Rat Swarm by Kilometer
At first I thought these where way over priced with how weak they are but after playing them I think they pretty close…I still think they would be good around 40 points. The ability to have 9 special attacks is where they make up their points, even if it is only 9 attacks of 1, it only takes one wiff to take down Deathwalker, also no scattering if they attack Reavers.
This custom screams dungeon crawl and completely makes you think that you are playing a bunch of rats that are quickly scurrying across the board…which fits the chosen figure perfectly. Adding to the theme is their stats and special abilities. Scramble 2 makes them pretty fast when moving across a board with small elevations. And, Ravenous Swarm Special Attack gives the feeling of being bitten be bunch of rats around your feet.
Being a Castle Ravenloft piece Auggies has a lot of these in stock so it will be cheap and an easy paint job to get the desired amount of figures.
These are not the easiest unit to play as they don’t have any bonding or any synergy other then Devourer Attack Enhancement from the Dumutef Gaurds. Because of this I found myself trying to include them in builds of Dumutef Gaurds and Death Knights. But, doing so meant that they saw little action until they were the last unit remaining. I also found it hard to take them as filler in other builds, as there are many other and better options. However, they are great filler in a dungeon crawl setting.
They also have an inherent weakness due to their Height…they can’t climb anything of a height of 3 which includes battlements. But, they also have a great strength due to the figures actual height…it is very easy to hide them from enemy ranged units, which pick them off very easily.
While playing them I found that due to their weak stats and lack of usefully synergy that they are designed to be a mid game unit. But, finding the OM’s to use them is tricky, as to not loose what is already out on the frontlines.
Again the Rat Swarms are not the easiest figures to play. They are not a first wave or assassin figure because of their low attack and defense. They are also too weak to be a clean-up character for the same reason. That leaves them right in the middle. They have great theme which is really important to me and they are great in a dungeon crawl setting but, I don’t see them ever being used much in tournaments.
They open up a new category for future customs to build upon…like a “rat king” or other larger rat heroes or even more rat squads. Which is something that we need as the age of customs continues. All of which I would love to see.
That’s a hint to all of you custom creators wanting to submit units to the SoV.
I vote
YES to induct the Rat Swam into the SoV.