• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.


Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Enter Your Entrée by 10/21

Well met!

With the popularity of this contest I think it would be worth considering multiple polls when it goes over the limit -- like for this one do two polls of 8 entries and take the top 2 or 3 from each for a final poll.

I was extremely disappointed to find my entry arbitrarily excluded from the poll. I really thought I had a contender this time! :cry:

For what it is worth. This being a contest for fun, and not having any type of prize associated with it should be just that. Having your submission thrown to the side "just cause" makes it pretty easy for me to pass on the next one. People submit these because they like to hear feedback on their designs and to see people discuss what they like/dislike about them. If it gets chopped before the poll, that will not as likely happen. Also, Ill add, that in this type of set up it would be quite a bit more fun if you could pick your favorite 3. These are just my opinions, take them for the pennies they are worth.
Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Enter Your Entrée by 10/21

Well met!

With the popularity of this contest I think it would be worth considering multiple polls when it goes over the limit -- like for this one do two polls of 8 entries and take the top 2 or 3 from each for a final poll.

I was extremely disappointed to find my entry arbitrarily excluded from the poll. I really thought I had a contender this time! :cry:

For what it is worth. This being a contest for fun, and not having any type of prize associated with it should be just that. Having your submission thrown to the side "just cause" makes it pretty easy for me to pass on the next one. People submit these because they like to hear feedback on their designs and to see people discuss what they like/dislike about them. If it gets chopped before the poll, that will not as likely happen. Also, Ill add, that in this type of set up it would be quite a bit more fun if you could pick your favorite 3. These are just my opinions, take them for the pennies they are worth.

As this poll just came out, it's not too late to delete it, and put up new, multiple polls, is it?

Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Enter Your Entrée by 10/21

Well met!

With the popularity of this contest I think it would be worth considering multiple polls when it goes over the limit -- like for this one do two polls of 8 entries and take the top 2 or 3 from each for a final poll.

I was extremely disappointed to find my entry arbitrarily excluded from the poll. I really thought I had a contender this time! :cry:

For what it is worth. This being a contest for fun, and not having any type of prize associated with it should be just that. Having your submission thrown to the side "just cause" makes it pretty easy for me to pass on the next one. People submit these because they like to hear feedback on their designs and to see people discuss what they like/dislike about them. If it gets chopped before the poll, that will not as likely happen. Also, Ill add, that in this type of set up it would be quite a bit more fun if you could pick your favorite 3. These are just my opinions, take them for the pennies they are worth.
My design made the cut, but I second Bigga and TREX, especially the bolded parts. I would support restarting the poll with these suggestions. Divide the honorable mentions between the two sets.
Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Enter Your Entrée by 10/21

Well met!

With the popularity of this contest I think it would be worth considering multiple polls when it goes over the limit -- like for this one do two polls of 8 entries and take the top 2 or 3 from each for a final poll.

I was extremely disappointed to find my entry arbitrarily excluded from the poll. I really thought I had a contender this time! :cry:

For what it is worth. This being a contest for fun, and not having any type of prize associated with it should be just that. Having your submission thrown to the side "just cause" makes it pretty easy for me to pass on the next one. People submit these because they like to hear feedback on their designs and to see people discuss what they like/dislike about them. If it gets chopped before the poll, that will not as likely happen. Also, Ill add, that in this type of set up it would be quite a bit more fun if you could pick your favorite 3. These are just my opinions, take them for the pennies they are worth.
My design made the cut, but I second Bigga and TREX, especially the bolded parts. I would support restarting the poll with these suggestions. Divide the honorable mentions between the two sets.

Presenting a contest for fun, then throwing away almost half of the entrees as not being good enough to even make the discussion is not a very great way to get community support or participation for your project. I would in fact, if you are possible, listen to these guys on their suggestions for a better poll, to show appreciation for the time and effort that the people that contributed should have received. You are welcome to leave my submission off the list, as I am no longer interested.
Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Enter Your Entrée by 10/21

I didn't enter so I have no skin in the game here. I just looked at all 16 cards and I don't understand why some were left off and others were included. There are a few in the chopped list I would consider voting for if I could, and a few in the included list that I would never vote for. But then I voted for one of the 10, one I thought was really fantastic, and it turns out I was the first and only vote for the card. At the same time one card I had rejected rather quickly for obvious flaws somehow had multiple votes already.
Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Enter Your Entrée by 10/21

FWIW I also have no two-powered horse in this race either as I didn't submit. However, after looking over the entries the one I would most want to vote for ended up in the chopped list (though it's close overall, there are a bunch of good entries this time around).
Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Enter Your Entrée by 10/21

Mine was cut too.
Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Enter Your Entrée by 10/21

To be honest, I didnt care if I got any votes on my submission, but to be disqualified from getting to even have my submission included in a "fun" contest for no apparent reason after putting the work in to submit it was off putting. It could have been handled better, as some of the suggestions have went. I wish you guys the best of luck with your future contests.
Great Expectations

Ultimately what happened here was a failure of communications and expectations. There was no indication in the sign ups that an entry could have been cut if too many people entered. As such, all entrants assumed that their entry would be part of the poll.

I understand the limitations given by our site and why you would make a decision to limit the number of pull options. Had everything been communicated earlier, people could have managed their decisions and expectations accordingly. Having the decision happen with no real warning, especially when I can't find a given criteria for what made the cut and what didn't, is just a recipe for disappointment at best and resentment at worst. Just some thoughts for you to take forward for future contests.

~Dysole, remaining mum about whether or not her submission was originally cut or not
Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Enter Your Entrée by 10/21

I agree with Dysole. I ran contests in the past and included all entries. Of course I did other things differently; we had a team of judges instead of a poll.
Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Enter Your Entrée by 10/21

Yeah, basically Dr.G's contests are super awesome and popular and he's just got too many people wanting to be a part of it. :D (edit - in case that came across as sarcasm rest assured it’s not. These contests really are a great addition to the community!)

Thanks for hosting these, Dr.G. And thanks for being willing to adjust your processes on the fly -- I know that can be stressful.
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Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Wooooooooooot

Wow, those admins are stealthy and it looks like the faulty poll is already gone so my great big warning probably didn't do anybody any good.

Also for some reason I thought that I would have to willpower to post the polls last night after getting home after midnight after playing music, which, after consideration, seems pretty much ridiculous.

This is a good kink to have worked out of the contests, since we should be able to have two polls if we get up to 30 contestants, so I doubt we'll need 3 for quite some time. :mrgreen:

EDIT: links to the polls: :neener: :moon:
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Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Vote at BOTH Polls by Novembe

Props to Dr. G for restarting the contest and including all entries!
Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Vote at BOTH Polls by Novembe

Look at that, we've got less than 48 hours until the polls close. There are still some crumbs left at both, so head over there and get voting! You might even be able to scrap together a full meal between all 16 of the entrées. :mrgreen:

Did you find yourself here hoping for a link to the current poll? You're in luck! :horsepoo:
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Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Final Entrée Poll Closes 11/1

Congratulations @mac122 !!!!!!!


Spoiler Alert!

There you have it folks, the ultimate entrée: crap crab. And let it be known that this will have a big impact on the runnings for the QC3CGC, but that doesn't mean the rest of you are of that running yet. And in any case there's still another month or two until the next contest gets running, so I guess you should just be walking for now so you don't wear yourself out...

Anyway, let's take a look at all of the fabulous entries we received this time around.

Spoiler Alert!
Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Final Entrée Poll Closes 11/1

Congrats Mac22! Great card concept and mini choice. I somehow missed the run off poll all together, but you still won without my vote.
Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Final Entrée Poll Closes 11/1

Mmhmmm, it's been a good long while since we had dinner and you know what that means: it's time for dessert! That's right, it's culmination time for the QC3 Chops Competition, meaning we'll be naming the QC3CGC (Quarterly Custom Competition Center's Chops Grand Champion) in just a few weeks (or, like a month, I guess).


Once again, perspective contestants needn't worry about their involvement in the previous two Chops contests. Sure, you probably won't be crowned the QC3CGC, but just winning the Dessert Round is honor enough already. Besides, if you really blow it out of the water here maybe you'll be crowned the QC3CGC anyway, since I have left it totally ambiguous how that will be determined (don't worry, it'll probably come down to some sort of math based on the polls so we don't run into another snafu with my arbitrary choosing).

There is no size constraint for this contest, so there are no recommended figures, but if you don't know where to find them you can browse minisgallery.com for plenty of miniatures (especially D'n'D/Pathfinder minis).

Basket Ingredients:

1. At least one non-healing, snow-related power.

I think this is self-explanatory, but it must have a power that refers to snow and does not remove wound markers from itself or other figures. Don't be afraid to ask if you're confused!​

2. Move 4
3. Range 1
4. Uncommon


1. Entries must be sent to me via PM. Please begin the title of your message with "QC3 ENTRY DESSERT".

2. Keep your entry anonymous while the contest is running.

3. Only 1 entry per member.

4. You may not vote for your own entry as the winner (even if it is the best), and you must vote in the poll if you enter.

5. Use any miniature you want to, as long as it works as Small. Check it with me if you have any question.

6. Entries must use ALL of the basket ingredients.

Other Clarifications:

You may reuse your old customs, if they happen to match all the criteria.

You may enter if you do not make a card for your unit. If you submit the entry early enough I will make a card for you. Also, it's pretty easy to make your own, just use @Xorlof 's awesome card creator and one of the many free photoshop programs (I use GIMP, now).

If you want to change your entry you can, just PM me before I post the poll.

Character bios are allowed, and they might tip the scales in your favor so I recommend them.

Anonymity is not that all that serious. You may remember my blunder a few contests back when all of the card URLs had the creators' names in them. Once the poll comes up, I would prefer to have lively conversation than to have intact anonymity. Don't say which is yours, obviously, but also don't worry if you think your attempt to hide which one is yours went terribly. :mrgreen:

Previous Competitions' Contestants:
@Tiranx @JaesShurrig @Taeblewalker @The Dewk @aksisu11 @NecroBlade @capsocrates @Scytale @DewNoHarm @Toogwick_tuk @Confred @Ninja Status @Dysole @JCMcMinis @orgsbane @heroscaper2010 WIxe @obfuscatedhippo @Lazy Orang @IshMEL @CJtheMighty @Sam @BiggaBullfrog @kolakoski @Zetsubo @TheAverageFan @flameslayer93 @HEROSCAPERMTL @Astroking112 @Dark_Stranger @mac122 @Heroscaper101 @Yodaking @superfrog @Iron Clubber @Arch-vile @All Your Pie @Skyver @Airballshooter @Tiamat @Flash_19 @Astral Herring @Ronin @DanieLoche @OmegaPegasus @gatormustang @ollie @The_Awkward_Duck @mtl1998 @Good Pig @Lumovanis @kmgenius @Sir Heroscaper @Scud-O @Ericth74 @TREX @The Long eared bat

And, once again, if you want to be removed from this list let me know!
Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Final Entrée Poll Closes 11/1

Mmhmmm, it's been a good long while since we had dinner and you know what that means: it's time for dessert! That's right, it's culmination time for the QC3 Chops Competition, meaning we'll be naming the QC3CGC (Quarterly Custom Competition Center's Chops Grand Champion) in just a few weeks (or, like a month, I guess).


Once again, perspective contestants needn't worry about their involvement in the previous two Chops contests. Sure, you probably won't be crowned the QC3CGC, but just winning the Dessert Round is honor enough already. Besides, if you really blow it out of the water here maybe you'll be crowned the QC3CGC anyway, since I have left it totally ambiguous how that will be determined (don't worry, it'll probably come down to some sort of math based on the polls so we don't run into another snafu with my arbitrary choosing).

There is no size constraint for this contest, so there are no recommended figures, but if you don't know where to find them you can browse minisgallery.com for plenty of miniatures (especially D'n'D/Pathfinder minis).

Basket Ingredients:

1. At least one non-healing, snow-related power.
I think this is self-explanatory, but it must have a power that refers to snow and does not remove wound markers from itself or other figures. Don't be afraid to ask if you're confused!​
2. Move 4
3. Range 1
4. Uncommon


1. Entries must be sent to me via PM. Please begin the title of your message with "QC3 ENTRY DESSERT".

2. Keep your entry anonymous while the contest is running.

3. Only 1 entry per member.

4. You may not vote for your own entry as the winner (even if it is the best), and you must vote in the poll if you enter.

5. Use any miniature you want to, as long as it works as Small. Check it with me if you have any question.

6. Entries must use ALL of the basket ingredients.

Other Clarifications:

You may reuse your old customs, if they happen to match all the criteria.

You may enter if you do not make a card for your unit. If you submit the entry early enough I will make a card for you. Also, it's pretty easy to make your own, just use @Xorlof 's awesome card creator and one of the many free photoshop programs (I use GIMP, now).

If you want to change your entry you can, just PM me before I post the poll.

Character bios are allowed, and they might tip the scales in your favor so I recommend them.

Anonymity is not that all that serious. You may remember my blunder a few contests back when all of the card URLs had the creators' names in them. Once the poll comes up, I would prefer to have lively conversation than to have intact anonymity. Don't say which is yours, obviously, but also don't worry if you think your attempt to hide which one is yours went terribly. :mrgreen:

Previous Competitions' Contestants:
@Tiranx @JaesShurrig @Taeblewalker @The Dewk @aksisu11 @NecroBlade @capsocrates @Scytale @DewNoHarm @Toogwick_tuk @Confred @Ninja Status @Dysole @JCMcMinis @orgsbane @heroscaper2010 WIxe @obfuscatedhippo @Lazy Orang @IshMEL @CJtheMighty @Sam @BiggaBullfrog @kolakoski @Zetsubo @TheAverageFan @flameslayer93 @HEROSCAPERMTL @Astroking112 @Dark_Stranger @mac122 @Heroscaper101 @Yodaking @superfrog @Iron Clubber @Arch-vile @All Your Pie @Skyver @Airballshooter @Tiamat @Flash_19 @Astral Herring @Ronin @DanieLoche @OmegaPegasus @gatormustang @ollie @The_Awkward_Duck @mtl1998 @Good Pig @Lumovanis @kmgenius @Sir Heroscape r @Scud-O @Ericth74 @TREX @The Long eared bat

And, once again, if you want to be removed from this list let me know!
When's the deadline for this?
Look Everywhere

Title of the thread says 01/27/20.

~Dysole, percolating
Re: QC3 Autumn Chops Contest - Dessert Round Closes 1/27

Oof, yeah the 27th is the deadline. I think two weeks is pretty standard for these contests, but either way that's where I set it. I guess since I missed posting the deadline last time and I just use the last contest post for formatting it makes sense that I forgot that crucial detail again. :mrgreen: