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Soldiers of Valhalla - nominations and discussion

Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-READY FOR NOMINATIONS!

I think that every figure that can hit the board needs to have an explicit point cost, so I vote NO to review the Nightwalker and Bodaks.

Edit: With ZB's NO vote for krysto2002's Deathwalker 10000, it has recieved 3 NOs and is removed from the process.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-READY FOR NOMINATIONS!

I think that every figure that can hit the board needs to have an explicit point cost, so I vote NO to review the Nightwalker and Bodaks.
I have to agree; even the Rechets have a point cost. I like the concept but must vote NO to review The Nightwalker and Brodak because of one being a non-costed unit (it is hard to determine the balance of a figure that has no cost, even if its cost is "inherent" in another figure's cost).
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-READY FOR NOMINATIONS!

Thanks for the feedback guys, and I understand what you guys mean.

The one thing I would ask however is try not to look at the Bodak as it's own figure...because it really isn't in the traditional sense.

The Bodak is really a special power of the Nightwalker, and as such, was built directly into the points of The Nightwalker. Having to spend points on the Bodak's wouldn't really work as you never know how many you are going to have and it's largely dependant on the type of battle going on. There may be battles where it makes no sense to create a Bodak due to the tactics being used by your enemy (and the inherent risk in creating them). Regardless, you can never have more then 3, and I never found it to be overpowered. (at least not in my hands, hehe). Those decisions are what I was hoping would make the figure interesting to use as well as balanced.

I 100% understand if this new mechanic will not work for you guys, just wondering if looking at it from a different perspective changes your thoughts at all?
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-READY FOR NOMINATIONS!

Sorry, but no (at least for me). I understood that they are "part" of the Nightwalker, but since they have their own card and their own figure(s), they need their own price, imo. Lamaclown's example of the Rechets is perfect-you have no idea if you'll get to use them, but you have to pay seperately for them anyways.

They're a cool idea, but I'm not ready to break so far away from HS convention yet (Fanscape might take us there eventually, though :D).
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-READY FOR NOMINATIONS!

Thanks for taking another look Killo, and I understand.

I would argue that the Rechets are not really the same, as I can't think of any example where you wouldn't really want to summon them, where as I can think of a number of situations where I would't want to create a Bodak (in addition to not being able to due to the creation requirements), but I know it's a little out there as far as abilities go :)

Thanks again for the eyes on the custom though :)
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-READY FOR NOMINATIONS!

There are two things I will be checking for reflexively when I see a nomination. 1. Is the mini information there, and 2. Is the card written in gud English. If one of those is missing then the card is, in my opinion, not something I would ever vote yes for, so I may as well vote 'no' to review.

The Deathwalker 10,000 violates Rule 1 so I vote no.

It's difficult for me to overstate the importance of the availability of the mini. If others can't get it, why should it be included in the HeroScape canon?

I read the Nightwalker and Bodak cards (again) and Therrian's follow up comments with some interest. I remember reading it the first time, it was either Therrian's thread or maybe a competition.

I don't think at this point it will be getting reviewed, but I will add an additional concern. As I read the card the Nightwalker can destroy friendly units to create Bodaks. I suspect that was intended but I have significant concerns about the power of that unit when he can create his own bonding squad, and I'm curious to know if Therrian has played him that way. Needing an 11 or higher to create the Bodak might be prohibitively risky if the unit is a Krav, but not so much if it's a Deathreaver.

Give Nightwalker a bunch of rats and not only do you have a screen to shield him from range, but you have board control *and* a steady supply of Bodak parts.

Therrian, thank you for responding to the other judges with your thoughts, it's a very interesting concept, using essentially wandering sculpts as additional arms of the Nightwalker. They are, of course, as a practical matter a regenerating bonding squad and I'm sure you made an effort to build that in to the 220 point cost.

Very interesting innovation, though I have a serious concern about how easy it would be to generate (and regenerate) the bonding squad by destroying friendlies.

I'm also struggling to wrap my brain around two other issues related to Nightwalker. 1. What about start zone size, and 2. The whole concept of a 'common hero' that is and is not a unit of its own. I wonder if this guy isn't just bending too many rules at once.

No to Nightwalker, but many kudos for the aggressive innovation. Looks like fun, but just too many subtle (and not so subtle) problems he might have to be a part of the canon.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-READY FOR NOMINATIONS!

To be honest, I had never considered attacking friendlies, and that does open up some interesting possibilities...and I can totally see where that changes the way this guy could be played.

Thanks for pointing that out!

I would probably remove that possibility from the figure going forward as I do agree that it provides some power-creep that would be potentially balance wrecking.

Thanks again for the feedback...learned something new about the figure, who woulda thought!
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-READY FOR NOMINATIONS!

3 NOs removes Therrian's Nightwalker and Bodaks from the process.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-READY FOR NOMINATIONS!

I always wondered what you guys saw in DW10K I didn't. I honestly don't think he's my best... just because someone nominated it and put it through CHCG24 doesn't mean it is my best. Personally, I would rather see Gordy or Asmodeus or the gruts or even the freakin' Raptors nominated for something! But I can't nominate my own cards as far as I know, so I'll be on the lookout for good customs for you guys.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-READY FOR NOMINATIONS!

But I can't nominate my own cards as far as I know,

BZZZZ!!! Incorrect, sir. It certainly doesn't say anywhere you can't, because you can.

In fact, to date a full one half of our nominations have been nominations by the creator of the custom. ;)

edit: ninja'ed by Killometer, but I had more style... 8)
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-READY FOR NOMINATIONS!

If that's the case: :duh::excited:
I'd like to nominate the following:
Asmodeus - uses deathrattle viper from D&D, it's about $0.50 for a hero from fiction that we all love and fear equally - "look into my eyes and I will show you eternity..."
Spoiler Alert!

Blood Raptor -a fair substitution for Swogs and a good unit on their own, uses bloodseeker drake from D&D, also about $0.50
Spoiler Alert!

Gordyrr - Golden Dragon hatchling for Jandar, but not the cheapest figure, about $10.00
Spoiler Alert!

Swarm Gruts - A NEW ORC SQUAD, and all you need is BLADE GRUTS!
Spoiler Alert!

Einar's Centurions, their playability is an enigma to me at the moment, but it sounds like fun, just sub in a squad of Romans!
Spoiler Alert!

5 Easy, cheap custom units that all fit perfectly in HS! Some may use D&D figures, but they are FAR from D&D units.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-READY FOR NOMINATIONS!

Go for it, Krysto. Nominate one or more of 'em, similar to the way the others were nominated.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-TAKING NOMINATIONS!

Here are my decisions for the five Krysto Customs nominated:

Asmodeus - 50 points for a combo of Me-Burq-Sa and Sujoah - Sorry this is too powerful for 50 points -- My vote is No

Blood Raptor - I like these guys, but again they under-costed. If an opponent figure has a few wounds, you could conceivably have 3 attacks of 6 for 90 points. Sorry that is too powerful - My vote is No

Einars Centurions - First of I'm not sure who would spend 150 points for a Unique squad. Secondly they are a combo of legionaries, Sentinels and Minions who bond, Again too powerful -- My vote is No

Swarm Gruts - Swarm Tactics is just confusing - My vote is No

Gordyrr - Doesn't look that bad...but it is under-costed for a dragon that can attack up to three figures and has ranged counterstrike like the Oni, if he was 200-220 points maybe but at 145, sorry again my vote is No.
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Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-TAKING NOMINATIONS!

You should probably clarify this in the nomination guidelines:

Does the sculpt have to be an original sculpt or can it be a reused Heroscape sculpt?
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-TAKING NOMINATIONS!

You should probably clarify this in the nomination guidelines:

Does the sculpt have to be an original sculpt or can it be a reused Heroscape sculpt?

No it does not have to be a original sculpt, since the game already has re-paints we decided that they would be OK.
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-TAKING NOMINATIONS!

You should probably clarify this in the nomination guidelines:

Does the sculpt have to be an original sculpt or can it be a reused Heroscape sculpt?

No it does not have to be a original sculpt, since the game already has re-paints we decided that they would be OK.
Does it have to be repainted to be eligible for nomination?
Re: Soldiers of Valhalla-TAKING NOMINATIONS!

You should probably clarify this in the nomination guidelines:

Does the sculpt have to be an original sculpt or can it be a reused Heroscape sculpt?

No it does not have to be a original sculpt, since the game already has re-paints we decided that they would be OK.
Does it have to be repainted to be eligible for nomination?

What do you mean? Why would you use a HS figure that was not re-painted to represent a different unit? How would you differentiate them?

Could you PM me an example, so we do not clutter the Nomination thread.