Just a few ideas of how I'd be tempted to make competitive libraries (spell decks) for each color given the 12 card requirement and 200 point limit. I am also adding a restriction of no more than 4 of a card in the deck based on MtG standards.
Unsummon x4 40
Mind Control x4 40
Misdirection x3 75
Talent of the Telepath x1 45
Mind Control is free attacks with an opponent's juiced up figures against the opponent. Especially fun against White where anything but even swords and shields in an attack on Gideon means someone's getting hurt. Unsummon is freakishly powerful in destroying enchantments, clearing paths and forcing the opponent to take a turn with their Planeswalker just to get back to a similar board state. Misdirection grabs your favorite goodies and a single Talent of the Telepath allows you to use that one awesome card you were craving.
Corrupt x4 40
Bone Splinters x4 40
Rise of the Dark Realms x4 100
Corrupt/Snuff Out is an amazing combo for killing opposing squaddies and recovering health. Corrupt is also a great way to kill off your own last Restless Zombie to get a shot at recovering the whole squad. Bone Splinters is another great way to do that AND kill an opposing squaddie. Rise just means lots and lots of Blighted Reavers.
Chandra's Outrage x4 20
Circle of Flame x4 20
Pyroclasm x4 40
Yeah, it's a budget deck, but it inflicts lots of unblockable wounds on FIGURES. I'd want to try it at least once.
Groundswell x4 40
Titanic Growth x2 20
Bountiful Harvest x4 60
Primeval Light x2 70
Let Nissa go nuts with Groundswell and Bountiful Harvest. Having an effective 19 Life and getting four long-ranged attacks of 6 over the course of a game should be enough. Primeval Light is a reset button and Titanic Growth fills out the deck.
WHITE (I didn't like any of the autocolor options)
Healing Salve x4 40
Near-Death Experience x4 40
Blessing x2 60
Divine Favor x2 50
Buff and heal. Make the squads more durable and less vulnerable to being Snuffed. Makes Gideon even more of a tank.
Just some early ideas I'm fooling around with.
~Aldin, all decked out and no place to go
Unsummon x4 40
Mind Control x4 40
Misdirection x3 75
Talent of the Telepath x1 45
Mind Control is free attacks with an opponent's juiced up figures against the opponent. Especially fun against White where anything but even swords and shields in an attack on Gideon means someone's getting hurt. Unsummon is freakishly powerful in destroying enchantments, clearing paths and forcing the opponent to take a turn with their Planeswalker just to get back to a similar board state. Misdirection grabs your favorite goodies and a single Talent of the Telepath allows you to use that one awesome card you were craving.
Corrupt x4 40
Bone Splinters x4 40
Rise of the Dark Realms x4 100
Corrupt/Snuff Out is an amazing combo for killing opposing squaddies and recovering health. Corrupt is also a great way to kill off your own last Restless Zombie to get a shot at recovering the whole squad. Bone Splinters is another great way to do that AND kill an opposing squaddie. Rise just means lots and lots of Blighted Reavers.
Chandra's Outrage x4 20
Circle of Flame x4 20
Pyroclasm x4 40
Yeah, it's a budget deck, but it inflicts lots of unblockable wounds on FIGURES. I'd want to try it at least once.
Groundswell x4 40
Titanic Growth x2 20
Bountiful Harvest x4 60
Primeval Light x2 70
Let Nissa go nuts with Groundswell and Bountiful Harvest. Having an effective 19 Life and getting four long-ranged attacks of 6 over the course of a game should be enough. Primeval Light is a reset button and Titanic Growth fills out the deck.
WHITE (I didn't like any of the autocolor options)
Healing Salve x4 40
Near-Death Experience x4 40
Blessing x2 60
Divine Favor x2 50
Buff and heal. Make the squads more durable and less vulnerable to being Snuffed. Makes Gideon even more of a tank.
Just some early ideas I'm fooling around with.
~Aldin, all decked out and no place to go