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Rules questions to Hasbro

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I'm not sure if this is where this question goes, but I need an answer. I searched for it, and I searched through about 3 pages before I realized that going through 1000+ results was going to take awhile. I didn't want to make a thread about it as to not make myself out to look like a dummy. I also checked this thread.


Without further ado...the question...

Can you position your figures at the edge of the start zone, or do they have to be at the back of the start zone? As in, if you had a 24 hex starting zone like this:


X = Start zone
z = map

Could you position your army like this?


z = Map
F = Figure on start Zone
X = Start Zone
If I could get an answer ASAP, that would be most excellent, as there's a tournament coming up soon. :D Sorry if I overlooked something big.
I'm not sure if this is where this question goes, but I need an answer. I searched for it, and I searched through about 3 pages before I realized that going through 1000+ results was going to take awhile. I didn't want to make a thread about it as to not make myself out to look like a dummy. I also checked this thread.


Without further ado...the question...

Can you position your figures at the edge of the start zone, or do they have to be at the back of the start zone? As in, if you had a 24 hex starting zone like this:


X = Start zone
z = map

Could you position your army like this?


z = Map
F = Figure on start Zone
X = Start Zone
If I could get an answer ASAP, that would be most excellent, as there's a tournament coming up soon. :D Sorry if I overlooked something big.
You can place your units anywhere withing the start zone. Front, back, middle...it's all legal.
I think the point of the start zone was to restrict where you could place your figures at the start of the game. Further restricting this to "the back of the start zone" would introduce a new problem with drafting games; now you would have to draft an army starting with the back ranks and draft your army forward to fill your zone.

In short: You can place figures anywhere in your start zone.

EDIT: Boo! I get ninjaed all day! ;)
Cav and GreenLanturn have it right.

(For what it is worth: I have seen--and played in--some games where a further restriction of beginning along the back edge (or corner) has been used, but this is to my knowledge a house rule. If something about your tourney's description led you to ask the question, however, I'd ask the tournament director about it.)
I have a question. Even though I am new to the game, it has already come up that the Airborne Elite cannot come in next to glyphs or other characters. What about trees and other shrubbery? If the purpose of them not being able to land next to anything because or their parachutes (which was the explination given to me by the people I play with, so if it is the wrong reasoning I do not sound completely silly), would the shrubbery stop them from landing alos? Realistically, if that is the true reasoning for where they are allowed to land, the parachutes would get caught on taller trees and they couldn't land. Can someone please clarify the shrubbery rules with the Airborne Elite? Thank you.:confused:
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There is no ruling related to trees and parachutes--though I give your friends a nod for creativity :).

Just follow what the card says: not "adjacent to each other or other figures, and not on glyphs." (Note: That says not ON glyphs, no mention of adjacency to glyphs.)

Basically the space has to be open (a glyph space, is not really, so that rule makes sense) and they can't land directly next to another figures.

Hope that helps!
Lisa77, welcome to the game the and the site. The rules about the Airborne Elite not being able to land next to other figures or on glyphs is just for the purpose of game play. There is no real world rationale, such as parachutes and such, so you don't have to worry about such things.
Welcome Lisa77,

Twixt 1Mmirg and the good Revdyer you have the answer to both halves of the question. Not adjacent to figures (including other dropping AE), not ON glyphs. There is no real world rationale, only game mechanics. Have a great time on the site!

~Aldin, backing up the first responders
I think that they should add that rule - no AE can land adjacent to trees. That's great!!!

That is a new house rule - so shall it be written!!!
If the AE can land anywhere including next to someone or on glyphs, their point cost must be higher. Remember that even if they can drop, they still have to roll for initiative, so that gives the other team a chance to grab glyph or to attack them when they are not adjacent to Nakita yet :) .
Besides, if they can land on glyph, what will happen if the glyph is Summon or Intercept? Summon, I can see you just summon the figure, but Intercept would be very tricky :) . Come think about it, I will have to give my compliment again to the creating team of Heroscape: such a simple rule can avoid many awkward situations.
Welcome to the site, Lisa77!

Just remember one of the fundamental rules of Heroscape around here: Do what the card says, not what it doesn't.

The Airborne Elite (AE) card doesn't say anything about not landing next to trees and shrubbery, so they can do it. Simple as that.
I think that they should add that rule - no AE can land adjacent to trees. That's great!!!

That is a new house rule - so shall it be written!!!

We created a house rule just for fun. If you want to place the figure next to a jungle space then you must roll a 20 sided die. If you roll a 20 you just hung yourself in a tree and die. If you roll 18-19 then your are caught in a tree and cannot place an order marker on them this round. They stay on the space you wanted to place them like they are hanging over that space. Only a Huge character can make adjacent attacks. All others must make a range attack. (Of course that may be against Protocol I, Article 42 of the Geneva Conventions as long as the figure was trying to surrender.)
1. Can Drake from the SotM Grapple down 50 levels and fall the last 5? IN other words, can his grapple arm extend as far as it will go and while he's dangling above the grown release and fall the rest of the distance?

2. Since water and swamp water tiles are considered as a zero heigth tile, can a double spaced character have one foot on a zero heigth tile and the other on the space next to it which is technically the same level, but not a level surface?

3. You're playing with the Marro Hive and three sets of the Marro Drones. The Hive lets the Drones go first. All the Drones but one are out of the range of the Hive mind and you roll the D20 to see how many Drones you can move and attack with and you roll a 17 (or higher) which lets you move and attack with up to 9 Marro Drones you control. Do you get to move and attack with all of them, or just the one in range of the Hive mind?

4. You're playing with a team that has Thanos, Alastair MacDirk, and Eldgrim the Viking Champion.
a) Can Alastair AND Eldgrim each use their Overextend Attack within the same round or can the Overextend Attack only be used once per round regardless who's using it?
b) Thanos' Rejected by Death reads, "At the start of your turns after Thanos has been destroyed, roll the 20-sided die." Can you roll for Thanos, take a turn with Alastair, use an Overextend Attack and then roll for Thanos again? And depending on part a), could you do that again with Eldgrim?
c) Can Eldgrim intentionally use his Overextend Attack to kill himself?

5. If a double spaced character flew over heavy snow and its leading foot were to land on grass, but its trailing foot lands on the heavy snow, what happens? Must it stop shorter and have its last two moves land in the snow or can it only worry about the leading foot?

6. Do the Roman Archers need to be adjacent to one another and all of them at the same time, meaning only in the shape of a triangle so that they are all adjacent, or can they be lined up where one is at least adjacent to one other Roman Archer?

7. Swog Rider is a common Hero. Does that mean I could have five Swog riders on my team and attack with the Arrow Gruts with 6?

8. Do both of Nerak's feet need to be on snow to get Snow Strength or can just one foot be on snow to get Snow Strength?
1. Can Drake from the SotM Grapple down 50 levels and fall the last 5? IN other words, can his grapple arm extend as far as it will go and while he's dangling above the grown release and fall the rest of the distance?

2. Since water and swamp water tiles are considered as a zero heigth tile, can a double spaced character have one foot on a zero heigth tile and the other on the space next to it which is technically the same level, but not a level surface?

3. You're playing with the Marro Hive and three sets of the Marro Drones. The Hive lets the Drones go first. All the Drones but one are out of the range of the Hive mind and you roll the D20 to see how many Drones you can move and attack with and you roll a 17 (or higher) which lets you move and attack with up to 9 Marro Drones you control. Do you get to move and attack with all of them, or just the one in range of the Hive mind?

4. You're playing with a team that has Thanos, Alastair MacDirk, and Eldgrim the Viking Champion.
a) Can Alastair AND Eldgrim each use their Overextend Attack within the same round or can the Overextend Attack only be used once per round regardless who's using it?
b) Thanos' Rejected by Death reads, "At the start of your turns after Thanos has been destroyed, roll the 20-sided die." Can you roll for Thanos, take a turn with Alastair, use an Overextend Attack and then roll for Thanos again? And depending on part a), could you do that again with Eldgrim?
c) Can Eldgrim intentionally use his Overextend Attack to kill himself?

5. If a double spaced character flew over heavy snow and its leading foot were to land on grass, but its trailing foot lands on the heavy snow, what happens? Must it stop shorter and have its last two moves land in the snow or can it only worry about the leading foot?

6. Do the Roman Archers need to be adjacent to one another and all of them at the same time, meaning only in the shape of a triangle so that they are all adjacent, or can they be lined up where one is at least adjacent to one other Roman Archer?

7. Swog Rider is a common Hero. Does that mean I could have five Swog riders on my team and attack with the Arrow Gruts with 6?

8. Do both of Nerak's feet need to be on snow to get Snow Strength or can just one foot be on snow to get Snow Strength?

Let me try to answer some questions that I am confident that I got them right:

2. A double-base figure can have one end on a tile level 1 and the other end on a water tile that is stacked on a level 1 tile. So the answer is YES.
3. I believe that you can only move the one within the Hive's range.
4. Overextend Attack can be used once per round for each figure I believe. That means you can use it on Alastair, then on Eldgrim.
4b. You roll for Thanos, then use Eldgrim, then Overextend him and will NOT be able to roll for Thanos again within that turn.
4c. I'd say YES!
5. I believe for movement, a double-based figure only needs to worry about the leading end. In your example, when the leading end moves onto snow, you count twice, then when it moves to grass and the tailing end moves onto snow, you count once.
6. I believe that they only need to be on the same level and does not have to be in the triangle form.
7. YES.
8. I believe both ends of Nerak need to be on snow.

Welcome to the site.

1. Thematically, yes. Game-mechanically, no.

2. Yep.

3. Just the one in range, unfortunately. All figures taking a turn must be within range: even if those figures are 'bonus' from another ability, their turn is still originating at the Hive.

4. a) They can each use it. The restriction means for the figure/card the ability is printed on, not all instances of that ability name.
b) Yep, any extra turns (Frenzy, etc.) generate an extra RBD roll.
c) Yes. Note that he dies immediately upon receiving the last wound, and won't get to take that extra turn (and thus no RBD roll in this case).

5. Only worry about the leading space. The trailing space just...trails along. (Also note that I think the 'landing in heavy snow costs an extra move' rule is stupid and I'm not alone.)

6. Triangle or line, as long as each one is adjacent to at least one other one.

7. Yes, if you can manage an AG surrounded by 5 Swogs, their bonuses do stack.

8. Just one. Same with the Dumutef's Road Strength. However, remember that to get the +3 move bonus from a road, both 'feet' have to start on the road as well as end on it.

@LHS: Your #4 should say ROUND not TURN. Your 4b and 8 are incorrect. And the Roman Archers, sadly, have to be adjacent AND same level. (The Ashigaru Yari version of this special attack should have been used for the RA and ZoM. I'd like to see some errata on that.) Good effort, though!
@LHS: Your #4 should say ROUND not TURN. Your 4b and 8 are incorrect. And the Roman Archers, sadly, have to be adjacent AND same level. (The Ashigaru Yari version of this special attack should have been used for the RA and ZoM. I'd like to see some errata on that.) Good effort, though!

Yeah, after rechecking the fact, I was able to correct my answer before your post :) , but I still miss question 8. All right, I am gonna go back to my corner now!
Necroblade steers you right, LongHeroscaper did not ace your test. Good questions, but read FAQ 8.4, which you can download from this site!
Um, FAQ 8.4? Where can I find that? I've read the Advance questions about a half a dozen times or so, but still continue to miss something I need to know.
1. Can Drake from the SotM Grapple down 50 levels and fall the last 5? IN other words, can his grapple arm extend as far as it will go and while he's dangling above the grown release and fall the rest of the distance?

:shock:! I want to see that map:p!
5. If a double spaced character flew over heavy snow and its leading foot were to land on grass, but its trailing foot lands on the heavy snow, what happens? Must it stop shorter and have its last two moves land in the snow or can it only worry about the leading foot?

5. Only worry about the leading space. The trailing space just...trails along. (Also note that I think the 'landing in heavy snow costs an extra move' rule is stupid and I'm not alone.)

I was trying to get the wording correct on this rule for the books, I actually did not question this at all, but then I read the Thaelenk Tundra instructions, and it says:
Double-space figures also only count the landing as 2 spaces, whether tha landing is on one Slippery Ice space or two.

That seems to indicate this answer is incorrect. Is there anyone who can share some insight in this?

EDIT: I just realized what thread this is, and that this does not belong in here at all, so I started a new thread to ask this. Apologies!
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