Alright dudes, it's October, which means National Heroscape Day! Here's all the info we have so far
When: October 12th, 10-6
Where: Enchanted Grounds
Format: Bring-two/generals (can be the same general, no shared figs though), 600 pts, 20 fig max (C3V, SoV accepted)
Map: Remains Of Clionesia (awesomeunleashed), Wyrmwalk (dok), Road Rampage (n00b), fulcrum (GeneralRolando), Swamp Helix (dok)
Prizes: Everybody bring at least one unit of cards (try to make it somewhat rare)
Attendees: dok, n00b, awesomeunleashed, GeneralRolando, Son_Of_Arathorn, kpuclek, daniel
When: October 12th, 10-6
Where: Enchanted Grounds
Format: Bring-two/generals (can be the same general, no shared figs though), 600 pts, 20 fig max (C3V, SoV accepted)
Map: Remains Of Clionesia (awesomeunleashed), Wyrmwalk (dok), Road Rampage (n00b), fulcrum (GeneralRolando), Swamp Helix (dok)
Prizes: Everybody bring at least one unit of cards (try to make it somewhat rare)
Attendees: dok, n00b, awesomeunleashed, GeneralRolando, Son_Of_Arathorn, kpuclek, daniel