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Public Design Workshop 2.0

Loving the direction on this guy, I only remember him from a JLU episode (or I remember the animation was similar). Always ready to welcome more villains :D

The construct thingy going on is legit. I like the lantern constructs and this reminds me somewhat of that. Pretty cool interaction.
Loving the direction on this guy, I only remember him from a JLU episode (or I remember the animation was similar). Always ready to welcome more villains :D

The construct thingy going on is legit. I like the lantern constructs and this reminds me somewhat of that. Pretty cool interaction.

His first appearance was in the 2016 Rebirth Flash run, so it's definitely not him in that JLU episode. Not sure who it would be, though.
I could see him anywhere from mid-200s to low 300s, thematically. He's a powerhouse but not like, Savitar level.

I like the Nobody tweak on Speed Siphon. Mechanically encouraging going after Speedsters without a direct callout is cool.

Minis would be an issue, but it might be cool if the Speed Construct was common or uncommon since I recall him using several duplicates at once. Maybe I'm mixing that up with the TV show though - it's been a while since I read the Godspeed arc so it might not be a comic thing.

Ah, I had him mentally placed above Savitar in power level, so if that's the case, I'd go mid-200s. Savitar is in the 260-290 range in my head canon.
Thematically speaking, Godspeed does put a lot of strain on himself when maintaining a duplicate, to the point where prolonged use actually does cause him harm.

What if you made his duplicates uncommon but for each one on the battlefield he had -1 Life? (So his Life goes up when he takes them off or down when he places them, making him more vulnerable to defeat)?
would it potentially work if I gave him a 5-or-lower automatic wound instead of an 8-or-lower to reduce the chance of it happening a bit, or do you think the self-auto-wound mechanic is just too finicky to include at all?

My opinion is like...the risk/strain is already represented by the drop in speed when the clone is deployed and the wound that Godspeed takes when the clone is defeated? (That second part may not feel like much of a downside in practice - defeating a 4 Life figure to inflict 1 wound on another figure isn't exactly a massive bargain - but it's thematically representative of a weakness and it's taking up space on the card.)

It's less that a roll to auto-wound is particularly finnicky on its own, it's just that combined with the two things I mentioned above meant the card was dedicating a lot of space to weaknesses, which feels like a tough sell when he's not offering some massive strengths as a tradeoff.

I'd buy the Bats idea of having the clone be Uncommon but not really demanding the player draft lots of them. So you can play that CW-style mega clone army but he also functions as a comics-accurate version? Could be neat.
Thematically speaking, Godspeed does put a lot of strain on himself when maintaining a duplicate, to the point where prolonged use actually does cause him harm.

What if you made his duplicates uncommon but for each one on the battlefield he had -1 Life? (So his Life goes up when he takes them off or down when he places them, making him more vulnerable to defeat)?

Not a bad idea but my question is like, how would you account for wound marker placement/removal? Say Godspeed goes down from 6 Life to 5 Life by having one clone on the board- if the clone is removed, does Godspeed take 1 wound but then gain 1 Life and go back up to 6 anyway?
Lowering your Life number would be like lowering any other stat (like lowering your Attack number). You wouldn't place or remove wound markers, you'd just lower the threshold it took to defeat him. So if he had like 5 wounds and decided to squeeze one of these clones out, it'd kill him, for instance.
Lowering your Life number would be like lowering any other stat (like lowering your Attack number). You wouldn't place or remove wound markers, you'd just lower the threshold it took to defeat him. So if he had like 5 wounds and decided to squeeze one of these clones out, it'd kill him, for instance.

Makes sense- I could be down for this approach then.
Here's another pass then




LIFE = 6

MOVE = 12

POINTS = ???

Godspeed may move through all figures and does not have to stop his movement when entering water spaces. After Godspeed's attack phase, if he is the only Godspeed you control, he may maneuver up to 2 spaces.

For every other Godspeed you control, Godspeed has -1 Life. After an ordered activation with Godspeed, you may activate each other Godspeed figure you control.

When a Godspeed figure inflicts 1+ wounds on an enemy, roll a d20, adding that enemy's Move to your roll. On a 20+, Godspeed heals 1 wound.

If Godspeed has 1+ blanks when defending, he avoids the attack and may maneuver up to 4 spaces.




LIFE = 4

MOVE = 12

POINTS = ???


During setup, place Godspeed on this card. Before activating Godspeed, you may revive Godspeed at full Life and place him adjacent to that Godspeed. When Godspeed is defeated, inflict 1 wound on an allied Godspeed with the secret identity August Heart.

Godspeed may move through all figures and does not have to stop his movement when entering water spaces.

If Godspeed has 1+ blanks when defending, he avoids the attack and may maneuver up to 4 spaces.


Trying to combine MrN and Batman's ideas into something cohesive here- taking into account the idea you can have more than 2 Godspeeds on the board with the clones being Uncommon Heroes, it seemed better to have Godspeed (August Heart) activate other Godspeeds on his card rather than MrN's suggestion of the clone being activated by Godspeed (August Heart) on its card. How's this looking?
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Seems cool! Looking at the package, think we could cheat up to Attack 6? I think that would also give him a bit more pop. (Although maybe heal-y dodge-y man is already juicy enough.)
I like it as well. I'd probably just make Turbo Speed Killer and Divided Speed Force into Superspeed. The extra 2 move isn't good enough to go through hoops to get, and the "splitting makes him slightly weaker" is already portrayed through the Speed Strain ability.

Would Godspeed have a faction? I know he popped up a couple times later on as a Barry ally/antihero, but idk if he had any stints with a villain team somewhere.
I like it as well. I'd probably just make Turbo Speed Killer and Divided Speed Force into Superspeed. The extra 2 move isn't good enough to go through hoops to get, and the "splitting makes him slightly weaker" is already portrayed through the Speed Strain ability.

Would Godspeed have a faction? I know he popped up a couple times later on as a Barry ally/antihero, but idk if he had any stints with a villain team somewhere.

I kind of want to keep the loss of the free 2 move while clones are down since he does lose speed while divided, as well as the fact it does damage to him (also because it gave me an excuse to name one of his powers after one of my favourite songs but let's ignore that.)

I don't really think Godspeed slots into any faction neatly. He did have that brief moment of working with the Flash fam but it was a very tense alliance and it's not like it's really happened since. He's never worked with The Rogues or the Injustice League or anything. There's nothing really thematic to give him synergy with anyone, I kinda figure the most logical thing to do if you want to slot him into a properly synergistic army is to get him in the Suicide Squad via Amanda Waller maybe (assuming that the inevitable 2.0 Amanda Waller can still draft any given Antagonist or Criminal etc. into the Suicide Squad.)
Antagonist can be pulled into Injustice via Lex, I believe. So there's that at least.
The Speedster keyword would get him into those flash family builds as well. So Antagonist works.
Hi Everyone!
So I have really enjoyed playing with a lot of the C3G cards, but have never put anything out here before. Hopefully with the provided templates I got close, but I definitely welcome any wording changes or point changes. Here are some ideas I had for trick or special arrows to both fill in points but also make certain Archers a little more versatile.

NAME = Adhesive Arrow
TYPE = One Shot

POINTS = 5 pts

Adhesive Arrow Trap.
When an Unique Hero within range and in clear sight of this archer begins his movement phase, roll the 20 sided die. On a roll of 11 or higher, place a white adhesive arrow marker on that figure's army card. Any figure with a white adhesive arrow marker on their card subtracts 2 from their Move number and may not use the flying power. After that figures move phase, they may remove the white adhesive arrow marker.

REQUIREMENTS: At least one figure in your army has the Archer keyword.

NAME = Explosive Arrow
TYPE = One Shot

POINTS = 5 pts

Exploding Arrow Special Attack
Range Special. Attack 3.
Target any space within 3 spaces less of this figure's printed range and within clear sight. Any figures on or adjacent to the targetted space are affected by the Exploding Arrow Special Attack. Roll 3 attack dice once for all affected figures and destructible objects. Each figure rolls defense dice separately.

REQUIREMENTS: At least one figure in your army has the Archer keyword.

NAME = Flashbang Arrow
TYPE = One Shot

POINTS = 5 pts

Flashbang Arrow Distraction.
During Transition phase, choose an Unique Hero within range and in clear sight and roll one combat die. On a roll of a shield, place a yellow flashbang arrow marker on that figure's army card. Any figure with a yellow flashbang arrow marker on their card rolls 2 less defense die. At the end of this player turn remove all yellow flashbang markers from opponent's army cards.

REQUIREMENTS: At least one figure in your army has the Archer keyword.

NAME = Grappling Arrow
TYPE = Equipment

POINTS = 25 pts

Grappling Arrow
Instead of this figure's normal move, it may move up to 3 spaces with Grappling Arrow. When moving with Grappling Arrow, this figure has the Flying special power, but may not move up or down more than 30 levels in a single grapple, and will not take any leaving engagement attacks

REQUIREMENTS: Must be equipped during setup to one figure in your army that has the Archer keyword.
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Adhesive Arrow seems about right for 5 points. It's unclear whether it generates multiple makers or just the one, though. I think we'd want it to be a one-off. Same with the Flashbang. That's one that if it's generating multiples, it's going to be worth way more than 5 points, IMO.

I'd probably make the Explosive Arrow just use the archer's range straight up (the way it reads now they basically get +3 to their range and not sure why they'd be able to shoot an explosive arrow so much futher than a regular one). I'd also probably go 4 on its attack, as 3 is pretty low, even for 5 points, IMO.

I'd probably do more like 15 for the Grappling Arrow. Also, if you're using the One Shot template, it needs to be a One Shot. If you want it to be an Item, and it seems you probably do, that's a different template. The problem then becomes how to get it into the game?

Concepts of all the arrows are pretty cool and make sense to me. Some 2.0 wording translation is needed, but that's OK. A lot of the differences are pretty subtle and we can help with that.
Some good stuff there. I think Grappling is 5 at best as a One Shot. Then you could take multiple.
Looks like a solid direction.