• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Smart Mouth Responses to Innocent Questions

I'm pretty impressed with the quality and promptness of people's responses to rules questions lately. If you look at this first page here, within 3-7 minutes, someone answers with the correct rule almost every time. There's one where the first respondent was slightly wrong, but someone else in another 10 minutes cleared up the slight error. I can't think of any other forum like this.

We do see this a lot. The ongoing "problem" is that the question is answered in the 1st or 2nd response and then 2 or 3 others feel the need to answer the question again (not talking the posts that happen at "the same time" but ones that occur an hour 2 or 10 after the question is answered.) This tends to cause some tension at times.

That's very true. There have been a lot of times where I've read a common question by a noob (I know, I'm a noob to) and someone answers, then someone else, then another, soon it all piles up and some of the guys are getting rude, especially the noob, because he doesn't know that the question is common, so he gets defensive. But I agree with Jexik, things are getting better lately.
The reason is that there's no new waves out and NHSD is over, so there's really not much else to talk about....
Well, there is that whole presidency thing going on. Could always talk about that..

Yeah, but that proves dangerous! 3 people are already mad at me or offended by me!
That is why I stay out....while I like to talk politics some people get very upset over it...to me it's not worth it if it is going to offend folks so I just talk with people around here who I know like to talk about it.
Yeah, but that proves dangerous! 3 people are already mad at me or offended by me!

That's because most people are too immature to handle conflict.

Either that or they don't really know why they are voting for *insert candidate's name here*, so rather than find out why (I.E. fact searching), they just get pissed off if anyone provides a counter-argument.
the person, was probably just looking for any reason to neg rep someone, and saw your post.
Honestly people get urges like that a lot, especially newer site supporters.

I gotta fever! And the only prescription for that fever, is more NEG REP!

Yeah, but that proves dangerous! 3 people are already mad at me or offended by me!

Something tells me that you gained more respect (and 'scapers e-repz) by your posts in the presidential debate thread than you lost.
Hmmmm....I've noticed a large rise in noobs, and we all know what that means.;)

What, that it's after Christmas and a lot of new people have gotten into the game because they were given it as a gift? I recall this happening last January as well.
I find more people feet-speaking (putting foot in mouth then speaking) than leet-speaking on most forums, and this forum ranks among the best.

Personally I cherish noobs like myself joining the forum because it is a sign that the market is ripe and that the game will live on through Wave 424, when they have Arrakis desert tiles and Fremen Warrior common squaddies!
Being a Noob on this site reminds me of when I first started playing Diablo 2. By the way anyone have any Free Gold or TP ?
I know that we do get many new members who are asking questions that have been asked numerous times in the past or seem obvious. It is becoming way too unfriendly around here with how we are responding to these members. These smart mouthed responses and hostile dog-pilings have to stop.

Before you type up some venomous response to one of these poor sods, please ask yourself: How is my response helping this community? Am I being welcoming? Whose needs are being met?

I'm not commanding this, but asking you all as a favor to please quit belittling folks for asking questions.
I thought this thread is really relevant this week. So here's a :bump:
You're right Minivan, there has been a lot of bickering this week. Proud to say I don't think I've fired at anybody this week! :excited:
You're right Minivan, there has been a lot of bickering this week.
Yeah, I got in a tiff with Onacara this morning. I think we're over it now, and I apologized for being rude.:oops:

It started because (as it says in the title of this thread) of a smart mouth response to an innocent question. I know he's just doing his job, but he doesn't need to critique every little mistake on HSers (I mean no offense to you Onacara).
Nah, thats his job. He wouldn't be Onacara if he didn't do that. Its a necessary role. Sometimes new folks need a prodding in the right direction.
You're right Minivan, there has been a lot of bickering this week.
Yeah, I got in a tiff with Onacara this morning. I think we're over it now, and I apologized for being rude.:oops:

It started because (as it says in the title of this thread) of a smart mouth response to an innocent question. I know he's just doing his job, but he doesn't need to critique every little mistake on HSers (I mean no offense to you Onacara).

Technically Cavalier is the "Trainer of the Noobs", not Ona. Ona has no official position, but is more of a "sniper of opportunity" that likes to show FNGs that using the Search Function is not only possible, it's probably a good idea.