• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Public Design Workshop


From less than zero to Hero!
Welcome to the C3G Public Design Workshop!


What is this thread for?

This thread is a space for all Allies, fans, and onlookers to post their ideas about new designs. Sharing ideas, brainstorming, and workshopping with others are all encouraged.

Everyone is welcome to post their thoughts here. Nearly every C3G Hero began by posting their ideas in this very thread. Please note that designs outside of the C3G Approved Properties list might need some discussion before they are allowed to go through the process.

In the next post, you will find a list of designs by various individuals. If you post a design, it will be added here. We ask that you keep all of your designs in one post so they can be easily linked here (see links below as examples).

When posting a design, please use this formatting:
Spoiler Alert!

How do I make one of my designs official?

C3G holds a fan vote on a regular basis to determine units to be designed in public, known as the Public Design. When a Public Design is started, we will begin taking nominations for the next Public Design in the C3G Public Design Nominations thread. Any design by an Ally is eligible for nominations as long as that Ally has completed at least one playtest in the last month and would not be running two concurrent designs. Voting will begin when the current Public Design (The Book of Squirrel Girl) is in public playtesting and will close when that design is voted for release.

If you are an Ally or fan and would like to run one of your designs officially, you can also do so by acquiring 15 Reward Points through playtesting. To get involved, check out the Playtesting Sign-Up. Once you have accrued 15 points, you may request to run one of your designs by posting in this thread. If the Heroes approve, you're on your way!
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Public Design Index

Public Design Index
Allies and Fans whose names are in bold have been active recently. If you are planning to nominate a design from an inactive member, please PM them to confirm they are interested.


All Your Pie
Captain Redbeard
Heroscaper Guy
Kid Arachnid
laughing matter
Smithy Winfred
Xael Raymand

Dr. Jekyll
Lazy Orang

Current Ally and Sidekick points
Important notice about C3G designs
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Re: Public Design Post

Previous Public Design Post OP
Spoiler Alert!

Johnny's original post

Former Write-ups from SP
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Re: Public Design Post

It should be noted that if we look at your initial design and feel it's "unready" we will reserve the right to ask for other initial designs. We need a clear direction from the beginning that's workable for these design threads to be more successful.
Re: Public Design Post

1 - Molly Hayes
2 - Glyph of E-Ray (Gorilla Gun)
3 - Black Bolt
4 - Code: Blue SWAT
5 - The Spot

Updated. Please note that #4 on your list has been drafted in the sanctum. I'd love to see your design notes on #1 and #3 in pm if you have anything ready.
Re: Public Design Post

1 - Molly Hayes
2 - Glyph of E-Ray (Gorilla Gun)
3 - Black Bolt
4 - Code: Blue SWAT
5 - The Spot

Updated. Please note that #4 on your list has been drafted in the sanctum. I'd love to see your design notes on #1 and #3 in pm if you have anything ready.

Are you sure that it's Code: Blue, a specific police team in the Marvel Universe, as opposed to generic SWAT?
Re: Public Design Post

1 - Molly Hayes
2 - Glyph of E-Ray (Gorilla Gun)
3 - Black Bolt
4 - Code: Blue SWAT
5 - The Spot

Updated. Please note that #4 on your list has been drafted in the sanctum. I'd love to see your design notes on #1 and #3 in pm if you have anything ready.

Are you sure that it's Code: Blue, a specific police team in the Marvel Universe, as opposed to generic SWAT?

Yes, I'm absolutely sure. SWAT were drafted by Necro a long time ago. Hahma drafted the Code: Blue SWAT a few weeks ago.
Re: Public Design Post

Lord Pyre - I've seen your #1 and I think it's ready to go. (As a design - no threads being given out yet - just to clarify. :p ).
Re: Public Design Post

Lord Pyre - I've seen your #1 and I think it's ready to go. (As a design - no threads being given out yet - just to clarify. :p ).

I know, I know, I'm trying to control myself. :p

Oh, and Bats, I think you're putting our names in the wrong place. I think the names at the bottom of the post are supposed to just link to the posts, and where you're putting them now is just an example of how we're supposed to post our picks.
Re: Public Design Post

Thanks for pointing that out. Fixed.
Re: Public Design Post

Yes, I'm absolutely sure. SWAT were drafted by Necro a long time ago. Hahma drafted the Code: Blue SWAT a few weeks ago.

Ah - I remembered you mentioning Necro's SWAT last time I posted my group, so I wasn't sure if it was the same one. Post updated in any case.
Re: Public Design Post

1) Molly Hayes
2) Glyph of E-Ray (Gorilla Gun)
3) Black Bolt
4) The Spot
5) Monsieur Mallah
I am really on the fence about the Gorilla Gun, unless it is something that negates all special powers (temporarily) and changes the Species to Gorilla, that could be cool and practical.

I would really love to hear what you have to say about Monsieur Mallah.
Re: Public Design Post

1) Molly Hayes
2) Glyph of E-Ray (Gorilla Gun)
3) Black Bolt
4) The Spot
5) Monsieur Mallah
I am really on the fence about the Gorilla Gun, unless it is something that negates all special powers (temporarily) and changes the Species to Gorilla, that could be cool and practical.

That's almost exactly what it is. :D

I would really love to hear what you have to say about Monsieur Mallah.

Should I send you a PM with what I've come up with for him?
Re: Public Design Post

Yep - when Heroes ask to see stuff, pm's is the way to go. :)
Re: Public Design Post

1 ~ Batman (Terry McGinnis)
2 ~ Ventriloquist
3 ~ Spoiler
4 ~ Mad Hatter
5 ~ Deadshot

I think your Batman, is pretty solid, and your Ventriloquist with Bat's and my secret help is OK :twisted:, but I am very curious about your ideas for Deadshot.
Re: Public Design Post

Yep - when Heroes ask to see stuff, pm's is the way to go. :)
Yes, but I am also very OK with Allies and Sidekicks just discussing their super secret ideas in this thread as well. In fact, the openness and pre-collaboration may be a good idea. I sorta like the idea that all of us can sorta come in here and talk/brainstorm/critique ideas before they ever get to see light. That may actually smooth out the rough spots in the Public Designs.
Re: Public Design Post

:word: Certainly feel free to post and discuss anything you want. Just keep in mind that nothing is set in stone until it's in a design thread and it's voted through there. So make sure you don't fall too in love with ideas discussed here. But if you have some good ideas here, certainly fight for them when the time comes!
Re: Public Design Post

1 ~ Batman (Terry McGinnis)
2 ~ Ventriloquist
3 ~ Spoiler
4 ~ Mad Hatter
5 ~ Deadshot

I think your Batman, is pretty solid, and your Ventriloquist with Bat's and my secret help is OK :twisted:, but I am very curious about your ideas for Deadshot.

Well, most of my ideas are with my #1-3, and I have a few things for Hatter, but honestly I don't have TOO many ideas for Deadshot. I was thinking some sort of frenzy like ability if he targets the figure that is designated as his hit. I don't know if he should be a long range sniper or a shorter ranged assassin. Deadly shot would fit pretty well on him, haha!

He's the one character on my list I haven't actually read a comic/watched something on. I've just read Wiki about him, basically, and he seems pretty awesome :p
Re: Public Design Post

I am in favor of Mad Hatter having Hat equipment Glyphs he can place on other units to mind control them - and then they can be knocked off those units in typical fashion (they get a wound) to free them.
I think this would help his version of mind control play more like it should.
Re: Public Design Post

Well J-Honey's Monsieur Mallah looks pretty cool to me.
Re: Public Design Post

Yeah, Molly Hayes and Black Bolt were solid as well.
Re: Public Design Post

1 ~ Batman (Terry McGinnis)
2 ~ Ventriloquist
3 ~ Spoiler
4 ~ Mad Hatter
5 ~ Deadshot

I think your Batman, is pretty solid, and your Ventriloquist with Bat's and my secret help is OK :twisted:, but I am very curious about your ideas for Deadshot.

Well, most of my ideas are with my #1-3, and I have a few things for Hatter, but honestly I don't have TOO many ideas for Deadshot. I was thinking some sort of frenzy like ability if he targets the figure that is designated as his hit. I don't know if he should be a long range sniper or a shorter ranged assassin. Deadly shot would fit pretty well on him, haha!

He's the one character on my list I haven't actually read a comic/watched something on. I've just read Wiki about him, basically, and he seems pretty awesome :p
And that is really one of things we are trying to avoid here. Lets say we choose from your top 5 and we want Deadshot, but you have not real direction for him, you are going to either drag out a Public Design Thread while everyone else is forced to create ideas for you, or as things are now, we are going to request your ideas first, before you get to start a design, then because you have no direction for him, you are going to lose your opportunity to even design and it will go to the next person.

When you guys post something in your top 5, you are telling us "hey guys, I have some great ideas for these units". If you don't have any ideas for a unit, YOU SHOULD NOT PUT THAT UNIT IN YOUR TOP 5.
Re: Public Design Post

Yep - if you only have good ideas enough to fill out a top 3 or a top 1, that's all you should list.
Re: Public Design Post

Oh, okay, sorry 'bout that. I threw him in basically to get 5. :p But after writing that, I kind of like those ideas, haha!

But I think for Hatter I'll leave it to Bats, because that's better then what I had anyway. :p