I considered having her actually copy powers given that it's what she actually does in the comics, but in Heroscape that would create a lot of possible theme weirdness - what's happening when she copies Kaemon Awa, or Hawkeye, or War Machine? Does she steal their bows or guns for a while and then return them? It would also create a bunch of potentially game breaking corner cases and FAQs - what if she copies Atlaga's Bolt of Witherwood more than once per game? Can she use it multiple times? And that's just one example off the top of my head; there would be many more such unforeseeable problems that power copying would create - the "known unknowns," as Donald Rumsfeld called them. At the end of the day I decided the juice was not worth the squeeze.I like that it negates the unit's powers but it might be more fun to have her also use the unit's special powers herself.
Yeah, she's not going to copy stats unless she's up against characters above her weight class, but I actually find that fairly thematic - Rogue in this incarnation mainly relied on her stolen Captain Marvel powers anyway, rarely using her own mutant ability out of fear of its lethality. I considered making this version of her without any power draining at all, but it felt strange to leave it out considering it's her actual power.Good stuff. Rogue is a tough one and we heavily discussed her for C3G.
Copying powers can open up a whole can of worms so I can understand wanting to avoid it but as stated, with her high stats, her power drain feels marginalized.
Power negation is quite potent itself though and should not be underestimated.
I actually think C3G may have dropped that aspect, I believe mostly because it is not fun to play against.
Made a common squad card for the Kree, just in case I ever want to do Kree/Skrull War scenarios, or maybe a Kree vs. Skrull vs. Marro vs. Soulborg sci-fi extravaganza:
Really glad I picked up a nicer mini for her, otherwise I never would've caught that she was missing.
That is great. Never knew Rom had a girlfriend.
That is a nice mini. Sometimes I think I'm going to upgrade my minis to all the animated series ones...then I look at all the minis I have and the cost to do that and I never follow through. They do look cool though
Yeah, the Transformation power is wordy, but it's basically a bunch of Heroscapese language that amounts to "switch this figure with that other figure you have."Nice! Fairly complex for a Sherm card. I like them!
The issue is the fact that it's completely passive - there's no opportunity cost. You've not done or risked anything to achieve this, you just put a unit in your army and got lucky. If you blow someone's head off with Deadeye Dan, at least you took a turn with him, and accepted the risk of said turn being wasted. Here, nothing is sacrificed and you can add more to sway the odds in your favour. There's no way to counter or play around it, either, since they're off the battlefield and the threat cannot therefore be eliminated. It removes strategy from the equation for both parties.Yeah, we'll see how the revised Skrull Agents play out next month. Personally, I don't see their ability as any more game changing than Mind Shackle or any of the various d20 powers that inflict one or more wounds, but we'll see how it goes.
My thinking was that the cost of adding units to your army that might never enter the game was enough of an opportunity cost, but your points about the passivity and lack of agency in the design are well taken. Here's a revision to address some of those issues:The issue is the fact that it's completely passive - there's no opportunity cost. You've not done or risked anything to achieve this, you just put a unit in your army and got lucky. If you blow someone's head off with Deadeye Dan, at least you took a turn with him, and accepted the risk of said turn being wasted. Here, nothing is sacrificed and you can add more to sway the odds in your favour. There's no way to counter or play around it, either, since they're off the battlefield and the threat cannot therefore be eliminated. It removes strategy from the equation for both parties.
Thanks bud, glad you like it! As chas says, he got a chance to try them out at our most recent game; it was fun to see an Omnicron Sniper revealed to be a secret Skrull all along:I have a lot of catching up to do but let me just say that I love your Skull Agent infiltration power. I totally agree with the others that it is powerful as written on the original design. Your edit definitely makes it more defensible. Keep those skulls away from you!!!!
I may have to steal (I mean "borrow") some aspect of that power at some point. I have a skull piece I never used for my squad and always anted to make him a hero of some kind. The starting off the board infiltration power may just inspire some idea for me. Thanks good buddy.