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Sidekick & Ally Discussions #7

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Caretaker of the Custom Realm
I know we tell people the "real work" we do in the sanctum is work on cards, but of course we all know that isn't what we spend most of our time on. So time to get on with the 7th installment of our favorite thread - what do you think about our current allies and sidekicks?

Personally, I think scapemage is the bomb! I wish I could've been just like him back when I was his age...That guy totally deserves to be a hero, and is probably more qualified than most of us that already are!
I totally agree. When I was his age, I spent my time reading, playing chess, and being in the band. I thought I was the ultimate nerd/geek/dweeb, partly because everybody told me that I was. But 'mage has completely expanded the concept for me. I am just in awe.
I keep waiting for him to find a cool image for the Heroes so I can stop wanting to be a Sidekick so bad every time he posts one of those ... :-(
I dunno, I'm kind of thinking of resigning myself. If we go public with our darkest secret, I think the poo's going to hit the fan ...
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