• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.


Re: Qc3hq - new contest coming february

QC3 is back, baby! Even in the darkest hour, as Age of Annihilation was annihilated before it even came of age, there were sparks of hope in the hearts of HeroScapers everywhere. HeroScape had been rumored to be dead before, but like the QC3, we all know that was a great exaggeration. The QC3 is not dead yet, and soon you'll get to be a part of this great resurrec-, er, resurfacing of QC3!

There will be another announcement at the beginning of February with rules for this contest, but if you sniff around you might see what I'm hinting at as far as the format goes. ;)
Re: QC3HQ - Winter Contest - Enter by March 1st

Drumroll please! ... :rimshot:

Well, here we are. A new contest! I already used up most of my funny juices (goos?) on the front page, so let's get right to business.


This time around, we are revisiting the Phantom Knights, and looking at what they were like before they were printed on green, translucent plastic. Other than that, it is up to you to do what you want (as long as it's unique ;)).

The original figures are Archfiends #21 Ragnara, Psychic Warrior, Dragoneye #08 Stalwart Paladin, and Deathknell #16 Dark Traveler, all from DnD sets from a few years back but they seem to be reasonably available online.

Spoiler Alert!

You can either submit a Unique Squad, or 3 Unique Heroes (if you really want to make 1 hero and a 2-figure squad I won't stop you ... I guess). Please enter by March 1st so that you can be included in the poll on the second.


1. Entries must be sent to me via PM.

2. Keep your entry anonymous while the contest is running.

3. Only 1 entry per member.

4. You may not vote for your own entry as the winner (even if it is the best), and you must vote in the poll if you enter.

5. You must use the miniatures named.

6. You may make either a Unique Squad, or Unique Heroes for these minis.

Other Clarifications:
Spoiler Alert!

(will be tracked in the OP more likely than here)

Previous Competitions' Contestants:
@Tiranx @JaesShurrig @Taeblewalker @The Dewk @aksisu11 @NecroBlade @caps :)ninja:) @Scytale @DewNoHarm @Toogwick_tuk @Confred @Ninja Status @Dysole @JC McMinis @orgsbane @heroscaper2010 @Ixe @obfuscatedhippo @Lazy Orang @IshMEL @CJofCourse (;)) @Sam @BiggaBullfrog @kolakoski @Zetsubo @TheAverageFan @flameslayer93 @HEROSCAPERMTL @Astroking112 @Dark_Stranger @mac122 @Heroscaper101 @Yodaking @superfrog @Iron Clubber @Arch-vile @All Your Pie @Skyver @Airballshooter @Tiamat @Flash_19 @Astral Herring @Ronin @Daniel Loche @OmegaPegasus @gatormustang @ollie @The_Awkward_Duck @mtl1998 @Good Pig @Lumovanis @kmgenius @Sir Heroscape @Scud-O @Ericth74 @TREX @The Long eared bat

These contests approved by and in loving memory of @:jim:
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Re: QC3HQ - Winter Contest - Enter by March 1st

:bump: Only a couple days left! We've got a handful of entries, but I know there's more creativity left out there.

The poll will go up on the second, so just to clarify the deadline is 11:59 PM PST on March 1st. Good luck everyone!

I wanted to join but this was like awful timing for me.

~Dysole, informationally
Re: Thoughts

I wanted to join but this was like awful timing for me.

~Dysole, informationally

Oh, no! Well, worry not. There should be another contest in the early spring as opposed to right at the end of the season. I look forward to seeing what you come up with for whatever I we come up with for the next contest.
Re: QC3HQ - Winter Contest - Go Vote at the Poll!

I also wanted to join but was just too busy. I liked what y'all came up with and I look forward to the next one!
Summer Contest is Live!

All right, we all know that some monkey said the next contest would be early spring, but we all also know that monkeys are not generally to be taken at there word. And so, it's the Summer Custom Competition!

And with official HeroScape returning, I think it's time we sing the praises of Valhalla. Introducing, the bard contest!


All bards are welcome! Whether that's a lovely elven maiden on a pan flute, or a blood fueled goblin banging the drums of war, we want to hear some music on the battlefield. Here are a few potential bards I found by briefly browsing minisgallery.com, so feel free to use these or any other "bard-ish" figure you enjoy.

Spoiler Alert!

Please get your entry in by July 12th 19th to be included in the poll on the thirteenth.


1. Entries must be sent to me via PM.

2. Keep your entry anonymous while the contest is running.

3. Only 1 entry per member.

4. You may not vote for your own entry as the winner (even if it is the best), and you must vote in the poll if you enter.

5. You may use any miniature that qualifies as a bard/minstrel/rhymester/rockstar/troubadour. Just as long as there are no trombones. ;)

6. Your entry must be a Unique Hero.

Other Clarifications:

Added clarification since I realized it doesn't really say this anywhere: the point of these contests is for anyone who wants to make a HeroScape custom to come up with one based on the current theme (bards) and then we have a poll for the community to vote on their favorites. All custom creators welcome, whether you're a long-time SoV judge or someone brand new to HeroScape who wants to try your hand at making custom units. I figure somewhere in here it should actually specify what we are doing, even if I had assumed it was self evident. :thumbsup:
Spoiler Alert!

(will be tracked in the OP more likely than here)

Previous Competitions' Contestants:

These contests approved by and in loving memory of @:jim:
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Re: QC3HQ - Summer Contest - Enter by July 12

Well met!

Welcome back!

The figure I'd like to use for the contest is in my pics in the Gallery. (It's the latest; I still cannot copy/paste it here.) Here goes . . .

PMing . . .

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I wrote something up. Haven't finished the final thing. Don't love it but I think it works. Ping me if you haven't heard anything from me by Monday or Tuesday.

~Dysole, making sure she gets in

Ping me if you haven't heard anything from me by Monday or Tuesday.

I can do ya one better! The, erm, council has come to the decision to extend the contest entry time by 1 week.

Have fun composing your entries! Get 'em in by July 19th. :bump:
Re: QC3HQ - Summer Contest - Enter by July 19th!

Last day to get those entries in! Everything is due by midnight tonight (which really does mean midnight, I'm in the west coast). No more time to pretend you'll do it tomorrow!