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Soldiers of Valhalla - nominations and discussion

Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

All of krysto2002's nominations except for the Swarm Gruts have received at least 3 NOs and are therefore removed from the process.

robbdaman's Gor'Vath has received more than the required 4 YES votes needed to move on to being reviewed. Congrats! :thumbsup:
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

In regards to the Addver Venom hate:

Remember that Venom ONLY works against multi-life heroes, though, and he still has to push a wound through with his attack of 3, and he has to actually make it into engagement without Disengage. Against squads, it's completely useless and, on top of that, his paralyzing stare isn't very effective against squad figures either. Plus, if he poisons a hero with a Special Attack, the range and attack nerfs don't even work.

With just 3 life and 3 defense, squads are going to rip this guy to shreds long before he can engage a big hero to use his powers. Raelin will help, his it's tough since he's melee to keep her around, plus I think she has better things to do than boost a 50 Point hero.

I still don't think the Arrow Gruts need the bonding, though. Swogs, Krug, Mimring and the Ice Troll are more than enough IMO.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

Don't forget Gor'vath's Character Bio: Reveling in destruction and driven to ensue chaos Gor'Vath was a double edged sword discovery for Utgar. Gor'Vath's mere presense to his enemies and allies make them sick to their stomach. For this reason alone few in Utgar's army wish to battle along side of him though they understand his purpose and usefulness. Gor'Vath wades into battle his only pleasure is in crushing all who he opposes.

I think the Arrow Gruts could use him well, in my own playtesting he made them more effective with his Fetid ability. Their one dice of attack more often allowed them to kill off other squad units. Squads like Krav Maga, Stingers, 4th and 10th still tear them up and jack up Gor'vath too.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

I would like to nominate my own Priscus, Gladiator Hero.

Soldiers of Valhalla Induction Reports for Priscus

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!
Additional information in regards to Priscus (including a painting guide, suggested armies, and other playtesting feedback) can be found at my customs thread.

NOTE: I originally playtested Priscus by painting a red crest on the helmet of one of my Capuans. For those wanting to only slightly alter their chosen Capuan sculpt, this could be an easy way to 'create' Priscus, while still using the sculpt as a Capuan squad member (you can always swap out the sculpt for your first casualty of the game).

Thanks in advance for the consideration!
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

:thumbsup: I think all nominations should be like this, explaining the costing and how he is usable and not just a copy of another hero.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

:thumbsup: I think all nominations should be like this, explaining the costing and how he is usable and not just a copy of another hero.
Check out FtC's thread. He goes even further there. He does a very good job of thinking through his creations.

This is not a Yes to review vote, yet. Just lauding FtC's attention to detail.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

Priscus by Filthy

Simple = better. Yes to review.

My only reservation is that I would have to 'destroy' one of my Capuan squads to use him. Would love to see some alternative sculpts if they're out there.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

NYYS, I was wondering if a little paint might be enough to satisfy the needs of both cards. Skip the scissors, paint with a light touch, and you have a sculpt that maybe could go both ways.

Anyway, a big :up: to review from me for Priscus.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

This is what happens when I turn my back for a few seconds...
Sorry about Gordyrr, he is actually supposed to be around 185-195, that's a typo I'm glad someone caught.

As for the argument to Asmodeus' name... people, go out and read more! Asmodeus Poisonteeth is the giant adder (by comparison) from Redwall, so take that up with Brian Jaques, not me. The cards do all need rewording, but since I only get 1-2 comments on my actual cards that's pretty tough to do. He's also very fragile, considering he's smaller, slower and weaker all around the MBS, so if he even get close enough to a hero to poison it, then it's probably the fault of the player for allowing themselves to fall in such a position... that's just me.

Next, as for the AG bonding, that is something I pointed out, but it is not the intent of the units (even though someone just pointed out that another nominated unit would do well with AGs...). I was not looking to fill a niche, it is the class I best thought fit the unit, in fact I have another squad coming (eventually).
Not to mention the majority of the NO's came from the exact same people, multiple times, who were well mistaken on quite a few points. I'm willing to reword, the core function is what I'm proposing to you guys. You're walls of text simplified down to the no just seem a bit off to me.

The Einar's Centurions I decided to rename Einar's Finest and change the ability name, as well as reduce the effect of some abilities.

The blood raptors are meant to be a cheap easy to collect unit that would be fun to play. Their only function aside from the normal ability of moving and attacking is their ability to call other raptors to their side, which doesn't HAVE to be the attacked unit, just one the attacker is engaged with.

I don't see why some of you still seem to hate some of these units, if yu want me to touch them up, that is my purpose for showing them to you, since with no feedback I have no way of doing so. Now I know, so if any of you like the general unit, just say so and I'll fix it as need be.

Sorry for the rant, this is, yet again, another terrible day for me.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

I took a closer look at Priscus...
:thumbsup: to review.

If an alternate fig is out there it would be nice as I am gladiatorally challenged (I only have one squad). If not, DS' solution works fine. However, great job on giving instructions for the repaint!
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

Krysto, please don't worry too much about criticism your units have received here.

My sense is there is something else going on outside your 'Scape customs right now, and that something is bothering you a fair bit. I hope whatever it is resolves in the right way and in a good way for you.

I think your customs were good and each one had some very interesting mechanics.

It's good to see you are aware that the language needs to be tightened on some of them. I wonder whether you weren't also in places putting too many good ideas on one card.

Anyway, you mustn't, mustn't, mustn't feel bad. As I wrote earlier in the thread, the board is loaded with quality, fun customs that might just not make the cut here because we are looking for something else. You *had* interesting mechanics and good sculpts. What I think you hadn't done sufficiently, in broad terms, is edit.

Peel away the extra stuff to make a card that is more sleek and easier to understand. Or, in the alternative, keep doing what you're doing and have fun with it, because your customs are fun and should not be a chore. Don't let us get in the way of doing what brings you satisfaction.

Don't feel bad, for heaven's sake.

Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

YES to review Priscus.

Filthy the Clown's Priscus has received 4 YES votes, so it moves on to being reviewed. Congrats. :thumbsup:

Not to mention the majority of the NO's came from the exact same people, multiple times, who were well mistaken on quite a few points. I'm willing to reword, the core function is what I'm proposing to you guys. You're walls of text simplified down to the no just seem a bit off to me.

I'm sorry if you misunderstood the purpose of the SoV, krysto, but it is not to help refine works-in-progress. We are here to identify custom units that are ready to play.

As far as judges voting no multiple times, you nominated multiple units, and each judge has to vote on each one.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

I don't see why some of you still seem to hate some of these units, if yu want me to touch them up, that is my purpose for showing them to you, since with no feedback I have no way of doing so. Now I know, so if any of you like the general unit, just say so and I'll fix it as need be.

They don't hate them, they just aren't perfect. This group is like the BoV, they just take tested units that have been well worded and test them to make sure they are fair. If you want your units worked on and corrected, thats what the CHCG24 is for.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

I don't see why some of you still seem to hate some of these units, if yu want me to touch them up, that is my purpose for showing them to you, since with no feedback I have no way of doing so. Now I know, so if any of you like the general unit, just say so and I'll fix it as need be.

They don't hate them, they just aren't perfect. This group is like the BoV, they just take tested units that have been well worded and test them to make sure they are fair. If you want your units worked on and corrected, thats what the CHCG24 is for.

I would, but not only was the last attempt close to a disaster and took far longer then needed due to the recent "news", but since I cannot nominate on my own units, I must rely on another member to pick mine, not to mention it has to be one of these. No, at the moment I do not think there is a group that can efficiently provide more than plain, old feedback.

I would love to perfect these units, do not get me wrong, I just need people to give me feedback, of which I just got plenty, though most of it was the (as my psych teacher calls it) "bad" feedback, lacking possible suggestions or advice. However, I did receive plenty of "good" feedback, of which I am currently working off of.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

Nomination from my own set of customs...


Click image for larger version
Figures used: Mage Knight's Detonating Zombie (3)

I think all the information required for nomination is there. Let me know if there is something I overlooked and forgot to include.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

After some discussion we've decided to implement a limit of one nomination per post, so choose wisely. ;)

Edit: You put you're H3X symbol where we are planning on putting our SoV symbol, so I vote NO to review. :p Not really. Awesome minis. Let me ponder a little, and I'll get back with a real vote.

Edit edit: As I was pondering I became worried about how an all-melee army would handle facing these guys, and started to think that 60 points was way too cheap, until I realized that it wouldn't be too difficult to start off a chain reaction where a Zombikaze army obliterates itself. I don't think I can fairly judge them without playing them, so I vote YES to review (plus they look cool, and have a d20 power-two of my HS weaknesses :kryptonite:).
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

I don't see why some of you still seem to hate some of these units, if yu want me to touch them up, that is my purpose for showing them to you, since with no feedback I have no way of doing so. Now I know, so if any of you like the general unit, just say so and I'll fix it as need be.

They don't hate them, they just aren't perfect. This group is like the BoV, they just take tested units that have been well worded and test them to make sure they are fair. If you want your units worked on and corrected, thats what the CHCG24 is for.

I would, but not only was the last attempt close to a disaster and took far longer then needed due to the recent "news", but since I cannot nominate on my own units, I must rely on another member to pick mine, not to mention it has to be one of these. No, at the moment I do not think there is a group that can efficiently provide more than plain, old feedback.

I would love to perfect these units, do not get me wrong, I just need people to give me feedback, of which I just got plenty, though most of it was the (as my psych teacher calls it) "bad" feedback, lacking possible suggestions or advice. However, I did receive plenty of "good" feedback, of which I am currently working off of.

Hi Krysto...tcg is right this is the BoV of customs. We are not going to polish before proceeding, but what I'm going to try to di is make further comments and suggestions in the author's thread. I did that for Therian and was planning to that tonight for you as well...but you submitted 5 entries at one time and I have a lot of notes to go through, before I post in your thread.

I made this commitment with every intention to be more involved in the Custom community and I hope I will be able to help you and others in the future.


Now on to business:

H3X, I've always have liked your Zomikazes and would be honored to test them for the SoV. - My vote is Yes
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

Zombikazes by hextr1p

These guys are way too cool to not give a try. Yes to review.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

Oh my god that is awesome. How could I not vote :up: to reviewing Zombikazes?

On a serious note, readers of this thread may wish to take a moment and look at how well hextr1p described two complex abilities.

There are a couple of things that make these powers easy to understand. The language is clear and simple. You may also note there is relatively little punctuation, and frequent use of terms and phrases we know from other cards. This is an excellent example of a card with complex but *well written* abilities.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-nominations and discussion

You guys are 100% correct. I'm pulling all of my customs back and starting a freelance feedback thread for that exact purpose.
So to anyone who wants to polish up their units, check it out, the 3FG is ready to go!