Well, I missed getting to accept hextr1p's Zombikazes for review but I will definitely not miss out on getting to playtest them!hextr1p's Zombikazes have received more than the required 4 YES votes needed to move on to being reviewed. Congrats!
I just got some last night but it seems those were the last ones anywhere. Alternative sculpts would be great.The only issue I have at the moment with the Zombikazes is that the sculpt appears to be difficult to find. Any chance there are some alternative sculpts?
I definitely prefer HS' norm of having different sculpts for each squad member; it just looks so much better on the battlefield.There's also the question of whether it's an issue for SoV for a squad to have all identical sculpts. Just something you have to decide.
If they make it to endgame you might be right.When it comes to actual gameplay, though, they look like a blast (ha). My only concern is that they seem much harder on melee armies than range, for obvious reasons. In particular, a couple squads of these guys are basically an autowin in endgame against any melee hero.
Availability is actually one of our judging criteria specifically so that the units we induct can be widely played.It does seem to be really hard to find, although that's only a problem if you want SoV customs to be widely played
Just a little bit on the Zombiekazes....
I really like the unit thematically. There's no doubt that it's just cool.
I think Kaboom! needs revisited, though. As dok pointed out, we've never had a power that used combat dice to deal damage that wasn't a Special Attack. Furthermore, I think it needs clarified a bit. Currently, it only reads that the Zombikazes roll X attack dice when one is destroyed. What happens after that? Do all skulls count as unblockable wounds on the affected figures? Do the affected figures get to roll defense dice?
If those things were clarified, I'd think the unit was awesome.
I took a closer look at Priscus...
to review.
If an alternate fig is out there it would be nice as I am gladiatorally challenged (I only have one squad). If not, DS' solution works fine. However, great job on giving instructions for the repaint!
Yeah I missed that on the first read and went back and edited. I think I'd still like it to be some sort of auto-wound though to keep it in line with figs like 7K and the Frost Giant.Just a little bit on the Zombiekazes....
I really like the unit thematically. There's no doubt that it's just cool.
I think Kaboom! needs revisited, though. As dok pointed out, we've never had a power that used combat dice to deal damage that wasn't a Special Attack. Furthermore, I think it needs clarified a bit. Currently, it only reads that the Zombikazes roll X attack dice when one is destroyed. What happens after that? Do all skulls count as unblockable wounds on the affected figures? Do the affected figures get to roll defense dice?
If those things were clarified, I'd think the unit was awesome.
The last line of Kaboom! is "All affected figures roll defense seperately", so I'm assuming that all affected figures get to attempt a defense roll.
Here is an updated version of Gor'Vath with some minor wording cleanup.
Spoiler Alert!