Hmm, I see... There may be a discrepancy regarding the term "official", if the only source for such has been created by players or another third-party, as opposed to publications from the game's designers, which appears to be the case...
It's quite common to find that whole communities or groups of players are basically playing games using 'generally accepted' 'house rules', even when there is no mention of such in any official rule books or anything like that, which can have a huge impact on the fundamentals of the games, which is why official rulings from official sources are very important to me, and why I'm hesitant to blindly comply with what seems like unofficial rulings and whatnot... And, of course, if the majority of players are on board with unofficial/'house' rulings, those who ask for clarification or evidence of such are likely to be perceived as the 'bad guys', for not simply going along with them, and they will be seen and treated as the ones who are playing the game(s) incorrectly....