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Season 7: Picks and Poison - Playoffs


GenCon Main Event Champion - 2010, 2011, & 2017
Site Supporter
Season 7: Picks and Poison

Report game results HERE.

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Here are the results of season 1, season 2, season 3, season 4, season 5, and season 6.

Games are played using the online Heroscape interface. An explanatory video is below:
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Using an online voice chat utility, such as Skype or Google Hangouts, improves the playing experience considerably.

For this event, each player will submit two 490 point armies. VC (formerly C3V/SoV) allowed, no Marvel for all formats. You may not use the same army card in both armies. Standard 24-space startzone rules apply.

  • Before each game, there will be a dice-off, done by the tournament organizers. The winner of the dice-off chooses first army choice or second army choice.
  • On odd rounds, players will pick their own army from the four armies available. (a.k.a. "bring 2")
  • On even rounds, players will pick their opponent's army from the four armies available. (a.k.a. "pick your poison")
The regular season will last four weeks, with one game each week. After the regular season ends there will be a single elimination bracket for the top finishers.

The map pool for this event is:
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Treasure Glyphs Pool:
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League Details:
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PRIZES: The winner this season receives a set of very cool custom Heroscape dice. Other prizes TBD.

Players in the event:

  1. awesomeunleashed
  2. betawolf36
  3. blackwulf23
  4. bobinchese
  5. boromir96
  6. bothi
  7. capsocrates
  8. crixus33
  9. deroche
  10. dhyanam
  11. dok
  12. dysole
  13. eraguy816
  14. filthy the clown
  15. foudzing
  16. greygnarl
  17. hivelord
  18. infectedsloth's brother
  19. johnny139
  20. joseph sweeney
  21. keepcalmanddrafthulk
  22. kinseth
  23. marrowick
  24. megasilver
  25. Ninja Status
  26. psymanski
  27. rexmax2
  28. robber
  29. soundwarp sg-1
  30. the legendary irish sword
  31. thesparkleinyourwater
  32. vegietarian18
  33. viideosayg
  34. wanderer999
  35. william099
  36. zahza1234

  1. flameslayer93
  2. arch-vile
Players who sign up for the event who have little or no history on Heroscapers may be asked to give a quick summary of their experience playing Heroscape.

Time to start formulating armies...

~Dysole, trying to figure out what's fun that fits into 490 points
Re: Online Heroscape Season 7 - Picks and Poison - sign up n

:woot: Signed up! :woot:
I am excited to play after failing in the quarter finals of season 6.​

~Rexmax2, who is regruting his choice of arrow gruts in the season 6 delta round
Re: Online Heroscape Season 7 - Picks and Poison - sign up n

I have signed up! Woot
Re: Online Heroscape Season 7 - Picks and Poison - sign up n

On odd rounds, players will pick their own army from the four armies available. (a.k.a. "bring 2")
On even rounds, players will pick their opponent's army from the four armies available. (a.k.a. "pick your poison")

Please be aware of this, that the rounds alternate from picking for yourself to picking the army your opponent will use.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 7 - Picks and Poison - sign up n

Signed up! Can't wait! :woot:

~MegaSilver, Spearheading the Raid.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 7 - Picks and Poison - sign up n

What are the dates that this will run? I have several lengthy and prohibitive time commitments in ~2 months.

~superfrog, hoping it fits his awfully busy schedule.
Hiding in Darkness...

Time to start formulating armies...

~Dysole, trying to figure out what's fun that fits into 490 points

Chainfighters x 16, Warden 816


Having the "What the crap do you do with this army" is certainly an angle I'm considering.

~Dysole, not quite sure why there's eight maps in a 4 week tourney (unless of course those are playoff maps)
Re: Online Heroscape Season 7 - Picks and Poison - sign up n

May and June. (June being the playoffs, Semi finals, etc.)
Re: Online Heroscape Season 7 - Picks and Poison - sign up n

Yes 8 maps, 4 for the regular season and 4 for the playoffs. All random ofcourse. :)
Re: Online Heroscape Season 7 - Picks and Poison - sign up n

I hope I get into the finals and win. :D Just to play on all the maps. And the prizes.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 7 - Picks and Poison - sign up n

Well, it looks like that first week (of May 5) is too busy for me. I have something at least until 8 every night. I don't think running 9-11 games would make my parents very happy...

After that week, though, I'm considerably free-er. If the tourney doesn't start until that next week, I could possibly do it. Or maybe I can sign up as a sub.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 7 - Picks and Poison - sign up n

Well, it looks like that first week (of May 5) is too busy for me. I have something at least until 8 every night. I don't think running 9-11 games would make my parents very happy...

After that week, though, I'm considerably free-er. If the tourney doesn't start until that next week, I could possibly do it. Or maybe I can sign up as a sub.

If you are unsure of the commitment (which usually amounts to a couple of hours each week, depending on how fast you play), then by all means sign up as a sub. Almost all of our past subs have been rotated in, so there is a very good chance that you will get some action.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 7 - Picks and Poison - sign up n

  • On odd rounds, players will pick their own army from the four armies available. (a.k.a. "bring 2")
  • On even rounds, players will pick their opponent's army from the four armies available. (a.k.a. "pick your poison")
Please be aware of this, that the rounds alternate from picking for yourself to picking the army your opponent will use.

My advice to participants is to try to balance your armies. If your armies play pretty evenly against each other, then they are a good fit for this format.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 7 - Picks and Poison - sign up n

  • On odd rounds, players will pick their own army from the four armies available. (a.k.a. "bring 2")
  • On even rounds, players will pick their opponent's army from the four armies available. (a.k.a. "pick your poison")
Please be aware of this, that the rounds alternate from picking for yourself to picking the army your opponent will use.

My advice to participants is to try to balance your armies. If your armies play pretty evenly against each other, then they are a good fit for this format.

Yes, having one army that totally dominates another likely will put you in a bad situation for the tournament. Especially if you lose the dice roll in the Pick your Poison rounds.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 7 - Picks and Poison - sign up n

Are we gonna know the maps before sign ups? Are we just suppose to guess based on the pool? I'm guessing this is to deter us from making map specific armies?
Re: Online Heroscape Season 7 - Picks and Poison - sign up n

Are we gonna know the maps before sign ups? Are we just suppose to guess based on the pool? I'm guessing this is to deter us from making map specific armies?

All of the maps will be used. There are 4 regular rounds, 4 playoff rounds. 8 maps.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 7 - Picks and Poison - sign up n

  • On odd rounds, players will pick their own army from the four armies available. (a.k.a. "bring 2")
  • On even rounds, players will pick their opponent's army from the four armies available. (a.k.a. "pick your poison")
Please be aware of this, that the rounds alternate from picking for yourself to picking the army your opponent will use.

My advice to participants is to try to balance your armies. If your armies play pretty evenly against each other, then they are a good fit for this format.

Army 1: Marro Hive
Army 2: Rechets of Bogdan

As balanced against each other as you can get!