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Searching for ability types


New member
Hi all,

When I played a 5 player battle-royale a week or so ago, one of my friends used Rogue's Amazing X-Men ability really effectively. It was extremely valuable! I am interested in finding some more cards which have similar capabilities, as I want to try something similar myself.

I'm struggling to find an effective way of searching cards at the moment, as the forum search bar hasn't helped me much. It seems to link to any thread which even mentions a search term. Have you got any tips I can use to search effectively, or is it a case of just reading each card?

From my reading, it seems as if the card designs and synergies are usually based around "leaders" who buff and improve turn-efficiency etc. But I'm struggling to find these "leaders".

For example two ideas I wanted to explore were:
1. A Nature-based team based around Swamp-Thing and Man-Thing, so I'd like to know who I can add a force-multiplier in this team.
2. A "meat-shield" team with cards like Multiplex and Duploids to absorb damage and crowd the field, so I was looking for cards who could boost the number of blanks to make them like an itch that you can't seem to get rid of.

Ps. whilst we're on the subject of Multiplex, do his Duploids remain on the field if he is defeated (for the second time)? So, they can keep spawning back until you manage to kill them all without them rolling a blank.
For Swamp Thing and Man-Thing, they're both Creatures so try Frankenstein!

Zatanna (the 220 version with the Mistress of Magic ability) can change dice to blanks, so she works well in that army. She may also work with Multiplex/Duploids, but I'd have to reread the cards to check.
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Great questions. We don’t really have a list of leaders - C3G 1.0 had the synergy archive and faction strategy guides, and I think the C3G wiki ported over some of that stuff. The index can be easily searched by class, species, keywords, faction, etc., so that's probably your best bet. Professor X and Cyclops are 2 other great Mutant leaders. Some other examples of factional leaders are Nightwing (Titans), Superman (Justice League), Doctor Octopus (Sinister 6) who all have similar bonding powers.

I'm still figuring out the search function on the new forums, it seems worse than it was on the old forums to me.

Avengers are always a good generalist way to give other figures synergy. Captain America, Iron Man, and Ms. Marvel are easy to base a team around since they can recruit other figures to the Avengers faction.
Yeah, just getting to know cards a few chunks at a time is probably the best route. There's definitely an overwhelming amount of "stuff" initially, so it can help to just pick a few teams you know at first and then build from there.
Poison Ivy works well with nature teams too.
Great questions. We don’t really have a list of leaders - C3G 1.0 had the synergy archive and faction strategy guides, and I think the C3G wiki ported over some of that stuff. The index can be easily searched by class, species, keywords, faction, etc., so that's probably your best bet. Professor X and Cyclops are 2 other great Mutant leaders. Some other examples of factional leaders are Nightwing (Titans), Superman (Justice League), Doctor Octopus (Sinister 6) who all have similar bonding powers.

I'm still figuring out the search function on the new forums, it seems worse than it was on the old forums to me.

Avengers are always a good generalist way to give other figures synergy. Captain America, Iron Man, and Ms. Marvel are easy to base a team around since they can recruit other figures to the Avengers faction.

Definitely need more work here but there is a lot of stuff here.
Hi all,

When I played a 5 player battle-royale a week or so ago, one of my friends used Rogue's Amazing X-Men ability really effectively. It was extremely valuable! I am interested in finding some more cards which have similar capabilities, as I want to try something similar myself.

I'm struggling to find an effective way of searching cards at the moment, as the forum search bar hasn't helped me much. It seems to link to any thread which even mentions a search term. Have you got any tips I can use to search effectively, or is it a case of just reading each card?

From my reading, it seems as if the card designs and synergies are usually based around "leaders" who buff and improve turn-efficiency etc. But I'm struggling to find these "leaders".

For example two ideas I wanted to explore were:
1. A Nature-based team based around Swamp-Thing and Man-Thing, so I'd like to know who I can add a force-multiplier in this team.
2. A "meat-shield" team with cards like Multiplex and Duploids to absorb damage and crowd the field, so I was looking for cards who could boost the number of blanks to make them like an itch that you can't seem to get rid of.

Ps. whilst we're on the subject of Multiplex, do his Duploids remain on the field if he is defeated (for the second time)? So, they can keep spawning back until you manage to kill them all without them rolling a blank.
Not all the faction threads are fully up to date yet but the wiki has a faction section and each faction will have it's leaders and synergy providers listed. So that's a good place to start.
