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Rules questions to Hasbro

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Hasbro compiled Advanced FAQ - 407KB

This first post really really needs updating, but I can't do it today. For now, the best thing to do is read the Official FAQ linked above.

Ok, this topic hasn't been started here but it was wonderful on HSHQ so I'm porting over what I can. Because of the post loss that occurred at HSHQ there are things missing but we will work to rebuild it and start adding to it from here. Below is the initial post from HSHQ, as it was updated on Jan 23 2006. In the next few days I'm hoping to dig through some recent threads to add to this list (summon and carry for example).

Kenntak, this was your pet on HSHQ so I hope I'm not stepping on any plans you had. Jump in and edit this post as you see fit.

All posts in this thread are subject to Administrative Edit, Move and Delete at any time in an effort to keep the Questions and Answers organized and conversation regarding such questions minimalized. If you do not wish your posts edited, moved and/or deleted, do not post to this thread.

• If no thread exists for discussing a topic. Start one and provide a link to it from this thread.

Color Key: Blue is for questions proposed to be submitted; Green is for questions that have been submitted; Red is for answers received from Hasbro.

1. [ Flying and disengagement added to the FAQ]

2. [Alastair question dropped (in FAQ)]

3. [Microcorp Agents’ Stealth Armor 15 (chomp) added to FAQ]

4. [Mimring's Fire Line Special Attack through a gap added to FAQ]

5. [flipping a double-space figure 180 degrees dropped (in FAQ)]

6. [Taelord's hit zone added to the FAQ]

7. [No LOS needed for adjacent figures added to FAQ]

8. [Microcorp Agents’ Stealth Armor (counter strike) added to FAQ]

9. [how to determine Raelin's aura--answered in 2nd Edition Rules]

10. [Highland Fury and Mind-Shackle added to FAQ]

11. [a figure attacking itself added to FAQ]

12. [Dund's Crippling Gaze while engaged added to FAQ]

13 a) If you make a map that has two of the same attack bonus glyph, and you get a unit you control on each one, do your units get +2 attack?
13 a) Yes. If you have more than one of the same Glyph on the board, the enhancements stack, just like an enhancement from a Glyph, Height, and an Aura would all stack on one character.
*****b) Can a double-based flying unit land on two glyphs at once? In what order do they take effect?
*****b) Yes they can land on 2 glyphs at once. The Glyph under the leading Hex would take effect first, then the Glyph under the trailing hex.
*****c)Can an injured double-based flying unit land on two adjacent glyphs of kelda (healing) at the same time?
*****c) You guys are really trying to test me today aren't you! In this situation, No. Because you would land on the 1st Glyph of Kelda, be healed, and then Illegally be standing on the 2nd Glyph of Kelda. Per the rules "Only figures with one or more wound markers may stop on this Glyph. So the official answer would be no.
*****d) In the official rules, is it acceptable to make a map that has several glyphs stacked on top of each other on the same hex. (Such as putting a stack of healing glyphs on a space so that several units can heal there)

*****d) We don't have official rules for stacking Glyphs. For now, unless a scenario text states otherwise, we only place one Glyph on a space. If you want to make special rules like that for a scenario, I would suggest that you state in the scenario rules that the Glyph of Kelda (in this scenario) has 5 charges in it (or however many you want for the specific campaign). Once it is used the specified amount of times, its power is exhausted and it is removed.

14. [Taelord and disengage added to the FAQ]

15. How do you determine adjacency for special abilities like Saylind's summoning, the Marden Hounds plague, Finn's attack aura, and the summoning glyph when there is a large height difference between two hexes that are next to each other?[Doesn'tCompute]

16. a) If Finn or Thorgrim is destroyed and placed on a card, and that card is then later destroyed, if a figure (or figures) from that card is revived and Finn/Thorgrim is not, does Finn/Thorgrim stay attached to that card? If not, why not?

*****b) If a Tagawa Samurai card has one or more experience markers on it when the entire squad is destroyed, and later one or more of those squad members is revived, do the experience markers stay? If not, why not?

*****c) If the Airborne Elite are all destroyed without using their grenade marker, and one or more are revied, do they continue to have the grenade marker?

*****d) If Morsbane is destroyed and still has some of it's Rod of Negation counters, and is revived, do the remaining counters stay on the card?

*****e) If Morsbane uses a Negation token against another card, and that card is destroyed and later revived, does the Negation marker stay on the card? [submitted by Sigmazero13]

16.**Jotun: Throw 14
Does a victim of Jotun's Throw 14 take "Falling Damage" in addition to the damage received from the throw itself?
Jotun's Army Card references throws on level terrain as well as higher terrain, but does not state rules in which Jotun throws the victim to lower levels that are still within clear sight.

1. What does “the height of Jotun” mean?
A: The "height of Jotun" is the level Jotun is on, plus his height of 10. For example, if Jotun were standing on the first level, he would need to toss someone up above level 11 (or on the top of level 11) in order to negate any throwing damage.

2. Are figures that are thrown subject to Falling damage?
A: No, throwing damage includes falling damage. You do not have to roll for falling damage separately.

3. Are thrown figures subject to Terrain damage (like Lava)?
A: Yes. You would roll for Terrain damage (if any) after any throwing damage.

17. Can an opponent’s adjacent Sacred Band member be affected by Sacred Band Defy Death 15?
A: No, only Sacred Band members that you control can be affected by Parmenio’s Sacred Band Defy Death 15.

NOTE: This thread will be devoted to rules questions that will be submitted to Hasbro customer service. Post your question below, and if it is something the consensus believes should be submitted, I will add it to this first page. This first page will contain the questions that will be submitted, and any answers we received from Hasbro. The question and Hasbro's answer can then be added to the FAQ.This thread is for listing the questions, not debate about them. Please discuss views on questions about specific rulings with in their own threads. Once there is an answer, we will updated that thread with the official ruling.
Recently you submitted a question to our Consumer Affairs team. Below is a summary of your question and our response.

Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

If your issue remains unresolved, please update this question here.

Heroscape Question: Major X17 line of sight 
Discussion Thread 
Response (Chris) 05/01/2006 11:40 AM 
Hi ultraDoug,

Thank you for contacting Hasbro with your question on Heroscape! Perhaps I can help.

Major Q9's shoulders CAN in fact block line of sight, make sure you position him carefully!

If there is anything else I can help you with, please visit [url]www.hasbro.com[/url] or respond to this e-mail. 
Customer (UltraDoug) 04/28/2006 05:06 PM 
The unit is Major Q9 !! Not X17 !! Major Q9!!!! 
 Customer (ultradoug) 04/28/2006 05:02 PM 
I had a question regarding this unit's ling of sight - his large sholders might block when I try to look at where his head is, if I'm looking from the side of him, trying to hit a figure not in front or back, but next to him, will his sholders block line of sight. Very hard to explain. Here is an example:

My eye >>> [Sholder] Head [Sholder] (guy I want to hit)

Please clear up this thanks.

DougLas "ultradoug" Brown 
 Question Reference #060428-000127 
Product Level 1:  Other 
Category Level 1:  Game Play 
Date Created:  04/28/2006 05:02 PM 
Last Updated:  05/01/2006 11:40 AM 
Status:  Solved 
Chris Dupuis
Hasbro Consumer Affairs
(only my name was changed in above)

Major Q9's shoulders CAN in fact block line of sight, make sure you position him carefully!

heroscape: Jotun's Wild Swing Specal Attack. 
 Discussion Thread 
 Response (Chris) 02/10/2006 08:23 AM 
Hi ultraDoug,

Thank you for contacting Hasbro with your question on Heroscape! Perhaps I can bring you a little clarification.

Yes, "Each figure rolls defense dice separately." against Jotun's Wild Swing Special Attack.

I hope that answers your question(s). If there is anything else I can help you with, please visit [url]www.hasbro.com[/url] or respond to this e-mail. 
 Customer (ultraDoug) 02/10/2006 02:01 AM 
Do you roll defence dice agenst this ablity, the wording is not clear. Thanks for your input in this matter, epic. 
 Question Reference #060210-000007 
Product Level 1:  Other 
Category Level 1:  Game Play 
Date Created:  02/10/2006 02:01 AM 
Last Updated:  02/10/2006 08:23 AM 
Status:  Solved 
Chris Dupuis
Hasbro Consumer Affairs

Yes, "Each figure rolls defense dice separately." against Jotun's Wild Swing Special Attack.

Sorry I did this all wrong must likely...
Do figures recieve falling damage when falling onto water?


not exactly what they said but it's close enough.

so that means you could fall 100 hexes and not even get scratched if you fall on a water tile.

That reminds me of the matrix 1 when neo tries the building jump and fails. then he falls like 200 feet into the ground and the ground acts like a rubber band and stretches.
thanks bunjee for restoring this thread.

on bahalf of someone else (i forget who) i submitted the quesiton below to Hasbro long ago but they never answered it probably because Raknar had not even been released yet.

here's the question that i sent them:

For Nilfheim's Ice Shard Breath Special Attack, given this scenario, if Nilfheim was engaged by a single opposing figure and there were two other non-adjacent figures within range, would he have to first attack the engaged figure before attacking the non-adjacent figures? I assume he would.

Now here's where the bigger question comes in...if this engaged figure survives the first attack, does Nilfheim have to stop attacking altogether? I assume he would for the following two reasons: 1) The Special Attack says "He cannot attack the same figure more than once." and 2) In the 2nd edition rulebook, the general rules for attacking say "Engaged figures: If one of your figures is engaged with one or more other figures, that figure can only attack those figures."

Are my assumptions correct?


is this something we still need an answer for? if so i will resend it.
Thank you everyone!

In the topic on hshq the process became one of:

1. Post the question here
2. Question clarification will happen (ie: wording, making sure it hasn't been answered, etc)
3. Question will be submitted to Hasbro (see below for details on this)
4. Answer posted here
5. Answer added to the FAQ

If a question is not addressed by Hasbro within a certain length of time, we should probably resubmit it. Originally, the idea was to spread questions out over time, so show continued interest in the game. This seems like a good idea, but we definitely want to address questions as quickly as possible. (I have a couple from a game I played this weekend) Gary, now that the release is out, try sending your question again.
This is a question I posed to Hasbro after reading the thread Play Passes to the Left, as the actual response from Hasbro to this question couldn't be correct could it? (See thread for an example of a 4 on 4 game where 1 team could possibly move and attack with 18 Army Cards Consecutively)

I have highlighted the pertinent parts of the emails.

Malechi said:
Team Play; Order of

Hasbro Answer Team,

My question concerns the order of play in a team game. It appears by the rules (see following transcriptions) that all members of one team may go before the second team has a chance to play. Is this correct?

From the rulebook page 7 -
Chapter: "Get Ready to Play"
Section: 1. "Set Up your Battlefield"
Sub-Section: "Team seating and play"
• If you're playing a team game, teammates should sit next to eachother on one side of the table, facing their opponents.

From the rulebook page 9 -
Chapter: "The Battle Begins!"
Section: 2. "Roll For Initiative"
• Now all players roll the 20-sided die. The highest roller takes the first turn, then play passes to the left.

This implies passing it to your teammate(s) if they are indeed to your left. This appears to imbalance the game as your team may have the opportunity move two, or more, Army Card's figures if playing with multiple teams per side (easily done as I have 7 Master Sets and 3 or more of each expansion), before your opposing team may have a chance to move a single Army Card's figures.

Thank you,

Hasbro said:
Team Play; Order of

Discussion Thread Response (Chris)
05/30/2006 11:41 AM

Hi [Malechi],

Thank you for contacting Hasbro with your question on Heroscape! Perhaps I can help.

The rules are correct. Let me try to explain why.

Obviously team play implies that you can work with your teammates to reach your collective goals. This would be a bit difficult if you are sitting across the table from one another and your opponents could hear everything you say. Also, when you roll for initiative each round, there is no way to tell who will go first. For example. Players 1 & 2 are teammates, Players 3 & 4 are teammates and they are sitting around the table in numerical order. On round 1, player 1 wins initiative, so the turns go in numerical order, 1-2-3-4. But for round 2, player 3 wins initiative. Now for round 2, the turns go in the following order 3-4-1-2. So initiative plays just as big of a roll (if not slightly bigger) in team games than in normal games.

So you are correct, at certain points, 2 teammates will get to go before the other team, but then the other team gets to retaliate with a vengeance.

I'll certainly pass your comments that you think this specific rule is unbalanced when playing with multiple teams per side. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention as Heroscape is a constantly evolving game system.

I hope that answers your question(s). If there is anything else I can help you with, please visit www.hasbro.com or respond to this e-mail.

Product Level 1: Games (NOT SOFTWARE)
Product Level 2: Heroscape
Category Level 1: Game Play
Date Created: 05/27/2006 12:40 AM
Last Updated: 05/30/2006 11:41 AM
Status: Solved

Chris Dupuis
Hasbro Consumer Affairs
Malechi said:
...the actual response from Hasbro to this question couldn't be correct could it?
looks like the Hasbro response only answered a 2 on 2 game. they haven't presented anything bigger than that yet in their own maps/scenarios. (Melee at Wellspring of Obsession is 5 players but not as a team.)

interestingly, i played a 4 on 4 game a couple months ago and we did the high-to-low roll method for initiative order. and it turned out luck favored the same team in every round except 1. there was even one round where all 4 on the same team went before anyone on the other team.

the other way would be high-roll goes first and then do a back-and-forth across the table between teams. but even that can be a problem. the guy on one side of the table tends to focus on the opponent directly across the table (at least in the first 3 or 4 rounds). so even this method is almost like one entire team going before the other team.

i favor the high-to-low roll method and just let luck run it's course. i wouldn't want to play on a game bigger than 8 players due the large amount of downtime while waiting for my turn.

back on topic of this thread...i just sent the Nilfheim question to Hasbro. although it's a question that i don't think needs clarification. the only reason someone would question it is because they want to loophole the rules for their own gain. logic should prevail on this one, regardless. oh well...
once more with feeling... height and water/glyph

bunjee said:
1. Post the question here
2. Question clarification will happen (ie: wording, making sure it hasn't been answered, etc)
3. Question will be submitted to Hasbro (see below for details on this)
4. Answer posted here
5. Answer added to the FAQ

My request is for clarification on Hasbro's Official FAQ answer:

Do water/glyph add height?
No, they are considered on the same height as the hex below them. From page 14 of the 2nd edition rules: "When figuring height advantage, remember that Glyphs and water spaces do not add height to the space they're on."

Case Scenarios:

#1 - If a figure is standing on a water tile (with no hexes underneath it) AND and an adjacent enemy is standing on a land hex (nothing underneath, just table/cement/rug), then both are at height 0?

#2 - If a figure is standing on a water tile (with three land hexes underneath it), then the figure is at height 3?

#3 - Now for the money shot: If a figure standing on a water tile (with three land hexes underneath it) is at height 3 AND an adjacent enemy is standing on four land hexes, then the land figure has height 4 and the water figure has height 3?

Think about this for a minute (break out the tiles and set it up) before redirecting me to the FAQ or another thread, I do not think someone has asked for this specific situation. The reason is because the first two answers are cut and dry; but combined, they cause a catch-22 for the third case. Both are standing on terrain (one on a land tile and one on a water tile) above three hexes and the figures' elevations look the same as in case #1, but one has height because of case #2 (set it up and look at it for yourself).

It's a puzzle wrapped in an enigma... help please....
Re: once more with feeling... height and water/glyph

pitboss said:
#1 - If a figure is standing on a water tile (with no hexes underneath it) AND and an adjacent enemy is standing on a land hex (nothing underneath, just table/cement/rug), then both are at height 0?

#2 - If a figure is standing on a water tile (with three land hexes underneath it), then the figure is at height 3?

#3 - Now for the money shot: If a figure standing on a water tile (with three land hexes underneath it) is at height 3 AND an adjacent enemy is standing on four land hexes, then the land figure has height 4 and the water figure has height 3?

#1 Water adds no height. So the figure on the water with nothing under it is at 0. The figure on the land hex next to him is at 1 and would get height advantage.

#2 Correct, because water adds no height.

#3 Correct, because water adds no height.

Why again are you wanting to send this, did I miss something in your question?
Re: once more with feeling... height and water/glyph

netherspirit said:
#1 Water adds no height. So the figure on the water with nothing under it is at 0. The figure on the land hex next to him is at 1 and would get height advantage.

I was under the impression that when we set up maps according to the rule book, the first level is always even. So if you put a land tile, then attach a water tile next to it, both are at the same height (zero). That's what I was referring to, the first level of a map and how the figure on water 'seems' lower than the one on land. Do you give the one on land +1 att/def in this case?
Re: once more with feeling... height and water/glyph

pitboss said:
Do you give the one on land +1 att/def in this case?

Yes, he gets height advantage over the guy in the water. You also have to count elevation when leaving the water.
Re: once more with feeling... height and water/glyph

netherspirit said:
pitboss said:
Do you give the one on land +1 att/def in this case?

Yes, he gets height advantage over the guy in the water. You also have to count elevation when leaving the water.


I'll make sure I read the second edition of the rules again.
A thought on Multiple Player Team Games: I'm not sure if there is a better way to determine turn order randomly. D&D uses the same thing, and all the enemies can end up going first, major advantage for them, or all the players could go first, leaving the enemy without a chance. There is one way you could do it that would be fair, but you'd have to tell us if it's still fun: Each team rolls for Initiative, the winning team has one of their players go first, then the other team has one of their players go next. Everyone getting a turn for their #1 turn marker. Then the same team starts for the #2 turn markers, but the players of the team could go in a diffrent order. OR If you'd like it more random, everyone rolls a D20 results are:
Team 1: Player 1 (18), Player 2 (6), Player 3 (8)
Team 2: Player 1 (2), Player 2 (20), Player 3 (13)

T2P2 got 20 So T2 goes first starting with it's P2. Then it has to be T1's turn so T1P1 would go next because he got higher than his teammates. Turn order would be:
Team 2: Player 2 (20), Player 3 (13), Player 1 (2)
Team 1: Player 1 (18), Player 2 (6), Player 3 (8)
T2P2 -> T1P1 -> T2P3 -> T1P2 -> T2P1 -> T1P3
And repeat until the end of round, rerolling the D20s only for the start of each round.


And now for the reason I came here in the first place:

Jotun has a cool move called "Throw 14"

Throw 14
After moving and before attacking, choose one small or medium non-flying figure adjacent to Jotun. Roll the 20-sided die. if you roll a 14 or higher, you may throw the figure by placing it on any empty space within 4 spaces of Jotun. The figure must land within clear sight of Jotun. After the figure is placed, roll the 20-sided die for throwing damage. If you roll an 11 or higher, the thrown figure receives 2 wounds. If the figure is thrown onto a level higher than the height of Jotun or onto water, do not roll for throwing damage. The thrown figure does not take any leaving engagement attacks.

My question is this, what happens if Jotun throws a figure down a cliff of extreme height? Does this figure take just throw damage, just fall damage, or both? Some may say fall damage is already accounted for, but the damage from the throw is from the force of the giant smashing you to the ground. Jotun could grab a figure adjacent to him, "throw" him to another adjacent hex to him, and that figure still takes the damage. So I think throwing a figure down a 20+ height cliff would have either increased damage, or just fall damage. But it would make more sence to have increased damage, or damage from both sources, since falling down from a 20+ height, and being thrown down, are quite diffrent. I was wondering if Hasboro thought of this situation (I'm suprised if they didn't) and if they had an idea of how to handle it.

Brandonn said:
My question is this, what happens if Jotun throws a figure down a cliff of extreme height? Does this figure take just throw damage, just fall damage, or both? Some may say fall damage is already accounted for, but the damage from the throw is from the force of the giant smashing you to the ground. Jotun could grab a figure adjacent to him, "throw" him to another adjacent hex to him, and that figure still takes the damage. So I think throwing a figure down a 20+ height cliff would have either increased damage, or just fall damage. But it would make more sence to have increased damage, or damage from both sources, since falling down from a 20+ height, and being thrown down, are quite diffrent. I was wondering if Hasboro thought of this situation (I'm suprised if they didn't) and if they had an idea of how to handle it.


The absence of any reference to falling damage implies none is assessed, in my opinion.

Someone should write this up and submit it.
I'm working on it. I'm reviewing the rev 2 rules for any discussion of falling damage for added height. I don't recall one, but want to make sure.

Please, anyone thinking about sending it in, post your proposed message here first so we can make sure any loopholes in the questions can be closed.
Not directly from the official rulebook but:

If a drop is more than a figure’s Height, roll one
Attack die after moving (if the drop is 10 levels more
than its Height, roll 2 dice).
Here's my phrasing of the question:

Does a figure thrown by Jotun also roll for any applicable falling damage in addition to being subject to Jotun's rolling the d20 to determine if 2 wounds will be assessed to the thrown figure?

Also, bunjee - would you like me to post a couple other questions in orange that have been submitted to Hasbro, but not yet received a satisfactory response? They already have lengthy threads devoted to them :)
I say paste and copy Malechi's version and send it in. It provides all the necessary reference material.

Forgot to indicate on mine that it hasn't been sent - I'll make it blue :)

Minor complaint here, but shouldn't Jotun's Throw text let the reader know not to roll for 'throw damage' when figure is placed on a level higher than Jotun's height or a water space, before telling one to roll? :) common courtesy and all :)

Thank you for pulling the reference information from the manuals. I was reviewing those today but stupid work kept me from getting to it. I think your proposed contact reads well. Please ship it off to Hasbro!


Yeah, I've been trying to work on gathering all the topics that have been popping up lately. The two most prolific seem to be the Mimring Fireline question and the Summon/Carry question.

(rrrf, I thought I had submitted this hours ago, but no! I'll be gathering some more information tonight)
Can we pick another color besides orange for submitted questions? I don't know about other monitors, but orange seems extremely light on this grey background.

Dark Red - To close to Red
Red - Used for answered Questions
Orange - Please, no!
Green - I like this as it is dark enough to read and stands out strong.
Blue - Used for proposed Questions
Dark Blue - To close to Blue
Indigo - You killed my father, prepare to die!
White - Why is this even an option?
Black - Even better, why is black even listed as an option?
Malechi said:
and just because it doesn't state something on the Army Card doesn't mean it does not work in that way (think Taelord's Flying with Disengage!).
reapersaurus said:
I desperately try NOT to.

That one ruling by the designers is why I may explain my opinion on rules ruling but won't stick around to fight it out anymore!
The most obvious question that divides people lately seems to be whether the opponent's Romans, Sacred Band, etc can benefit from the effect (like how with the Romans it just says +1 for ANY adjacent Roman Legion)
Malechi, thanks for submitting it, and I agree with the color changes, so I did (golly, hope it's ok i edited your post not like it's the first time tee hee hee)
Kind of makes the questions that have been answered have a Christmas feel. Hope the answers aren't so seasonal ;)

Good thought, but I'm unclear how this applies to the Sacred Band as their power states "you control". For the Legionnaires it would make sense for the card to have the word friendly added such that it would read:
SHIELD WALL When defending with a Roman Legionnaire, add 1 defense die for each other friendly, adjacent Roman Legionnaire up to a maximum of +2 dice, for the Shield Wall power.

Does anyone have other cards that would fall into this category of "can benefit from enemy figs?" I'm a bit wiped right now.
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