• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Shurrig's Maps: Ravager


Active member
Welcome to my map page! I make competitive, multiplayer, and casual, just for fun maps. Hope you find what you're looking for:mrgreen:

Find my OHS maps here!


SotM, LoV, LJ

BftU x2, M:tcB x2, RttFF, TT

Temple of Gerda
AoA x2, LJ x2

Gnizduof's Despair
SotM, VW, TT



Crumbling Castle
RotV, FotA

Older Version

Daggers in the Dark

BftU x2, RttFF

Frostclaw Citadel
RotV, FotA, TT

Grounds of Ashra
***Inducted into the ARV***
SotM, RttFF, FotA


***Inducted into the WoS***

SotM, VW, TJ


M:tCB, FotA, TT

Rocky Foundations (RotV Version)

Rocky Foundations (AoA Version)


BftU x2, TT

***Inducted into the WoS***

RotV, RttFF, VW


RotV, VW, TJ

Viney Pines
SotM, RttFF x2

Witches' Brew
SotM, RttFF, TJ

7 maps
Spoiler Alert!

3 maps
Spoiler Alert!

1 map
Spoiler Alert!

42 maps

Last edited:
Re: Shurrig's Maps

Hmm... Judging by your profile picture it looks like there is good potential for some cool maps to pop up here. Unfortunately, I don't think there are any pictures here. :pity:

Welcome aboard the greatest boards out there!
Re: Shurrig's Maps

Hmm... Judging by your profile picture it looks like there is good potential for some cool maps to pop up here. Unfortunately, I don't think there are any pictures here. :pity:

Welcome aboard the greatest boards out there!

Yes, I just started using this site actually and am currently trying to figure out how to post maps from Virtualscape :/
Re: Shurrig's Maps

Hmm... Judging by your profile picture it looks like there is good potential for some cool maps to pop up here. Unfortunately, I don't think there are any pictures here. :pity:

Welcome aboard the greatest boards out there!

Yes, I just started using this site actually and am currently trying to figure out how to post maps from Virtualscape :/

To actually upload a picture to the site itself you have to be a site supporter, by either paying $45 once or $15 periodically, I forget if that's yearly or monthly.

Of course, the option I assume you would prefer would be to use a free image hosting site, such as imgur. Photobucket used to be the go to, but now they charge $400 annually to use pictures you store there.

Once you have your pictures on imgur (or some other one, I just forget the others' names) just right click and copy the image URL, click this button
, and paste the image URL there.
Re: Shurrig's Maps

Wow that's a whole lot of hidden potential (and a good amount of maps overall!)
Gotta try one of those :D
Re: Shurrig's Maps

Wow that's a whole lot of hidden potential (and a good amount of maps overall!)
Gotta try one of those :D
Wow, thanks! Yeah, I'll try to update the link as much as possible, I'm usually just building new maps in my free time, but I'm still learning :D
Re: Shurrig's Maps

No initial concerns. I love the theme, the map seems to have pretty good pathing, the Glyphs are well placed...LOS blockers are on the edges, but I think the road really helps Melee speed their way to engage range positions regardless. Overall I really like it.
Re: Shurrig's Maps

Dig the new map, JS! It got me really intrigued and wanting to test it out! Looks cool and it looks like it does have good flow.

A couple things:

I am a little concerned about the center area. A well-placed Deathreaver or Gladiatron can lock down a lot of that area. You could maybe open it up a little (maybe?) or soften the elevation differences at least by lowering it a little (also maybe? not sure how well that would work as far as the build itself goes). I would also consider removing some of those battlements - while they look cool, they're really going to hinder any melee units with a height of 4 or less, and that area has enough chokepoint action going on as-is. They don't all need to come off, and you could maybe rearrange them onto other parts of the map too, but I feel like there should be some access points for those shorter melee guys.

Parts of the map look a little open, especially if you go left from the start zone. It's nothing terrible, but you might play around with trees and extra columns you have to see if you can't find an easy way to lessen the shooting lanes that range has currently. Probably not necessary, but if it's easy and it works, then hey, it was easy and it worked.

Final mild concern is that road has a lot of high ground here (instead of leading to high ground), which gives range a bit of an advantage because they don't have to leave it to have height on most parts of the map, and melee will only be able to engage range at even ground one-by-one. However, it doesn't look terrible on this map. It's another "if it's easy to mess with and works better, then great - if not, the map is still good" things.

Really impressed with this first draft. If any of my suggestions work out for you then awesome, but if not it still looks like something I'd like to play on and try out.
Re: Shurrig's Maps

Dig the new map, JS! It got me really intrigued and wanting to test it out! Looks cool and it looks like it does have good flow.

A couple things:

I am a little concerned about the center area. A well-placed Deathreaver or Gladiatron can lock down a lot of that area. You could maybe open it up a little (maybe?) or soften the elevation differences at least by lowering it a little (also maybe? not sure how well that would work as far as the build itself goes). I would also consider removing some of those battlements - while they look cool, they're really going to hinder any melee units with a height of 4 or less, and that area has enough chokepoint action going on as-is. They don't all need to come off, and you could maybe rearrange them onto other parts of the map too, but I feel like there should be some access points for those shorter melee guys.

Parts of the map look a little open, especially if you go left from the start zone. It's nothing terrible, but you might play around with trees and extra columns you have to see if you can't find an easy way to lessen the shooting lanes that range has currently. Probably not necessary, but if it's easy and it works, then hey, it was easy and it worked.

Final mild concern is that road has a lot of high ground here (instead of leading to high ground), which gives range a bit of an advantage because they don't have to leave it to have height on most parts of the map, and melee will only be able to engage range at even ground one-by-one. However, it doesn't look terrible on this map. It's another "if it's easy to mess with and works better, then great - if not, the map is still good" things.

Really impressed with this first draft. If any of my suggestions work out for you then awesome, but if not it still looks like something I'd like to play on and try out.

Thanks! I had originally placed the battlements in front of the start zone, which would tend to push armies out to the edge, but after playing it several times I would tend to notice that the battlements are troublesome to get around, but it's in their nature to be annoying I guess. I think I may scrap them completely honestly, and I'll take everything else you said and try to come up with something. Appreciate you guys' feedback!
Re: Shurrig's Maps

I really like it overall. It seems a bit large, but both the road and move glyph help with that and it’s relatively flat enough to develop fairly well. I like it! My only suggestion would be to try an iteration of it where you scale it down to a shorter map but achieve essentially the same overall footprint and map design. Instead of a size 12 foot size...make it a size 10 ya know? I think that will make it more balanced when a fast army grabs and controls the move glyph... cause the move glyph in this map will really swing who has map control because of how much time will be spent just getting into position.
Re: Shurrig's Maps

Really neat design here. I like that you're trying to make a bigger map and keep it balanced. My two main concerns are that the top of the hill looks like it can get pretty congested, which could make it easily defendable. That leads into my second concern - if an army is able to win an early skirmish and take the high ground, they'll probably be able to steamroll the game from there since it's got pretty good dominance over the glyphs and rest of the map as well.

That said, it looks interesting enough that I'd still give it a shot as-is. Just some food for thought as you continue revision for submission.
Re: Shurrig's Maps

Yup, I like the rework. Doesn't completely nullify my worries of steamroll-ability, but it does help them and I think it would be a fun one to test out. I can' think of any big comments to mention further - it's probably playtesting and refining from here. Good job!
Re: Shurrig's Maps

Interesting design - I would be willing to take a closer look at it if submitted for the contest. Nothing jumps out as a glaring issue. Well done.
Re: Shurrig's Maps

I have some 30 maps saved on my laptop. However, other than just uploading them onto a google drive, I don't know how to share them on this website. Is there a way to just have them as a downloadable link here on the website?
Re: Shurrig's Maps

You have to be a site supporter to upload to the downloads section. That's $15/year or $45 once. But the Google Drive thing really works well too.

I always think that removing the table (Configuration > Preferences > Uncheck the "Display Table" box) makes maps look a little better, but other than that, I think you're sharing them quite well.
Re: Shurrig's Maps

You have to be a site supporter to upload to the downloads section. That's $15/year or $45 once. But the Google Drive thing really works well too.

I always think that removing the table (Configuration > Preferences > Uncheck the "Display Table" box) makes maps look a little better, but other than that, I think you're sharing them quite well.

Okay! Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I'll get to uploading them hopefully sooner than later
Re: Shurrig's Maps

Just updated the google drive link that has some of my favorite maps I've made, I'm hoping to go in and kind of divvy them up into maps that are more competitive and those that are more casual/scenario maps. Once I do that, I'll be trying upload more often.

Also, you'll probably notice that almost all my maps use road tiles, so I apologize for my bias. Right now I only have 3 RotV, 1 SotM, 2 VW, 2 RttFF, and 1 FotA in my collection, so since I make most of these maps for me and my friends, they look somewhat same-y. I'm working on improving my versatility, but man is it fun to play on and make maps with road tiles.
Re: Shurrig's Maps: Updated Thread/ New Maps 10/20/18

So I'm currently in the process cleaning up my thread, and as of right now I've uploaded 10 2-Player Maps, two of which are brand new. the original post in this thread was just a link to my google drive folder, which was poor for showcasing my maps. Anyway, here are my two new maps!

Swampy Streets:

Viney Pines: