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Smart Mouth Responses to Innocent Questions

What now really should recognize that you are glued using freak out or worry alert and you are also using a equal approach since noblemen? You are unable to hit your body set up.

Best bot sentence ever!
Welcome to the site, Fabian Esenwein! Just some advice - please do not resurrect old threads unless you have something useful to add. Nothing wrong with necro-ing old discussions, but you should have something to discuss.
This is one of those threads that could always use more face time. So in this case I think it is perfectly reasonable.

Edit: Haha! After re-reading this I think maybe I forgot to mention that I was only referring to the necro'ing of old threads. As far as posting without addition; even if the thread is current, I would avoid posting things like "LOL".
I didn't understand the thread resurrection. The thread was just open, and I thought it was funny. I'm sorry for any trouble that I caused... :cry:

You are by no means the only one to necro a thread. I know I did it atleast once when I was new here. And besides, this is a very relevent thread. It was worth the necro if you ask me.

Welcome to the site!
I necro'd one myself when I first joined, misunderstanding how the "related threads" feature worked at the bottom.
Now I think that there's a limit to smart aleckedness, some questions, that are innocent do, in fact, deserve a good joke, and smart mouth, such as, "can a flying figure fly through an occupied door hex, when the door is not closed but open, i.e. Charos is in the door.... There's quite a bit of joking material there, old but good nonetheless.