Re: [Pod 0] Honored Soul-Guides (Lantern Geists) - Design
They don't look like good ghosts. They look like the ghost of Christmas future. Maybe you want to rebrand them as reapers.
As it turns out, I did some research a day or two ago that might shed some light (no pun intended) on the appearance of the figures. Whether they seem good or evil might depend on how far one drills down into the layers of mythology.
The AotP Lantern Geists card is rather unhelpful in developing theme/personality, since all they do is spy on a card and leave the battlefield, so I googled around and found a wiki called
Realm of Midgard. I can't tell what source(s) drive it, but like Scape this wiki seems to be based on a blend of mythologies with a strong Norse component, so maybe it's somewhat relevant? Anyway its mythological framework says that Lantern Geists are evil, horrific, eldritch creations that steal the souls of the living and the dead. This of course is not helpful for an honored Jandar unit, but even worse, it says that geists can harm the living but cannot be touched by mortals at all, making this backstory even more unhelpful for a game in which all figures need to be able to attack each other.
However, Lantern Geists are evil corruptions of something called a
Lantern Archon, which among its many roles does indeed have the psychopompy job of guiding the dead into the afterlife. They also seem very honor/Jandar-compatible, since Archons in general are guardians of various types who aid those of Orderly alignment and fight against chaos. Lantern Archons in particular are said to be creatures of pure light; a special type of good archon created by and for Angels to serve them in various ways.
I like all this backstory, but I still don't know how to map it onto bringing somebody back from the dead to kill again for one last turn, or how to make that mechanic feel honorable and Jandary. But, if there is a desire to retain the Jandar and honor elements, then maybe thinking of these figures as archons rather than geists can help. For me, this actually fits the miniatures perfectly. Their poses and coloration seem rather serene, as opposed to the terrifying eldritch evils which are about to imprison your soul in a lantern that AotP was apparently trying to invoke.
So I guess what I'm saying is it's reasonable to interpret the minis either way, but I would 100% buy them as Lantern Archons (and it's a pretty great title for a unit).