Well met!
Se the OP: "I don't get to discuss these matters with generally intelligent people too often, and it seems in today's political landscape real issues don't get discussed, at least not rationally or reasonably all too often."
Well, here we are, late 2023, and the debt's never been higher!Meanwhile, Obama failed to outline any plan of his own besides taking military money and spending it on Obamacare. That is not a strategy to get us out of debt.
I could get more into the free market right now, but I'll save that for my next post.
Respect & thanks, Aldin, for sharing your learned wisdom with us. This post reminds me of the type of post we'd see from mad_wookiee, back in the day. Despite the post's own melancholy, it does give me hope for a shared future.Howdy, everybody!
I'm not really back, I've just been burdened by everything that's been happening recently and never found a better group of people to share with than the Heroscapers crew.
In this country right now, there are a lot of people using the name of Jesus and the cause of Christianity as a weapon and I am horrified at what is being done and said. I never thought I would live to see the trappings of my faith twisted into the power fantasies of people pursuing nothing less than their own domination of others around them. To see it happening a mere dozen years after our respectful discussions in this thread turns my stomach.
My perspectives have broadened a lot since I moved from the Bay Area to the Nashville Area. Mostly in ways that have saddened me. I used to think that oppression of people who "aren't like us" was historical. I believed our country had solved those problems and moved past them. Being here has taught me that clannish rejection of the other is alive and well.
The church where I attend is led by a man who has his priorities straight and points the people who go there toward the way the Bible talks about being people of peace, and I appreciate that. Unfortunately, I also know that part of why he is constantly presenting that is because many of my fellow attenders are getting caught up in the hate and violence of the national rhetoric. I lead a class on Wednesday nights and am sometimes shocked by the actions and beliefs presented there. I always try to bring everyone in alignment to what the Bible says, but I find that people rather overwhelmingly want to continue to believe the things they are already convinced of.
Thank you again, all of you, for being so respectful of others and so very willing to listen and consider. If I could take this forum's ethic and spread it over this country like a blanket I would do it in a heartbeat. There has always been something special about this group and I am blessed for having been able to be a part of it.
~Aldin, with fully grown kids and new challenges in life