• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

PK's customs MK. III - 3/20 - Empyrean Issue 2: Imperiled


A Happy Extradimensional Horror
Hey, folks. It's been a while.

I've been getting back into Heroscape hardcore in the past several months. My brothers and I have been collecting all the official Heroscape, and we're nearly done. Just two more flagbearers and we'll be basically 100%. And like the apocryphal story of Alexander the Great, we nearly wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.

However, we decided to turn our efforts towards making customs. We've been working on and off on these for the past couple months, and we have enough to post a thread. We have many many more in the hopper, as it were, and we're slowly buying a bunch of figures from many different games and lines.

Hope you enjoy what we've come up with so far. Just as a note, we've been using MSE to make these, and the targeting area is a hassle. I'll add them in eventually. -- Targeting areas added 4/12.

Elemental Royals :jandar::utgar::aquilla::einar:
Spoiler Alert!


Zeez Rattletrap :vydar:
Klick-Klak :aquilla:
Xorax :aquilla:
Gutstab :utgar:
Shok'Thul :aquilla:
Chen Stormstout :jandar:
Vimarsh :ullar:
Kahi Tumblecog :vydar:
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Scrip Sparkplug :vydar:
Deathstalker Eliza :valkrill:
Wild 3 :valkrill:
Felguard :valkrill:

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LEAD VENGEANCE: MULRONEY MUST DIE :jandar::ullar::einar::vydar:

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Lombardi Crime Family :vydar:

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Skreek :utgar:
Ogre Bruisers :utgar:
General Kondo :vydar:
Avalanchion :aquilla:

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The Kelly Gang :einar:
Microcorp Hardsuit :vydar:
Polaris :aquilla:
The Butcher :valkrill:
Russel Meyer :valkrill:

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Dark Lakes Creature :utgar:
Sir Wilton :jandar:
Voidwalker :valkrill:
Lucian Esenwein :utgar:

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Kre-Na-Nesh :utgar:
Dre-No-Sa :utgar:
Marro Stock Clones :utgar:
Marro Apex Clones :utgar:

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Thetacron :jandar:
Quorik Ritualists :einar:
Commander Nhav Sun :aquilla:
Zetan Elite :vydar:

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Kukalad :aquilla:
Spikeshell Braves :aquilla:
Primadon Mindwipe :vydar:
Brutas, the Traitor :utgar:

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Detective Joe Barillo :einar:
Za-Tor-Ga :utgar:
Motorized Patriot :jandar:
Slark Fishbelly :ullar:

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Mantika :aquilla:
King Street Jesters :valkrill:
Elias Kingsley :valkrill:
Armoc Stormcaller :ullar:

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Bolt Gruts :utgar:
Jakkar :aquilla:
Sultan Al-Rashid :einar:
Microcorp Riot Control :vydar:

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Zornak :utgar:
Garlow :einar:
Anchor :vydar:
Brother Rokhan :aquilla:
Brother Wolf :aquilla:

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Gor'Mok Fire Watchers :ullar:
La'Pok :ullar:
Thuk'Ya :ullar:
Private Earl Porter :ullar:

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UR54 :ullar:
J4GU4R :ullar:
W1D0W :ullar:
F3NR1R :ullar:

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Hometree Mageguard :ullar:
Mage-Captain Lithael :ullar:
Trysana :ullar:
Kalubar the Loyal :ullar:

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Traga Slickhide :ullar:
Hulok Thornminder :ullar:
Chirruk Ripscale :ullar:
M05QU170 :ullar:

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Sgt Buck Fletcher :aquilla:
Cpl Ian Ashworth :jandar:
Imperiator R-5 :einar:
Phalanx T-9 :einar:

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Brenna Anvilcrack :aquilla:
Agent Newton :vydar:
Fu Shi :einar:
Kresnik Deadhunters :aquilla:

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TerraGov Troopers :jandar:
Cdr. Victoria Danvers :jandar:
Cdr. Alan Bennett :ullar:
Patient 7B :valkrill:
Cdr. Raphael Marchand :utgar:
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Cell Block 816 Guards :utgar:
Warden 173 :utgar:
Warden 477 :utgar:
Zettian Sub-Warden :utgar:

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Agent Egypt Monroe :jandar:
Freki the Faithful :jandar:
The Honored Dead :jandar:
Crossbowman of Weston :jandar:

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Keerk :aquilla:
Bessel :aquilla:
Whitemuzzle :aquilla:
Rodentian Sneaktheives :aquilla:

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Archers of Annelintia :utgar:
Skorn the Wicked :utgar:
Tomb Lord :valkrill:
Tomb Warden :valkrill:
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Aleksei Petrov :vydar:
Praetoricon X-2 :einar:
Agent Benedict :utgar:
Dominus Maximus :aquilla:

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Gargh Farhii :valkrill:
Nhah Scrih Cleavers :valkrill:
Lord Vincent Blackwell :einar:
Voidstrider :vydar:

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Microcorp Jet Troopers :vydar:
Agent Dickerson :vydar:
Magnissian the Proud :einar:
Jethro McCullough :ullar:
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Microcorp Peacekeeper :vydar:
Professor Abe Scranton :vydar:
Microcorp HR Agents :vydar:
White Hat :jandar:

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:jandar: Sheriff Clayton Pierce
:ullar: Kate Crawford
:aquilla: Jim Whitecloud
:vydar: Heinrich "Spider" Schmidt

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Empyrean Rising
Valor :jandar:
Express :ullar:
Current :aquilla:
Shadow Striker :vydar:
Gemchantress :einar:
Solarstorm :utgar:
Max Karnage :utgar:

Spoiler Alert!

TerraGov v2

TerraGov Troopers :jandar:
Cdr. Victoria Danvers :jandar:
Cdr. Alan Bennett :ullar:
Patient 7B :valkrill:
Cdr. Raphael Marchand :utgar:
Cdr. Miyako Tojo :einar:
Cdr. Graham Crowchild :aquilla:
Cdr. Amina Abiola :vydar:

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Empyrean Issue 2: Empyrean Imperiled

Fractal :jandar:
Mini-Max :ullar:
Knockout :einar:
Big Monty :vydar:
Vanquisher :utgar:
Spoiler Alert!
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Re: PK's customs MK. III

These look like fun. I'm particularly charmed by Gutstab, who is thematic and whimsical at the same time.
Re: PK's customs MK. III

Cool batch of Customs: here's my feedback*:


Spoiler Alert!

Keep it up, PK :up:

Re: PK's customs MK. III

Hey, wow! Thanks so much for the feedback. I've adjusted some of them.

Infernus got an extra life and defense, I lightly modified Zephyron's Asphyxiate. I fixed Geoton's pronoun confusion. My brother told me that Undertow was actually a lot bigger than I remembered, and that allowed me to take the Loyalty power off her card.

I rewrote Zeez's Saw Sweep using Shurrak's SA, that had better wording. I also took away his Eject power; it was fun, but I didn't have a figure for it or anything. I reduced Gutstab's price and upped his attack - the attack buff might be a smidge much, but we might playtest him.

Vimarsh I'm still not satisfied fully with, as far as his special attack. He might be still a light work in progress. Finally I gave Shok'Thul height x3 like you suggested, I hadn't thought of that.

Thank you so much! I'll be putting up more tonight.
Re: PK's customs MK. III - 4/1


Scrip Sparkplug

Figure: WoW miniatures game - Filet the Kneecapper

Scrip is another of the gnomes chosen by Vydar. Rough, tough, and ready to rumble, Scrip is no stranger to a good fight. He enjoys taking on enemies far larger than himself, and employs several ingenious inventions in battle. Not the least of these is the clever Boomeraxe, a rocket-propelled...well, axe. Easily thrown, it strikes and returns to Scrip, allowing him to keep up the momentum no matter who he faces.


Deathstalker Eliza

Figure: WoW miniatures - Kayleitha

The Forsaken of Azeroth pride themselves in regaining full control of themselves after their Banshee Queen freed them from the grip of the Scourge, but the sad truth is that rarely, some undead may partially regress. Once a well-regarded and disciplined Deathstalker, Eliza's main goal is violence and combat itself. She craves the thrill of killing, and her relentless pursuit of her prey has earned her the favor of Valkrill's Death Knights, companions she is more than happy to kill alongside.


The Wild 3

Figures: Rebel Miniatures - 28mm thugs

In the dystopian future of 2210, the Microcorp "peacekeeper" corps are scarcely better than the myriad gangs that rule the lower streets, and one of the most feared of those gangs is The Wild 3. Theft, arson, extortion, assault and battery, murder. The criminal record of the violent gang known as the Wild 3 is so large it could kill a man by itself. And yeah, they're called the Wild 3 and there's four of them. You wanna fight about it?



Figure: WoW miniatures - Felguard

Corrupted long ago from some long-forgotten world, the mighty Felguards form the backbone of the Burning Legion's army. Though a few warlocks may summon and control lesser Felguards, they are known to be fierce, stubborn, battle-hardened, and completely dedicated to the eradication of mortals.
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Re: PK's customs MK. III

Ooh, the Wild 3 are wholly great. Street Rules feels right on the nose for them. Potentially having 4 attacks of 6 is great, but that's not going to be possible usually. Shock Troop is also a pretty cool "power", anything that encourages HeroScape is good in my eyes. 8)

There are a lot of other cool ideas here too, those just jumped out at me. I suspect you'll see me steal Shock Troop from you at some point (unless you stole it, in which case I'll steal it from them).
Re: PK's customs MK. III

Hey, thanks so much! I can't take full credit for the Wild 3, they were my brother's idea mostly. You are totally welcome to steal Shock Troop. (If I say so myself) it's a great universally-usable "downside" to reduce costs a little.
Re: PK's customs MK. III - 4/6 - Lead Vengeance


Four outcasts. Four broken lawmen. Four people, drawn together by one single goal: the death of the crooked sheriff Jedidiah Mulroney. Mulroney was powerful - officially the sheriff of Lost Springs, Wyoming, he was in reality the head of a massive gang of outlaws, drug runners, prostitution rings, and merchants of death and destruction that spanned from Missouri to California. No one questioned his judgement. No one spoke out against him. No one dared challenge his authority....until, that is, the four misfits who banded together - for LEAD VENGEANCE.


Ginnie "Gravestone" McCaskil

Figure: Black Scorpion: Barbara Allen

Ginnie McCaskil was once an every day housewife on a farm in the Wyomg territory. Although unable to have children, she and her husband James McCaskil eeked out a small but happy life...until James spoke out against the the slaughter of a Native settlement, rumored to be perpetrated by Jedidiah Mulroney. Retribution was swift - Sheriff Mulroney doesn't take kindly to those who question his authority. James McCaskil was arrested for a murder he didn't commit, tried in a kangaroo court, and hung at sunrise not two days later. Lesser women would have drowned in sorrow, but it wasn't long before Ginnie McCaskil sold her farm, packed up her belongings, and started to hunt down the men who killed her husband - most of all, the murderer Jedidiah Mulroney.


Chief Black Bear

Figure: Black Scorpion - Ahiga Apache leader

Black Bear looked forward to spending the last of his twilight years as chief of a Shoshone settlement in eastern Wyoming. The preparations to pass leadership to his eldest son were almost done. Relations with the nearby white men were...uneasy, as they always were, but with no signs of violence. It seemed as though Black Bear would live out his days in peace. Gold, as it always does, got in the way. Gold was found on native territory. Tensions rose. War seemed inevitable. But war wouldn't come - instead, a night attack by masked men. Hired goons from Texas, under orders from Jedidiah Mulroney, slaughtered half of the Shoshone camp before they could react. Black Bear's son was killed - his people scattered. After the attack, the survivors were forced to flee to neighboring tribes. Except for Black Bear. He resolved to spend the rest of his life seeking honor - seeking the death of the treacherous Jedidiah Mulroney.


El Santos

Figure: Knuckleduster miniatures - Antonio

Gerardo Reyes was the son of a catholic minister in the outskirts of El Paso, Texas. Life was good - the church looked after the sick and needy, served the public good, was a respite from the violence of El Paso. That was, until, Father Reyes felt the influence of a new, altogether more violent group trying to seek power in Texas. Father Reyes preached, as he always did, against violence and fear and the abuse of power. Unfortunately, this was seen as an attack on Mulroney's new power grab. Gerardo awoke one night to find the church in flames - and it was far too late to save his father or mother. In his haste to escape, the heated metal cross that hung on the wall above the pulpit fell on his back, pinning him long enough to burn the shape into his skin. He survived, but just barely. Giving up his old name and his old life, he took up the mantle of El Santos, The Saint - traveling Mexico and the Southwest, putting down outlaws, helping those in need, protecting the innocent. All in service of a broader goal - forcing to hell the man who deserved it most - that devil Jedidiah Mulroney.


Samuel Knight

Figure: North Star miniatures - Dead Man's Hand Rogue Ely Fergus

Samuel Knight was born a slave in South Carolina. Mistreated and tortured, the man and his sister escaped out west, where they could eek out a life away from the slave states. Samuel knew that often employers wouldn't question him, as long as he did his job of herding cattle. For a while, it worked. They lived in relative harmony with the white settlers of Texas, joining on with a cattle herding outfit that had other black men working it. His sister fell in love with one of the other cowboys, and Sam Knight thought he might be an uncle. However, it was not to be - as the two siblings traveled, they came across the wrong men. They questioned him, beat him, knowing they might get a reward. Finally, his sister broke, giving herself up and telling the men their former master, if only they would leave her brother. They left him for dead, bringing the pregnant woman back to her former master. After he recovered, Sam Knight found out who led that cadre of despicable slavers - the hateful Jedidiah Mulroney.
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Re: PK's customs MK. III - 4/6 - Lead Vengeance

Hey there! I really like the Lead Vengeance figures, and the story you've got linking them all together. Can't wait to see the hated Jedidiah Mulroney. Lynch and Drag is a great power, although I cringe at the word "Lynch" and would prefer "Lasso" instead, personally.

A couple of things on El Santo. First, here's a suggestion for more official wording for the first power:

For purposes of special powers on any Army Card or Glyph, El Santo may be considered an Champion in addition to his normal class.​

Secondly, the Last Rites power treads into the dangerous rule-bending territory of out-of-turn attacks. I'd recommend reading Scytale's article on why this can be problematic. You can get at the same idea if you a) specify that the opponent's figure destroyed yours with a normal, special, and/or leaving engagement attack (to get around the Knockback issue), and b) substituting a d20 roll for the attack.

Hope to see more Lawmen soon!
Re: PK's customs MK. III - 4/6 - Lead Vengeance

You can never have too many cowboys!

Gravestone: 4 defense seems like a lot for a Cowboy. I really like Lynch and Drag: it's extremely thematic and just oozes character. However, the wording of one part is confusing: placing the figure on the "non-leading end". Assuming she's a double-spaced figure, that still is rather odd. The horse's head should be the front end, but then what part of Q9 is considered the front end? And can you switch a double-spaced figure's direction at any point in your move? That part is almost a bit too customy to me, wording wise, and could probably just be removed. Also if you play on lava maps you should probably make it a same-level space adjacent to her to avoid that.

Chief Black Bear: He probably won't see much bonding use while Brave Arrow is around. I really like the idea of a Viking Spirit that heals instead of boosting stats. It could be difficult to use though. I could see dropping his point value to 30 or 40.

El Santos: This guy is by far the best unit of the four. The Knights of Weston with a Ranged bonding hero could be quite powerful, especially when he can punish those who kill the knights. Couple that with Eye For An Eye ranged counterstrike, and he'll be hard to kill from a distance. But then a screen of Knights with Coward's Reward... and then Last Rites... I can imagine dealing with this guy and a bunch of KoW could be a massive headache. There's no easy way of getting around to him. And he's Valiant, no less.

I'm not quite on the same page as Ishmel regarding attacking during an opponent's turn--it's fine for a Custom I think--but he is right regarding the blurred line of destroying figures. I'd make it so they have to be destroyed by an attack. Unless you really have your heart set on him being able to use Last Rites on Braxas that much ;)

Samuel: Again 4 defense is a lot for a Lawman, but 3 life is low for 80 points so it balances out. I like the versatility he has, choosing between high range and attack or moving and double-attacking. He'd make great friends with Laglor, that's for sure. 'Scape could always use more snipers.

Overall a great batch. I could imagine quite the scenario you could have using these four together. I always like it when characters have linked Bios. :up:

Re: PK's customs MK. III - 4/6 - Lead Vengeance

Wow, if you do enter in the next competition I have a feeling you'll do rather well for yourself.

Lynch and Drag is a great power, adding a clause that inhibits you from flipping Gravestone while Dragging a figure could help things out, but I don't think there is any way to really get around that power feeling "customy" (though I don't think this is a problem at all, as long as it's clear). And another cavalry to smite those darn Utgarians.

I concur that Chief Black Bear could have his cost lowered a little, considering the fairly high possibility that neither of his powers will activate. I really like him though.

:jawdrop:El Santos: the greatest bonding hero of all time. Also, only 110 points. I don't know this for certain, but I'm guessing that's a little low. I can see him and one set of Knights taking out Tor-Kul-Na "single" handedly.

Samuel's neat too, and though I don't have any critiques for him, I do have a question. Can he move 0 to use Quick Shot and not WTF?

To go way-back, Xorlof, er, Xorax is pretty scary. Limited flying is a nice power, I may steal that one as well.
Re: PK's customs MK. III - 4/6 - Lead Vengeance

Wow! Thanks for all the feedback, guys. I'm going to go through here and address most of anything.

Gravestone: I can see an aversion to "Lynch." Would "Hung and Dragged" sound better? Or "Hanged and Dragged"?

I totally agree that "non-leading end" sounds a little clumsy. IT's kind of an odd power that went through four or five versions, so I'm not averse to changing it now. My intent was that you couldn't place the dragged figure ahead of you while moving in order to maximize the d20 roll, since that's an extra three or more spaces between the front and back end of her model (assuming she's double space, which I think she would be). If I took out the wording involving the non-leading end, perhaps I could cap the number of spaces the dragged figure could be moved to, say, 8 spaces, to account for a slight movement around one of her hexes?

Definitely agree on having it be a same-level space, as great as it would be be to lasso someone and drag them into lava or over a cliff...

Black Bear
: Definitely can see a lower cost for him. I'll go with 35-40 on the next revision.

El Santos: Yeah, I realized after I posted him that he could present some problems. I think nerfing Last Rites to only activate on a normal/special attack, or even just once per enemy turn, would help quite a bit. IshMEL, did you mean that you'd have to make a d20 roll in order to attack, or replace Last Rites' "attack" with a d20 roll?

That might also bring him closer to 110, but I could also see bringing him up a little. I'll also take your advice on the more official wording for his Champion status.

Sam Knight: Dr. G: that's a...good question. I'm not quite sure how to feel about that one. My response would be no, but I'm not sure how you would word that to make it seem right.

Thanks again for all the interest, guys. I do have a couple more cowboys I want to do, including Mulroney and some squads. Those will come later!
Re: PK's customs MK. III - 4/6 - Lead Vengeance

Wow! Thanks for all the feedback, guys. I'm going to go through here and address most of anything.

Gravestone: I can see an aversion to "Lynch." Would "Hung and Dragged" sound better? Or "Hanged and Dragged"?

I totally agree that "non-leading end" sounds a little clumsy. IT's kind of an odd power that went through four or five versions, so I'm not averse to changing it now. My intent was that you couldn't place the dragged figure ahead of you while moving in order to maximize the d20 roll, since that's an extra three or more spaces between the front and back end of her model (assuming she's double space, which I think she would be). If I took out the wording involving the non-leading end, perhaps I could cap the number of spaces the dragged figure could be moved to, say, 8 spaces, to account for a slight movement around one of her hexes?

Definitely agree on having it be a same-level space, as great as it would be be to lasso someone and drag them into lava or over a cliff...

I think that's a perfect fix. As for the same-level bit... I can see that that would be more balanced.... But I don't like it, dragging them off a cliff sounds very thematic to me.

Black Bear: Definitely can see a lower cost for him. I'll go with 35-40 on the next revision.

El Santos: Yeah, I realized after I posted him that he could present some problems. I think nerfing Last Rites to only activate on a normal/special attack, or even just once per enemy turn, would help quite a bit. IshMEL, did you mean that you'd have to make a d20 roll in order to attack, or replace Last Rites' "attack" with a d20 roll?

That might also bring him closer to 110, but I could also see bringing him up a little. I'll also take your advice on the more official wording for his Champion status.

Only activating on an attack and only once per turn seems good to me. I assume he meant replacing the attack with a d20 roll, but I don't really see the problem with out of turn attacks. In fact, I think making it a d20 roll could be OP against DW9K and the like. You could lower it to 2 dice, in my mind that would also cancel any potential height advantage.

Sam Knight: Dr. G: that's a...good question. I'm not quite sure how to feel about that one. My response would be no, but I'm not sure how you would word that to make it seem right.

Thanks again for all the interest, guys. I do have a couple more cowboys I want to do, including Mulroney and some squads. Those will come later!


If Samuel Knight moved at least one space this turn...
Re: PK's customs MK. III - 4/6 - Lead Vengeance

I meant replacing the attack with a d20 roll, like Commander's Strike or Engagement Strike. As for the problems facing out-of-turn attacks, I'll quote Scytale here:

A careful examination of official Heroscape units tells a simple story when it comes to allowing a player to take multiple turns: no unit ever takes a turn in the middle of another unit’s turn. Bonding, for example, explicitly occurs “before taking a turn” with the bonding unit. Other powers give turns “after” or “instead of.” That is because doing otherwise opens the door to numerous problems. For example, do duration effects like Smoke Powder continue to work if another turn interrupts the current turn? More than that, though, it’s a slippery slope. If unit A’s turn is interrupted by unit B who takes a turn, which is interrupted by C who takes a turn, which is interrupted by B who takes a turn, which is interrupted by ... It doesn’t take many such powers to create a potentially deep stack of lots of units taking a turn concurrently. It’s a situation that the original designers wisely avoided, and so should we.

Let's say I have an El Santos, and so do you. My Roman Archers use their special attack against your Tornak and destroy it. You use Last Rites and your El Santos attacks one of the archers who killed your Tornak. (Here there's already a corner case -- which "figure" made the attack?) In this turn-within-a-turn, your El Santos kills my Roman Archer. But then my El Santos gets to use Last Rites, and in this turn-within-a-turn-within-a-turn, he attacks your El Santos. But wait! You have a Nakita Agent next to your El Santos and you roll for Smoke Powder. Pop quiz: whose turn is it?

There are rules you can break in Heroscape with special powers, but messing with turn sequence is fraught with peril.
Re: PK's customs MK. III - 4/6 - Lead Vengeance

You're not wrong about that. I'd argue that the case with the Roman Archers is, at least, covered by the "if possible" clause in his ability.

In the current iteration of the ability I have yet to post, Last Rites is only once per enemy turn. That wouldn't solve the dual El Santos problem, quite, but I might say something like "destroyed by a normal, special, or leaving engagement attack during an enemy's turn"

Your El Santos couldn't use Last Rites on the figure I killed with my Santos, because it wasn't technically his turn. That's what I would argue, anyway.
Re: PK's customs MK. III - 4/6 - Lead Vengeance

I'm also not against just turning it into a straight d20 roll, too.
Re: PK's customs MK. III - 4/6 - Lead Vengeance

For dual El Santos' you could do the Samurai Counterstrike method of having the power not work against other Cowboys or other units with the Last Rites special power or what have you.

~TAF, who should probably add that to his Customs capable of attacking out-of-turn
Re: PK's customs MK. III - 4/6 - Lead Vengeance

Hmm. That's also a good option. I'll think over the various versions and probably post edits tonight or tomorrow.
Re: PK's customs MK. III - 4/12 - The Lombardi Crime Family


I added targeting images to all cards, and made a number of changes to the Lead Vengeance figures.


The year is 1931. Prohibition would end in two years, but there was still money to be made from the scarcity, and organized crime was scrambling to fill the gaps. Enter the Lombardi family. Immigrating from Italy in the mid 20s, they found cities like New York and Chicago already claimed by other families - so they turned their attention to the ripe territory of Los Angeles. Though affiliated with the American Cosa Nostra, the family quickly rose to power and carved out their own powerbase. With connections to Hollywood as well as the usual Mafia tactics of racketeering, blackmail, extortion, drug running, and speakeasies, the Lombardis were impossible to stop, living a quite public and glamorous life in the sunny streets of LA. Not even the death of Frank Lombardi, the family's patrician, stopped their rise. Indeed, his wife seemed to take advantage of her husband's death, using her intelligence and cunning to spread to cities like San Fransisco. It wasn't until the "deaths" of the family heads in a December explosion at their headquarters (rumored to have been perpetrated by a spurned lover of Mrs Lombardi, a man with Pinkerton connections) that the high life finally ended.


The Lombardi Brothers

Figures: Copplestone Castings - Frankie's Fingermen

Mickey "Sharps" and Vince "The Jackal" Lombardi were no strangers to violence. They cut their teeth on extortion, learned the family business at a young age. They were public figures in Los Angeles from the late 20s to the early 30s, Mickey's drug use and Vince's cruelty well known among the Hollywood elites. Though they enjoyed their wealth and success, they were no slouch in the violence department, well known for gunplay and fistfighting alike. Though they're reckless, they relish the opportunity to gain more power in this new world of Valhalla than they ever could in LA.


Mama Lombardi

Figure: Copplestone Castings - Gun Molls

After the tragic death of her husband, Angelica "Mama" Lombardi took to leading the family with remarkable aplomb, more cunning and devious than her husband. Don't let her age fool you - even Vydar himself is wary of her capacity to manipulate both her comrades and her sons, always seeming to be where trouble is not.
Re: PK's customs MK. III - 4/26



Figure: Pathfinder miniatures - Dire Bat

The enormous Dire Bats have been allies of the Esenwein for generations. Legend has it they were once elves, cursed into a hideous form and exiled to the wastelands. Now, they are scouts, couriers, and in Skreek's case, jesters. Skreek was Cyprien's beloved court jester, finding the bat's penchant for killing by dropping his victims from the sky amusing.


Ogre Bruisers

Figures: WoW miniatures

Although the Ogres of Azeroth are slightly different than those from other worlds, all ogres have some things in common; they're stupid, strong, and violent. Azerothian Ogres tend to rely on and defend their leaders, knowing they're not as smart as "the boss."


General Kondo

Figure: Monsterpocalypse - General Hondo

Of all the Primadon military leaders, Kondo is perhaps the most revered. A brilliant biogeneticist, he learned from studying the Marro, the fruits of his labor being a gene therapy that increased his size, strength, and endurance tenfold. His increased size didn't effect his intelligence, however, the general remaining a brilliant tactical mind and military leader.



Figure: Pathfinder - Medium Earth Elemental

Not many of the Elementar have names - there's no need, for creatures who can return to stone at a moment's notice. Avalanchion relishes its title - the Rumbling Rockslide, the Living Avalanche. Only living mountains are more powerful and resolute than he.
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