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Rectangular C3G cards, final update 6/2017 (Wave 26) retired

Re: Rectangular C3G cards, partially updated 4.29.16

Wow, nice!

Thank you Sporx and mathguy. Safe travels.
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.5.16

Rectangular cards for Wave 23, 24 and other cards are finally done (55 army cards, 2 glyphs). See first post. Along with the updated text of previous cards done by Sporx, I believe we are all caught up now. Yay.

(Still travelling, in Chicago now.)
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.5.16

I just found out (thanks to Sporx) that there is a Wave 25 now. So I will work on that soon.
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

Wave 25 is now done. See the first post.

Also updated are glyph reminders. It appears there were several glyph reminders missing, and they are now done.

I believe everything is up to date except a few text changes that happened between April 25 and now. We will take care of that soon.

Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

So what's involved in getting the cards onto ArtsCow? Is it something I could do myself, or does it require access to a master copy somehow?
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

mathguy can explain it best but I believe the links labelled ArtsCow in the first post of this thread, takes you to the ArtsCow files, where you can have them printed.

My friend did this a long time ago. They are very nice.

EDIT: I am not sure if the ArtsCow versions have been updated, so you may want to hold off for a little while.
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

mathguy can explain it best but I believe the links labelled ArtsCow in the first post of this thread, takes you to the ArtsCow files, where you can have them printed.

My friend did this a long time ago. They are very nice.

EDIT: I am not sure if the ArtsCow versions have been updated, so you may want to hold off for a little while.

Sorry, I think I phrased my question poorly. Is there any way I can take the updated ones and print them through ArtsCow myself, or do I have to wait for new links?
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

mathguy can explain it best but I believe the links labelled ArtsCow in the first post of this thread, takes you to the ArtsCow files, where you can have them printed.

My friend did this a long time ago. They are very nice.

EDIT: I am not sure if the ArtsCow versions have been updated, so you may want to hold off for a little while.

Sorry, I think I phrased my question poorly. Is there any way I can take the updated ones and print them through ArtsCow myself, or do I have to wait for new links?

Sorry for my long absence. Things have been real hectic here.
Because I just use MS Word to make the rectangular cards, it takes me some acrobatics to make high resolution image files of the cards (maybe there is an easier way than what I've been doing). So for now, I don't plan on updating the Artscow images beyond what is already available there.
If someone would like to join this project and take my MS Word files and make image files suitable for ArtsCow or any other card printing service, I am happy to share my work.

I am also happy to upload the existing image files somewhere else other than ArtsCow if that helps.

I still have many waves to catch up on the rectangular cards...
Soon, I hope.
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

These have been great, I printed them and cut them out and they fit in a binder very nicely. Kudos for doing this, it must have been a pain.

I did try for a bit to see how getting them printed onto card stock would work but I gave up and just purchased 1000 magic the gathering cards for like $10 and used them to back the paper after I sleeved them.

I can't even imagine storing the normal size cards, (how many CD cases would it take?) so these were important for me to pursue the custom collection.
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

I purchased a $20 8x11 laminating device from Amazon Basics and was able to laminate everything through wave 25 for around 30.00 total-device, laminate sheets-less color ink.

Just a continued praise for this project so you'll know we look forward to subsequent releases.
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

Thanks for stopping in! I don't know much about how a laminating device works. Are you able to laminate a full sheet of cards at once and then cut them up or do you have to cut the cards up first and then run them through the machine? Some of my cards are pretty worn out after years of play, I wish I would have laminated them.
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

You can laminate an entire 8X11 sheet then make your cuts. The trick is finding a sweet spot for purchasing the appropriate thickness so the pages can be thick enough for wear and tear but thin enough to cut with a standard cutting board. After that, the rectangular cards will fit easily into baseball card sized pages for easy storage. I still keep my scape cards in CD folders but all my comic customs are card only and thus far I've had no complaints.
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

You can laminate an entire 8X11 sheet then make your cuts. The trick is finding a sweet spot for purchasing the appropriate thickness so the pages can be thick enough for wear and tear but thin enough to cut with a standard cutting board. After that, the rectangular cards will fit easily into baseball card sized pages for easy storage. I still keep my scape cards in CD folders but all my comic customs are card only and thus far I've had no complaints.

So does your laminator stick directly to the paper cards? I always assumed that the laminator works by bonding the plastic sheets to itself and that's why there was always a lip around the edge of what you are laminating.
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

Yes, the laminating device thermally adhesives the pouches to both sides of the paper, which allows the user to print, laminate then cut the cards.
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

I myself laminate using individual 2-9/16 x 3-3/4 size pouches (see image) and these can be placed inside 9-card sheets in an album (see image). You can see the album is really thick by now. I also make albums of non-laminated cards, but the laminated ones are the ones used for play. (This was the rule after a couple of drink spilling accidents. :) )


I am going to spend some time this weekend trying to update the rectangular cards projects. Sporx has volunteered to continue helping me in this project, thanks Sporx!
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

Just imaging moving all those cards around with every new release to keep them in order. :)
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

Just imaging moving all those cards around with every new release to keep them in order. :)

Yeah it kind of suck which is why I start each letter of the alphabet on a new sheet so I don't have to move everything every time. My binder is just C3G with a few random custom superhero cards I've gathered through the days and it's a hefty 3" binder. I can't imagine the thickness with you guys that go all out with everything Heroscape.
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

Just imaging moving all those cards around with every new release to keep them in order. :)

Yeah it kind of suck which is why I start each letter of the alphabet on a new sheet so I don't have to move everything every time. My binder is just C3G with a few random custom superhero cards I've gathered through the days and it's a hefty 3" binder. I can't imagine the thickness with you guys that go all out with everything Heroscape.

Yes, it does indeed suck whenever I have to sort in new cards, now that there are 70+ pages of cards. I like the idea of starting each letter on a new page. I might have to go with that next time.
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

I sort my cards into smaller groups of themes, that way when I'm building up themed armies or looking for specific synergy all the cards are in one place. I also split them up by DC, Marvel, or Indy to help me track down a specific card quicker. So one group of card might be Marvel Fighters & Crime Fighters (that aren't mutants as the mutants have their own packs), then another might be DC Criminals.
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

I sort my cards into smaller groups of themes, that way when I'm building up themed armies or looking for specific synergy all the cards are in one place. I also split them up by DC, Marvel, or Indy to help me track down a specific card quicker. So one group of card might be Marvel Fighters & Crime Fighters (that aren't mutants as the mutants have their own packs), then another might be DC Criminals.

I did something similar at first but then the whole Mutant Fighters meant I was looking in multiple places anyway. I also went the Marvel/DC/Indy route but my son doesn't always remember where every character is from.

So I went straight alphabetical with gaps between each letter. I combated the theme issue by having a few printed sheets at the beginning of my binder. With the labeled dividers for each letter in my binder it's quick work flipping to that letter and tracking down the card I need.

I have a second binder of equal thickness for maps, rule books, and the Team Draft Cards for our favorite teams at designated point totals. Sometimes instead of individual drafted figures we draft from a group of team cards.

For the maps I create a card sized thumbnail of each map build I've printed and place that in the same 9 cards sleeve sheets as the cards. We can quickly scan through the images and select a map to build. Sort of a pictorial table of contents.
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

FYI - the first post has been updated by mathguy. Updates from April 2016 - May 2017 (plus some other card fixes) are downloadable. Enjoy!
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 5.6.16 (Wave 25)

FYI - the first post has been updated by mathguy. Updates from April 2016 - May 2017 (plus some other card fixes) are downloadable. Enjoy!

And credit for these updated cards goes to Sporx.
I myself have always dreaded going back to update cards. So, thanks Sporx for taking care of the updates.

I'm currently working on the new cards. 14 down and 34 to go. :)
(And then Sporx gets the job of proofreading them and inserting II, III,... where appropriate.)
Re: Rectangular C3G cards, updated 6.8.17 (Wave 26)

The first post has been updated with links to:
  • The new cards from May 6, 2016 to June 8, 2017 (Wave 26, super secret exclusives 44-51, public exclusives 71-78 ), a total of 49 new cards.
  • Updates to previous card text that happened during the same time period.
  • The combined total PDFs (mini or comic images), up to 74 pages now, that has all the new cards and updates.
  • 4 new glyphs

I'd like to give credit for the updates to previous cards to Sporx.
And also proofreading credit goes to Sporx as well (and some typos were caught).
Yay team effort.
