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Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - Thanos

That's a great photo, I wonder how you made it!

What is the intent of "pick up" a destructible object? Do you mean pick up to let someone else pass through the hex? Pick up and move the object? Pick up and swat someone with it? Pick up and drop it off a cliff? Do destructible objects have any limits to size and weight, and should her power have any?
Decided to make a retro version of Cyclops to go along with that retro Jean Grey card:


Basically a scaled down version of my default Cyclops, one designed to represent Scott Summers when he was Prof. X's teacher's pet, before he came into his own as leader of the X-Men.
New year, new customs!

I finally decided to replace the last official Marvelscape card I still used with a Shermanverse version, the mad Titan himself, Thanos:


As with the other nine official cards I've tweaked over the years, I tried to keep my version close enough to be a recognizable tweak of the original card. With Thanos, I tried to address some of the issues I and other players have had with the original ever since it came out. Rejected By Death is replaced by a similar power that only works once per game, trading the chance to bring Thanos back to life multiple times in a game for consistency instead. I also added a third power, Avatar of Death, because the old card always felt a bit bland to me; it was weird that when the old Thanos was actually in play, all he offered was a single, normal ranged attack. Avatar of Death allows him to snuff out weakened heroes as well as be a threat against massed common squad armies.
Revised a few of my older cards:


My old version of Kraven played a bit too much like a ranged unit, so I revised him to encourage melee while keeping the "poisoned crossbow bolts" theme.


My old Mystique felt a bit bland to me, so I decided to make a version that would emphasize her role as a spy while also making her useful in a themed Brotherhood of Evil Mutants army, which has a lot of unique heroes to juggle.


My former Shocker card had a power that made him useful for blowing up destructible objects, which I thought was a fitting power for a guy who's basically a glorified bank robber, but it was a power that was essentially useless in Heroscape, so I replaced it with a special attack.
The change to Shocker is understandable from a game perspective, but the older version would fit better in an RPG setting.
Very true - if Heroscape were an RPG, Shocker should definitely have an ability to blow open bank vaults.
Can you reveal OMs on destroyed cards in classic?
12+ Life and 7 Defense feels like a ton, better kill him last.
Avatar is a nice addition.
Can you reveal OMs on destroyed cards in classic?
Yup, in Heroscape your turn always begins with revealing an order marker. From the rulebook:

Action 1. Reveal your order marker (Always)
Start your turn by revealing your order marker for that turn, then laying it number-side up on the Army Card. Note: Later in the game, it's possible that the figure(s) on that Army Card will have been destroyed earlier in the round. In such a case, you lose your turn.
Yup, in Heroscape your turn always begins with revealing an order marker. From the rulebook:

Action 1. Reveal your order marker (Always)
Start your turn by revealing your order marker for that turn, then laying it number-side up on the Army Card. Note: Later in the game, it's possible that the figure(s) on that Army Card will have been destroyed earlier in the round. In such a case, you lose your turn.
I thought that normally powers no longer work on destroyed cards and so usually have some kind of "for the rest of the game" text in them... but I see the original Thanos didn't have that language.
Yeah, normally you'd be right about that "rest of the game" language but, as you say, official Thanos got by just fine without it. It was pretty obvious how Rejected By Death was intended to work; just another example of how Heroscape language is written in a very "you know what I mean" kind of way.