Hey! I've been meaning to stop by and share some thoughts on some maps you've posted for awhile now.
I don't think I ever told you, but I like the tweaks you made to Walk of the Wolves. I think the two large trees will be much more beneficial as LOS blockers where you have them now.
Some thoughts on the last few ones you've posted (based purely on the pictures):
I worry a bit about the outside hills by the glyphs - it looks like prime camping territory for ranged units, and from the looks of things, It could be hard for melee units to overtake the hill if ranged units set up shop there. You've got a couple more LOS blockers with the sets you are using that could be very helpful for giving melee units some cover including the Marro Hive, and the Ruins. I like the classic choice of highway or highways you've got going here (quick to the opponent, or set up on height), just the way the map is designed, it's not going to be very easy to redirect melee units to contest the sides.
I do think it's kinda fun to see each mapmaker's unique footprint on their maps - and Brackish definitely has your footprint.

I think with a few tweaks it will be solid.
Cold Stones:
I like this one overall - including the use of line of sight blockers. Perhaps one thing you could do (I haven't looked at your build so I don't know if this is possible), is to adjust the road slightly to create spots where road tiles are adjacent to some of those high points on the map. This would help melee out a bit.
This is my favorite of your recent maps. Good use of LOS blockers. I like the location of height on the map, and the way that road tiles are able to help units contest those height positions. I also like how the castle walls are used to limit the dominance of those height positions. Perhaps others will feel otherwise, but I love the addition of battlements to maps when they're used well, and feel the one thing I'd love to see on this map would be some well placed battlements. I think they can add so much aesthetically and also make some interesting pathing decisions.
Thanks for the shoutout on this one! I do like the simplicity of this design. It will definitely be a blood-bath because of the size of the map, and with maps like this, the first turn could be a significant advantage. If it were me, I might try to utilize a touch more terrain, and extend the map just a little bit. If you don't want to do that, you might want to utilize the ruins in the RotV version to try and minimize first turn advantage by providing a little more cover. I will say, of the two I prefer the swamp variant (i like how it opens up that back pathway to the glyph - though you could sprinkle some normal water tiles in there among the swamp water). I think it could be cool to work the hive into the middle of the map somehow to help with the first turn advantage I mentioned.
You've got some solid stuff going on here! Keep up the great work!
Oh, as a sidenote (and speaking from the perspective of one who has done the same thing), I don't know much about the image hosting site you're using to post your pictures, but if there is another option for posting the pictures, you might want to consider that. It's slightly annoying to click on a picture to enlarge it, and be redirected to another site. I did this on accident when first posting pictures of my maps on my thread too because I didn't know which share link to use on MediaFire (the image hosting site I use). I am not sure if they give you different options for a "direct link", but I might consider looking into that and seeing if you can figure it out for future images you post.