• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Rocky Mountain Rumble - 2013 Colorado NHSD


Not a n00b
Site Supporter
Alright dudes, it's October, which means National Heroscape Day! Here's all the info we have so far

When: October 12th, 10-6

Where: Enchanted Grounds

Format: Bring-two/generals (can be the same general, no shared figs though), 600 pts, 20 fig max (C3V, SoV accepted)

Map: Remains Of Clionesia (awesomeunleashed), Wyrmwalk (dok), Road Rampage (n00b), fulcrum (GeneralRolando), Swamp Helix (dok)

Prizes: Everybody bring at least one unit of cards (try to make it somewhat rare)

Attendees: dok, n00b, awesomeunleashed, GeneralRolando, Son_Of_Arathorn, kpuclek, daniel
GR: You bring two armies, 600/20 each. Each army can only have figures from one general.

Are we doing

1. Your armies CANNOT be the same general


2. Your armies CAN be the same general if you would like, but no shared figures

I prefer #2, myself.

We probably won't need any more maps.

Could we do 18 figures, instead?
1. Your armies CANNOT be the same general


2. Your armies CAN be the same general if you would like, but no shared figures

I prefer #2, myself.
Works for me.

We probably won't need any more maps.
I'd like to have GR's Fulcrum there just for the cool factor. In rolling Rumble, it's nice to have open maps, anyway.

So, just Wyrmwalk for me? Or should I bring Swamp Helix as well/instead?

Could we do 18 figures, instead?
If we're angling to adjust things, I'd say 625 points. But let's just go with what n00b said. 600 points, 20 figure max, 24 space max.
#2 was what i was thinking, and that seems to be the most popular option, so lets go with that one.

Dok, could you bring both and we'll see how many we need?
Couple things:

a) n00b, you may want to add GeneralRolando to the list of attendees

b) what's the prize policy, so I can pick something up in advance (if I end up making it)?
I havent really thought about prize support. Would yall be up for bringing at least one card of heroscape units?
News flash... Daniel and I are in! Unfortunately we'll have to leave at 3. BUT, we'll be there for the majority of the day. Add us to the attendee list!
It's not SoV official, but would yall be ok if i used the Rorshack custom? here's the post he's in: http://www.heroscapers.com/community/blog.php?b=2190

No, I don't think so. SoV-positive would be fine with me (i.e. Sundol), but not something that's been rejected (for good reason, in Rorshack's case, IMO).

News flash... Daniel and I are in! Unfortunately we'll have to leave at 3. BUT, we'll be there for the majority of the day. Add us to the attendee list!
It's not SoV official, but would yall be ok if i used the Rorshack custom? here's the post he's in: http://www.heroscapers.com/community/blog.php?b=2190

No, I don't think so. SoV-positive would be fine with me (i.e. Sundol), but not something that's been rejected (for good reason, in Rorshack's case, IMO).

why did he get rejected?

I bumped up the start time to 10, meaning I plan to be there at 10 to set, unless that doesn't work for yall? we could try to go earlier
I might end up being there even earlier. It depends on what Bill wants to do because I'm supposed to be on their podcast so I don't know when he will want to record. It may be earlier, it may even be while we play so I would have to take a break. Either way I will probably be at the store all day.
It's not SoV official, but would yall be ok if i used the Rorshack custom? here's the post he's in: http://www.heroscapers.com/community/blog.php?b=2190

No, I don't think so. SoV-positive would be fine with me (i.e. Sundol), but not something that's been rejected (for good reason, in Rorshack's case, IMO).

why did he get rejected?

I bumped up the start time to 10, meaning I plan to be there at 10 to set, unless that doesn't work for yall? we could try to go earlier

Ten doesn't really work for me (but I'm just 1 guy).
Good times, guys. I went 4-1, beating Daniel, dok, GR, & SoA and losing to n00b.

I used Havechs twice & Mezzos once. Interestingly, I think I had a matchup advantage in every game. I'm kinda glad I never had to play my armies against each other, because it's one brutal matchup. :lol:
Yep, you definitely had the matchup advantage in our game. I'm tempted to call that the second time I've lost a "bring 2" game because of the dice-off, only this time it was a rock-paper-scissors relationship. I might have been better off trying to beat my Vydar build with HEs and Incendiborgs, though. Gladblast+Laglor+Braxas couldn't do a darn thing against the wolf pack.

Good games, guys. I had a great time.