attack
21. Sgt. Drake Alexander (SotM) - Pistol Fire Special Attack
22. Chardris - Fire Strike Special Attack
23. Gurei-Oni - Tetsubo Special Attack
24. Jorhdawn - Rain of Flame Special Attack
25. Moriko - Saber Storm Special Attack
26. Sujoah - Poison Sting Special Attack
27. Wolves of Badru - Pounce Special Attack
28. Zelrig - Majestic Fires Special Attack
29. Kumiko-Ninjutsu Barrage
30. Tul-Bak-Ra-Mind Blast
31. Ana Karithon - Turn Undead Special Attack
32. Erevan Sunshadow - Fire Blast Special Attack
33. Othkurik The Black Dragon - Acid Spray Special Attack
34. Pelloth - Loth's Wrath Special Attack
35. Earth Elemental - Earth Slam
36. Estivara - Venom Ray
37. Sharwin Wildborn - Arcane Bolt
38. Red Wyrmling - Fledgling Fires Special Attack
39. Blue Wyrmling - Fledgling Lightning Breath Special Attack
40. White Wyrmling - Fledgling Ice Shards Special Attack.
41. Mind Flayer Mastermind - Psionic Blast Special Attack
42. Rhogar Dragonspine - Dragon Breath Special Attack
43. Heirloom - Force Orb Special Attack
44. Shurrak - Sweeping Sword Special Attack

This is K/H_A's version of the Special Attacks List, through Wave 5.
Clicking on the name takes you to the official site's description.
Updated through Waves 8 and 8.5 on 6/16/08
Items 31-34 thanks to Darkmage7a. Items 35-37 thanks to Taeblewalker.
Yeah, Su-Bak-Na, that really surprised me, too.
Whats more, since wave 1, no squads have had special attacks... And the arrow volley is incredibly limited; and grenades for the AE is 1-use-only - maybe Craig and Rob dont like giving squads special attacks? hmmm.
Part, at least, of the essence of the special attack is that it targets people on (possibly) different levels. That's why you can't have any bonuses, because they would apply unevenly or differentially for different targeted figures.

Oh, and there are no Einar special attacks. Make of that what you will.
Thanks, nether, but is it complete and accurate? I think so, but would sure like someone else to correct or confirm.
Thanks, much. It will clarify a whole lot of newbie questions, I think.
That's great. Amazing that there are only fourteen of them.

Thanks, nether.

Now I can have the traditional evening turkey sandwich.
Revdyer said:
Oh, and there are no Einar special attacks. Make of that what you will.

For what it's worth, Vidar's James Murphy is 'Disciplined', so he fits well with an Einar Disciplined army theme, giving them the benefit of his special attack. If I were Parmenio, I'd have Murphy on retainer as a mercenary.

Nice list.

Good job, a useful list. Its good to know how many there are even if I don't remember them all, just in case I have to kill Drake or something hah.

I remember back in the Master Set only days... Drake would run amuck, but no one ever saw it coming when I faced Drake. I loved using the AE on them. People never guess you'll use the Grenades to kill him, but man, it does a few damage which is crucial. Especially if he can't get to you next turn..
If he sitting next to a nice ledge then you can also AE and hope for initiative. I often killed him with 4 attacks of 4 engaged heh.
Homba said:
Revdyer said:
Oh, and there are no Einar special attacks. Make of that what you will.

For what it's worth, Vidar's James Murphy is 'Disciplined', so he fits well with an Einar Disciplined army theme, giving them the benefit of his special attack. If I were Parmenio, I'd have Murphy on retainer as a mercenary.

Nice list.


Um guys the Roman Archers.
You're welcome, bassdrum. I think the little list will actually help a lot of folks with the Special Attack versus Special Ability (which may involve shooting and stuff) differentiation.
Great list, Rev! Thanks for compiling them here.
I'd like to keep this thread going!
What is our favorite SA? Or top 5?

Here are mine in the order you happen to list them:
2. Deathwalker 8000 – Rapid Fire Special Attack
4. Brunak – Blood Hungry Special Attack
8. Deadeye Dan – Ullar Enhanced Rifle Special Attack
13. Major Q9 – Queglix Gun Special Attack
14. Laglor – Autoload Special Attack
I'll play that game. Top 5 favorite Specials from Rev's list:

3. MimringFire Line Special Attack
7. Roman ArchersArrow Volley Special Attack
11. NilfheimIce Shard Breath Special Attack
12. JotunWild Swing Special Attack
13. Major Q9Queglix Gun Special Attack
My top 5 are:

2. Deathwalker 8000 – Rapid Fire Special Attack
3. Mimring – Fire Line Special Attack
1. Deathwalker 9000 – Explosion Special Attack
11. Nilfheim – Ice Shard Breath Special Attack
9. James Murphy/6. Johnny “Shotgun” Sullivan – Shotgun Special Attack

I've had huge success with the DW's Special Attacks...esp. DW8. The first two have the possibility of garnering major casualties. DW9 has the longest ranged area attack.

Queglix gun is not there on account of its limitation of nine dice.
I'd hardly call nine guaranteed dice limiting. How often do you get to attack nine times with DW8K unless you are gunning for Vipers? I'd love to see someone work out the odds, but I'd find it hard to believe that Quegliz gun is not a more effective choice.
Uprising said:
3. MimringFire Line Special Attack
7. Roman ArchersArrow Volley Special Attack
My buddy loves the Roman Archers when defending a castle. He takes a minimum of 2 squads. They're pretty affective up on the battlements!
JCB wrote:

I'd hardly call nine guaranteed dice limiting. How often do you get to attack nine times with DW8K unless you are gunning for Vipers? I'd love to see someone work out the odds, but I'd find it hard to believe that Quegliz gun is not a more effective choice.

My personal feeling is that it's restrictive. Q9's attack is restricted to nine dice, or a maximum of nine attacks. DW8's can conceivably attack as many times as he has enemy units within his range and LOS. I've never killed as many units with Q9's SA as I have with DW8's.

As a unit, Q9 is superior. As attacks, DW8's has the ability to do much more damage.
I agree that in theory DW8K can do more damage, but it certainly seems that in reality the odds of him doing more damage are less than Q9's chances.