• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Season 8 - GenCon - Congrats INFECTEDSLOTH


3-Time Online HS Champion & Diplomacy Winner of La
Round Deadlines are always 7 days from when the Round was posted.

Report game results HERE.

                      1 ---------------------+
                                             ¦ TheLegendryIrshSwrd
    deroche                                  +--------------------+
8  --------------------+  thesparkleinyrwtr  ¦                    ¦
    thesparkleinyrwtr  +---------------------+                    ¦
9  --------------------+                                          ¦  infectedsloth
    garrettclubb                                                  +--------------------+
5  --------------------+  blackwulf23                             ¦                    ¦
    blackwulf23        +---------------------+                    ¦                    ¦
12 --------------------+                     ¦  infectedsloth     ¦                    ¦
    dok                                      +--------------------+                    ¦
13 --------------------+  infectedsloth      ¦                                         ¦
    infectedsloth      +---------------------+                                         ¦
4  --------------------+                                                               ¦
                          dhyanam                                                      ¦
                      3 ---------------------+                                         ¦
                                             ¦  dhyanam                                ¦
    Bengi                                    +--------------------+                    ¦
11 --------------------+  Bengi              ¦                    ¦                    ¦
    Unseen Shadowz     +---------------------+                    ¦                    ¦
6  --------------------+                                          ¦                    ¦
    The CEE                                                       ¦  vegies dad        ¦
7  --------------------+  The CEE                                 +--------------------+
    Dysole             +---------------------+                    ¦
10 --------------------+                     ¦  vegies dad        ¦
                          vegies dad 	     ¦
                      2 ---------------------+

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Games are played using the online Heroscape interface. An explanatory video is below:
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Using an online voice chat utility, such as Skype or Google Hangouts, improves the playing experience considerably.

For this event, we will be using the format of the GenCon Main Event. Each player will submit a 440 point army, with a maximum of 16 figures. You may exceed the standard 24 starting zone limit; we will provide additional hexes for use by those with more than 24 hexes of figures. No Marvel, No VC (formerly SoV/C3V) (Due to Gencon not accepting the VC figures, we have decided not to allow them. This will be the only time we will do this.)

The regular season will last four or five weeks (depending on the # of players), with one game each week. After the regular season ends there will be a single elimination bracket for the top finishers in Reverse The Whip, i.e. you will use your opponent's army and he will use yours. Consider this when building your armies.

The map pool for this event is:
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Treasure Glyphs:
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League Details:
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PRIZES: The winner this season receives a set of 12 of our very cool custom Heroscape dice. Other prizes TBD.

Players in the event:
  1. Arrow Grut
  2. awesomeunleashed
  3. Bengi
  4. blackwulf23
  5. bobinchese
  6. capsocrates
  7. Crixus33
  8. deroche
  9. dhyanam
  10. dok
  11. Dysole
  12. El Diabolo
  13. Eraguy816
  14. Filthy the Clown
  15. Fishguy1
  16. flameslayer93
  17. Garenex
  18. garrettclubb
  19. greygnarl
  20. I.S.B.3
  21. infectedsloth
  22. itsbuzzi
  23. jscadet
  24. Kinseth
  25. marrowick
  26. MegaSilver
  27. Ninja Status
  28. Psymanski
  29. Rexmax2
  30. Serenity
  31. SimonSay5
  32. Sixthflagbearer
  33. Soundwarp SG-1
  34. Tai-Pan
  35. The CEE
  36. TheLegendaryIrishSword
  37. TheMind
  38. TheSparkleInYourWater
  39. Toogwick_tuk
  40. Unseen Shadowz
  41. vegie's dad
  42. vegietarian18
  43. viideosayg
  44. Wanderer999
  45. William099
  46. xorlof

  1. =Ace=
  2. betawolf36
  3. KeepCalmAndDraftHulk
Re: Season 8 - The Road to Gencon

Eraguy, I think you should go around calling people out for making pointless posts. That wouldn't be hypocritical at all. ;)
Re: Season 8 - The Road to Gencon

kinseth said:
i.e. you will use your opponent's army and he will use yours. Consider this when building your armies.

Does this mean it'll be like season 6? or a pick your poison kind of thing in the end?
Re: Season 8 - The Road to Gencon

Sign-ups are now open. We've got a new sign-up form this season; if you want the version of it that automatically tallies your points and figures, wait a little while (should be later today or tomorrow, I think) to sign up. This version works as well, you'll just have to count points and figures yourself. :)
Re: Season 8 - GenCon - SIGN UP NOW

I couldn't find the sign-up deadline after browsing the OP. Has no deadline been decided on yet, or am I just blind? I'm hoping to be able to participate this time around. :)
Re: Season 8 - GenCon - SIGN UP NOW

I couldn't find the sign-up deadline after browsing the OP. Has no deadline been decided on yet, or am I just blind? I'm hoping to be able to participate this time around. :)

No deadline yet.
Re: Season 8 - GenCon - SIGN UP NOW

I suppose it's too late for this to be a "double down" event where you play one army until it's eliminated and then switch to another? (or something like that) It would be nice to try a couple different armies in this kind of setting.
Re: Season 8 - GenCon - SIGN UP NOW

I suppose it's too late for this to be a "double down" event where you play one army until it's eliminated and then switch to another? (or something like that) It would be nice to try a couple different armies in this kind of setting.

Nope. We're going straight Main Event this year. Next year, who knows. :)
Re: Season 8 - GenCon - SIGN UP NOW

I suppose it's too late for this to be a "double down" event where you play one army until it's eliminated and then switch to another? (or something like that) It would be nice to try a couple different armies in this kind of setting.

Yeah, it's too late.

Have to play something and see if it works.
Re: Season 8 - GenCon - SIGN UP NOW

I suppose it's too late for this to be a "double down" event where you play one army until it's eliminated and then switch to another? (or something like that) It would be nice to try a couple different armies in this kind of setting.

That is a cool idea! Sounds like something we should discuss for a future season.
Re: Season 8 - GenCon - SIGN UP NOW

Just to make sure: I can submit an army with 17 figures and just drop one every match right? Also the figure I drop, can it be different every match?
Re: Season 8 - GenCon - SIGN UP NOW

Can we get an approximate timespan for when this event will be starting and finishing, for people with summer vacations?

Last summer's league gave players the option to get ahead before they were going to be gone, but I'm assuming that's not going to work this time around.
Re: Season 8 - GenCon - SIGN UP NOW

Just to make sure: I can submit an army with 17 figures and just drop one every match right? Also the figure I drop, can it be different every match?

Yep, you are allowed to!

Can we get an approximate timespan for when this event will be starting and finishing, for people with summer vacations?

Last summer's league gave players the option to get ahead before they were going to be gone, but I'm assuming that's not going to work this time around.

Well, I'm not sure when it will start, but it should be wrapped up before GenCon itself.
No Change Here

It doesn't affect me but what are you going to do if someone brings an army over 24 hexes? In the main Gencon thread, you're allowed to bring your own hexes but I'm not really sure how you're going to make that work here.

~Dysole, imagining someone running Hounds or Deathstalkers