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Champ of C3G Con 2020, 2024, and mindless posting
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Sorceress (Teela Na)


Card PDF




LIFE = 3

MOVE = 3

POINTS = 120


During setup, place 1 Blessings Marker on each ally in the Masters of the Universe faction. For the entire game, after a figure with your Blessings Marker on it rolls combat dice or a d20, they may remove that marker to reroll 1 die.

Once per game, after initiative, you may place up to 3 Masters of the Universe allies within 3 clear spaces of Sorceress or a Champion ally. This movement is unstoppable.

When an Honorable ally would take 1+ wounds, you may have that ally ignore those wounds. If you do, defeat Sorceress.


RELEASE NAME: One of the wisest beings on Eternia and Grayskull's chosen caretaker, Sorceress rarely leaves her mysterious castle sanctum.

Resources and Rulings
• The suggested figure for this unit is a Masters of the Universe: The Board Game - Clash For Eternia figure
• See this card's wiki page for synergies and strategies!

• Playtesters:• Card art: japes
• Comic creators: Mattel

• N/A
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She's not one of the Masters of the Universe herself and doesn't fight alongside them per se. She's more of a powerful figure who stays in the shadows and then tends to magically intervene to save their butts. She's incredibly powerful but also falls pretty quickly during direct conflict (she doesn't die or anything, she's just incapacitated fairly easily).

In the comics and the show she rarely leaves Grayskull and at some points is magically bound to the castle unless she changes into her bird form (Zoar). She is the conduit of Grayskull's power and often bestows He-Man with different gifts and abilities to power him up. She can also do all sorts of crazy magical things.



I figure in terms of the faction, her summoning will let He-Man move up alone without needing Battle Cat for the faction to function, then she can summon up his allies once per game. She can also help cover the faction's biggest weakness, which is that when He-Man falls, they usually fall apart.

The 120 price point rounds out He-Man (320) and the MotU Story Card (60) for a 500 point block. That goes well with Battle Cat (200), Stratos (150), and Man-E-Faces (150) for (1000) or Teela (170), Man-at-Arms/Ram Man (180), and Stratos/Man-E-Faces (150) for (1000).
FYI I think you've got an outdated version of the OP template, Publisher and faction should be swapped and size/life/points are usually spaced out.

Seems like a straightforward start zone sitter. She's got some great passive boosts, should be helpful for the faction. Does Blessings of Grayskull only work if the figure rolls exactly 1 combat die?

Heroic Summoning looks like a great way to drop in the team at the start of round 2. That's the ability that I'd look at exploiting, with it being open to any allies. Easy to drop Blob or some other disruptive figure next to an enemy as long as any Champion is nearby. Hard to say that's actually worth spending 120 points on, but then again Sacrificial Intervention doesn't have a faction lock on it either, so maybe with both of those abilities it'd be worthwhile? Definitely more useful in a MOTU build, but maybe there's a crazy combo out there.
Those darn spaces get me every time. :p Lotta old write ups I copy and paste. Good looking out.

Blessings of Grayskull is exactly 1 combat die, yeah. So mostly useful for swipes, damage dice, knockback damage and the like. I didn't want it come up a lot in attacks and defense just to keep her in check (if you're subtracted down to like 1 defense, though, she'll bless you).

You make some good points. I might need to make things a bit more factional. I was hoping the reroll being factional would strongly pull her there, but that might be the third best ability, so maybe not enough by itself.
OK, that has me wanting to make some tweaks already. :-D I didn't properly think through the potential for generalist exploits. I don't want to fully factionally lock her either, so instead I'm going to move around and work in some restrictions that I think are thematic:

Once per game, after initiative, you may place up to 3 allies in the Masters of the Universe faction within 3 clear spaces of Sorceress or a Champion ally. This movement is unstoppable.

If Sorceress is in your start zone when an ally in clear sight rolls 1 combat die or d20, they may reroll it once.

The first time each round that Sorceress is in her start zone when an ally with the Honorable Personality would be defeated by taking wounds, that ally ignores those wounds and Sorceress takes 1 wound instead.

1. First ability, she's really only summoning the "Heroic Warriors" which means it should be a factional thing. Title changed to be less general.

2. If she's summoning all of Grayskull's abilities to bless someone, this is the one that seems like it should be most attached to the start zone, so moved that restriction over here. You probably wouldn't want to put her in danger regardless, so I don't think letting her move out of the start zone to summon is too exploitable.

3. I really only care about her being able to save He-Man, since he's the one that's necessary to keep the faction going, so I shifted to basing it on the Honorable Personality (which should get He-Man, She-Ra, and Roboto longterm). It also has Predator Elder, Black Panther, and Katana, so still open to some weird mishmash possibilities I know we all love without, hopefully, leading to any power exploits.
I think that solves the generalist concerns. :up: And good call on removing the start zone restriction from the summon.
I also removed the clear sight from the intervention since it's restricted based on personality and she and He-Man communicate telepathically, so it makes sense that she wouldn't need to see him physically.

I am happy with those adjustments, so I'm going to update already, but will still allow plenty of time for feedback :)
Nice take Bats. Feels a little high cost for how soft she is but those are some good passive boosts. Is she better than Oracle, maybe for MotU.
Much easier to power her up than power her down, so I don't mind if she feels a little soft. A lot of easy tweaks I could make in there. I also wouldn't mind her down as far as like 100 for team building purposes.
About six minutes early, so feel free to consider it only starting in six minutes, but since I'm about to head to bed ... I propose we move to initial playtesting here :)
Just a few minor things wording wise that I'm seeing, mostly order and flow. The roots look good though!

Always open to wording suggestions :up:

This passes. Hoping to get to Mandarin and this initial this week. :)
Been wrestling with this a bit as I get it set up for playtesting, and both to help the faction work better and mechanically, I'm making a couple of small tweaks going into the first test:

1. Removing the clear sight restriction on Blessings of Grayskull. She is able to use magical items in Castle Grayskull to see what's going on in Eternia and shouldn't ever feel like she needs clear sight thematically. Mechanically, if she's going to be built as a start zone sitter, it's annoying to feel like she needs to be shifted around in order to maintain clear sight (got things set up on Sacred Shrine and this realization dawned).

2. For Masters of the Universe, the character compendium I have lists her as part of the group and it does make sense. She stays in Grayskull but it's not like she wouldn't/doesn't fight alongside He-Man when trouble comes there. Letting her be activated through the Masters of the Universe story card should make her a more cohesive fit in team builds.
Got two games in last night (lost a squeaker to JL Trinity and got smoked by TMNT). So far so good.
Spoiler Alert!

Team Test
Units: Sorceress (120), He-Man (320), MotU Story Card (60), Battle Cat (200), Stratos (150), Man-E-Faces (150) (1000) vs JL Trinity (1000)
Unit Summary: The summoning didn’t play a big role here early with the MotU carrying each other well, but was in their back pocket in case Sorceress was hunted in the start zone. Wonder Woman’s lasso tore up poor Stratos and kept Battle Cat in check. Meanwhile, Sorceress saved He-Man three times and kept the MotU going, proving her worth. With He-Man still relevant down the stretch, the MotU are in the game until the very end, with the Trinity just barely squeezing it out.
Game Summary
Spoiler Alert!

  • Damage Done (Normal Attack): Inflicted [0] wounds
  • BLESSINGS OF GRAYSKULL: Rerolled [3] combat dice and [0] d20s. Was [a nice bonus]
  • SACRIFICIAL INTERVENTION: Took [3] wounds to save [He-Man] from defeat [3] times
Who won? List figures remaining in the winning army (include life remaining for heroes): Batman with 1/4 Life wins.
Team Test
Units: Sorceress (120), He-Man (320), MotU Story Card (60), Teela (170), Man-at-Arms (180), Man-E-Faces (150) (1000) vs TMNT and Splinter (1000)
Unit Summary: Despite Sorceress’s best efforts, the Green Machine was too relentless here and He-Man still fell fast and the rest of the faction couldn’t finish anyone fast enough.
Game Summary
Spoiler Alert!

  • Damage Done (Normal Attack): Inflicted [0] wounds
  • SUMMONING HEROIC WARRIORS: Used round [2] to place [Man-at-Arms, Man-E-Faces, and Teela] within 3 clear spaces of [He-Man]
  • BLESSINGS OF GRAYSKULL: Rerolled [0] combat dice and [3] d20s. Was [somewhat helpful for keeping Teela alive]
  • SACRIFICIAL INTERVENTION: Took [2] wounds to save [He-Man] from defeat [2] times
Who won? List figures remaining in the winning army (include life remaining for heroes): Michelangelo with Full Life, Splinter with3/4 Life, Donatello with 2/4 Life, and Leonardo with 1/5 Life win.
Team Test
Units: Sorceress (120), He-Man (320), MotU Story Card (60), Teela (170), Ram Man (180), Stratos (150) (1000) vs Iron Man (270), Captain America (240), War Machine (260), Black Widow (230) (1000)
Unit Summary: The MotU had too much offensive force for Iron Man and too much luck on damage dice for Cap, but War Machine and Black Widow almost made a comeback. Sorceress got some utility out of her full ability set but nothing felt overwhelming.
Game Summary
Spoiler Alert!

  • Damage Done (Normal Attack): Inflicted [0] wounds
  • SUMMONING HEROIC WARRIORS: Used round [2] to place [Teela, Ram Man, and Stratos] within 3 clear spaces of [He-Man]
  • BLESSINGS OF GRAYSKULL: Rerolled [3] combat dice and [2] d20s. Was [solid, but most of the rerolls failed too]
  • SACRIFICIAL INTERVENTION: Took [1] wounds to save [He-Man] from defeat [1] times
Who won? List figures remaining in the winning army (include life remaining for heroes): Sorceress with 2/3 Life, Teela with 2/4 Life, and He-Man with 1/6 Life win
UNIT SUMMARY: Sorceress feels like exactly the good luck charm He-Man needs to hold up better and for his faction to feel whole. I’m pretty happy with how she plays and what she does for the faction. If she’s feeling a bit underwhelming/overcosted for public testers, I wouldn’t mind a small tweak to let her reroll 1 die when a figure rolls 2 of fewer combat dice or d20s, just so that Stratos’ swoop and Ram Man’s full ramming move can use it more. I think there’s still enough factional stuff that uses it that I’m not concerned, though.