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PuppetMaster & #2 Ranked CoNner
Site Supporter
Online Heroscape Season 21​


Spoiler Alert!

Round 1

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Round 2
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Round 3
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Round 4

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This is a 2015 End of Year Championship qualifying event.
Games are played using the online Heroscape interface. Links to how-to-play videos below:
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Using an online voice chat utility, such as Skype or Google Hangouts, improves the playing experience considerably.

Bring 2 - Heat and Chaos
  • For this event, each player will bring two 560-point armies with no more than 20 figures*. There is no hex limit for this event. The two armies cannot share any figures. These will be the two armies you bring to every game. (C3V/SoV eligible, no Marvel.)
  • Before each game, there will be a roll-off, done by the tournament organizers. The winner of the dice-off chooses first army choice or second army choice.
  • Whoever has first army choice may choose any of the four armies (either of their two or either of their opponent's two). The other player may then choose from any of the other three armies.
  • The player who lost the roll-off decides to place first or second.
  • The rounds will alternate between Heat of Battle and Chaos of Battle. See placement rules below.
Heat of Battle rules:
  • After both armies are chosen, the players will take turns placing a card's worth of figures on the map.
  • Figures may not be placed on glyphs or adjacent to opponent's figures.
  • When placing squads, each squad figure placed that turn must be within three clear sight spaces of all other squad figures placed that turn.
  • The player who places second automatically wins initiative in the first round.
Chaos of Battle rules:
  • If you choose to play an army that has more than 20 figures, you decide which figures will not be placed when choosing that army.
  • After both armies are chosen, the players will take turns placing a card's worth of their opponent's figures on the map.
  • You may not place your opponent's figures on glyphs, adjacent to your own figures, or on molten lava.
  • When placing squads, each squad figure placed that turn must be within three clear sight spaces of all other squad figures placed that turn.
  • Initiative is rolled as usual in the first round.
*An army can contain more than 20 figures, however only 20 figures may be placed on the battlefield each game. Airborne Elite and Rechets of Bogdan count toward these limits, as usual. Double-spaced figures only count as a single figure.

The regular season will last four weeks, with one game each week. After the regular season ends there will be a single elimination bracket for the top finishers.

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TG Pool:
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Event Details and Rules:
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Players in the event:
  • Arrow Grut
  • awesomeunleashed
  • Bengi
  • betawolf36
  • Chris Perkins
  • Deroche
  • dok
  • Dysole
  • Heroscaper Guy
  • I.S.B.3
  • Ixe
  • kevindola
  • Kinseth
  • Major Q23
  • MegaSilver
  • mtl1998
  • Smithy Winfred
  • Soundwarp SG-1
  • superfrog
  • Taeblewalker
  • Tom_Bombadil_
  • TreePowerz
  • vegies dad
  • vegietarian18
  • William099
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Re: Season 21 Signups Until 8/9

Note that the map set for this event consists of every BoV map that has, up to now, not been used in an online event.
Re: Season 21 Signups Until 8/9

Alright, got my intentionally rather terrible armies in. I shall call them: Samurai Jax and the Ninjas of the Pale.
Re: Season 21 Signups Until 8/9

I've got a few ideas.. Just gotta make a choice and submit. I'll be in this one for sure though.
Re: Season 21 Signups Until 8/9

I thought I had submitted my army, but I'm not on that list so I re-submitted it. If there is two copies of my army floating around, they should be the same, but if they aren't just let me know and I'll clarify it.

Edit: I just re-read the list, and I think I read it wrong - sorry for the double army submission. I hope there isn't a problem with it.

I thought I had submitted my army, but I'm not on that list so I re-submitted it. If there is two copies of my army floating around, they should be the same, but if they aren't just let me know and I'll clarify it.

We got your first army. I think in the hubbub of Gencon, I forgot to update the OP. Both armies looked identical so I just deleted the latest one. Thanks for the notification.

~Dysole, getting things done
Re: Season 21 Signups Until 8/9

At this point, I can be a sub. If this tournament gets pushed back a week for more signups, I can do the whole thing.
Re: Season 21 Signups Until 8/9

Be sitting this one out. :(
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Re: Season 21 Signups Until 8/9

I'm in for this one. I always enjoy the heat and chaos formats.
Re: Season 21 Signups Until 8/9

I was going to jump in this but I don't think I'll be able to schedule games for the first two weeks. I guess I'll get back in next season.
Technical Whatsit

We're waiting on a few issues before we release round 1 but it should be up sometime today. If you're still on the fence jump in and we'll get you in.

Edit: Round 1 will be up sometime tonight. You have until then.

~Dysole, announcingly
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Re: Technical Whatsit

We're waiting on a few issues before we release round 1 but it should be up sometime today. If you're still on the fence jump in and we'll get you in.

Edit: Round 1 will be up sometime tonight. You have until then.

~Dysole, announcingly

Sweet, I was sick this weekend and didn't feel like doing stuff. I'll try and get mine in.
Round 1 is Heat of Battle on Mole Hills.

The vegies dad v. Ixe pool of armies is:
* Knights of Weston x4, Sir Gilbert, Finn the Viking Champion, Thorgrim the Viking Champion
* MacDirk Warriors x4, Alastair MacDirk, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Sir Orrick
* Varkaanan Blade Dancers x6, Johnny "Shotgun" Sullivan, Isamu
* Rygarn, Ebon Armor, Izumi Samurai, Tagawa Samurai, Tarn Viking Warriors, Tomoe Gozen
vegies dad chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, Ixe chooses who places first. Send PMs to vegietarian18 to schedule games with his dad

The Smithy Winfred v. Deroche pool of armies is:
* B-11 Resistance Corps, Jarek Guy, Kira Jax, M-43 Resistance Fighters x4, Siiv, Marcu Esenwein
* Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Nicholas Esenwein, Bloodburst Thrall x8
* Warforged Soldiers x3, 20th Maine Volunteers x3, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Siiv
* Havech Eradicators x3, Marro Drones x3, Tul-Bak-Ra, Otonashi
Smithy Winfred chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, Deroche chooses who places first.

The William099 v. Taeblewalker pool of armies is:
* Zetacron, Zombies of Morindan x4, Zombie Hulk x2, Werewolf Lord
* Roman Legionnaires x4, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Arashara Goshiri, Red Wyrmling x2
* Airborne Elite, Anubian Wolves x5, Khosumet the Darklord
* 10th Regiment of Foot x4, Braxas, Marro Warriors (drop 1)
William099 chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, Taeblewalker chooses who places first.

The Tom_Bombadil_ v. Heroscaper Guy pool of armies is:
* Knights of Weston x5, Sir Gilbert, Major X17 (drop 2)
* Warriors of Ashra x8, Arkmer, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Guilty McCreech (drop 7)
* Warriors of Ashra x6, Cyprien Esenwein, Tyrian the Kyrie Warrior
* Fire Elemental x5, Air Elemental x5, Kurrok the Elementalist, Akumaken
Tom_Bombadil_ chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, Heroscaper Guy chooses who places first.

The awesomeunleashed v. dok pool of armies is:
* Xualtica Fire Ants x5, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], The Varja (drop 2)
* Zettian Deathwings x9, Major J15, Otonashi
* Deathreavers x3, Ornak, Brunak, Krug, Sir Hawthorne, Marcu Esenwein
* Xualtica Fire Ants x4, Werewolf Lord, Van Nessing, Rygarn
dok chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, awesomeunleashed chooses who places first.

The Major Q23 v. Soundwarp SG-1 pool of armies is:
* Knights of Weston x3, Alastair MacDirk, Thorgrim the Viking Champion, Finn the Viking Champion, Concan the Kyrie Warrior
* Death Chasers of Thesk x4, Ogre Pulverizer, Fen Hydra, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM]
* Hatamoto Taro, Kaemon Awa, Kozuke Samurai, Tagawa Samurai, Izumi Samurai, Kira Jax
* Kantono Daishi, Moriko, Kumiko, Shiori, Ninjas of the Northern Wind, Isamu, Otonashi, Elaria the Pale
Major Q23 chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, Soundwarp SG-1 chooses who places first.

The MegaSilver v. Bengi pool of armies is:
* Red Ants of Aunstrom x4, Bramcephys, Sgt. Drake Alexander [SotM]
* Xualtica Fire Ants x4, The Varja, Grigor & Rogirg
* Xualtica Fire Ants x4, Grigor & Rogirg, Josie Whistlestop, Mind Flayer Mastermind
* Red Ants of Aunstrom x4, Bramcephys, Prince al'Kahora, Sir Hawthorne
MegaSilver chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, Bengi chooses who places first.

The TreePowerz v. Kinseth pool of armies is:
* Phantom Knights x6, Kee-Mo-Shi
* Fen Hydra x3, Cyprien Esenwein, Marro Warriors
* Axegrinders of Burning Forge x3, Mogrimm Forgehammer, Asterios, B-11 Resistance Corps
* Roman Legionnaires x3, Azurite Warlord, Eltahale, Fen Hydra
Kinseth chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, TreePowerz chooses who places first.

The kevindola v. I.S.B.3 pool of armies is:
* Shades of Bleakwoode x4, Dumutef Guard x4, Crypt Guardian
* Nicholas Esenwein, Bloodburst Thrall x4, Deathstrike Thrall x4, The Varja, Otonashi, Isamu
* Granite Guardians x5, Samuel Brown
* Quasatch Hunters x5, Zetacron
I.S.B.3 chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, kevindola chooses who places first.

The betawolf36 v. Dysole pool of armies is:
* Xualtica Fire Ants x4, Sujoah, Major Q10
* Red Ants of Aunstrom x4, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Capt. John Varan, Sgt. Drake Alexander [RotV], Rhogar Dragonspine
* Deathcommander Mark 3, Air Elemental, Deathstalkers x4
* Alastair MacDirk, Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Sir Hawthorne, Otonashi, MacDirk Warriors x4
Dysole chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, betawolf36 chooses who places first.

The mtl1998 v. vegietarian18 pool of armies is:
* Nilfheim, Greenscale Warriors x3, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein
* Count Raymond, Moltenclaw, Cathar Spearmen x4
* Knights of Blackgaard x4, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV]
* Capuan Gladiators x3, Spartacus, Achillean Gladiatrix x3, Marcu Esenwein, Isamu
vegietarian18 chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, mtl1998 chooses who places first.

The Arrow Grut v. Chris Perkins pool of armies is:
* Marrden Hounds x4, Su-Bak-Na, Marrden Nagrubs, Otonashi
* Minions of Utgar x5
* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Marro Stingers x4, Iron Golem, Kaemon Awa, Marcu Esenwein
* Cyprien Esenwein, Mezzodemon Warmongers x6, Isamu, Otonashi
Arrow Grut chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, Chris Perkins chooses who places first.
Living In an Ant Man Paradise

betawolf and I are getting down to business at 3:30 Central/1:30 Pacific today. I have Fire Ants. He has Red Ants. Should be interesting.

~Dysole, figuring it'll be no picnic
Re: Season 21 Round 1 Until 8/17

EDIT: ISB3 won handily with 6 Granites and full health Sam left. I was leading 6 Granites to 2 Quasatch after the first 2 rounds, but from that point, my Quasatch only killed 2 Granites in 25 attacks. gg ISB3

starting now

ISB3: Granites
kevindola: Quasatch
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Re: Season 21 Round 1 Until 8/17

Bengi and I are starting now. Red Ants vs Red Ants!
Re: Season 21 Round 1 Until 8/17

Vegie and I should be starting in about 15 minutes. He has my Nilfheim and I have my Cathar. I'm interested to see how this goes.

The Cathar and I won. I hit 0 braced spears out of about 7 or so tries. It was really tight the whole game. I ended up with a 1-life Moltenclaw, a 2 or 3 life Raymond, and a squad of Cathar left in the end. It was a well fought game, very close to the end. Well played, vegie.
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Re: Season 21 Round 1 Until 8/17

The awesomeunleashed v. dok pool of armies is:
* Xualtica Fire Ants x5, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], The Varja (drop 2)
* Zettian Deathwings x9, Major J15, Otonashi
* Deathreavers x3, Ornak, Brunak, Krug, Sir Hawthorne, Marcu Esenwein
* Xualtica Fire Ants x4, Werewolf Lord, Van Nessing, Rygarn
dok chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, awesomeunleashed chooses who places first.

Starting now tomorrow sometime.
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