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There is a distinct, I believe, difference between a figure moved by another card's power and Movement as done by a unit/card taking a full turn.

As I understand it, a figure that is moved by another card's power has no opportunity to do anything other than be moved. It is completely passive.

A unit moving with a full turn (usually with an OM, but not always--i.e. bonding) is fully active and able to perform other actions and use powers, etc.

Unless I hear otherwise, I feel very comfortable that this is the way the game is played.
There is a distinct, I believe, difference between a figure moved by another card's power and Movement as done by a unit/card taking a full turn.

As I understand it, a figure that is moved by another card's power has no opportunity to do anything other than be moved. It is completely passive.

A unit moving with a full turn (usually with an OM, but not always--i.e. bonding) is fully active and able to perform other actions and use powers, etc.

Unless I hear otherwise, I feel very comfortable that this is the way the game is played.

You got it right (as usual) my friend. When figures are moved via other cards special abilities (and the ability does NOT explicitly say "you may first take a turn with...") then all you get to do is move, no road bonus, no treasure glyph grabbing, nothing but your allotted movement for that power.
Disclaimer: I am not a memebr of the rules team in any way shape or form

Movement "ends" when the figures movement phase is over. If a figure canthen move as a result of a special attack/ability. The that is not part of their movement phase and therefore they cannot activate the glyph.

There is a distinct, I believe, difference between a figure moved by another card's power and Movement as done by a unit/card taking a full turn.

As I understand it, a figure that is moved by another card's power has no opportunity to do anything other than be moved. It is completely passive.

A unit moving with a full turn (usually with an OM, but not always--i.e. bonding) is fully active and able to perform other actions and use powers, etc.

Unless I hear otherwise, I feel very comfortable that this is the way the game is played.

There is a distinct, I believe, difference between a figure moved by another card's power and Movement as done by a unit/card taking a full turn.

As I understand it, a figure that is moved by another card's power has no opportunity to do anything other than be moved. It is completely passive.

A unit moving with a full turn (usually with an OM, but not always--i.e. bonding) is fully active and able to perform other actions and use powers, etc.

Unless I hear otherwise, I feel very comfortable that this is the way the game is played.

You got it right (as usual) my friend. When figures are moved via other cards special abilities (and the ability does NOT explicitly say "you may first take a turn with...") then all you get to do is move, no road bonus, no treasure glyph grabbing, nothing but your allotted movement for that power.

How about a concensus of VETERAN board members???

Thanks 1Mmirg for phrasing this better than I. I am not as educated as some on the boards and have difficulty putting some things into words.:thumbsup:
I was asked to weigh in on this, though I should clarify that I am not part of the rules team and I have been wrong on controversial issues before once the rules team gave an answer. Having said that, I think the crucial part is where the rules book says "treat treasure glyphs as normal glyphs with the following exceptions". To me, that means that anything which could trigger a normal glyph could trigger a treasure glyph so long as it is not exluded by the exceptions. So any time you move a unique hero you control onto a treasure glyph and end their movement there you have the option to go for the pick up.

To address Oliver's list:

The figure is moved onto the glyph by Cover Fire. YES

Isamu rolls for his Vanish move. YES

Carry, Spear of Summoning & Elven Summoning Spell. NO, because they place rather than move figures.

Tactical Switch. NO, because you aren't moving the hero, your opponent is.

Chain Grab, Talon Grab, Throw and Knockback. NO, again you aren't moving your figure.

~Aldin, feeling moved

EDIT - fixed the reason Carry, etc don't work
I was asked to weigh in on this, though I should clarify that I am not part of the rules team and I have been wrong on controversial issues before once the rules team gave an answer. Having said that, I think the crucial part is where the rules book says "treat treasure glyphs as normal glyphs with the following exceptions". To me, that means that anything which could trigger a normal glyph could trigger a treasure glyph so long as it is not exluded by the exceptions. So any time you move a unique hero you control onto a treasure glyph and end their movement there you have the option to go for the pick up.

To address Oliver's list:

The figure is moved onto the glyph by Cover Fire. YES

Isamu rolls for his Vanish move. YES

Carry, Spear of Summoning & Elven Summoning Spell. NO, because they place rather than move figures.

Tactical Switch. NO, because you aren't moving the hero, your opponent is.

Chain Grab, Talon Grab, Throw and Knockback. NO, again you aren't moving your figure.

~Aldin, feeling moved

EDIT - fixed the reason Carry, etc don't work

hmmm, a good point Aldin. When I read the rules the first time I thought it made a special point of differentiating between normal glyphs and treasure glyphs. Upon re-reading I think I buy your interpretation, in that in some cases you still get to make the roll and attempt to open the treasure... hmmm.

My sticking point is that I KNOW these "extra" movements do not get the benefit of the road bonus, which means they are limited to a static move value and thus not a "normal" move if you will. But I guess you are technically "ending your movement"... dicey little question.

Not that it comes up very often (because of the nature of treasure glyphs) but it will be interesting to see what an official rules member has to say on the topic.
I see Aldin's point, but I still feel the intent is to attempt to pick up the Treasure glyph during an activated card's turn. Guess we will have to wait for a rules team member to chime in. Of course, it could be next week, since all of them are busy at Gencon.
I see Aldin's point, but I still feel the intent is to attempt to pick up the Treasure glyph during an activated card's turn. Guess we will have to wait for a rules team member to chime in. Of course, it could be next week, since all of them are busy at Gencon.

Truth be told that's exactly what I was expecting to find when I went to research it. I was a bit surprised to discover that the rules didn't seem to support my supposition. Once I started thinking about how cool it was thematically for Dund to grab a treasure under Skahen's Cover Fire or for Isamu to snatch one as he danced away from an attack I was sold on it as a mechanic that didn't break theme, too.

~Aldin, looting the treasure while my foe looks on in impotent fury
Interesting. I always took "ending your movement" as meaning your figure's movement turn, i.e. part of activating a unit.

I see other movements as passive and not the unit's movement, but the movement of that unit by another unit.

This may well be a question that needs a rules team member after all. I thought I had a clear grasp, but Aldin raises a point and perspective I had not seen before. I very well could be wrong on this (and it would add to the power, slightly, of a couple of specials).
While I also understand Aldin's reasoning a Treasure Glyph reqires an additional ACTION to pick it up..unlike a regular glyph where just standing on it is enough to activate it..therefore Cove Fire and Isamu's Vanish would not allow you to try and activate it as that is the "last action" of that turn.

Subsequently though that hero could choose not to move the next turn and then activate it.
Well, I will be eating a lot of crow if the rules team has a different ruling, but I still argue that when it refers to a figure ending it's movement, it is refering to the movement phase of an activated card.
A figure may only pick up a treasure glyph if it takes a turn. In other words, the treasure glyph picking up is after moving and before attacking. Because of the open intent of treasure glyphs (we want players to get creative with their traps), and because there are too many abilities that would activate at the same time, we went with the wording we chose. When a power says "its movement" we are not talking about movement granted by some other figure such as Skahen etc.
You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

Thanks for taking the time to clear this up GB. Enjoy Gencon, wish we all were there.

Crows are safe. :thumbsup:
When playing a three player game with the goal of "be the first to kill the opponent on your right" or "... on your left", I had never thought that it made much difference whether it was right or left. But somebody mentioned that, because of the direction of turns (clockwise), it does matter. But which is better, and why?

If a special attack has wording in the following way, would the number of attack dice rolled include the figure using the special attack?

<Blank> Special Attack
Range 1. Attack Special.
Choose a target to attack. Roll attack dice equal to the number of friendly figures adjacent to the chosen figure.
When playing a three player game with the goal of "be the first to kill the opponent on your right" or "... on your left", I had never thought that it made much difference whether it was right or left. But somebody mentioned that, because of the direction of turns (clockwise), it does matter. But which is better, and why?


In a 3 person game wouldnt you go in order of initiative rolls for all 3 players?

If not I would say your goal would be the person next to you in the opposite position from how you are going around the board to take turns...so if you are going clockwise your goal would be to kill the person on your left. This way...you attack...you get attacked...you rest...you attack...you get attacked...you rest..etc
If a special attack has wording in the following way, would the number of attack dice rolled include the figure using the special attack?

<Blank> Special Attack
Range 1. Attack Special.
Choose a target to attack. Roll attack dice equal to the number of friendly figures adjacent to the chosen figure.

No...because you are not "friendly" with yourself.
If a special attack has wording in the following way, would the number of attack dice rolled include the figure using the special attack?

<Blank> Special Attack
Range 1. Attack Special.
Choose a target to attack. Roll attack dice equal to the number of friendly figures adjacent to the chosen figure.

No...because you are not "friendly" with yourself.
Thank you.
If a special attack has wording in the following way, would the number of attack dice rolled include the figure using the special attack?

<Blank> Special Attack
Range 1. Attack Special.
Choose a target to attack. Roll attack dice equal to the number of friendly figures adjacent to the chosen figure.

No...because you are not "friendly" with yourself.

:rofl: I will just leave that one alone. May get in trouble if I voice it. :rofl:

Originally Posted by cmgames
When playing a three player game with the goal of "be the first to kill the opponent on your right" or "... on your left", I had never thought that it made much difference whether it was right or left. But somebody mentioned that, because of the direction of turns (clockwise), it does matter. But which is better, and why?

Play goes to the left, so I would say eliminate the person to your right. Initiative would attack the player going last in the round. I just feel this would be more even than attacking left in the same order as play.