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Shurrig's Maps: Updated Frostclaw Citadel and Marauder's Drift

Re: Shurrig's Maps: 2/22/19

I think it doesnt look bad at all. I take it that the randar glyphs are treasure? The only thing from glancing at it are the perches for raelyn but maybe they wont affect too much.
Re: Shurrig's Maps: 2/22/19

That looks really cool man! I like the look of it. One suggestion might be to try and make a little bit better use of your road - three player maps can get big, and can take more effort to get around. So connecting those patches of road would be a smart move IMO.

Also, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the sets that you're using won't quite meet the terrain restrictions. We decided to put a restriction on terrain because many newer scapers (and veterans too, actually) don't have a whole ton of terrain. We wanted to give as many people as possible the opportunity to benefit from these maps. The exact details will be posted very soon so you can know for sure what's going on.

I do really like the overall look of the map (I would need to study it more carefully to give better feedback). I love the central glyph with treasure glyphs on the outside as well - I think that helps to balance a 3-player map quite a bit instead of 3 random power glyphs on the outside. That can be frustrating as a player to be on the opposite side of a glyph that is really powerful, but that you have no prayer of taking. Seems to be good spacing of LOS blockers (you could still throw those trees in if you wanted to though).

Good work my friend!

EDIT: Connecting those road pieces would also allow units to better approach and engage some of the higher spots on the board. Just a thought. :)
Re: Shurrig's Maps: 2/22/19

I think it doesnt look bad at all. I take it that the randar glyphs are treasure? The only thing from glancing at it are the perches for raelyn but maybe they wont affect too much.

Yeah, the Glyphs of Brandar are meant to be Treasure Glyphs!
Re: Shurrig's Maps: 2/22/19

That looks really cool man! I like the look of it. One suggestion might be to try and make a little bit better use of your road - three player maps can get big, and can take more effort to get around. So connecting those patches of road would be a smart move IMO.

Also, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the sets that you're using won't quite meet the terrain restrictions. We decided to put a restriction on terrain because many newer scapers (and veterans too, actually) don't have a whole ton of terrain. We wanted to give as many people as possible the opportunity to benefit from these maps. The exact details will be posted very soon so you can know for sure what's going on.

I do really like the overall look of the map (I would need to study it more carefully to give better feedback). I love the central glyph with treasure glyphs on the outside as well - I think that helps to balance a 3-player map quite a bit instead of 3 random power glyphs on the outside. That can be frustrating as a player to be on the opposite side of a glyph that is really powerful, but that you have no prayer of taking. Seems to be good spacing of LOS blockers (you could still throw those trees in if you wanted to though).

Good work my friend!

EDIT: Connecting those road pieces would also allow units to better approach and engage some of the higher spots on the board. Just a thought. :)

Thanks for the feedback! I'll try to work on the roads but it is kind of unfortunate that this map doesn't meet build requirements :( However, I am working on another 3-player map that I'm pretty excited about!
Re: Shurrig's Maps: Working on three player maps

Okay, so since I plan on entering some maps into the upcoming contest, I have obviously been working on some fun three player maps! Unfortunately, the original map I uploaded about a week ago didn't meet the criteria, so since then I've been hashing out a couple maps that I can enter into the contest. I've been having a lot of fun working within this criteria and it's really helping me stretch my brain, considering I don't have much experience in making three player maps. Anyway, here are some of the designs I've got up right now, I imagine that these will not be the final versions of either maps, but I thought I might want to show y'all what I'm working with:





P.S. The Brandar Glyphs are Treasure Glyphs
Re: Shurrig's Maps: 2/22/19

That Star map is pretty sweet. Actions starts asap. The unfortunate thing about it is that Dragons will just startzone bomb you turn 1. Not sure you can do much about it with the terrain restrictions though.
Re: Shurrig's Maps: 2/22/19

That Star map is pretty sweet. Actions starts asap. The unfortunate thing about it is that Dragons will just startzone bomb you turn 1. Not sure you can do much about it with the terrain restrictions though.

Thank you very much! Dragons seem to be a problem in three player settings, in almost every three player map I’ve looked a Z-bomb 1st turn in the start zone seems to be an issue, but the star map here is notably more prone to any ranged dragon attack...

I’m going to try to get a few games in on it soon before I officially submit it just to see how bad of an issue it is, and if it is I’ll just have to go back to the drawing board and see what I can come up with lol
Re: Shurrig's Maps: 2/22/19

Love for the idea of the star map! I'm a big fan of split start zones, and really like what that does for a 3-player game!

Personally, while start zone bombs are probably going to be pretty likely for a lot of 3-player maps, I wouldn't worry about it too much. The great thing about 3-player games is that table politics come into play, and if one player opens up start zone bombing the other two, they're probably going to gang up on him and get some revenge. :devil: The one might have a good first couple of turns, but that will turn south pretty quickly.

Not that things like start zone bombs shouldn't be taken into consideration and minimized as much as possible, but it is interesting how table politics can balance out a game....

I'll try to take a closer look and get more in-depth feedback your way soon.
Re: Shurrig's Maps: 2/22/19

Love the star map! It looks like a wonderful three player map, but it looks like it could also make a wonderful two player map. With its design, if you had a player starting in every other start zone, it could still be symmetrical for the two players. I'm not sure if I've ever seen a two-player map with that line of symmetry. That would certainly be really cool!
Re: Shurrig's Maps: 2/22/19

I'm totally digging this one. Possibilities for 1v1, 3 player free for all, and easily a 2v2 format on this, not to mention a 6 player for smaller armies. Nicely done. So far I'm seeing some really sweet maps pop up for this one.
Re: Shurrig's Maps: 2/22/19

Love for the idea of the star map! I'm a big fan of split start zones, and really like what that does for a 3-player game!

Personally, while start zone bombs are probably going to be pretty likely for a lot of 3-player maps, I wouldn't worry about it too much. The great thing about 3-player games is that table politics come into play, and if one player opens up start zone bombing the other two, they're probably going to gang up on him and get some revenge. :devil: The one might have a good first couple of turns, but that will turn south pretty quickly.

Not that things like start zone bombs shouldn't be taken into consideration and minimized as much as possible, but it is interesting how table politics can balance out a game....

I'll try to take a closer look and get more in-depth feedback your way soon.

Table politics were something I was thinking of when making this map for sure. Since the start zones are so close to each other I figured everything would be crazy right out the gate, and I've thought of implementing special rules of some sort to maybe hedge this, but it may not be that big of a problem. I'm hoping to get a game in tomorrow on this map so we'll see how that goes!

Love the star map! It looks like a wonderful three player map, but it looks like it could also make a wonderful two player map. With its design, if you had a player starting in every other start zone, it could still be symmetrical for the two players. I'm not sure if I've ever seen a two-player map with that line of symmetry. That would certainly be really cool!

I had a lot of fun trying make this map very versatile for player count! I really like using SotM for all the 7-hex tiles it comes with since it's such a flexible build tool, so it means a lot that you, the hex-shaped map legend, recognizes that

I'm totally digging this one. Possibilities for 1v1, 3 player free for all, and easily a 2v2 format on this, not to mention a 6 player for smaller armies. Nicely done. So far I'm seeing some really sweet maps pop up for this one.

Yeah, there are a lot of really cool three player maps showing up for this competition, which makes me super excited for what this contest has to offer. I think, with a competition like this, people will have a lot of fun coming up with very different but fresh designs to the mapmaking scene.

Thanks for the feedback guys!! I wanted to reply earlier but I was away from the computer for a bit, but I'm here now. I really like the star map a lot too, I'm proud with how it looks so far, but I think I need to make a couple more changes before I'm totally happy with it. In regards to the other map I've posted, I've already made some significant changes that will use the road more efficiently, and I'm really liking how that's looking now too.
Re: Shurrig's Maps: 4 New Maps 3/9/19

Just posted Sullen Garden in the OP as well as updated the map Druid. Currently in the process of once more cleaning up and streamlining this thread, so if you're following this thread expect to see some updated versions of my maps.
Re: Shurrig's Maps: New Map 3/16/19

Oooo, me likey! Also, is the Brandar glyph a random power glyph or a treasure glyph? Cause I think it would be better suited as a Random power glyph to draw attention to both sides of the map.
Re: Shurrig's Maps: New Map 3/16/19

Oooo, me likey! Also, is the Brandar glyph a random power glyph or a treasure glyph? Cause I think it would be better suited as a Random power glyph to draw attention to both sides of the map.

I had originally put Valda down there, but I felt like it was too strong so I put a treasure glyph down there instead... but maybe unique attack? That side of the map has quite a bit of height so there is still incentive to go over there, any ideas though?
Re: Shurrig's Maps: New Map 3/16/19

That height is easily accessible to contest from either side. I think unique +1 or Lodin would be fine
Re: Shurrig's Maps: New Map 3/16/19

I like the look of this newest one too! Great work!
Re: Shurrig's Maps: New Map 3/23/19

Nice one. I like how you mixed the trees and single-walls in its symmetry a lot. Glyph choice and placement looks good - some heroes can wander down the paths for the treasure glyphs and everything else fights for the defense glyph. I'd almost consider moving each two-piece-wall down a hex, to provide more cover to those approaching the raised rock 7-hex. But all in all, I like this one a lot, nicely done. :)