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Soldiers of Valhalla - nominations and discussion

Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

You'd think Hex had some experience working on cards or something. ;)
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

hextr1p's Zombikazes have received more than the required 4 YES votes needed to move on to being reviewed. Congrats! :thumbsup:
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

Good for you, Krysto, I think a quality workshopping thread would work very well with this project and I look forward to seeing what you guys do.

Good luck, godspeed, don't be a stranger, etc. :)
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

hextr1p's Zombikazes have received more than the required 4 YES votes needed to move on to being reviewed. Congrats! :thumbsup:
Well, I missed getting to accept hextr1p's Zombikazes for review but I will definitely not miss out on getting to playtest them!
They look fun!
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

Excellent! I feel privileged to have this squad playtested by you all, and I thank you for the compliments thus far. I look forward to your critiques, and welcome any and all comments, as I know they'll be constructive.

Killometer, I can understand your concern about possible low point cost. But movement and positioning of this slow and volatile squad can be tough at times. Using 'Exhume' is often key to getting the squad closer to enemy units. But then there is limited possibility for 'Exhume' to go off. There is also the tactic of positioning your own ranged units properly to then destroy a 'Zombikaze' to initiate 'Ka-Boom' if the enemy is smart enough not to engage the zeds with melee units. Really, these zeds can work against you just as much as for you if you're not careful with them. But in my experience, that only adds to the fun of this squad! :D
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

The only issue I have at the moment with the Zombikazes is that the sculpt appears to be difficult to find. Any chance there are some alternative sculpts?
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

The only issue I have at the moment with the Zombikazes is that the sculpt appears to be difficult to find. Any chance there are some alternative sculpts?
I just got some last night but it seems those were the last ones anywhere. Alternative sculpts would be great.

After doing some searching I have found other sites with detonating zombies for sale. You have to be diligent but they are out there.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

It does seem to be really hard to find, although that's only a problem if you want SoV customs to be widely played (or if you find that the zombikazies are very powerful, because you really don't want something at the top of the power rankings to be extremely hard to find). There's also the question of whether it's an issue for SoV for a squad to have all identical sculpts. Just something you have to decide.

The phrasing of "Kaboom!" is also breaking new ground - currently, the only time you roll defense dice is when you are attacked, and "Kaboom!" is not an attack. I don't really think it's confusing, although it produces some unusual corner cases (Stealth Dodge and Adjacent Tough work; cell divide and warforged resolve don't). Again, just something you have to consider.

When it comes to actual gameplay, though, they look like a blast (ha). My only concern is that they seem much harder on melee armies than range, for obvious reasons. In particular, a couple squads of these guys are basically an autowin in endgame against any melee hero.

hextr1p, I hope you don't mind the commentary; please realize that when I think a custom is bad I try to keep my mouth shut. It's a very cool concept for a squad.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

There's also the question of whether it's an issue for SoV for a squad to have all identical sculpts. Just something you have to decide.
I definitely prefer HS' norm of having different sculpts for each squad member; it just looks so much better on the battlefield.

Unfortunately, it seems most of the affordable miniatures games didn't go this route.

In this Fanscape era we are entering we may have to settle for many squads having the same sculpt for each figure. :(

When it comes to actual gameplay, though, they look like a blast (ha). My only concern is that they seem much harder on melee armies than range, for obvious reasons. In particular, a couple squads of these guys are basically an autowin in endgame against any melee hero.
If they make it to endgame you might be right.
I think that is a fair trade off, however, for the chance you take on having these guys in your army. Your opponent could easily use these guys to wreak havoc on your own army.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

Wow, work picks up for a bit and I come back to find a lot has occurred. I missed some fun discussions and now have some units to test.

I didn't go back and count, but is the OP is correct and the Swarm Gruts are still up for review, I vote No to review them.

They do look like a lot of fun, but I agree that the wording is not clear enough, especially about the start zone issue. Normally units off the battlefield count toward the total, so the only thing gained (I believe) is that they are not initially available to be bombed and they may appear at the front (or other advantageous part) of the start zones.

That may be enough to make them interesting, but I don't feel they add enough to the game to be considered for the SoV.

krysto2002, you have creative units. I encourage you to thing through costs and clarity of powers. Two things that will help with this is running some playtests (you may want to look at how the C3G runs theirs) and sharing your work with others, asking them to repeat back to you what they think your powers do--and see how well they do. Also, look at current units and carefully read and follow them as models.

I think with a bit more practice, you can create some very innovative and fun units.

Glad to see the SoV starting off with a Bang! :)
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

krysto2002's Swarm Gruts have received a third NO vote and are removed from the process.

It does seem to be really hard to find, although that's only a problem if you want SoV customs to be widely played
Availability is actually one of our judging criteria specifically so that the units we induct can be widely played.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

Just a little bit on the Zombiekazes....

I really like the unit thematically. There's no doubt that it's just cool.

I think Kaboom! needs revisited, though. As dok pointed out, we've never had a power that used combat dice to deal damage that wasn't a Special Attack. It isn't that it's not possible, but it just isn't consistent with how the other units have been modeled.

I don't know how competitive I think they'd be. They're really slow, and while they do get a lot of attacks against a melee army, they're still relatively weak attacks. Against melee, it almost seems like the squad should focus almost entirely on Exhume while letting Kaboom! do the attacking. Definitely interesting, though.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

Just a little bit on the Zombiekazes....

I really like the unit thematically. There's no doubt that it's just cool.

I think Kaboom! needs revisited, though. As dok pointed out, we've never had a power that used combat dice to deal damage that wasn't a Special Attack. Furthermore, I think it needs clarified a bit. Currently, it only reads that the Zombikazes roll X attack dice when one is destroyed. What happens after that? Do all skulls count as unblockable wounds on the affected figures? Do the affected figures get to roll defense dice?

If those things were clarified, I'd think the unit was awesome.

The last line of Kaboom! is "All affected figures roll defense seperately", so I'm assuming that all affected figures get to attempt a defense roll. ;)
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

Priscus - My vote is Yes to review.

I took a closer look at Priscus...
:thumbsup: to review.

If an alternate fig is out there it would be nice as I am gladiatorally challenged (I only have one squad). If not, DS' solution works fine. However, great job on giving instructions for the repaint!

I'm going to use one of my modified Spartacus figures:


Its an easy Mod and Spartacus can still be found in singles.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

Just a little bit on the Zombiekazes....

I really like the unit thematically. There's no doubt that it's just cool.

I think Kaboom! needs revisited, though. As dok pointed out, we've never had a power that used combat dice to deal damage that wasn't a Special Attack. Furthermore, I think it needs clarified a bit. Currently, it only reads that the Zombikazes roll X attack dice when one is destroyed. What happens after that? Do all skulls count as unblockable wounds on the affected figures? Do the affected figures get to roll defense dice?

If those things were clarified, I'd think the unit was awesome.

The last line of Kaboom! is "All affected figures roll defense seperately", so I'm assuming that all affected figures get to attempt a defense roll. ;)
Yeah I missed that on the first read and went back and edited. I think I'd still like it to be some sort of auto-wound though to keep it in line with figs like 7K and the Frost Giant.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

My apologies for throwing a wrench in the works, but I have changed the wording on Priscus's card.

The CHCG24 recently nominated Priscus and subsequently offered some changes to the verbiage to the card. The changes are cosmetic in nature, but potentially offer a bit more clarity and consistency to the wording of Priscus' abilities.

Specifically, here are the changes:
Spoiler Alert!

While I don't feel that the proposed changes are a necessity for the card, I also respect the CHCG24's suggestions for clarity and consistency. Consequently, I have updated Priscus' card with their suggestions ( all existing images of the card have been updated). I understand if this means that I must resubmit Priscus for approval.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

We've been discussing this situation, and we'll let you know what we decide when we reach a conclusion.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion


Thanks for making it easy Filthy. We were discussing this very thing when one of the judges noticed Priscus went through the CHCG24.

My vote is still Yes to review... and nice job CHCG24 folks.

EDIT: :ninja:
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

Here is an updated version of Gor'Vath with some minor wording cleanup.

Spoiler Alert!