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Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - Thanos

Sherman Davies

The Dark Lord on his dark throne
Site Supporter
Since I've put a lot of work into my DC customs thread, I felt it was a bit silly not to post some of the Marvel customs I've worked on as well; after all, this is technically a section for Marvelscape.

Even though my plan has been to focus my efforts on designing and playtesting my DC customs until definitive news about the fate of Marvelscape is released, I've been designing customs for Marvel characters that are unlikely to get official Marvelscape figures even if the game continues production. That is, characters who aren't A- or even B-list heroes and villains, poor souls who will never in a million years get their own cartoons or movie franchises. Heck, these people can't even support their own comic titles. Maybe getting represented in Marvelscape will make them feel better. So here are a few of my early Marvel customs:

Knockback optional rule
Use Object optional rule

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

* A custom card based on the official Hasbro card
** A custom card based on the C3G card
*** A custom card based on the SoV's Kantono Daishi




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Very Nice

Once again ,you make some very nice cards, good figure pictures and backgrounds, and stats, especially like man-thing (have to get one) As for Valkyrie you can see , just looking at the card, She wants me....really...
Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs

Thanks, Monk. I'm actually quite proud of Valkyrie; I tried to make her synergistic with regular Heroscape (since it takes place in Valhalla, 'natch) and I hope her power reflects her guidance of the spirits of dead heroes. I haven't gotten around to playtesting her though, since I'm focused on my DC guys right now.
Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs

Here are a few more Marvels waiting to join the battle for all time:



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Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - updated 2/12 - Wasp, mo

They look good but how do you attack the Wasp? She has no hit zone.
Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - updated 2/12 - Wasp, mo

Ah, you noticed. :)

Well, you can attack her while adjacent to her, and she can be affected by special attacks that target a figure adjacent to her, like Shotgun Blasts, DW9000's Explosion, or the Airborne Elite's Grenades.
Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - updated 2/12 - Wasp, mo

Really nice customs. I especially like the Black Knight custom. He was my favorite Avenger believe it or not, and I have struggled with making a custom for him that represented him accurately, yet simply(which I think is important). This one pretty much does that. I like that all of your customs get to the essence of the character without using overly complicated powers that muddle up gameplay. They are also not overpowered according to their character, which I like. It makes them more playable with the rest of the heroscape world. Keep making 'em, I'd like to see more.
Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - updated 2/12 - Wasp, mo

I like that all of your customs get to the essence of the character without using overly complicated powers that muddle up gameplay.

Thank you so much - that's exactly what I'm going for in my superhero customs, and I'm glad you like the Black Knight.

Since there's a rumor going around that the Marvelscape expansion will not be released this year, which to my mind means it's never coming, I'll be posting more Marvel creations in this thread. I haven't completely given up hope on more official Marvelscape figures, but this'll be a way to hedge my bets.

Here's one to start:

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Oh man, Sherman is dropping the big names. All hope is lost folks... :cry:

- Powers are solid.
- I think price may have to come up a bit. Compared to Spider-Man he is a little worse, but I don't know that he is 25 points worse. Swing line is one less and the Radar Sense is worse, but he has double attack from a range with no line of sight. I don't know it's a tough call, but I think you'll find he's worth another 10 or 15. Test him against Venom, see how that goes.
Re: Daredevil

Oh man, Sherman is dropping the big names. All hope is lost folks... :cry:

Heh, didn't mean to spread any negativity around... all hope is not lost, just a little bit. Some of us are hoping to start something here on the boards that will let WotC know how much support is out here for Marvelscape. Might not do much, but every bit counts, right?

- I think price may have to come up a bit. Compared to Spider-Man he is a little worse, but I don't know that he is 25 points worse. Swing line is one less and the Radar Sense is worse, but he has double attack from a range with no line of sight. I don't know it's a tough call, but I think you'll find he's worth another 10 or 15. Test him against Venom, see how that goes.

In a solo fight against Venom, DD statistically would lose most every time, since their powers are essentially identical and Venom has that whopping 6 attack. Daredevil's Billy Club wouldn't be much use against Venom since it can't double attack the same figure twice. I like to playtest customs in situations they're designed for, so maybe I'll try DD against the Tagawa Samurai or a couple squads of 4th Mass. Or better yet, the Ninja of the Northern Wind, plus Isamu. Mmmm, Daredevil vs. ninja....
Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - updated 2/20 - Daredevi

All this martial arts talk inspired me to work a bit on a new Marvel custom, Shang Chi the Master of Kung Fu. I also wanted to refocus my efforts on less well known Marvel characters, because official Marvelscape ain't over 'till it's over. Anyway, here he is:

Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - updated 2/26 - Shang Ch

I originally posted an early version of my Street Thugs custom squad in my DC customs thread, but my finalized version is now a Marvel squad, since I didn't want DC to hog all the custom squad action. Therefore, I figured I'd post it here for anyone who might be a hardcore Marvel Zombie and uninterested in DC customs. Here they are, the cannon fodder every good villain needs:

Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - updated 4/18 - Street T

Wow, been a while since I posted a new Marvel custom. I got burned out on customizing for a bit, then when I got back into it I was focused on playtesting my DC customs, not to mention I got distracted with Pokemon-scape and Lord of the Rings-scape projects. Anyway, I figured I would dip my toes back in the Marvelscape waters with a custom of one of my favorite characters, Nightcrawler.


My version of Nightcrawler shares a lot of similarities with the other versions of him in the A-Z Supers Index; after all, he pretty much only has one power, so it's not like people were giving him Heat Vision or anything. However, I noticed that no one else decided to represent Kurt's common tactic of teleporting enemies with him, disorienting them with the teleportation's side effects. That kinda surprised me, since it seemed to me to be his main attack, much in the same way that Kitty Pryde always phases through robots to short circuit them. Of course, I'm not a huge X-Men reader, so what do I know?

Anyway, this version of Nightcrawler can act as a transporter for friendly figures - but with a risk - or as an annoyance figure like Spider-Man. Note that if an adjacent figure attacks Nightcrawler, if Kurt makes his Evasive Teleport roll he can take his attacker with him and make him pay for it.
Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - updated 6/20 - Nightcra

SD, I like this Nightcrawler a lot and it just may be my card of choice for the character. That's the highest compliment I can give.

If I can make one suggestion about wording. In Mutant teleportation, I suggest you say something about moving the other figure if there is an unoccupied space adjacent to the chosen space. Maybe I'm overthinking it but just trying to rule out confusion when there is no empty space to bring somebody with him.

EDIT: You know what, if CARRY doesn't specify that, I guess Teleport doesn't need to either. Ignore my post please.
Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - updated 6/20 - Nightcra

Don't worry Matt, I thought the same thing when wording the power but then looked more closely at Carry myself and saw that it was unnecessary to state that a carrier couldn't carry someone if there wasn't a spot to drop them off.

I had also originally intended that Nightcrawler only be able to teleport to empty spaces within a clear line of sight, but that brings up all sorts of questions as to whether or not figures can "see" spaces higher than them. Too bad, it would've added some flavor and given him more of a reason to walk every once in a while (around a ruin, for example).
Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - updated 6/20 - Nightcra

Excellent, another elegantly simple and extremely playable custom of one of my favorite characters.
Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - updated 6/20 - Nightcra

Excellent, another elegantly simple and extremely playable custom of one of my favorite characters.

Thanks - Nightcrawler's one of my favorite Marvel characters too, because I have a fondess for swashbucklers of all stripes.

Here's another character that I doubt official Marvelscape will ever get to making, the longtime partner of Captain America - Falcon!


I gave him Flanking Attack at a time when I was being inspired by D&D rules (Oh, who am I kidding? I stole 'em) and thought that it would be nice if Heroscape could have a mechanic that reflected two people ganging up on a third.

I initially considered giving him a Redwing (his pet falcon) attack much like Sonlen's Dragon Swoop, but for some reason the lack of a mini Redwing attached to the figure made me go a different direction. His Eyes in the Sky power is supposed to reflect his ability to see through the eyes of any bird on earth, not to mention his modus operandi of soaring above the battlefield and getting the lay of the land.
Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - updated 6/22 - Falcon

- I think you can reword the first two abilities.

If Falcon attacks an opponent's figure that is adjacent to at least 1 other figure you control, Falcon may roll 2 additional attack dice.

If Falson took a turn in the previous round, you may add 2 to your roll for intiative.

I just think they are both a bit crisper this way.
Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - updated 6/22 - Falcon

- I think you can reword the first two abilities.

If Falcon attacks an opponent's figure that is adjacent to at least 1 other figure you control, Falcon may roll 2 additional attack dice.

If Falson took a turn in the previous round, you may add 2 to your roll for intiative.

I just think they are both a bit crisper this way.

Thanks for the advice, hi1 - the card's been updated.

Here's another one I've been sitting on a while, and since I've posted Nightcrawler I may as well give him an X-Man buddy (and another favorite of mine): Colossus!


Colossus was another early custom of mine. I'm planning on updating his Fastball Special wording so that it doesn't say that the space has to be within clear sight of Colossus, since that causes problems. Instead, I'll probably try to find a way to word it so that the thrown figure must be within clear sight of Colossus on the space it lands on.
Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - updated 6/24 - Colossus

Colossus looks good and I like what you're throwing around as an idea for changes.
For Protector, I'm not loving the "the attack affects Colossus" style language. I'd propose something more like "Colossus becomes the target of the attack" or "Colossus rolls defense against the attack and takes any resulting wounds" instead.
Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - updated 6/24 - Colossus

Colossus looks good and I like what you're throwing around as an idea for changes.

I see what you did there. ;)

For Protector, I'm not loving the "the attack affects Colossus" style language. I'd propose something more like "Colossus becomes the target of the attack" or "Colossus rolls defense against the attack and takes any resulting wounds" instead.

Yeah, back when I designed him, Normalscape didn't have official wording that referred to "targeting" figures, so I didn't use it. But now that Wave 9 includes units that do so, I'll probably change the wording to something like, "When a friendly figure adjacent to Colossus is targeted for an attack, you may blah blah blah. If you roll a 13 or higher, the attack targets Colossus instead."

Also, you didn't bring this up, but the ability is supposed to allow Colossus to protect a buddy from an adjacent attack even if Colossus isn't adjacent to the attacker.
Re: Sherman Davies' Marvel customs - updated 6/24 - Colossus

Colossus looks good and I like what you're throwing around as an idea for changes.

I see what you did there. ;)

For Protector, I'm not loving the "the attack affects Colossus" style language. I'd propose something more like "Colossus becomes the target of the attack" or "Colossus rolls defense against the attack and takes any resulting wounds" instead.

Yeah, back when I designed him, Normalscape didn't have official wording that referred to "targeting" figures, so I didn't use it. But now that Wave 9 includes units that do so, I'll probably change the wording to something like, "When a friendly figure adjacent to Colossus is targeted for an attack, you may blah blah blah. If you roll a 13 or higher, the attack targets Colossus instead."

Also, you didn't bring this up, but the ability is supposed to allow Colossus to protect a buddy from an adjacent attack even if Colossus isn't adjacent to the attacker.

There's another way to read it?
And the "targeting" language came about with the Nakita Agents. Weren't they like Wave 6 or 7? :p