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ScapeCon IV: August 7-11, 2024

To all SC attendees who ordered AOA to be picked up at GC: We have the product you ordered. Payment details will be sent to you. Thanks

That's assuming I don't make a run to the boarder with it... :D

I will say the set boxes are larger than the original HS master set boxes. Glad I took my wife's mini-van to pick them up and not my little Chevy Volt.

We have 1 full badge spot open (your choice- full, no breakfast, or no meals). This is first come, first serve (based on date of payment).
If anybody is looking for a last minute room share, I've got an extra bed in my room at the hotel.
I wish someone would shoot some vids/take some pics and send them to Renegade. Show them that Scape Con is how to run SUCCESSFUL event. No crappy battle network, no last minute card changes, no changes to the event. Just folks rolling dice and kicking ass.
I wish someone would shoot some vids/take some pics and send them to Renegade. Show them that Scape Con is how to run SUCCESSFUL event. No crappy battle network, no last minute card changes, no changes to the event. Just folks rolling dice and kicking ass.

I take it you are not in the Renegade Discord. Nor Facebook. I've had several employees react to my photos.
I take it you are not in the Renegade Discord. Nor Facebook. I've had several employees react to my photos.


When my wife gets home from the beach house I will see if I can look on Facebook via her account.

I hope everyone is having a blast