A Happy Extradimensional Horror
Hey, folks. It's been a while.
I've been getting back into Heroscape hardcore in the past several months. My brothers and I have been collecting all the official Heroscape, and we're nearly done. Just two more flagbearers and we'll be basically 100%. And like the apocryphal story of Alexander the Great, we nearly wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.
However, we decided to turn our efforts towards making customs. We've been working on and off on these for the past couple months, and we have enough to post a thread. We have many many more in the hopper, as it were, and we're slowly buying a bunch of figures from many different games and lines.
Hope you enjoy what we've come up with so far. Just as a note, we've been using MSE to make these, and the targeting area is a hassle. I'll add them in eventually. -- Targeting areas added 4/12.
Elemental Royals
Figure: WoW miniatures game.
Figure: WoW miniatures game.
Figure: D&D miniatures, elemental evil 19
Figure: WoW miniatures game.
The Elemental Royals.
The world of Azeroth is no stranger to elemental conflict. In the eternal war of the elements, leaders often carve out kingdoms, garrisons, feudal lands. The four elementals known as the Royals are known for their constant squabbling and warfare, and the change in location to Valhalla has not dulled these fighting instincts one bit.
Zeez Rattletrap
Chen Stormstout
Kahi Tumblecog
Zeez Rattletrap
Figure: WoW miniatures game - Goblin shredder.
The goblins of Azeroth are not like those in other worlds. They are cunning, intelligent, their love for mechanical contraptions of questionable structural integrity only matched by their love of explosions. Zeez Rattletrap is no exception, catching Vydar's eye with his patented Rattletrap Mechanoshredder.
Figure: WoW miniatures game - Bogstrok.
Klack, klack, klack....klackklackklack! Klick-klack! Klick....klack.
Figure: Monsterpocalypse - Xixorax
After Sujoah, the Kyrie General Aquilla experimented with exposing other insects to the waters of a Wellspring. One such insect was the humble horned beetle. Xorax grew to a massive size, much more intelligent but no less territorial. In battle, the huge insect will seek out the champions of the other army, hoping to beat the enemy into submission by destroying their leaders.
Figure: WoW Miniatures - modified Timmo Shadestep
It's not easy surviving in goblin "culture." Every so often a goblin will learn the skills necessary to thrive. Gutstab is one of those goblins. A thief, a killer, Gutstab has been declared "dead" seven times, only to put some other sap in his place. Blending in is the most important skill, it turns out.
Figure: D&D miniatures - Monster Menagerie 28 - Phase Spider
Some of the Fyorlag spiders have grown fat on the diluted waters of the Ticalla Wellspring - most legendary of them is Shok'Thul. This spider is cunning, agile, somehow able to lead his lesser brethren on hunts, instructing them in the ways of pack hunting. Though he is a formidable predator, he prefers to infect his prey with a debilitating venom, allowing the smaller spiders to finish it off.
Chen Stormsout
Figure: WoW miniatures - Chen Stormstout
Chen Stormstout is a wanderer, adventurer and keg-emptier -- and this world-class brewmaster has left an indelible mark on Azeroth's history.
With a smile, a joke, a beer, and an ancient Pandaren bit of wisdom, this drunken brawler supports his allies just as well as he fights for himself.
Figure: WoW miniatures - Bog elemental
Vimarsh seems mindless, at first. Or it did, when it first approached Ullar's forces. It became clear that the elemental - the likes of which Valhalla had never seen before - wanted nothing more than to protect its home, the sanctity of nature, and approached Ullar with this goal in mind.
Kahi Tumblecog
Figure: WoW miniatures - Parvink
The ingenious gnomes were an obvious choice for the general Vydar, but even Vydar was surprised by the confidence and fearlessness of their fighters. Kahi Tumblecog was a prime example, a ferocious warrior whose small size was only ever a means to get better leverage.
Scrip Sparkplug
Deathstalker Eliza
Wild 3
Scrip Sparkplug
Figure: WoW miniatures game - Filet the Kneecapper
Scrip is another of the gnomes chosen by Vydar. Rough, tough, and ready to rumble, Scrip is no stranger to a good fight. He enjoys taking on enemies far larger than himself, and employs several ingenious inventions in battle. Not the least of these is the clever Boomeraxe, a rocket-propelled...well, axe. Easily thrown, it strikes and returns to Scrip, allowing him to keep up the momentum no matter who he faces.
Deathstalker Eliza
Figure: WoW miniatures - Kayleitha
The Forsaken of Azeroth pride themselves in regaining full control of themselves after their Banshee Queen freed them from the grip of the Scourge, but the sad truth is that rarely, some undead may partially regress. Once a well-regarded and disciplined Deathstalker, Eliza's main goal is violence and combat itself. She craves the thrill of killing, and her relentless pursuit of her prey has earned her the favor of Valkrill's Death Knights, companions she is more than happy to kill alongside.
The Wild 3
Figures: Rebel Miniatures - 28mm thugs
In the dystopian future of 2210, the Microcorp "peacekeeper" corps are scarcely better than the myriad gangs that rule the lower streets, and one of the most feared of those gangs is The Wild 3. Theft, arson, extortion, assault and battery, murder. The criminal record of the violent gang known as the Wild 3 is so large it could kill a man by itself. And yeah, they're called the Wild 3 and there's four of them. You wanna fight about it?
Figure: WoW miniatures - Felguard
Corrupted long ago from some long-forgotten world, the mighty Felguards form the backbone of the Burning Legion's army. Though a few warlocks may summon and control lesser Felguards, they are known to be fierce, stubborn, battle-hardened, and completely dedicated to the eradication of mortals.
Four outcasts. Four broken lawmen. Four people, drawn together by one single goal: the death of the crooked sheriff Jedidiah Mulroney. Mulroney was powerful - officially the sheriff of Lost Springs, Wyoming, he was in reality the head of a massive gang of outlaws, drug runners, prostitution rings, and merchants of death and destruction that spanned from Missouri to California. No one questioned his judgement. No one spoke out against him. No one dared challenge his authority....until, that is, the four misfits who banded together - for LEAD VENGEANCE.
Ginnie "Gravestone" McCaskil
Figure: Black Scorpion: Barbara Allen
Ginnie McCaskil was once an every day housewife on a farm in the Wyoming territory. Although unable to have children, she and her husband James McCaskil eeked out a small but happy life...until James spoke out against the the slaughter of a Native settlement, rumored to be perpetrated by Jedidiah Mulroney. Retribution was swift - Sheriff Mulroney doesn't take kindly to those who question his authority. James McCaskil was arrested for a murder he didn't commit, tried in a kangaroo court, and hung at sunrise not two days later. Lesser women would have drowned in sorrow, but it wasn't long before Ginnie McCaskil sold her farm, packed up her belongings, and started to hunt down the men who killed her husband - most of all, the murderer Jedidiah Mulroney.
Chief Black Bear
Figure: Black Scorpion - Ahiga Apache leader
Black Bear looked forward to spending the last of his twilight years as chief of a Shoshone settlement in eastern Wyoming. The preparations to pass leadership to his eldest son were almost done. Relations with the nearby white men were...uneasy, as they always were, but with no signs of violence. It seemed as though Black Bear would live out his days in peace. Gold, as it always does, got in the way. Gold was found on native territory. Tensions rose. War seemed inevitable. But war wouldn't come - instead, a night attack by masked men. Hired goons from Texas, under orders from Jedidiah Mulroney, slaughtered half of the Shoshone camp before they could react. Black Bear's son was killed - his people scattered. After the attack, the survivors were forced to flee to neighboring tribes. Except for Black Bear. He resolved to spend the rest of his life seeking honor - seeking the death of the treacherous Jedidiah Mulroney.
El Santos
Figure: Knuckleduster miniatures - Antonio
Gerardo Reyes was the son of a catholic minister in the outskirts of El Paso, Texas. Life was good - the church looked after the sick and needy, served the public good, was a respite from the violence of El Paso. That was, until, Father Reyes felt the influence of a new, altogether more violent group trying to seek power in Texas. Father Reyes preached, as he always did, against violence and fear and the abuse of power. Unfortunately, this was seen as an attack on Mulroney's new power grab. Gerardo awoke one night to find the church in flames - and it was far too late to save his father or mother. In his haste to escape, the heated metal cross that hung on the wall above the pulpit fell on his back, pinning him long enough to burn the shape into his skin. He survived, but just barely. Giving up his old name and his old life, he took up the mantle of El Santos, The Saint - traveling Mexico and the Southwest, putting down outlaws, helping those in need, protecting the innocent. All in service of a broader goal - forcing to hell the man who deserved it most - that devil Jedidiah Mulroney.
Samuel Knight
Figure: North Star miniatures - Dead Man's Hand Rogue Ely Fergus
Samuel Knight was born a slave in South Carolina. Mistreated and tortured, the man and his sister escaped out west, where they could eek out a life away from the slave states. Samuel knew that often employers wouldn't question him, as long as he did his job of herding cattle. For a while, it worked. They lived in relative harmony with the white settlers of Texas, joining on with a cattle herding outfit that had other black men working it. His sister fell in love with one of the other cowboys, and Sam Knight thought he might be an uncle. However, it was not to be - as the two siblings traveled, they came across the wrong men. They questioned him, beat him, knowing they might get a reward. Finally, his sister broke, giving herself up and telling the men their former master, if only they would leave her brother. They left him for dead, bringing the pregnant woman back to her former master. After he recovered, Sam Knight found out who led that cadre of despicable slavers - the hateful Jedidiah Mulroney.
Lombardi Crime Family
The year is 1931. Prohibition would end in two years, but there was still money to be made from the scarcity, and organized crime was scrambling to fill the gaps. Enter the Lombardi family. Immigrating from Italy in the mid 20s, they found cities like New York and Chicago already claimed by other families - so they turned their attention to the ripe territory of Los Angeles. Though affiliated with the American Cosa Nostra, the family quickly rose to power and carved out their own powerbase. With connections to Hollywood as well as the usual Mafia tactics of racketeering, blackmail, extortion, drug running, and speakeasies, the Lombardis were impossible to stop, living a quite public and glamorous life in the sunny streets of LA. Not even the death of Frank Lombardi, the family's patrician, stopped their rise. Indeed, his wife seemed to take advantage of her husband's death, using her intelligence and cunning to spread to cities like San Fransisco. It wasn't until the "deaths" of the family heads in a December explosion at their headquarters (rumored to have been perpetrated by a spurned lover of Mrs Lombardi, a man with Pinkerton connections) that the high life finally ended.
The Lombardi Brothers
Figures: Maggia Goon and Falcone Bodyguard - Heroclix
Mickey "Sharps" and Lenny "The Jackal" Lombardi were no strangers to violence. They cut their teeth on extortion, learned the family business at a young age. They were public figures in Los Angeles from the late 20s to the early 30s, Mickey's drug use and Vince's cruelty well known among the Hollywood elites. Though they enjoyed their wealth and success, they were no slouch in the violence department, well known for gunplay and fistfighting alike. Though they're reckless, they relish the opportunity to gain more power in this new world of Valhalla than they ever could in LA.
Figure: Copplestone Castings - Gun Molls
After the tragic death of her husband, Angelica "Mama" Lombardi took to leading the family with remarkable aplomb, more cunning and devious than her husband. Don't let her age fool you - even Vydar himself is wary of her capacity to manipulate both her comrades and her sons, always seeming to be where trouble is not.
Ogre Bruisers
General Kondo
Figure: Pathfinder miniatures - Dire Bat
The enormous Dire Bats have been allies of the Esenwein for generations. Legend has it they were once elves, cursed into a hideous form and exiled to the wastelands. Now, they are scouts, couriers, and in Skreek's case, jesters. Skreek was Cyprien's beloved court jester, finding the bat's penchant for killing by dropping his victims from the sky amusing.
Ogre Bruisers
Figures: WoW miniatures
Although the Ogres of Azeroth are slightly different than those from other worlds, all ogres have some things in common; they're stupid, strong, and violent. Azerothian Ogres tend to rely on and defend their leaders, knowing they're not as smart as "the boss."
General Kondo
Figure: Monsterpocalypse - General Hondo
Of all the Primadon military leaders, Kondo is perhaps the most revered. A brilliant biogeneticist, he learned from studying the Marro, the fruits of his labor being a gene therapy that increased his size, strength, and endurance tenfold. His increased size didn't effect his intelligence, however, the general remaining a brilliant tactical mind and military leader.
Figure: Pathfinder - Medium Earth Elemental
Not many of the Elementar have names - there's no need, for creatures who can return to stone at a moment's notice. Avalanchion relishes its title - the Rumbling Rockslide, the Living Avalanche. Only living mountains are more powerful and resolute than he.
The Kelly Gang
Microcorp Hardsuit
The Butcher
Russel Meyer
The Kelly Gang
Figures: The Kelly Gang - Dead Man's Hand - found on North Star miniatures.
The outlaw [ame="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ned_Kelly"]Ned Kelly[/ame] is infamous in Australia. Though his career is a notable one for a bandit and killer, the most famous part of his life is definitely his final stand with police. He and his gang donned suits of thick metal armor salvaged from train parts, rendering them almost bulletproof to the arms of the time. Ned held out for a long time, finally being brought down after being shot in the legs. Some of Kelly's gang were never accounted for after it was all over...no one on earth could know that they'd been summoned to Valhalla, to serve Einar...reluctantly.
Microcorp Hardsuit
Figure: AT-43 Tacarms
Only the most dedicated operatives in the Agent ranks earn the promotion into the Hardsuit program. Experimental but still well-tested technology allows for harder firepower in situations that standard Agents or Troopers can't handle alone. Equipped with interfaces that support the tactical abilities of nearby operatives, Hardsuits are an undeniable force for the Microcorp conglomerate's missions. Like the Trooper grunts say - when you have to kill every single Paradyne mother-hubbard in the room, you call for Hardsuit backup.
Figure: Otherworld miniatures (D&D has an alternative giant owl)
Polaris the Wise, the King of Owls, ruled the snowy forests in Northern Feylund. He was kind and fair, but firm and valiant. It was under his guidance that the Owls and Elves became allies, a bond that would last for generations to come. Polaris' end came far too soon, the wise owl ambushed by the forces of the Esenweins, left for dead...a perfect opportunity for Aquilla to summon the noble owl King.
The Butcher
Figure: Buzzsaw - Rebel Minis
The Butcher. The Chainsaw Gutter. The Windy City Ripper.
Not much is known about Robert Paul Thompson's early life, except that it was filled with pain, misery, and abuse. Growing up on a farm with twisted monsters for parents, Bob Thompson grew into a bear of a man with the mind of a child. Having no regard for life, his downward decline began like many other serial killers - it started with animals, then people he decided were bad, and then...just anyone. His favored weapon, the one he came to be known for, was a chainsaw - said to be the only thing that could drown out his mother's screams.
Bob Thompson met his end in a sinking boat, cast out into a lake by the sole remaining survivor of a camping trip, a teenage girl who tricked the man into getting on the boat, knowing that the Butcher couldn't swim. Valkrill sensed his chance. He summoned the man, saving him from his drowning death, and gifted him a new weapon - an enchanted monstrosity, a chainsaw that never ran out of fuel, a machine that whispered to him in the voice of his mother - a voice that he would obey without question, not knowing it was Valkrill doing the whispering.
Russel Meyer
Figure: Mechwarrior Constructionmech #81
The events of June 4th, 2211 are well-documented. Citizens watched in breathless suspense as the rampage was broadcast on every holo-channel and social media site. Details trickled in - Russel Meyer was a construction worker in an underground Microcorp facility. He'd somehow ripped the limiters off his Neural Interfaced Mechanized Industrial Vehicle (or NIMIV) and had uploaded his mind into it. The death toll was thirty-seven in thirty minutes, and several trillion dollars in property damage, seemingly at random. Russel had no demands, no ransoms - he seemed content with simply causing death and destruction. No one knew the reason for his rampage. Maybe it was the divorce, or the terrible working conditions, or his alcoholism, or his gambling debt. Whatever the cause, Microcorp Agents responded, and Meyer managed to kill five more before a building was destroyed underneath him, plunging him off a cliff and into the waters below.
Valkrill summoned him as he hit the water, and in that moment cut Russel off from his body. Valkrill promised the stranded man that he'd return him to his body once the fighting was done - but Russel had grown used to this new body, and relished the opportunity to cause more destruction....and maybe kill a few more of those Microcorp bastards on the way.
Dark Lakes Creature
Sir Wilton
Lucian Esenwein
Dark Lakes Creature
Figure: Deep One - Horrorclix
When the fighting came to the Dark Lakes, some soldiers reported some...thing stalking them from the waters. A strange, ferocious beast inhabited these dark, cursed waters, a unique creature seemingly unknown to Valhalla. No general had summoned it, but Utgar happily bent this vile creature to his will, eager to have an influence in the waters of this new battleground.
Sir Wilton
Figure: Modified Wilton Thorne - WoW miniatures
When he was ordered to retreat, the Knight of Weston, Sir Wilton, refused.
When the wails and moans of the undead echoed through the valley at him, and he felt the urge to run, Sir Wilton refused.
When the undead filtered through the valley, trying to gain access to the plains beyond, Sir Wilton refused.
When he felt the arrows pierce his body, felt those mortal wounds weakening his resolve, Sir Wilton refused.
But when he felt the icy but comforting grip of death come for him, he felt the hand on his shoulder that offered a guiding hand to his promised everlasting, Sir Wilton...hesitated.
He looked up into the grim visage of Death, and set his jaw. He stood, strength filling his hands even as his heart stopped. His faith, his conviction, his pure stubborn rage. Facing oblivion, facing Death itself, Sir Wilton refused.
Figure: Voidwalker - WoW miniatures
Voidwalkers are called from realms of shadow, coalesced into sturdy and obedient minions of pure darkness. They fear little, feel no remorse, and obey every command, only wanting to fulfill their purpose and return to their homelands of shadow and void.
-I'm not satisfied with Voidwalker at all. This card is subject to change.
Lucian Esenwein
Figure: Modified Sonlen - Heroscape
Lucian was one of the more distant cousins in the Esenwein clan. With no lands to himself and no official royal titles, Lucian busied himself with studying the dark arts. All of the Esenweins knew various magics, but Lucian devoted himself to dark wizardry, honing his skills until he was considered the court wizard to the Lord himself. He received a Retchling from Iskra, who served him faithfully as his familiar and companion in his studies. On Valhalla, Lucian is eager to use his magic practically, instead of just studying his nights away...
Marro Stock Clones
Marro Apex Clones
Figure: Modified Marro Warrior - Heroscape
Kre-Na-Nesh is fiendish, cunning, and pragmatic, even among the Marro. Her experiments in genetic engineering have allowed her to make herself a "universal donor" - she is able to quickly transfuse flesh to her Marro allies in order to heal them, and use water cloning technology to rapidly repair her own body.
Figure: Modified Marro Warrior - Heroscape
Dre-No-Sa considers herself a relic of a bygone area. Though she makes use of advanced psychic technologies, she pines for a day when massive drone swarms were the norm. In battle, Dre-No-Sa is sadistic, driving her drones onward with pheremones etched into the skin of her enemies, that whip flailing overhead. She makes use of an advanced psychic field that is able to instantly transmute organic flesh into a lifeform close enough to a Marro as to be indistinguishable. All she needs is the "raw materials"....
Marro Stock Clones
Figures: Lightly modified Marro Warriors - Heroscape
Marro Stock Clones are just above Drones, but barely. They represent a genetic "baseline" for the Marro race. Stock Clones may be taken and altered into true Warriors, Stingers, Apex, Dividers, or maybe even named Marro in the higher castes. If the genetic alteration does not take, they are doomed to become Drones. As Stock clones, they can still form a formidable fighting force, wild and mindless, all vying to prove themselves on the field of battle and perhaps, one day, earn themselves a name.
Marro Apex Clones
Figures: Modified MArro Warriors - Heroscape
Apex Clones are the cutting edge in both genetic manipulation and organic armoring technology. Rumor has it that the Apex clones were the ones who would eventually become the Havech Eradicators. Even without the heavy cybernetic modifications that would come later, Apex Clones represent a brutally efficient fighting force. They breathe in a constant stream of toxic gas that they can use offensively, fighting alongside warlords, warwitches, or wulsinu without fear.
Quorik Ritualists
Commander Nhav Sun
Zetan Elite
Figure: Ravager Battle Armor - Mechwarrior
Rarely, Repulsors will rise through the ranks and become more well known. Whether by combat experience, self-improvement in the form of upgrades, or both, Thetacron has earned his name as a repulsor scout, performing recon with his jump jets and allowing his fellow warriors more intel on the battlefield ahead.
Quorik Ritualists
Figures: Sethekk Talon Lord & Sienor Sorceror - WoW miniatures
The caste of Quorik Warwitches often create cults of personality around them. Raptorians twisted by the blood magic practiced by the warwitches into flightless and ugly creatures, still fanatically dedicated to their chosen Witch.
Commander Nhav Sun
Figure: Major Harper - Horrorclix
Commander Nhav Sun lost everything in the Soulborg uprising. His family, his home - he even lost his livelihood when the military officially collapsed into chaos. He joined the resistance as a rebel commander, his rank in the old military helping him lead the resistance fighters. He fights with a stolen minigun, one of the last relics of Mariedian heavy weaponry still functional. Though he is a fierce and stubborn fighter, he often puts himself into bad situations, as if purposefully risking his life.
Zetan Elite
Figures: Hydra miniatures - Zenithian-Alpha cadre
In the dark future of the planet Marr, the Marro have conquered. The vipers, raptorians - all was snuffed out under the orange heel of the Marro. Only the Primadons seemed to have escaped the Marro's wrath, vanishing before the ranks of the Marro closed in on their last stronghold. In reality, the Primadon escaped the planet, and knowing that the Marro would soon find a way offworld as well, they headed for the nearest planet - Zeta-R. The native Zetans were wary of their Primadon visitors, but visual surveillance of the massive hive-ships being built on the surface of Marr convinced the Zetans to prepare for an invasion. Luckily, the Primadon were more than willing to share what they knew.
Spikeshell Braves
Primadon Mindwipe
Brutas, the Traitor
Figure: Chhaya, Sergeant - Reaper miniatures
Kukalad is the chieftain of the Hardshell tribe of Terrapor. For generations the Terrapor and Lizardfolk have been in constant conflict, and it is that conflict that has shaped the Hardshell warriors into patient, opportunistic sentinels, waiting until their opponents have tired, and then striking.
[B]Spikeshell Braves[/B] WIP, PRONE TO CHANGE
Figures: Spikeshell Warriors
The braves of the Hardshell tribe are the most elite of their warriors. Dedicated to Kukalad, they are unfailingly loyal, learning his combat tactics and practicing them to great effect.[/I]
Primadon Mindwipe
Figure: Axis Gorillas - Dust Tactics
These poor wretches are the result of Primadon scientists attempting to free their Mindshackled comrades. The experimental procedures are technically a success, but reduce the victims to a feral state. Though experiments are ongoing, this process is seen as irreversible. Though they are not trusted with firearms or advanced armor, they are easily trained, strong, and remarkably still loyal to the Primadons, making excellent bodyguards or shock troops when equipped with sonic vibration gauntlets.
Brutas, the Traitor
Figure: Gorilla Grodd - Heroclix
As the Marro advanced on Primadon holdings, one rogue scientist argued that the beings were the next stage of evolution - that the Marro were a perfect organism, able to adapt to anything the Primadon could throw at them. Obviously, they deserved to conquer Marr. He was, of course, exiled after his beliefs became known. He approached the nearest Hive with a bargain: knowledge for power. The Hivmeind agreed, granting Brutas with considerable psychic might in exchange for his knowledge.
Detective Joe Barillo
Motorized Patriot
Slark Fishbelly
Detective Joe Barillo
Figure: Heroclix - Harvey Bullock=
A lesser man would have given up the fight ten years ago. Not Joseph Barillo. He served in World War 1, joined the Pinkertons, made a name for himself on the streets of Chicago before moving to LA - where the glitzy life didn't care about his drug busts or the robberies he'd thwarted. A new name, however, rescued him from languishing on the "cheating husband" stakeouts - Lombardi. He grew obsessed with the Lombardi crime family, hunted them for ten years. His obsession lead to his death at the hands of a young Mickey "The Jackal" Lombardi....or so it seems. The middle-aged detective still had a few turns 'round the block to serve in Valhalla - a far cry from the City of Angels....mostly.
Figure: D&D Miniatures - Cerebrilith
Once, Warlord Za-Tor-Ga was a houndmaster, a genetic mastermind who bred the Wulsinu into the diseased, terrifying beasts that they are. As much as any Marro can "love" anything, he had a sick love of the beasts, training and manipulating them to be ever deadlier. However, in a battle with the Vipers, Za-Tor-Ga was grievously wounded. As he lay dying, he begged a Marro gene-medic to save him. The medic grinned viciously...and seized a nearby Wulsinu. The medic hideously bonded the two, mixing their misshapen flesh until Za-Tor-Ga was reborn.
Motorized Patriot
Figure: Bioshock Infinite Heroclix - Motorized Patriot
Not much is known about the Motorized Patriot. Jandar received curious visions of a lighthouse, and a city, a city pockmarked with tears in reality. It was a simple matter for the curious Jandar to reach in and pluck some of the strange automatons from their world. After some tinkering, they respond to orders unquestioningly, and many of the soldiers from Earth seem to respond well to them...but many others can't shake the feeling of something "off" about the metal men.
Slark Fishbelly
Figure: Dota2 heroclix - Tidehunter
Slark was born with a Hunger that could not be sated. His appetite quickly became legendary. Manflesh, other Lizardfolk, orcflesh, even the decaying flesh of the dead and undead was palatable to his bottomless iron stomach. He grew massive and fat, gorging himself messily on anything he could easily reach. Other lizardfolk followed him into battle, inspired by his Hunger, his thirst for blood and battle - that that would soon make more meat, no matter who won. As a result of his eternal feast, the sickening smell of rotted meat proceeds him, an almost supernatural reek. When Ullar summoned the menacing abomination, the beast's only request? "More...food."
King Street Jesters
Elias Kingsley
Armoc Stormcaller
Figure: Monsterpocalypse - Mantacon
Another of Aquila's experiments, Mantika was once a humble mantis-like insect. Growing to an immense size, she has found herself with a mind, a free will...and a desire to hunt. She seeks out the weak and defenseless among the enemy, leaping onto prey and cleaving with immense, scything talons. The mantis had no sense of honor or decency - her companion Xorax has to turn down her many "proposals", knowing full well what mantises are famous for...
King Street Jesters
Figures: Heroclix - The Joker's Henchman #1, The Joker Thug, The Joker's Henchman #2
On the mean streets of Angel City in the year 2210, only one gang rules - the King Street Jesters. They kill, steal, deal, and mutilate up and down the West Coast, over the entire area once known as California, before the Big War. Their specialty is Laughing Gas - a narcotic cocktail of painkiller, med-gas, stimulant, and adrenaline booster taken via inhaler. One breath of Laughing Gas, and you can fight through wounds that should rightfully have put you on the floor, turning you into a cackling, raving psychopath. Microcorp has tried to hunt down these gangsters for years and has thus far failed, finding the killer clowns resilient and tricky, their guerilla tactics hard to counter.
Elias Kingsley
Figure: Heroclix -The Joker
Kingsley came from humble beginnings - a refugee from the British colonies that made a home in Angel City. He eeked out a living as a scavenger working the Great Wastes until he crossed the leader of the King Street Jesters, and was taken as a slave. Years of inhuman treatment made him frail, sickly - and fiendishly clever. One morning, the Jesters awoke to find their former leader's severed head hanging from a broken street light. From that day forward, the Jesters were under new management.
Armoc Stormcaller
Figure: WoW miniatures - bloodscale wavecaller
Given enough time, the Vipers of Marr might have evolved a robust system of magic - psychic energy was no stranger to the Marr natives. One Armoc tribal leader began to perfect her skills and organize the teaching of this new power to her fellow vipers, but it was not to be. The Marro conquest of the planet would interrupt this primitive, fledgling magic, erasing it from Marr forever.
Bolt Gruts
Sultan Al-Rashid
Microcorp Riot Control
Bolt Gruts
Figures: LOTR Combat Hex Miniatures Game - Uruk-Hai Archer and Uruk Hai Crossbowman
Even on the primitive world of Grut, the brutal science of military technology continues its inevitable and bloody progression. Plucked from a time in which crossbows are cutting edge weaponry, the Bolt Gruts are every bit as wild and as their bow-wielding forefathers, but just smart enough to use their advanced weaponry with expert precision.
Figure: Star Wars - Trianii scout
Hailing from Arctorus, Jakkar is a mystery. The events that led to his summoning are known only to himself and Aquilla, and even the other allied troops from that world don't seem to know much about him - besides Seleena. She won't talk about it, but the animosity between the felines is clear. Luckily, they rarely ever find themselves in the same area - Jakkar's skills as a pathfinder and scout are so valued that he spends most of his time alone in the wilderness, just how he likes it.
Sultan Al-Rashid
Figure: D&D - Emperor Cobra
In the endless sands of the Desert Khan, beyond even Aunstrom, lies the ruins of an ancient empire. The Cobrakhan serpents rule these ruins, their empire vast and powerful. The war in Valhalla has only brushed their borders, but their people have still been thrown into a panic, believing that war intruding upon their lands is inevitable.
The rightful ruler of these lands, the Sultan Al-Rashid, believed that they should follow the example of the Red Queen and join with Einar, defending Valhalla and launching a pre-emptive assault on the armies of Utgar and Valkrill. However, a group of rebels took advantage of the chaos and deposed him, meaning to murder the sultan and join with Utgar in an effort to forestall destruction. Al-Rashid survived the attempt on his life and escaped, an exile to his own kingdom. He has joined Einar in an effort to eventually win back his kingdom and his birthright.
Microcorp Riot Control
Figure: HEroclix - SWAT officer
In the future of 2210, not everyone is satisfied with the endlessly oppressive Microcorp. Riots are not unheard of, but Microcorp of course has taken steps to quell them. From massive street walkers ironically called "Peacekeepers," to specially-trained Riot Control agents, Microcorp is determined to put down any street-level rebellion before it can pose a real threat.
Brother Rokhan
Brother Wolf
Figure: Orc Archer, Legends of Golarion - D&D miniatures
The magic of Grut is simple, brutal, and violent. Simple but gory blood rituals are common, binding the life force of blood to the caster's whims. Zornak the archer would be known as an Enchanter on any other world, but on Grut he is known as a Bloodbinder, enchanting his arrows with the power to seek the hearts of his enemies. Before Valhalla, he was content to bind the blood of enemy orc clans and wolfen to his arrows, but now he is more than happy to focus on the noble, powerful blood of those who follow Jandar.
Figure: Armodax - Monsterpocalypse
Garlow hails from a world that is almost entirely a desert. His people are the Terrakhan, a large species of lizards, capable of reaching running speeds unheard of. They have evolved a noble way of life, a code of honor, and a respect for prey that can be a challenging hunt. To Garlow, there is no honor in fighting a defenseless enemy.
Figure: Modified and painted Victoria JAton - WoW miniatures game
All Warforged pride themselves on being strong and resilient, but it's Anchor who could back that up the best. She is immovable, strong and stronger still when she takes a moment to gain her footing.
Brother Rokhan
Figure: Red Wolf - Heroclix
All his life, the young warrior Rokhan believed he had a guardian spirit. The spirit watched over him, helped him in the hunt, in life, in battle. His tribe lived in what is now the pacific northwest, and had a strong tradition of helpful animal spirit guardians. Rokkhan felt his was special, however. More powerful. It wasn't until that he was summoned to Valhalla that he found out he was right.
Brother Wolf
Figure: Red Wolf - Heroclix
Unbeknownst to Rokhan, Brother Wolf, his guardian spirit, watched over him from the spirit realm. On different planes but inextricably connected, when Rokhan was summoned, so too was Brother Wolf. The two became inseperable, fighting side by side. They only met when Aquila brought them to her Wellspring, but they had known each other for decades.
Gor'Mok Fire Watchers
Private Earl Porter
Gor'Mok Fire Watchers
Figures: Gungan Infantry, Gungan Soldier, Gungan Artillerist - Star Wars miniatures
The world of Gor'Mok'Thal is covered in water. Its oceans are immeasurably deep, and there is very little land to be seen. The landmasses that do exist are almost as wet, consisting mainly of swamps and bogs covered in primitive swampland trees. IT is here that the Gor'Mok live, in the series of swampy islands that stretch in a great chain across the oceans of Gor'Mok'Thal.
The Gor'Mok are a proud people, and their way of life revolves around their discovery of simple magics that allow them to create orbs of volatile but controlled energy. This energy allows them to defend their lands from encroaching attacks from the oceans around them, as well as develop their nascent science and magic.
This 'plasma' energy needs a spark, however. By some accident, hundreds of years ago, the first flame on Gor'Mok'Thal was sparked by a thunderstorm. The Gor'Mok quickly learned that water would snuff out this dancing and flickering new power, and they ordered their society to protect and learn from the flame. Now, their culture is based on the worship of fire as a powerful force of nature, holding torches high above the wet swamps, keeping smoldering embers in emergency stockpiles, and preserving balls of plasma energy for the particularly wet rainy season. The Gor'Mok's warriors are known as Fire Watchers, dedicated to the preservation of the flame as a symbol of the Gor'Mok people.
Figure: Gungan Shieldbearer - Star Wars miniatures
La'Pok is a champion of the Gor'Mok people, a master of manipulating the plasma energy they are just beginning to understand. His shield is unbreakable, defending his soldiers against the explosive attacks of the deep-sea creatures that arise from the ocean floors with blinding bioluminescence. Recently, however, it has shielded them from attacks closer to home. A cult of Gor'Mok from a far island have declared that their people should give up land, give up fire, and return to the sea. Armed with enslaved sea creatures, the Cult of Water has declared war on the flame of the other Gor'Mok tribes, and it was in a battle with the Cult that La'Pok and his fighters were summoned from certain death.
Figure: Gungan cavalry on Kaadu - Star Wars miniatures
Thuk'Ya is a young, reckless scout of the Gor'Mok. She is one of the first to master the art of taming and riding the Yon'Tar beasts native to the southern swamps, and she is also one of the first to warn of the flames of southern settlements being snuffed out by the Cult of Water. The southern lands are her territory, and she is dedicated to purging those lands of the Cult's influence, and reignite the ancient flames of her people.
Private Earl Porter
Figure: Gabriel Jones - Heroclix
Having had success with the reliable and disciplined soldiers of Earth's wars, Jandar attempted to summon another. His visions came upon Earl Porter, a private in the American army in Earth's World War 2, in the famous 92nd Division, deployed to fight the fascist forces in Italy.
Once summoned, and once told of his predicament, Porter was in shock. One moment he was setting up barbed wire, and the next he was in this magical realm called Valhalla, being watched with interest by Jandar, Ullar, and Drake Alexander. Alexander explained that Porter had been in the sights of a sniper, and that Jandar had saved him from a swift death.
This was all a bit much for Porter, who asked for a few moments alone. Strangely, it was Jandar's ally Ullar who best talked to the shellshocked soldier. Jandar's proud bluster had unnerved him, but Ullar's softer-spoken ways immediately gained the soldier's trust. Jandar quickly saw the situation, and allowed Ullar to take the soldier into his own army. Now, Private Earl Porter serves Ullar with pride, utilizing his skill with barbed wire (and an enchanted thornvine medallion given to him by his Valkyrie) to set up obstacles to protect his comrades.
When the Soulborg Uprising began, the scientists stationed at the Dynaco Experimental Nest feared the worst. They would not be touched by any direct violence, no - they were much too far in the wilderness for that. There was and days of travel between them and the "outside world," and the D.E.N. was on strict maximum black top secret back at Dynaco. There would be no way for the Soulborgs to know about them. They would be safe.
However...the facility relied on the transfer of food and other goods from the outside. Without the regular shipment...they would wither away.
The scientists resolved to set their experimental creations free. Their own Soulborgs, untouched by the madness and programmed to mimic the animal life around them (if a good deal more intelligent)....they would live on beyond them, their Von Neumann systems running, allowing the creatures to live, adapt, and thrive in the new, robot-ruled world.
Figure: 164 Ursa - Mechwarrior
UR54 was created to be the matriarch of the facility, a guardian of all the other Soulborgs. Over time, she became much more than that. As her matrix developed and learned, her tactical senses evolved, networking with the other Soulborgs in the facility. She became their protector, oftentimes outmaneuvering the scientists and preventing them from performing experiments on the robots. Though their weaponry was disabled until they were released, UR54 was by no means defenseless as long as other of her 'children' remained nearby.
Figure: Jaguar 50 - Mechwarrior
Developed to be the most immediately combat-ready Soulborg, J4GU4R was equipped with the latest AI learning technology, as well as tracking rockets that could follow their targets even as J4GU4R moved. He became one of UR54's most trusted companions, outfoxing Dynaco's scientists at every opportunity.
Figure: 143 Stalking Spider - Mechwarrior (this one is tricky to base, so beware)
Designed as a guard and specialized weapon suppression, W1D0W took to her designated role with remarkable aplomb, often hiding so well that she wasn't seen for weeks at a time. She adapted her own suppression technology - though her weapons were disabled, the nanofilament web she could spray was coated in a neuro-disruption compound that made it hard for opposing forces to concentrate on specialized weaponry. Unfortunately for Dynaco's scientists, this often meant the tranquilizer weapons they used in the field to disable Soulborgs for testing.
Figure: 19 Fenrir Battle Armor - Mechwarrior
Though small, F3NR1R is loaded to the gills with networking equipment, intended to act as a messenger and mobile communications array. He has no guns, but he more than aids his fellow Soulborgs in maintaining contact in the heat of battle.
Hometree Mageguard
Mage-Captain Lithael
Kalubar the Loyal
Hometree Mageguard
Figures: High Elf Swordsman 041, High Elf Spearman 044, High Elf Spearman 079, High Elf Warrior 082 - LOTR TMG Combat Hex Game
Of all the military units in the Hometree nation of elves, the Mageguard are perhaps the most prestigious. Rivaled only by the Aubrien Archers, the Mageguard are trained to defend the elf wizards of Hometree. Agile but strong, these protectors will fight alongside any wizard or warlord who they deem worthy, dedicated to defending the lives of their society's honored wizards. To this end, the Mageguard are trained to allow their allies to pass through them easily, even in the heat of combat.
Mage-Captain Lithael
Figure: Elrond 103 - LOTR TMG Combat Hex Game
Mage-Captain Lithael is a legendary military leader among the elves of Feylund. He waged dozens of successful campaigns against the enemies of the Hometree, and kept the undead hordes of the Esenwein clan at bay. The founder of the Mageguard many centuries ago, Lithael believed that although the powerful wizards were a force to be reckoned with, they were best paired with conventional (if elite) warriors, to support and defend them. Lithael was relieved to see that his wizard colleagues also made it to Valhalla, and is determined to defend his new lands with his new allies.
Figure: Galadriel 022 - LOTR Heroclix
Though she is technically a wizard, Trysana would call herself a mage-priest. Mixing the holy magic of the Hometree's ancestral religion with arcane might, Trysana lights the dark places that evil resides, and blinds the unworthy, rendering them helpless.
Kalubar The Loyal
Figure: Olog Hai (painted) - LOTR Heroclix
Trolls are typically mortal enemies of the elves, but Kalubar was always different. He avoided conflict with the elves, believing them a weak race, but deserving of respect where it was due. It wasn't until a battle with Lithael, where the Mage-Captain spared him, that Kalubar pledged his loyalty to the elven kingdoms that Kalubar became a staunch defender of elfkind. Years later, Kalubar's favorite pasttime is serving in the elf fighting rings, taking on a dozen fighters, might beasts, and captured undead....and making a good show of it. He's become something of a celebrity, coming out to his favorite sound - the elves chanting his name. "KA-LU-BAR! KA-LU-BAR!"
Traga Slickhide
Hulok Thornminder
Chirruk Ripscale
Traga Slickhide
Figure: Mage Knight - Serpent Invader
Known as a the Serpent King, Traga Slickhide is one of the few Lizardfolk who have tamed the giant serpents of the swamps they call home. Sneaky and backstabbing, he's more of a trickster than a king, more than willing to slither away from his comrades in order to find a better position for the next attack.
Hulok Thornminder
Figure: WoW minis - Hulok Thornminder
The Tauren of Azeroth are a natural fit for Ullar - brave, proud, and honorable, the Tauren respect the natural world as their Earthmother. Skills that aid them in the battle for Valhalla.
(Note: Not satisfied with this one. It's subject to change.)
Chirruk Ripscale
Figure: D&D miniatures - Lizardfolk Fighter
The East tribes of Lizardfolk had never seen a warrior like Chirruk. Fast, lethal, using a shield to her advantage. Her attacks her brutal, efficient and inspiring even if their targets weren't wounded, spurring her comrades to glorious, glorious battle even faster. It's no wonder she became a champion among the Lizardfolk.
Figure: Mechwarrior - Locust 97
Perhaps the most dangerous of Dynaco's D.E.N. Soulborgs, M05QU170 possessed the experimental ability to process organic tissue as fuel for specialized nanobots, that would then be used to repair and fuel Soulborg constructs. It was intended to allow the D.E.N. Soulborgs to "eat" like organic animals do, but the scientists feared that if the Zettian prisons got their hands on the technology, nothing would stop them from simply 'melting down' every prisoner on Isadora.
Sgt Buck Fletcher
Cpl Ian Ashworth
Imperiator R-5
Phalanx T-9
Sgt. Buck Fletcher
Figure: Heroclix - Nuke
Though other Generals like Jandar took human soldiers from many of Earth's great wars, the ever-inscrutable Aquilla had other ideas. From the war-torn, jungle hell that was the Vietnam War, Aquilla summoned Buck Fletcher, and enchanted his favored rifle as a gift. His past is unknown - though he could doubtless settle many rumors about war crimes and massacres in that war, he's not talking enough to say one way or the other. All anyone knows is what is obvious from watching him fight: he is brutal, cunning, violent, and very, very paranoid. With good reason, one might argue...
Cpl. Ian Ashworth
Figure: Heroclix - Dum Dum Dugan
The son of minor British nobility, Ashworth had a comfortable spot in the British military. A safe spot as an officer, that didn't see much action. Ashworth declined every offer he received, joining the RAF as a pilot like every 'common' man must. He quickly rose through the ranks regardless, a brilliant pilot and soldier, running many missions in WW2, parachuting behind enemy lines.
His career ended in a blaze of glory - he rammed his fighter into a German bomber, stalling the Wehrmacht's plans and buying time for Allied troops to escape. Jandar summoned him out of his descending plane, where he has served valiantly with the American parachuters he called his allies.
Imperiator R-5
Figure: AT - 43 - Cogs Prowler
Each Mariedian corporation designed their Soulborgs after a certain task. Vulcanmech Inc. focused on trash disposal, junkyard processing, and hazardous waste removal. Zettian Security Solutions sold their guards and wardens to world governments for use in prisons, and later sold their walking death machines to the highest bidders. OmniCorp marketed their robots as rescue workers, disaster response, and precision peacekeepers, minimizing collateral damage.
Empire Robotics specialized in warfare and peacekeeper. Not like the combat-hungry White Mountain Systems 'entertainment' models that fought in a gladiatorial arena when they weren't being used on the battlefield. Empire Robots was secretive, exclusive, and discerning with its customers. Only those who could afford to pay for professionalism could afford the Phalanx T-9, and only those with deep, deep pockets could afford their combat commander, Imperiator R-5. Packed with the best computational systems available, the imposing figure of the Imperiator presents a brilliant tactical mind, with the weapons arsenal to back it up.
(Note: This custom is entirely the creation of @Son of Arathorn , who posted it in a brainstorming thread several years back and graciously allowed me to use the idea. Credit for this (aside from the bio) goes completely to him.
Phalanx T-9
Figures: Star Wars Miniatures - Battle Droid Officer $13, Battle Droid Officer #31, Security Battle Droid #46, Battle Doid (promo repaint)
Phalanx Soulborgs were built upon old principles of war - the phalax, the tight formation. Special networking allowed individual members to react quickly when their comrades were fired upon, but they require multiple Phalanx members in tight formation to combine their processing power. A lone Phalanx is just as exposed as any other soldier, but a tight formation are a bulletproof wall.
Brenna Anvilcrack
Agent Newton
Fu Shi
Kresnik Deadhunters
Brenna Anvilcrack
Figure: D&D miniatures - Brenna Anvilcrack
Brenna carries on a tradition long held by the women in her family line: the title of Shieldmaiden. The Shieldmaiden not only defends her people in battle, but is also the heart and soul of Dwarvish culture, a symbol and leader of her kind.
Agent Newton
Figure: AT-43 - Tac Arms promo/special edition?
Agent Newton is a specialist, dealing in covert and nighttime ops where his advanced thermal sensors can be put to full use. The monsters and beings that hide in the dark, or in the jungles, or among the dense pine trees will find they don't have shelter from the sensors of Agent Newton, who uses his plasma guns to punch through thin barriers that his enemies might try and hide behind.
Fu Shi
Figure: Arcane Legions - Booster pack 1
The mysterious Fu Shi pledged its service to Einar, but...no one quite knows why. Unspeaking and inscrutable, the statue tends to do as it pleases, disappearing only to be found days later on the proper battlefield, already set up for a deadly ambush on unsuspecting enemies, then returning to indestructible stone.
Kresnik Deadhunters
Figures: Confrontation - Demon Hunters
The followers of Van Nessing are dedicated, driven, and resolute in their mission. They aren't as capable as their leader, but one can't deny the efficacy of their tactics and their divine inspiration.
TerraGov Troopers
Cdr. Victoria Danvers
Cdr. Alan Bennett
Patient 7B
Cdr. Raphael Marchand
The year is 2150. After conquering climate change, eliminating poverty and hunger, and almost eradicating war, humanity is at an easy peace. The world's nations have united into the global entity known as Terra.
Terra set its sights on space, creating a system of suborbital space stations that generations of humans would live on, die on, and be born on - new generation of humans bred for conquering space. The future looked bright. This was a bold new age for science and discovery.
Sixty years later, Terra would be dissolved. Much of the Earth would be an irradiated wasteland, the remainder ruled over by several totalitarian megacorporations. Those who remember the age of Terra remember it as a golden era of freedom and justice - an era that Jandar himself has taken a keen interest in.
TerraGov Troopers
Figures: Star Wars Miniatures - Clone Trooper 9, Felucian Stormtrooper Officer, Clone Trooper 6 (painted), Clone Trooper 7 (painted)
The finest soldiers produced by Terra, the TerraGov Troopers were a force for good on Earth. Dedicated to keeping the peace, justice, and defending the less fortunate, TerraGov Troopers were a versatile fighting force, whose tactics changed when accompanied by one of their famous Commanders. Equipped with specialized Ferroplastic Armor (a technology mostly lost after the fall of Terra) the Troopers were more than ready to shrug off many specialized and exotic attacks.
Commander Victoria Danvers
Figure: Star Wars Miniatures - ARC Trooper
Born in London to a military family, Danvers was destined for greatness. Her line could trace their history of valiant combat all the way back to World War 1, and it is a lineage she more than lived up to. She served with distinction in TerraGov's military, becoming a famous face during the Brazilian civil war and subsequent peace talks of 2146. With a reputation for her charismatic leadership, she serves with honor, justice, and self-sacrifice, unafraid to put her life on the line to help the innocent or her soldiers.
For her distinguished service, TerraGov awarded her an experimental technology - the High Altitude Magnetic Rail. This firing platform is capable of sending a solid rod of high density metal in a pinpoint arc from dozens of miles away, allowing her to unleash a concentrated barrage of heavy artillery, with the platform easily retrieving its ammunition later by use of super powerful magnets. Luckily, this platform was summoned with her when Jandar called her to Valhalla, after her supposed death in the Ukrainian Incident.
Commander Alan Bennett
Figure: Star Wars Miniatures - Republic Commando: Fixer
The Age of Terra was an age of scientific advancement, and that advancement was nowhere more noticeable than in the medical field. Doctors employed gene therapies and nanobots to work miracles, eliminating most disease and conducting most surgeries in minutes. Alan Bennett was a pioneer of these techniques, a brilliant doctor who signed up for TerraGov's field medic program and against all odds surpassed the requirements for higher rank, his cool head and merciful nature propelling him to an almost celebrity status.
His nanobiotic technologies allow him to heal wounded comrades easily, and by inoculating TerraGov Troopers with reactive nanobots prior to battle, he can pull them back from the brink of death.
Patient 7B
Figure: Star Wars Miniatures - Galactic Marine
The road to progress is littered with failed experiments, and sometimes human wreckage. No one knows this more than Commander Mikhail Solokov...if he is indeed still alive.
In TerraGov's super-soldier program, an experiment with nanobot enhancement went awry. Commander Solokov volunteered for this project, hoping that it would repair the nerve damage that so far remained untreatable with even cutting edge technology. The nanobots misunderstood their programmed directives, infecting his body with a virus that was constantly tearing apart and rebuilding his cells.
Now known as Patient 7B, his whereabouts are unknown...it's not even known if Commander Solokov is still in control of himself, or if the swarm has taken over his mind completely. All that is known about Patient 7B is that it leaves a trail of destruction and corrosion in a seemingly random pattern.
Commander Raphael Marchand
Figure: Star Wars - Republic Commando - Sev
Even in a utopia, not everyone is satisfied. Although Commander Marchand was an undeniably effective soldier and commander, his taste for conflict was defined in a sociopathic, might-makes-right philosophy: humanity needed conflict to evolve. Under the Terran dominion, humanity would stagnate, and never be worthy of its starbound aspirations.
Working from within, his cold and emotionless demeanor allowing him to hide his true plans from TerraGov, Commander Marchand accepted cutting edge psychic implants. They allowed him to enforce his will both on the battlefield and in peacetime, eventually working himself into the center of a massive conspiracy that would bring down TerraGov for good - a conspiracy that pitted him against his former comrade Victoria Danvers. A conflict he reveled in, a final battle in Ukraine that ended in nuclear fire...and truly ended when they were both called to Valhalla. Utgar offered Marchand infinite conflict, and thus infinite evolution - a concept quite amenable to Raphael.
Cell Block 816 Guards
Warden 173
Warden 477
Zettian Sub-Warden
Cell Block 816 Guards
Figures: Heroscape - Zettian Guards, modified
The prison moon of Isadora was once used by the Mariedians to house their most violent criminals. But after the Soulborg uprising, the Soulborgs produced by Zettian Security Systems took over the moon, using the prisoners as a source of manual labor, creating the arms and ammunition they would use to conquer the planet below. The guards assigned to Warden 816's cell block are famously strict and brutal - not a single riot had broken out...until the one that ended 816's reign over the cell block.
Warden 173
Figure: Mechwarrior - (unknown, I will update this once I have the name)
Warden 173 is known as the Houndmaster. Known all over the moon for his penchant for senseless violence, he subjects the prisoners he dislikes to his "games" - little more than hunting exercises for his favored Deathstalkers.
Warden 477
Figure: Mechwarrior - (unknown, I will update this once I have the name)
Warden 477 isn't quite sure why they haven't just killed off most of the Mariedians. His calculating mind has determined that reducing the number of prisoners would reduce the stress on resources on Isadora, and while he's not allowed to simply "liquidate" the prisoners himself, he makes his beliefs known at any opportunity.
Zettian Sub-Warden
Figure: Star Wars - Dark Trooper Phase 3
The head wardens can't be everywhere at once. That's where the Sub-Wardens come in. More powerful than the standard guards, they're more heavily armed and armored, with several redundant systems and failsafe mechanisms. They don't have the truly unique personalities and identities of the head wardens, but they are programmed to help their guards put down any riot, skills that serve them well against some of Utgar's enemies in Valhalla.
Agent Egypt Monroe
Freki the Faithful
The Honored Dead
Crossbowman of Weston
Agent Egypt Monroe
Figure: Heroscape - Nakita agent, repainted
When you've been done wrong by the system and there's no one to call?
Call Agent Egypt Monroe!
Six foot two of badassery, Agent Monroe was a US Special Agent tasked to crack down on drug trafficking on the East Coast. A loose cannon with her own rules, Agent Monroe is known for her out of the box tactics, her outrageous outfits, and brutal methods. Though her superiors hated her methods, they got results. In the drug-fueled world of 1970s organized crime, only one woman makes every drug lord quake in fear - Agent Egypt Monroe.
Freki The Faithful
Figure: Safari ltd - Black wolf
It wasn't just Aquilla that experimented with the Wellspring's waters. Jandar's favored hunting hound, Freki, was given the boon of a purified Wellspring to drink from, and as a result became a massive, celestial beast unquestionably loyal to Jandar and his army.
The Honored Dead
Figures: Heroscape - Tarn Viking Warriors (repainted)
One bright morning in Felskund, all seemed lost. In the heat of battle, without warning, a ghostly army appeared on the horizon. A familiar horn sounded - Finn and Thorgrim recognized the spectral faces of vikings who had perished on the fields of Valhalla, returned to aid their brethren. They fought with undying valor and bravery, and could not be struck down by the insidious magics of Utgar's forces. These returned warriors could only be struck down in honorable combat. Jandar's Vikings began to see that their own legends and myths were somehow influenced by this place, and embraced their fallen comrades happily.
Crossbowman of Weston
Figure: Reaper Bones - Anhurian Crossbowman
The valiant knights of Weston recognized the value of crossbows, and eagerly searched for knights able to wield these powerful weapons. Even though they serve different roles, they are still knights, and still abide by all the rules of the order of Weston, possibly even more zealously with their expanded reach.
Rodentian Sneaktheives
The Blunt-Tooth Clan of Rodentians hail from a ruined world. Only scavengers survive, those who can pick through the ruined remains of the world, finding guns, food, clothing, and tools. The Blunt-Tooth are not the biggest clan, nor the most advanced....in fact, they're a ragtag group. Aquilla herself saved the clan from certain destruction at the hands of a bigger clan, whisking when away from a massive explosion to fill the forests and jungles of Valhalla in her service.
Keerk The Thornbolt
Figure: Pathfinder - Ratfolk Artillery
While many of the Rodentians favor guns, Keerk has a fascination with a small compound crossbow he found as a ratling. He repaired it, trained with it his whole life, becoming an agile hunter with a skill for blending in with any environment.
Figure: Pathfinder - Ratfolk Alchemist
Bessel is considered the de-facto leader of the Blunt-Tooth clan. She has a deep knowledge of herbs, flowers, and chemical runoffs from her native world, and utilizes these skills in leader her clan through the wasteland. Her potent chemical concoctions drive her allies to battle - however, the resulting gas is too heavy to waft into the air, and creeps along the ground. Bessel has shown no interest in reformulating her gas - questioning why 'bigger folk' would even need it.
Figure: D&D minis - Albino Wererat
Born in a blighted scrapyard, Whitemuzzle was mutated from birth by strange radiation - becoming massive, violent, and white-furred. IT seemed like no one could tame the beast, until Bessel's calming vapors soothed him, binding his will to the Blunt-Tooth Clan.
Rodentian Sneakthieves
Figures: Star Wars Miniatures - Jawa Trader, Jawa Scavenger, Jawa Scout, Jawa
The rank and file of the Blunt-Tooth clan clothe themselves in rad-resistant cloth. They're survivors, skilled at navigating the wasteland and working in groups. Their guns are old, and not very powerful - but what they lack in firepower, they make up for in resourcefulness.
Archers of Annelintia
Skorn the Wicked
Tomb Lord
Tomb Warden
Archers of Annelintia
Figures: Skeletal Archer and Stinger - Mage knight. Skeleton Archer - Reaper
Cyprien's ranged support is feared for their cursed Black Arrows - inflicting their targets with a heavy despair, not allowing them to gain any comfort or morale from their allies.
Skorn the Wicked
Figure: WoW minis - Ras Frostwhisper
It was Skorn, the ancient lich, who taught Cyprien Esenwein the art of necromancy. Though Cyprien would come to rule the armies of the undead, Skorn advised him in matters of dark magic, perfecting necromantic techniques.
Tomb Lord
Figure: WoW Minis - Skeletal Priest
The Tomb Lord of any crypt was always a person the entombed trusted, someone who would go willingly into the dark. Their dark influence animates those old bones around them, driving their unholy guardianship onward.
Tomb Warden
Figure: Pathfinder - Skeletal Infantry
Those with a strong constitution and a dedication to their Lord might find that they are well-suited to lead patrols of the Tomb. Given better armor and weapons, they lead their mindless comrades through the dark tombs, on an endless, eternal patrol.
Aleksei Petrov
Praetoricon X-2
Agent Benedict
Dominus Maximus
Aleksei Petrov
Figure: Evil Cosmonaut - Horrorclix
The promising cosmonaut Alexsei Petrov was one of the many casualties of the USSR's space race during the Cold War. He was clever, dedicated, and a former member of the Red Army, a man tasked with guarding Nikita Khrushchev himself. Like many others, his capsule suffered damage upon re-entry, and it looked like he was doomed.
Vydar, looking for a smart and capable soldier such as Aleksei, intended to pluck him from his burning capsule. However, he pulled too late. Irradiated and dying, Vydar had no choice but to use magic to stabilize the man into a state of undeath. Unliving, undying, Aleksei Petrov is an irradiated, glowing shell of his former self, hating his cursed existence and longing for the day Vydar will see fit to let him finally stop.
Praetoricon X-2
Figures: Cogs Hunters - AT-43
The midrange models for Empire Robotics, the Praetoricon models were advertised as an affordable, powerful strike force, suitable for defense or offense. Their missiles were accurate and versatile, allowing the Praetoricon models a diverse range of battlefield applications.
Agent Benedict
Figure: Magdelena - Indy Heroclix
They could have warned Agent Benedict. About the second security system, about the advanced armaments carried by the Chirograd troopers. They knew, but they didn't tell her. Microcorp was fully willing to let Agent Benedict die in exchange for a successful mission.
They didn't count on Benedict's drive to survive. Her ability to adapt, escape confinement, live for years behind enemy lines. Scavenge technology from the Siberian wastelands, fight her way through what was once known as Russia, and Germany, and the United Kingdom - now all controlled by the Chirograd megacorp.
Microcorp didn't count on Agent Amanda Benedict showing up on their door years later with a list of questions - questions that could only be answered with blood.
Dominus Maximus
Figure: Tanarus - Heroclix
Microcorp knew how to keep people in line. The dystopian megacorp controlled all of North and South America, and you didn't get that powerful by being just a good leader. No, bread and circuses was the order of the day. Many violent bloodsports arose in the brutal regime, some of them snuffed out by Microcorp and some of them encouraged.
Dominus Maximus was once Donovan Michaels. Once a Microcorp-sponsored fighter in the mixed martial arts fighting rings, grave luck had seen to it that he was one of the poor souls who literally signed over his life and body to the megacorp. After a horrific defeat that left him nearly dead, Microcorp upped the ante on his contract, installing in him numerous cybernetic enhancements, and forcing him to fight in the newly-minted Microcorp Mechabattle Arena. Hours and hours of fights against prisoners, robots, mecha, and other gladiators have made him a husk of his former self. Only Aquilla took pity on this poor, broken soul, giving him a second life, and a chance to serve his own goals and earn his freedom.
Gargh Farhii
Nhah Scrih Cleavers
Lord Vincent Blackwell
Gargh Farhii
Figure: Confrontation - Kheris
Of all the Nhah Scrih, Gargh is the most famous for his dedication to their cause and beliefs. His faith inspires his men to death-defying feats of endurance, and the deaths of his comrades only strengthens his resolve.
Nhah Scrih Cleavers
Figures: Confrontation - Sentinels
Those Icarians who prove themselves strong and faithful enough are given massive Dragoncleaver blades, serving as shock troops. Their attacks are a frenzy, to the point where they will sometimes destroy themselves in their fervor.
Lord Vincent Blackwell
Figure: Horrorclix - Tracker
From the jungles of Africa, to the Himalayan mountains, to the forests of Canada, no hunter has bagged more game than Lord Blackwell. It is whispered that he even engages in hunting humans for sport, in the dark and secluded places of the world. Eventually, a particularly smart jaguar nearly spelled Blackwell's end, and he has spent his time in Valhalla attempting to prove that no man or beast is a better hunter than he.
Figure: D&D - Nightwalker
Vydar is unnerved as the immense, star-filled being vanishes with its orders. It's hard to unnerve the Valkyrie - he's seen and done too much to be bothered by trifling things like monsters or demons. But that....thing. It has never spoken a word, never deigned to talk about itself or explain itself. It's perfectly loyal and obedient, and its reality-altering powers have served Vydar well and without complaint, but...
...he does not remember summoning it.
Microcorp Jet Troopers
Agent Dickerson
Magnissian the Proud
Jethro McCullough
Microcorp Jet Troopers
Figures: AT-43 - UNA Wing Troopers
With the massive skyscrapers and multi-level megacities of the dystopian future of 2210, a versatile trooper was needed to be on demand anywhere, and combat the availability of of jetpacks in the civilian populace. Jet Troopers are highly trained and mobile, trained to fire on the move down crowded city streets and combat other aerial threats with precision.
Agent Dickerson
Figure: Heroclix - Firefly #17
Originally a test pilot for experimental stealth aircraft, Dickerson transferred to the Jet program as soon as it opened. He took to it like a bird to air, his jetpack becoming as natural as a pair of wings. Perfecting a series of aerial maneuvers that other members of the program were eager to take up, this fearless agent has not known defeat in the air.
Magnissian The Proud
Figure: D&D - Empyrean
The storm giant gladiators are famous for seeking glory in the arena, but none are so conceited as Magnissian. This wild warrior's only concern is his glory, and how much he can show off, letting his guard down after each kill to gloat.
Jethro McCullough
Figure: REaper bones - Hillbilly
Jethro McCullough sat on the back porch of his hastily-built lean-to, fingering out a tune on the banjo on his lap.
"Goldurn Uller sermernin'. Man cn't livout 'er days jus'--"
He heard a snap, and immediately pulled a shotgun free from under his chair, firing into the trap he'd set up. There was a squeak, a metallic grinding, and Jethro got up, stumbling as he took a swig from his jug, to inspect the trap. The silvery remains of a mechanical rat, sparking and twitching.
"Goldurn deffreavers 'n mypropity. Got haffa goldurn min t'--"
Another snap. Another blast from his shotgun. His cloudy eyes watched the underbrush, and - BAM! BAM! A pause, another drink from his jug. BAM! BAM!
Smoke trickled from the barrel of his shotgun as he reloaded it slowly, taking a deep drag from his pipe as he watched the thick vegetation around him.
"....goldurn Utgar. Com'n afte m'moonshine." A pause. "WELLHE AIN'T....HAVIN' IT! CAN COME GIT ME MOONSHINE FROM ME COLD HANDS, UTGAR!"
He took another drink, expertly sipping it past his pipe, and started to reset his traps, mumbling to himself.
"....and stay off m'propity."
The Deathreaver carcasses were thrown on top of a pile of similar scrap - a pile, by now, about four feet high. Jethro returned to his spot, pulling his banjo up onto his lap, and started to play again.
Microcorp Peacekeeper
Professor Abe Scranton
Microcorp HR Agents
White Hat
Microcorp Peacekeeper
Figure: AT-43 - UNA Fire Toad
The Peacekeeper program as we know it was established in 2184. Immediately successful, the Peacekeeper mechanized hardsuits proved an invaluable asset when conducting a multitude of operations, from POI defense, to quelling riots, to breach and clear operations. The current model, the V4, is much improved over its past iterations. More agile, heavier firepower, equipped with lethal and nonlethal weaponry.
As of the date of writing, the Peacekeeper program has only experienced seven casualties - two destroyed by King Street Jesters, two destroyed by White Hat, one destroyed by the 12 Burroughs Bomber, one by the New City Resistance, and one currently MIA.
Professor Abraham Scranton
Figure: Horroclix - Gyrus
After clarifying his intentions to go forward with his plan to strip himself of his "mortal flesh", Professor Scranton was offered a choice: leave Microcorp's employ and be considered non-human as per Microcorp's Humanity Requirements best practices, or become property of Microcorp in his ab-human state and be granted a Conditional Humanity License. Professor Scranton chose the latter.
After his procedure was completed, a failsafe was hard-wired into his chassis in order to ensure his compliance. Thus far, Professor Scranton has served Microcorp faithfully.
Update 7/11/2210: After cross-referencing reports on his whereabouts and actions, it has become clear Professor Scranton's abilities have developed far beyond what he has told us. Psychic research specialist Yi has suggested that Scranton has been feeding his guards and "inner circle" a telepathic vision of what he wants them to see, hiding his true intentions behind a mental projection. This represents an obvious security breach, and I am logging my official recommendation that the failsafe be activated. - Dr. Ellison
Microcorp HR Agents
Figures: Star Wars - Galactic Alliance Scout & Galactic Alliance Trooper
After several attempts to use the bureaucracy of Microcorp against itself, the need for internal and external security was clear. The HR Agent program was founded to provide Microcorp's best assets - its employees - with comprehensive coverage in cases of physical danger. Whether the job is escorting one of Microcorp's top scientific minds, or providing one of our clandestine operatives extra backup, HR Agents provide a valuable service to our community and our workers.
White Hat
Figure: Heroclix - Scourge
Person of Interest #272
Please, call me Walter.
Aliases: Walter Hanover, White Hat, The Ghost, Street Justice
They do like their names for me, don't they?
Wanted For: Destruction of property, murder, arson, assault and battery, theft of physical and intellectual property, threatening Microcorp personnel with violence.
I'd be insulted if you hadn't included that last one.
Microcorp personnel are advised not to approach PO#272 without specialized training or clearance from at least one level 4 personnel. POI is known to work against Microcorp personnel, with them, or ignore them completely. POI seems to operate under his own morality, punishing what he sees as the oppressor. This may sometimes mean Microcorp personnel, and sometimes means other Groups of Interest such as gangs, cults, and terrorist organizations.
My to do list is very, very long.
As Walter Hanover has been considered deceased for two years, it is not currently known how POI#272 continues to appear in public. It is speculated that, using stolen Microcorp technology, Walter Hanover modified his own body to increase his resilience, strength, and reflexes, and conferred the ability to seemingly teleport. It is not currently known how this functions.
Secrets, secrets. We all have them.
All personnel are advised to stay cautious and do not engage with POI#272 until there is no other option.
Ta-ta, gentlemen.
Sheriff Clayton Pierce
Kate Crawford
Jim Whitecloud
Heinrich "Spider" Schmidt
The West thought it was safe with the death of Jedidiah Mulroney. Even though it cost the lives of the four lawmen who stepped up to defeat the crooked sheriff, the West was safe once again. The collapse of the Dennington gold mine had insured that the legacy of the Mulroney crime family was buried forever.
Or so it was thought. Two years later, the splintered remains of the crime network that Mulroney built has started to organize itself again. There are whispers, rumors in saloons and jail cells, that there's a new hand at the reins.
Four new heroes have stepped up, to fill the shoes of the fallen ones before them, to investigate these rumors and find the truth - the truth of the bullet WITH YOUR NAME ON IT.
Clayton Pierce
Figure: Heroclix - Sheriff Steve Rogers
Sheriff Clayton Pierce was an upstanding man, a good man, a hero to everyone in the town of Vender's Gamble, Montana. He dispensed justice with an even hand, and was a fair judge to his fellow man.
However, the Pierce family owned a parcel of land that was said to have deep pockets of silver. The Pierce family never allowed mining operations to come in, but someone was keen on acquiring the land. As the last of his family name, Clayton rebuffed even the most generous offers on his land - until, that is, a package was delivered to him. Inside was a letter, in delicate handwriting, informing him that his days were numbered - and one single bullet. "The next will have your name on it, Mr. Pierce."
Clayton devoted himself to finding out who sent the letter - and in the process discovered a conspiracy that would lead him to the old remnants of the Mulroney gang, and uncover shocking truths about the events at Dennington. Clay knew that, no matter how they struggled, they may never escape the shadow of Jedidiah Mulroney.
Kate Crawford
Figure: Heroclix - Gunslinger
The Crawford family expected much of young Kaitlyn. Born in Tennessee with a silver spoon in her mouth, she was destined to live a life of luxury. Her family planned out her life. From the best finishing schools, to a massive dowry, to a politically convenient marriage to another rich family's wicked but corrupt son. She was to be a useful tool in the Crawford family's arsenal of power.
But if there was one thing Kate didn't truck with, it was destiny. From a young age, she was a rebellious girl. Taking horses for joyrides, skipping her classes to play in the river, learning how to shoot. Encouraged by her incorrigible aunt, Kate grew up to be an irrepressible force for well-intentioned mischief and chaos in her town, much to the dismay of her parents.
When the day came for her to move out west to marry her suitor, Kate Crawford conspired with her aunt to escape - ditching her fancy dress and jumping the wagon train, hitching a ride with some shifty drifters her aunt knew. KAte resolved to make her own way, by her own rules. She wouldn't be married to anyone, much less that wicked Mulroney Jr...
Jim Whitecloud
Figure: Heroclix - Red Wolf
Jim Whitecloud was always a man with no home. His father was a Shoshone, and his mother a white woman. Though his parents tried, neither world would ever truly accept their family. The worst proof of that truth was the day a man gunned down his parents in front of his eyes, for the audacity of existing. From that day forward, young Jim knew that his life would be dedicated to bringing that man to justice. His searching led him to join a cattle-herding operation, where he learned to use the lasso, and became an instant expert. Word had it he could lasso a man behind his back, take down two cattle with a single rope, or stop the wildest horse in its tracks. He became famous for this skill, famous enough that a man came to his campsite one night, wanting to buy his skill for his traveling show - the same man that had gunned down his parents.
Jim murdered that man in the dead of night, with the last item he carried of his fathers' - his tomahawk. Little did he know that put him on the wrong side of that man's employer, a circus front for a group of traveling criminals....the Mulroney Entertainment Company.
"Spider" Schmidt
Figure: Heroclix - Doc Ock
Heinrich Schmidt, German watchmaker, traveled to the United States to make a living in the new world. He was skilled, very skilled, and his devices became famous in certain circles. Famous enough to attract the attention of rich and powerful men. They knew his devices could have many more uses in the right hands, and 'persuaded' him to work for them with drinks, drugs, and all the company he could desire.
Unfortunately, this led, as it often does, to a broken man, in over his head, only his inventions to support him. Something snapped, and the genius of Heinrich Schmidt turned further towards a life of crime. Guided by the manipulating hand of his "clients," he staged many stagecoach and bank robberies by himself, with the help of the superior firepower afforded by his Rapidfire Apparatus.
But then, his client seemingly died. Alone in the world, the man now known as "Spider" Schmidt began to reflect....and began to see the broken thing he'd become. He resolved to make up for his actions, and join the other three heroes who were working to destroy the already splintered gang...because, after all, who best to dismantle Mulroney, than a man who worked for him?
Empyrean Rising
Shadow Striker
Max Karnage
The world of Empyrean. Wreathed in a cloud of cosmic dust, the detritus of worlds past, this world has thrived. Massive cities span this world, cities of billions living in relative harmony and peace, thanks to the Arbiters.
Because of the strange cloud of cosmic power, many Empyreans are born with powers beyond explanation. Super strength, speed, resilience - these traits embolden these heroes, these super-powerful figures, to choose a new name, a new identity, and serve their world. For generations these heroes have guided Empyrean to an era of prosperity.
Until now.
Valor, the leader of Empyrean's foremost association of super-powered individuals, is presumed dead. Slain at the hand of his brother, Vanquisher, his most trusted compatriot. Many of Valor's inner circle are missing as well, seemingly vaporized using a device Vanquisher was seen to be using - reportedly drawing the power of the cosmos out of their bodies, reducing them to dust.
In their absence, Empyrean has struggled to maintain normalcy. Those who would harm others for riches, power, or an ideology have taken advantage of the chaos, and although the remaining heroes have kept them at bay, morale remains low.
Vanquisher is still out there, in hiding, and no one knows what his next plan is.
More info about the world of Empyrean:
Empyrean is much like Earth - covered in an equal amount of water and land, with massive, technologically-advanced cities dotting the landscape. The Dust, a source of cosmic energy, wreathes the planet, making their night skies an impressionist's dream of swirling patterns. Study of the Dust has advanced their technology and given many Empyreans powers beyond explanation. Even those born without those powers can learn to manipulate the Dust binding all things in a form of cosmic magic. Empyreans themselves look much like humans, but will often come in different colors or shapes depending on their powers, which may effect their physical appearance. Unfortunately, the Dust is unpredictable, and is known to give rise to natural disasters at a higher rate than Earth, as well as imbuing flora and fauna with chaotic, destructive power seemingly at random. In addition, not every super-powered person has an interest in keeping the peace. Many fight for power, domination, their beliefs, wealth, or just to cause chaos and carnage. Keeping these threats under control is the main goal of Empyrean's various super-teams.
In order to organize the multitude of powers roaming Empyrean, many super-powered individuals have bonded together into teams. The largest of these is the Arbiters, their outright jurisdiction spanning much of the world. They've been known to help groups or individuals outside of their influence, often whether the people in question want it or not. Other groups include the Adjudicators, a super team whose jurisdiction borders the Arbiters', and the Vigilantes, a loose coalition of supers who answer to no one but their sense of justice. The Vigilantes have an anarchist streak, disliking the centralized authority of the Arbiters and other teams. In some areas, very small teams or even individuals keep the peace.
As a mirror to those, many groups have sprung up for the more malevolent supers, such as the Malefactors, the magical splinter-group Crystalline Brotherhood, and the Deathshead organized crime family. Many other smaller groups, some temporary alliances of convenience, form and dissolve on a frequent basis, as Villains are known to be capricious.
The most recent events in Empyrean involve a surprise attack on Arbiter headquarters by the evil Vanquisher, brother to the Arbiter leader Valor. Eyewitness reports say that Valor, along with many high-level Arbiters, were seemingly vaporized by some strange new weapon. Vanquisher himself also vanished in the chaos. With their leadership destroyed, the Empyreans in the Arbiter's jurisdiction have scrambled to recover, and some have noticed more disappearances in the aftermath. The Adjudicators and other super teams have rushed to fill the void. The villains of the world, emboldened, have launched attacks on various cities and sectors, taking control of entire areas. Little do the inhabitants of Empyrean know that their heroes, thought dead, live on in another world - the eternal conflict of Valhalla.
Mechanical notes on Empyrean:
The goal of these units is to capture superhero tropes and themes, while keeping them on a classic-scape level of power and complexity. These customs were designed to be reminiscent of superheroes, either specific characters or more broad archetypes.
Figure: Justice - Heroclix
From a young age, it was clear that Valor's powers far surpassed those of many of his generation. Raised by his parents with a sense of duty, compassion, humility, and leadership, Valor was a natural fit to lead the Arbiters when the time came.
Except....he didn't want it. He didn't want the pressure, the risk, the responsibility of such a position. He was left to decide, alone. After two days of soul-searching, Valor concluded that to not use his powers for the betterment of Empyrean would be the greatest crime he'd ever commit, and his conscience would not allow such an offense. He accepted the mantle, promising justice and valor as long as he served.
And his brother would never forgive him for it.
Figure: Speed - Heroclix
Valor's friend from a young age, Express was an ideal partner. Quick to act and quicker to lend a helping hand, impulsive where Valor was measured, as fast with his words as with his feet - he was one of the voices of advice that Valor employed as he decided his future. Others may joke that his memory is so short that he forgets grievances easily, but forgiveness is a skill and a power just as strength or speed. Though he may get into trouble easily, there is no better friend to his companions than Express.
Figure: Black Lightning - Heroclix
Overlooked and underestimated all his life, Current began his exploration of his powers by noticing he could control minor static electricity. Experimenting, insisting his powers were manifesting late in his preteen years, no one believed he would ever show more than an aptitude for annoying zaps.
When a being made of electricity attacked his city's power plant, he knew his time had come. Using his powers, he absorbed the entity into himself...slowly at first, causing a feedback loop that gifted him the same control over electricity as the entity possessed, and teaching him to know his own potential.
Figure: Amethyst - Heroclix
The group known as the Sisters of Theosophy believed that they could divine the secrets of the Dust, and unlock its true potential. They hoped that, by studying the cosmic dust that surrounded their word, they could see the face of a Creator God, or become gods themselves. They were able to compress that cosmic potential into massive crystals, allowing them to control their powers more effectively than others could.
Gemchantress is the most well-known outside the covens of the Sisters. An unofficial ambassador to the outside world, she joined the Arbiters in many endeavors, and her ability to divine the shape of the future through her gem was essential in convincing Valor to take up leadership.
Shadow Striker
Figure: Midnighter - Heroclix
Shadow Striker was once an Arbiter - formerly Vindicator, he was blessed with resourcefulness and an aptitude for close combat situations. He often patrolled the streets, back alleys, and shady areas of the capital city, descending from the rooftops to dispense justice.
Over time, the Arbiters began to disapprove of his methods. Blindly dealing 'justice' was irresponsible, especially when the hand that dealt that justice worked alone. No one could keep him accountable.
In anger, Vindicator left the Arbiters and began to work on his own, taking up the new name of Shadow Striker. Before the attack that seemingly claimed Valor and his companions, Shadow Striker was negotiating his return to the Arbiters after several years away.
Figure: Deathstorm - Heroclix
Once a well-respected astronomer, the man who would be known and feared as Solarstorm witnessed some incredible cosmic event. Some way he learned some secret about the Dust, or saw a forbidden God in the flames of Empyrean's twin suns. No records survive as to what that event was - whatever he saw, the revelation drove him to madness, and he believed that all life on Empyrean was doomed. He found he could harness the power of solar flame, and with it he set out to bring the world to his belief....even if it was one person at a time.
Max Karnage
Figure: Deathshead - HEroclix
Max Karnage, heir to the deposed kingdom of Tavatasia, is the sole reminder of a brutal legacy. Even after his warlike nation was dissolved and quarantined by the world's other powers, he was obsessed with bringing his people and himself back to its greater glory.
His theft of the Bio-Force technology was worldwide news - rumors abounded that he was seen in the fight at Arbiter Tower, perhaps promised glory or political power by the traitor Vanquisher.
TerraGov v2
TerraGov Troopers
Cdr. Victoria Danvers
Cdr. Alan Bennett
Patient 7B
Cdr. Raphael Marchand
Cdr. Miyako Tojo
Cdr. Graham Crowchild
Cdr. Amina Abiola
My TerraGov customs are some of my favorite units I've made theme-wise, and over time the way I did the first few never seemed like my best work. I've gone over the ones I made originally and added a few more, attempting to simplify where I could and make them a bit more Scapey. Let me know if I succeeded.
The year is 2150. After conquering climate change, eliminating poverty and hunger, and almost eradicating war, humanity is at an easy peace. The world's nations have united into the global entity known as Terra.
Terra set its sights on space, creating a system of suborbital space stations that generations of humans would live on, die on, and be born on - new generation of humans bred for conquering space. The future looked bright. This was a bold new age for science and discovery.
Sixty years later, Terra would be dissolved. Much of the Earth would be an irradiated wasteland, the remainder ruled over by several totalitarian megacorporations. Those who remember the age of Terra remember it as a golden era of freedom and justice - an era that Jandar himself has taken a keen interest in.
Edited Units:
TerraGov Troopers
Figures: Star Wars Miniatures - Clone Trooper 9, Felucian Stormtrooper Officer, Clone Trooper 6 (painted), Clone Trooper 7 (painted)
The finest soldiers produced by Terra, the TerraGov Troopers were a force for good on Earth. Dedicated to keeping the peace, justice, and defending the less fortunate, TerraGov Troopers were a versatile fighting force, whose tactics changed when accompanied by one of their famous Commanders. Equipped with specialized Ferroplastic Armor (a technology mostly lost after the fall of Terra) the Troopers were more than ready to shrug off many specialized and exotic attacks.
[Notes: Renamed their bonding and removed the ability for them to activate Soldier heroes. Bonding with Drake seems like a bit much. Simplified and narrowed the scope of Cover Retreat, removing the d20 roll and simply allowing them to cover Commanders.]
Commander Victoria Danvers
Figure: Star Wars Miniatures - ARC Trooper
Born in London to a military family, Danvers was destined for greatness. Her line could trace their history of valiant combat all the way back to World War 1, and it is a lineage she more than lived up to. She served with distinction in TerraGov's military, becoming a famous face during the Brazilian civil war and subsequent peace talks of 2146. With a reputation for her charismatic leadership, she serves with honor, justice, and self-sacrifice, unafraid to put her life on the line to help the innocent or her soldiers.
For her distinguished service, TerraGov awarded her an experimental technology - the High Altitude Magnetic Rail. This firing platform is capable of sending a solid rod of high density metal in a pinpoint arc from dozens of miles away, allowing her to unleash a concentrated barrage of heavy artillery, with the platform easily retrieving its ammunition later by use of super powerful magnets. Luckily, this platform was summoned with her when Jandar called her to Valhalla, after her supposed death in the Ukrainian Incident.
[Notes: Simplified H.A.M.R. Drop by removing the reduced-skulls mechanic. I still think it's an interesting mechanic, and I'll figure out how to use it later. Also lowered the power level by making it a short line instead of an explosion, also differentiating it from Explosion. Lowered the power of Last Stand by making it only effect TerraGovs. 4-defense 4th Mass is scary.]
Commander Alan Bennett
Figure: Star Wars Miniatures - Republic Commando: Fixer
The Age of Terra was an age of scientific advancement, and that advancement was nowhere more noticeable than in the medical field. Doctors employed gene therapies and nanobots to work miracles, eliminating most disease and conducting most surgeries in minutes. Alan Bennett was a pioneer of these techniques, a brilliant doctor who signed up for TerraGov's field medic program and against all odds surpassed the requirements for higher rank, his cool head and merciful nature propelling him to an almost celebrity status.
His nanobiotic technologies allow him to heal wounded comrades easily, and by inoculating TerraGov Troopers with reactive nanobots prior to battle, he can pull them back from the brink of death.
[Notes: Simplified and renamed his heal. Gave him Neurostim Booster to encourage taking turns with him and keeping him in combat.]
Patient 7B
Figure: Star Wars Miniatures - Galactic Marine
The road to progress is littered with failed experiments, and sometimes human wreckage. No one knows this more than Commander Mikhail Solokov...if he is indeed still alive.
In TerraGov's super-soldier program, an experiment with nanobot enhancement went awry. Commander Solokov volunteered for this project, hoping that it would repair the nerve damage that so far remained untreatable with even cutting edge technology. The nanobots misunderstood their programmed directives, infecting his body with a virus that was constantly tearing apart and rebuilding his cells.
Now known as Patient 7B, his whereabouts are unknown...it's not even known if Commander Solokov is still in control of himself, or if the swarm has taken over his mind completely. All that is known about Patient 7B is that it leaves a trail of destruction and corrosion in a seemingly random pattern.
[Notes: Made Nanoswarm clear that it was required. Removed Corruption Pulse, which was my attempt to be cute with Ferroplastic Armor on the Troopers, being that they'd be immune.]
Commander Raphael Marchand
Figure: Star Wars - Republic Commando - Sev
Even in a utopia, not everyone is satisfied. Although Commander Marchand was an undeniably effective soldier and commander, his taste for conflict was defined in a sociopathic, might-makes-right philosophy: humanity needed conflict to evolve. Under the Terran dominion, humanity would stagnate, and never be worthy of its starbound aspirations.
Working from within, his cold and emotionless demeanor allowing him to hide his true plans from TerraGov, Commander Marchand accepted cutting edge psychic implants. They allowed him to enforce his will both on the battlefield and in peacetime, eventually working himself into the center of a massive conspiracy that would bring down TerraGov for good - a conspiracy that pitted him against his former comrade Victoria Danvers. A conflict he reveled in, a final battle in Ukraine that ended in nuclear fire...and truly ended when they were both called to Valhalla. Utgar offered Marchand infinite conflict, and thus infinite evolution - a concept quite amenable to Raphael.
[Notes: Made Psychic Blades a little more useful by allowing him to attack with PB and then normal attack. Renamed and extended his Attack bonus to TerraGovs.]
New units:
Commander Miyako Tojo
Figure: Star Wars minis - Boss
IT was a long while before Japan joined TerraGov, but when it did it brought with it advancements in quantum communication technology, wielded in combat by such commanders as Miyako Tojo. Her calculating and bold strategy keeps her troopers safe on the front lines, while directing reinforcements more efficiently.
Commander Graham Crowchild
Figure: Star Wars Minis - Clone Trooper Commander
An Alberta, Canada native, Crowchild grew up on a reservation, and learned from his family the skills and art of traversing difficult terrain. To that end, Cdr. Crowchild carried with him a TerraGov-designed quick-deploy zipline system, allowing him to set up an alternate traversal system in a combat situation.
Commander Amina Abiola
Figure: Star Wars Minis - Scorch
Cdr. Abiola's records are sealed by TerraGov. The reasons why are obvious - with a flick of her hand, she is capable of harnessing and loosening the power of gravity, allowing her to lift heavy weights. Whether the source is experimental psychic implants or cutting-edge technology, the results are undeniable. There is, however, side effects....the woman never seems to display any emotion or falter in her actions. Rumors abound that she was witness to a singularity and what laid beyond, or perhaps the psychic implants lobotomized her. Either way, TerraGov Troopers find her impassiveness alternately chilling and bracing.
This is a remake of my first set of Western customs; simplifying, redoing powers, and using more easily-accessible minis. All minis pictured I painted and/or modified.
Think of it as a remake of a classic movie.
Four outcasts. Four broken lawmen. Four people, drawn together by one single goal: the death of the crooked sheriff Jedidiah Mulroney. Mulroney was powerful - officially the sheriff of Lost Springs, Wyoming, he was in reality the head of a massive gang of outlaws, drug runners, prostitution rings, and merchants of death and destruction that spanned from Missouri to California. No one questioned his judgement. No one spoke out against him. No one dared challenge his authority....until, that is, the four misfits who banded together - for LEAD VENGEANCE.
Ginnie "Gravestone" McCaskil
Figure: Reaper - Ellen Stone (modified)
Ginnie McCaskil was once an every day housewife on a farm in the Wyomg territory. Although unable to have children, she and her husband James McCaskil eeked out a small but happy life...until James spoke out against the the slaughter of a Native settlement, rumored to be perpetrated by Jedidiah Mulroney. Retribution was swift - Sheriff Mulroney doesn't take kindly to those who question his authority. James McCaskil was arrested for a murder he didn't commit, tried in a kangaroo court, and hung at sunrise not two days later. Lesser women would have drowned in sorrow, but it wasn't long before Ginnie McCaskil sold her farm, packed up her belongings, and started to hunt down the men who killed her husband - most of all, the murderer Jedidiah Mulroney.
Chief Black Bear
Figure: Black Scorpion - Natives Chief
Black Bear looked forward to spending the last of his twilight years as chief of a Shoshone settlement in eastern Wyoming. The preparations to pass leadership to his eldest son were almost done. Relations with the nearby white men were...uneasy, as they always were, but with no signs of violence. It seemed as though Black Bear would live out his days in peace. Gold, as it always does, got in the way. Gold was found on native territory. Tensions rose. War seemed inevitable. But war wouldn't come - instead, a night attack by masked men. Hired goons from Texas, under orders from Jedidiah Mulroney, slaughtered half of the Shoshone camp before they could react. Black Bear's son was killed - his people scattered. After the attack, the survivors were forced to flee to neighboring tribes. Except for Black Bear. He resolved to spend the rest of his life seeking honor - seeking the death of the treacherous Jedidiah Mulroney.
El Santo
Figure: Reaper - Texas Ranger Male (modified)
Gerardo Reyes was the son of a catholic minister in the outskirts of El Paso, Texas. Life was good - the church looked after the sick and needy, served the public good, was a respite from the violence of El Paso. That was, until, Father Reyes felt the influence of a new, altogether more violent group trying to seek power in Texas. Father Reyes preached, as he always did, against violence and fear and the abuse of power. Unfortunately, this was seen as an attack on Mulroney's new power grab. Gerardo awoke one night to find the church in flames - and it was far too late to save his father or mother. In his haste to escape, the heated metal cross that hung on the wall above the pulpit fell on his back, pinning him long enough to burn the shape into his skin. He survived, but just barely. Giving up his old name and his old life, he took up the mantle of El Santo, The Saint - traveling Mexico and the Southwest, putting down outlaws, helping those in need, protecting the innocent. All in service of a broader goal - forcing to hell the man who deserved it most - that devil Jedidiah Mulroney.
Samantha Knight
Figure: Heroclix - Daisy Fitzroy (repainted bandana)
Samantha Knight was born a slave in South Carolina. Mistreated and tortured, the woman escaped out west, where they could eek out a life away from the former slave states, where life could still be rough for people like her. Samantha found work in a traveling show - at first, just helping with the horses. But she proved herself a remarkable talent with a rifle, making incredible shots no man could better. It was a good life, traveling the west, putting on shows and exhibitions of her skill, but it was not to last. A man who worked for a powerful sheriff wanted her spot in the show, thinking he was a better shot, and more worthy of it besides, being a white man. That man failed in his challenge to beat her in a shooting match, accused her of faking her infamous trick shots, and she was rode out of town. Destitute, desperate, and with only her rifle to her name, Ms. Knight sought out those who also had a grudge with that hateful Jedidiah Mulroney.
Together, these four represented the first resista--
--when he--
--thrilling advent--
Spurs jangled as a figure walked across a stone floor. A confident, almost haughty stride. Other shapes were gathered around the edge of the chamber, watching the figure stride towards a throne flanked by fires.
"I must thank you, Mister Utgar, for your....hospitality."
Gloved hands brushed over his clothes, straightening them despite their ragged, stained condition. Once an immaculate white, the man's clothing was black from coal dust, torn, red from blood.
"I hear that I must also thank Mister Esenwein and his companions for my...condition. But I must admit...I can't imagine why you'd go through the trouble. Plucking some small town sheriff from his rightful demise. What's a man like you playing at, Mister Utgar?"
The vampire standing near Utgar's throne sneered a fanged smirk, but said nothing. The archkyrie himself motioned his hand, and a spidery form emerged from the deeper shadows, holding a velveted plate. The man with spurs thought it almost looked like a collection plate at a church. Inside, in the gloom, he saw one cylindrical shape. It was Utgar that spoke next.
"My visions showed me a ruthless, dominating tyrant. You ruled with an iron fist. You slew all that opposed you. You tolerated no dissent. You manipulated, murdered, extorted. You are....perfect for my purposes." Utgar motioned to the plate. "Take it."
The figure did. Holding the object in a gloved hand, it shone with a dark violence. He could feel the black metal suck the light from around it. Magic or not, it was unmistakably a bullet. The figure pulled his revolver from its holster. The chamber slid open, the bullet loaded, chamber snapped shut. The figure could not help but grin as he spun the chamber, hearing the subtle clicks slow down as it stopped. He knew right away that bullet had landed in the top, ready for the barrel. He just knew.
"Arise, Jedidiah. Arise, and your service will be rewarded. Riches, power. Whatever you desire."
The figure considered this, holstered his weapon. He stepped forward, further into the light - bone white skull under the brim of his hat, torn clothing, a tarnished badge on his chest.
Jedidiah Mulroney looked around. The vampire, the warlord from another world, figures from his own world's past and future. Doubtless he could have asked for anything from Earth - or anyone. When he spoke again, his drawl was low and wicked.
"Bring me the head of Clayton goddamned Pierce."
Figure: Reaper - Undead outlaw
Empyrean Issue 2: Empyrean Imperiled
Big Monty
Issue 2: Empyrean Imperiled
The disappearance of Valor and some of the top Arbiters has created a power vacuum, and both sides have scrambled to fill it. On the side of order and justice, teams such as the Adjudicators have stepped up to annex the remaining Arbiter infrastructure, and the Vigilantes have taken the opportunity to decry the centralized authority Valor represented. On the side of chaos and evil, organizations such as the Malefactors, the Crystalline Brotherhood, and the Deathshead organized crime family have seized upon the vacancy to claim sectors of major Empyrean cities for themselves, taking control of entire sections of production and wealth.
In the chaos, many Supers are reported missing, presumably taken by the same weapon that took Valor, and Vanquisher is nowhere to be found. Unbeknownst to the citizens of Empyrean, a bizarre game of dimensional chess is being played with their very lives...
Figures: Power Girl #006 x3
Fractal is a young, fresh new Arbiter recruit, gaining the rank of full Arbiter only hours before the incident that took Valor. She has the ability to create semi-real "dupes" of herself, that can collapse back into her at will. With a headstrong demeanor and boundless enthusiasm, she leapt into defending the world once her mentor was gone.
....which made it all the more tragic when she disappeared while on the trail of Vanquisher. Could it be she got too close to the truth?
Figure: Shrinking Violet #007
Maxine found her powers in her late teen years - a slow star, as the polite Empyrean term goes. Shy, quiet, and hesitant to offer any information about her past, she avoided Valor whenever possible....but was always sneaking around the investigation into his disappearance, and the appearance of Vanquisher. Did she have some kind of connection to the two? Fractal always wondered, but there was never time to ask.
Valhalla has a habit of bringing stories into the open. Will Mini-Max finally reveal her secret, or will she shrink and sneak away?
Figure: Terra #20
When she heard about the incident, she had to be physically restrained. Flying off the handle at small provocations, everyone knew to tread lightly around the ferocious pugilist known as Knockout, lest their jaw be tested against her kinetic-energy-gathering fists. She was last seen charging headlong into Deathshead territory, saying she "found out something" - was she done away with by that villainous crime family, or did she really know too much?
Big Monty
Figure: Tombstone #31
Not every person with superpowers is a hero or a villain. Sometimes it's....complicated. Big Monty has been in and out of Empyrean City's prisons all his life, breaking kneecaps when it suited him. Sometimes working with the Vigilantes, sometimes making his money standing outside Deathshead hideouts and looking tough, the only thing Monty really holds any allegiance to is himself, and his only real goal is a good scrap.
And Valhalla? A man can open the biggest can of whupass in the universe with a fight like that.
Figure: Nightwatch #21
He was told that he would be the leader of the Arbiters. He was told his role would be one of adoration, power, and authority. He was also told that the weapon would vaporize his enemies. As with many things, he was lied to.
Imagine his chagrin when his once-sponsor and ally, the villainous strategist Doctor Warlock, turned the weapon on him in the heat of battle. Imagine the surprise when he "awoke" in the citadel of a being called Utgar, and was asked to serve. All those who were vaporized by the weapon - Valor, Express, Gemchantress - were actually transported to this.....afterlife? For now, his thirst for vengeance against his brother would keep him sated, but....a man like Vanquisher can only serve another for so long. Soon, with the help of Baron Karnage and Solarstorm, he would figure out what machinations his former ally had in mind, why he was in Valhalla, and how he could find his way back home.
I've been getting back into Heroscape hardcore in the past several months. My brothers and I have been collecting all the official Heroscape, and we're nearly done. Just two more flagbearers and we'll be basically 100%. And like the apocryphal story of Alexander the Great, we nearly wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer.
However, we decided to turn our efforts towards making customs. We've been working on and off on these for the past couple months, and we have enough to post a thread. We have many many more in the hopper, as it were, and we're slowly buying a bunch of figures from many different games and lines.
Hope you enjoy what we've come up with so far. Just as a note, we've been using MSE to make these, and the targeting area is a hassle. I'll add them in eventually. -- Targeting areas added 4/12.
Elemental Royals
Spoiler Alert!
Figure: WoW miniatures game.
Figure: WoW miniatures game.
Figure: D&D miniatures, elemental evil 19
Figure: WoW miniatures game.
The Elemental Royals.
The world of Azeroth is no stranger to elemental conflict. In the eternal war of the elements, leaders often carve out kingdoms, garrisons, feudal lands. The four elementals known as the Royals are known for their constant squabbling and warfare, and the change in location to Valhalla has not dulled these fighting instincts one bit.
Zeez Rattletrap
Chen Stormstout
Kahi Tumblecog
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Zeez Rattletrap
Figure: WoW miniatures game - Goblin shredder.
The goblins of Azeroth are not like those in other worlds. They are cunning, intelligent, their love for mechanical contraptions of questionable structural integrity only matched by their love of explosions. Zeez Rattletrap is no exception, catching Vydar's eye with his patented Rattletrap Mechanoshredder.
Figure: WoW miniatures game - Bogstrok.
Klack, klack, klack....klackklackklack! Klick-klack! Klick....klack.
Figure: Monsterpocalypse - Xixorax
After Sujoah, the Kyrie General Aquilla experimented with exposing other insects to the waters of a Wellspring. One such insect was the humble horned beetle. Xorax grew to a massive size, much more intelligent but no less territorial. In battle, the huge insect will seek out the champions of the other army, hoping to beat the enemy into submission by destroying their leaders.
Figure: WoW Miniatures - modified Timmo Shadestep
It's not easy surviving in goblin "culture." Every so often a goblin will learn the skills necessary to thrive. Gutstab is one of those goblins. A thief, a killer, Gutstab has been declared "dead" seven times, only to put some other sap in his place. Blending in is the most important skill, it turns out.
Figure: D&D miniatures - Monster Menagerie 28 - Phase Spider
Some of the Fyorlag spiders have grown fat on the diluted waters of the Ticalla Wellspring - most legendary of them is Shok'Thul. This spider is cunning, agile, somehow able to lead his lesser brethren on hunts, instructing them in the ways of pack hunting. Though he is a formidable predator, he prefers to infect his prey with a debilitating venom, allowing the smaller spiders to finish it off.
Chen Stormsout
Figure: WoW miniatures - Chen Stormstout
Chen Stormstout is a wanderer, adventurer and keg-emptier -- and this world-class brewmaster has left an indelible mark on Azeroth's history.
With a smile, a joke, a beer, and an ancient Pandaren bit of wisdom, this drunken brawler supports his allies just as well as he fights for himself.
Figure: WoW miniatures - Bog elemental
Vimarsh seems mindless, at first. Or it did, when it first approached Ullar's forces. It became clear that the elemental - the likes of which Valhalla had never seen before - wanted nothing more than to protect its home, the sanctity of nature, and approached Ullar with this goal in mind.
Kahi Tumblecog
Figure: WoW miniatures - Parvink
The ingenious gnomes were an obvious choice for the general Vydar, but even Vydar was surprised by the confidence and fearlessness of their fighters. Kahi Tumblecog was a prime example, a ferocious warrior whose small size was only ever a means to get better leverage.
Scrip Sparkplug
Deathstalker Eliza
Wild 3
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Scrip Sparkplug
Figure: WoW miniatures game - Filet the Kneecapper
Scrip is another of the gnomes chosen by Vydar. Rough, tough, and ready to rumble, Scrip is no stranger to a good fight. He enjoys taking on enemies far larger than himself, and employs several ingenious inventions in battle. Not the least of these is the clever Boomeraxe, a rocket-propelled...well, axe. Easily thrown, it strikes and returns to Scrip, allowing him to keep up the momentum no matter who he faces.
Deathstalker Eliza
Figure: WoW miniatures - Kayleitha
The Forsaken of Azeroth pride themselves in regaining full control of themselves after their Banshee Queen freed them from the grip of the Scourge, but the sad truth is that rarely, some undead may partially regress. Once a well-regarded and disciplined Deathstalker, Eliza's main goal is violence and combat itself. She craves the thrill of killing, and her relentless pursuit of her prey has earned her the favor of Valkrill's Death Knights, companions she is more than happy to kill alongside.
The Wild 3
Figures: Rebel Miniatures - 28mm thugs
In the dystopian future of 2210, the Microcorp "peacekeeper" corps are scarcely better than the myriad gangs that rule the lower streets, and one of the most feared of those gangs is The Wild 3. Theft, arson, extortion, assault and battery, murder. The criminal record of the violent gang known as the Wild 3 is so large it could kill a man by itself. And yeah, they're called the Wild 3 and there's four of them. You wanna fight about it?
Figure: WoW miniatures - Felguard
Corrupted long ago from some long-forgotten world, the mighty Felguards form the backbone of the Burning Legion's army. Though a few warlocks may summon and control lesser Felguards, they are known to be fierce, stubborn, battle-hardened, and completely dedicated to the eradication of mortals.
Spoiler Alert!
Four outcasts. Four broken lawmen. Four people, drawn together by one single goal: the death of the crooked sheriff Jedidiah Mulroney. Mulroney was powerful - officially the sheriff of Lost Springs, Wyoming, he was in reality the head of a massive gang of outlaws, drug runners, prostitution rings, and merchants of death and destruction that spanned from Missouri to California. No one questioned his judgement. No one spoke out against him. No one dared challenge his authority....until, that is, the four misfits who banded together - for LEAD VENGEANCE.
Ginnie "Gravestone" McCaskil
Figure: Black Scorpion: Barbara Allen
Ginnie McCaskil was once an every day housewife on a farm in the Wyoming territory. Although unable to have children, she and her husband James McCaskil eeked out a small but happy life...until James spoke out against the the slaughter of a Native settlement, rumored to be perpetrated by Jedidiah Mulroney. Retribution was swift - Sheriff Mulroney doesn't take kindly to those who question his authority. James McCaskil was arrested for a murder he didn't commit, tried in a kangaroo court, and hung at sunrise not two days later. Lesser women would have drowned in sorrow, but it wasn't long before Ginnie McCaskil sold her farm, packed up her belongings, and started to hunt down the men who killed her husband - most of all, the murderer Jedidiah Mulroney.
Chief Black Bear
Figure: Black Scorpion - Ahiga Apache leader
Black Bear looked forward to spending the last of his twilight years as chief of a Shoshone settlement in eastern Wyoming. The preparations to pass leadership to his eldest son were almost done. Relations with the nearby white men were...uneasy, as they always were, but with no signs of violence. It seemed as though Black Bear would live out his days in peace. Gold, as it always does, got in the way. Gold was found on native territory. Tensions rose. War seemed inevitable. But war wouldn't come - instead, a night attack by masked men. Hired goons from Texas, under orders from Jedidiah Mulroney, slaughtered half of the Shoshone camp before they could react. Black Bear's son was killed - his people scattered. After the attack, the survivors were forced to flee to neighboring tribes. Except for Black Bear. He resolved to spend the rest of his life seeking honor - seeking the death of the treacherous Jedidiah Mulroney.
El Santos
Figure: Knuckleduster miniatures - Antonio
Gerardo Reyes was the son of a catholic minister in the outskirts of El Paso, Texas. Life was good - the church looked after the sick and needy, served the public good, was a respite from the violence of El Paso. That was, until, Father Reyes felt the influence of a new, altogether more violent group trying to seek power in Texas. Father Reyes preached, as he always did, against violence and fear and the abuse of power. Unfortunately, this was seen as an attack on Mulroney's new power grab. Gerardo awoke one night to find the church in flames - and it was far too late to save his father or mother. In his haste to escape, the heated metal cross that hung on the wall above the pulpit fell on his back, pinning him long enough to burn the shape into his skin. He survived, but just barely. Giving up his old name and his old life, he took up the mantle of El Santos, The Saint - traveling Mexico and the Southwest, putting down outlaws, helping those in need, protecting the innocent. All in service of a broader goal - forcing to hell the man who deserved it most - that devil Jedidiah Mulroney.
Samuel Knight
Figure: North Star miniatures - Dead Man's Hand Rogue Ely Fergus
Samuel Knight was born a slave in South Carolina. Mistreated and tortured, the man and his sister escaped out west, where they could eek out a life away from the slave states. Samuel knew that often employers wouldn't question him, as long as he did his job of herding cattle. For a while, it worked. They lived in relative harmony with the white settlers of Texas, joining on with a cattle herding outfit that had other black men working it. His sister fell in love with one of the other cowboys, and Sam Knight thought he might be an uncle. However, it was not to be - as the two siblings traveled, they came across the wrong men. They questioned him, beat him, knowing they might get a reward. Finally, his sister broke, giving herself up and telling the men their former master, if only they would leave her brother. They left him for dead, bringing the pregnant woman back to her former master. After he recovered, Sam Knight found out who led that cadre of despicable slavers - the hateful Jedidiah Mulroney.
Lombardi Crime Family
Spoiler Alert!
The year is 1931. Prohibition would end in two years, but there was still money to be made from the scarcity, and organized crime was scrambling to fill the gaps. Enter the Lombardi family. Immigrating from Italy in the mid 20s, they found cities like New York and Chicago already claimed by other families - so they turned their attention to the ripe territory of Los Angeles. Though affiliated with the American Cosa Nostra, the family quickly rose to power and carved out their own powerbase. With connections to Hollywood as well as the usual Mafia tactics of racketeering, blackmail, extortion, drug running, and speakeasies, the Lombardis were impossible to stop, living a quite public and glamorous life in the sunny streets of LA. Not even the death of Frank Lombardi, the family's patrician, stopped their rise. Indeed, his wife seemed to take advantage of her husband's death, using her intelligence and cunning to spread to cities like San Fransisco. It wasn't until the "deaths" of the family heads in a December explosion at their headquarters (rumored to have been perpetrated by a spurned lover of Mrs Lombardi, a man with Pinkerton connections) that the high life finally ended.
The Lombardi Brothers
Figures: Maggia Goon and Falcone Bodyguard - Heroclix
Mickey "Sharps" and Lenny "The Jackal" Lombardi were no strangers to violence. They cut their teeth on extortion, learned the family business at a young age. They were public figures in Los Angeles from the late 20s to the early 30s, Mickey's drug use and Vince's cruelty well known among the Hollywood elites. Though they enjoyed their wealth and success, they were no slouch in the violence department, well known for gunplay and fistfighting alike. Though they're reckless, they relish the opportunity to gain more power in this new world of Valhalla than they ever could in LA.
Figure: Copplestone Castings - Gun Molls
After the tragic death of her husband, Angelica "Mama" Lombardi took to leading the family with remarkable aplomb, more cunning and devious than her husband. Don't let her age fool you - even Vydar himself is wary of her capacity to manipulate both her comrades and her sons, always seeming to be where trouble is not.
Ogre Bruisers
General Kondo
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Figure: Pathfinder miniatures - Dire Bat
The enormous Dire Bats have been allies of the Esenwein for generations. Legend has it they were once elves, cursed into a hideous form and exiled to the wastelands. Now, they are scouts, couriers, and in Skreek's case, jesters. Skreek was Cyprien's beloved court jester, finding the bat's penchant for killing by dropping his victims from the sky amusing.
Ogre Bruisers
Figures: WoW miniatures
Although the Ogres of Azeroth are slightly different than those from other worlds, all ogres have some things in common; they're stupid, strong, and violent. Azerothian Ogres tend to rely on and defend their leaders, knowing they're not as smart as "the boss."
General Kondo
Figure: Monsterpocalypse - General Hondo
Of all the Primadon military leaders, Kondo is perhaps the most revered. A brilliant biogeneticist, he learned from studying the Marro, the fruits of his labor being a gene therapy that increased his size, strength, and endurance tenfold. His increased size didn't effect his intelligence, however, the general remaining a brilliant tactical mind and military leader.
Figure: Pathfinder - Medium Earth Elemental
Not many of the Elementar have names - there's no need, for creatures who can return to stone at a moment's notice. Avalanchion relishes its title - the Rumbling Rockslide, the Living Avalanche. Only living mountains are more powerful and resolute than he.
The Kelly Gang
Microcorp Hardsuit
The Butcher
Russel Meyer
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The Kelly Gang
Figures: The Kelly Gang - Dead Man's Hand - found on North Star miniatures.
The outlaw [ame="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ned_Kelly"]Ned Kelly[/ame] is infamous in Australia. Though his career is a notable one for a bandit and killer, the most famous part of his life is definitely his final stand with police. He and his gang donned suits of thick metal armor salvaged from train parts, rendering them almost bulletproof to the arms of the time. Ned held out for a long time, finally being brought down after being shot in the legs. Some of Kelly's gang were never accounted for after it was all over...no one on earth could know that they'd been summoned to Valhalla, to serve Einar...reluctantly.
Microcorp Hardsuit
Figure: AT-43 Tacarms
Only the most dedicated operatives in the Agent ranks earn the promotion into the Hardsuit program. Experimental but still well-tested technology allows for harder firepower in situations that standard Agents or Troopers can't handle alone. Equipped with interfaces that support the tactical abilities of nearby operatives, Hardsuits are an undeniable force for the Microcorp conglomerate's missions. Like the Trooper grunts say - when you have to kill every single Paradyne mother-hubbard in the room, you call for Hardsuit backup.
Figure: Otherworld miniatures (D&D has an alternative giant owl)
Polaris the Wise, the King of Owls, ruled the snowy forests in Northern Feylund. He was kind and fair, but firm and valiant. It was under his guidance that the Owls and Elves became allies, a bond that would last for generations to come. Polaris' end came far too soon, the wise owl ambushed by the forces of the Esenweins, left for dead...a perfect opportunity for Aquilla to summon the noble owl King.
The Butcher
Figure: Buzzsaw - Rebel Minis
The Butcher. The Chainsaw Gutter. The Windy City Ripper.
Not much is known about Robert Paul Thompson's early life, except that it was filled with pain, misery, and abuse. Growing up on a farm with twisted monsters for parents, Bob Thompson grew into a bear of a man with the mind of a child. Having no regard for life, his downward decline began like many other serial killers - it started with animals, then people he decided were bad, and then...just anyone. His favored weapon, the one he came to be known for, was a chainsaw - said to be the only thing that could drown out his mother's screams.
Bob Thompson met his end in a sinking boat, cast out into a lake by the sole remaining survivor of a camping trip, a teenage girl who tricked the man into getting on the boat, knowing that the Butcher couldn't swim. Valkrill sensed his chance. He summoned the man, saving him from his drowning death, and gifted him a new weapon - an enchanted monstrosity, a chainsaw that never ran out of fuel, a machine that whispered to him in the voice of his mother - a voice that he would obey without question, not knowing it was Valkrill doing the whispering.
Russel Meyer
Figure: Mechwarrior Constructionmech #81
The events of June 4th, 2211 are well-documented. Citizens watched in breathless suspense as the rampage was broadcast on every holo-channel and social media site. Details trickled in - Russel Meyer was a construction worker in an underground Microcorp facility. He'd somehow ripped the limiters off his Neural Interfaced Mechanized Industrial Vehicle (or NIMIV) and had uploaded his mind into it. The death toll was thirty-seven in thirty minutes, and several trillion dollars in property damage, seemingly at random. Russel had no demands, no ransoms - he seemed content with simply causing death and destruction. No one knew the reason for his rampage. Maybe it was the divorce, or the terrible working conditions, or his alcoholism, or his gambling debt. Whatever the cause, Microcorp Agents responded, and Meyer managed to kill five more before a building was destroyed underneath him, plunging him off a cliff and into the waters below.
Valkrill summoned him as he hit the water, and in that moment cut Russel off from his body. Valkrill promised the stranded man that he'd return him to his body once the fighting was done - but Russel had grown used to this new body, and relished the opportunity to cause more destruction....and maybe kill a few more of those Microcorp bastards on the way.
Dark Lakes Creature
Sir Wilton
Lucian Esenwein
Spoiler Alert!
Dark Lakes Creature
Figure: Deep One - Horrorclix
When the fighting came to the Dark Lakes, some soldiers reported some...thing stalking them from the waters. A strange, ferocious beast inhabited these dark, cursed waters, a unique creature seemingly unknown to Valhalla. No general had summoned it, but Utgar happily bent this vile creature to his will, eager to have an influence in the waters of this new battleground.
Sir Wilton
Figure: Modified Wilton Thorne - WoW miniatures
When he was ordered to retreat, the Knight of Weston, Sir Wilton, refused.
When the wails and moans of the undead echoed through the valley at him, and he felt the urge to run, Sir Wilton refused.
When the undead filtered through the valley, trying to gain access to the plains beyond, Sir Wilton refused.
When he felt the arrows pierce his body, felt those mortal wounds weakening his resolve, Sir Wilton refused.
But when he felt the icy but comforting grip of death come for him, he felt the hand on his shoulder that offered a guiding hand to his promised everlasting, Sir Wilton...hesitated.
He looked up into the grim visage of Death, and set his jaw. He stood, strength filling his hands even as his heart stopped. His faith, his conviction, his pure stubborn rage. Facing oblivion, facing Death itself, Sir Wilton refused.
Figure: Voidwalker - WoW miniatures
Voidwalkers are called from realms of shadow, coalesced into sturdy and obedient minions of pure darkness. They fear little, feel no remorse, and obey every command, only wanting to fulfill their purpose and return to their homelands of shadow and void.
-I'm not satisfied with Voidwalker at all. This card is subject to change.
Lucian Esenwein
Figure: Modified Sonlen - Heroscape
Lucian was one of the more distant cousins in the Esenwein clan. With no lands to himself and no official royal titles, Lucian busied himself with studying the dark arts. All of the Esenweins knew various magics, but Lucian devoted himself to dark wizardry, honing his skills until he was considered the court wizard to the Lord himself. He received a Retchling from Iskra, who served him faithfully as his familiar and companion in his studies. On Valhalla, Lucian is eager to use his magic practically, instead of just studying his nights away...
Marro Stock Clones
Marro Apex Clones
Spoiler Alert!
Figure: Modified Marro Warrior - Heroscape
Kre-Na-Nesh is fiendish, cunning, and pragmatic, even among the Marro. Her experiments in genetic engineering have allowed her to make herself a "universal donor" - she is able to quickly transfuse flesh to her Marro allies in order to heal them, and use water cloning technology to rapidly repair her own body.
Figure: Modified Marro Warrior - Heroscape
Dre-No-Sa considers herself a relic of a bygone area. Though she makes use of advanced psychic technologies, she pines for a day when massive drone swarms were the norm. In battle, Dre-No-Sa is sadistic, driving her drones onward with pheremones etched into the skin of her enemies, that whip flailing overhead. She makes use of an advanced psychic field that is able to instantly transmute organic flesh into a lifeform close enough to a Marro as to be indistinguishable. All she needs is the "raw materials"....
Marro Stock Clones
Figures: Lightly modified Marro Warriors - Heroscape
Marro Stock Clones are just above Drones, but barely. They represent a genetic "baseline" for the Marro race. Stock Clones may be taken and altered into true Warriors, Stingers, Apex, Dividers, or maybe even named Marro in the higher castes. If the genetic alteration does not take, they are doomed to become Drones. As Stock clones, they can still form a formidable fighting force, wild and mindless, all vying to prove themselves on the field of battle and perhaps, one day, earn themselves a name.
Marro Apex Clones
Figures: Modified MArro Warriors - Heroscape
Apex Clones are the cutting edge in both genetic manipulation and organic armoring technology. Rumor has it that the Apex clones were the ones who would eventually become the Havech Eradicators. Even without the heavy cybernetic modifications that would come later, Apex Clones represent a brutally efficient fighting force. They breathe in a constant stream of toxic gas that they can use offensively, fighting alongside warlords, warwitches, or wulsinu without fear.
Quorik Ritualists
Commander Nhav Sun
Zetan Elite
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Figure: Ravager Battle Armor - Mechwarrior
Rarely, Repulsors will rise through the ranks and become more well known. Whether by combat experience, self-improvement in the form of upgrades, or both, Thetacron has earned his name as a repulsor scout, performing recon with his jump jets and allowing his fellow warriors more intel on the battlefield ahead.
Quorik Ritualists
Figures: Sethekk Talon Lord & Sienor Sorceror - WoW miniatures
The caste of Quorik Warwitches often create cults of personality around them. Raptorians twisted by the blood magic practiced by the warwitches into flightless and ugly creatures, still fanatically dedicated to their chosen Witch.
Commander Nhav Sun
Figure: Major Harper - Horrorclix
Commander Nhav Sun lost everything in the Soulborg uprising. His family, his home - he even lost his livelihood when the military officially collapsed into chaos. He joined the resistance as a rebel commander, his rank in the old military helping him lead the resistance fighters. He fights with a stolen minigun, one of the last relics of Mariedian heavy weaponry still functional. Though he is a fierce and stubborn fighter, he often puts himself into bad situations, as if purposefully risking his life.
Zetan Elite
Figures: Hydra miniatures - Zenithian-Alpha cadre
In the dark future of the planet Marr, the Marro have conquered. The vipers, raptorians - all was snuffed out under the orange heel of the Marro. Only the Primadons seemed to have escaped the Marro's wrath, vanishing before the ranks of the Marro closed in on their last stronghold. In reality, the Primadon escaped the planet, and knowing that the Marro would soon find a way offworld as well, they headed for the nearest planet - Zeta-R. The native Zetans were wary of their Primadon visitors, but visual surveillance of the massive hive-ships being built on the surface of Marr convinced the Zetans to prepare for an invasion. Luckily, the Primadon were more than willing to share what they knew.
Spikeshell Braves
Primadon Mindwipe
Brutas, the Traitor
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Figure: Chhaya, Sergeant - Reaper miniatures
Kukalad is the chieftain of the Hardshell tribe of Terrapor. For generations the Terrapor and Lizardfolk have been in constant conflict, and it is that conflict that has shaped the Hardshell warriors into patient, opportunistic sentinels, waiting until their opponents have tired, and then striking.
[B]Spikeshell Braves[/B] WIP, PRONE TO CHANGE
Figures: Spikeshell Warriors
The braves of the Hardshell tribe are the most elite of their warriors. Dedicated to Kukalad, they are unfailingly loyal, learning his combat tactics and practicing them to great effect.[/I]
Primadon Mindwipe
Figure: Axis Gorillas - Dust Tactics
These poor wretches are the result of Primadon scientists attempting to free their Mindshackled comrades. The experimental procedures are technically a success, but reduce the victims to a feral state. Though experiments are ongoing, this process is seen as irreversible. Though they are not trusted with firearms or advanced armor, they are easily trained, strong, and remarkably still loyal to the Primadons, making excellent bodyguards or shock troops when equipped with sonic vibration gauntlets.
Brutas, the Traitor
Figure: Gorilla Grodd - Heroclix
As the Marro advanced on Primadon holdings, one rogue scientist argued that the beings were the next stage of evolution - that the Marro were a perfect organism, able to adapt to anything the Primadon could throw at them. Obviously, they deserved to conquer Marr. He was, of course, exiled after his beliefs became known. He approached the nearest Hive with a bargain: knowledge for power. The Hivmeind agreed, granting Brutas with considerable psychic might in exchange for his knowledge.
Detective Joe Barillo
Motorized Patriot
Slark Fishbelly
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Detective Joe Barillo
Figure: Heroclix - Harvey Bullock=
A lesser man would have given up the fight ten years ago. Not Joseph Barillo. He served in World War 1, joined the Pinkertons, made a name for himself on the streets of Chicago before moving to LA - where the glitzy life didn't care about his drug busts or the robberies he'd thwarted. A new name, however, rescued him from languishing on the "cheating husband" stakeouts - Lombardi. He grew obsessed with the Lombardi crime family, hunted them for ten years. His obsession lead to his death at the hands of a young Mickey "The Jackal" Lombardi....or so it seems. The middle-aged detective still had a few turns 'round the block to serve in Valhalla - a far cry from the City of Angels....mostly.
Figure: D&D Miniatures - Cerebrilith
Once, Warlord Za-Tor-Ga was a houndmaster, a genetic mastermind who bred the Wulsinu into the diseased, terrifying beasts that they are. As much as any Marro can "love" anything, he had a sick love of the beasts, training and manipulating them to be ever deadlier. However, in a battle with the Vipers, Za-Tor-Ga was grievously wounded. As he lay dying, he begged a Marro gene-medic to save him. The medic grinned viciously...and seized a nearby Wulsinu. The medic hideously bonded the two, mixing their misshapen flesh until Za-Tor-Ga was reborn.
Motorized Patriot
Figure: Bioshock Infinite Heroclix - Motorized Patriot
Not much is known about the Motorized Patriot. Jandar received curious visions of a lighthouse, and a city, a city pockmarked with tears in reality. It was a simple matter for the curious Jandar to reach in and pluck some of the strange automatons from their world. After some tinkering, they respond to orders unquestioningly, and many of the soldiers from Earth seem to respond well to them...but many others can't shake the feeling of something "off" about the metal men.
Slark Fishbelly
Figure: Dota2 heroclix - Tidehunter
Slark was born with a Hunger that could not be sated. His appetite quickly became legendary. Manflesh, other Lizardfolk, orcflesh, even the decaying flesh of the dead and undead was palatable to his bottomless iron stomach. He grew massive and fat, gorging himself messily on anything he could easily reach. Other lizardfolk followed him into battle, inspired by his Hunger, his thirst for blood and battle - that that would soon make more meat, no matter who won. As a result of his eternal feast, the sickening smell of rotted meat proceeds him, an almost supernatural reek. When Ullar summoned the menacing abomination, the beast's only request? "More...food."
King Street Jesters
Elias Kingsley
Armoc Stormcaller
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Figure: Monsterpocalypse - Mantacon
Another of Aquila's experiments, Mantika was once a humble mantis-like insect. Growing to an immense size, she has found herself with a mind, a free will...and a desire to hunt. She seeks out the weak and defenseless among the enemy, leaping onto prey and cleaving with immense, scything talons. The mantis had no sense of honor or decency - her companion Xorax has to turn down her many "proposals", knowing full well what mantises are famous for...
King Street Jesters
Figures: Heroclix - The Joker's Henchman #1, The Joker Thug, The Joker's Henchman #2
On the mean streets of Angel City in the year 2210, only one gang rules - the King Street Jesters. They kill, steal, deal, and mutilate up and down the West Coast, over the entire area once known as California, before the Big War. Their specialty is Laughing Gas - a narcotic cocktail of painkiller, med-gas, stimulant, and adrenaline booster taken via inhaler. One breath of Laughing Gas, and you can fight through wounds that should rightfully have put you on the floor, turning you into a cackling, raving psychopath. Microcorp has tried to hunt down these gangsters for years and has thus far failed, finding the killer clowns resilient and tricky, their guerilla tactics hard to counter.
Elias Kingsley
Figure: Heroclix -The Joker
Kingsley came from humble beginnings - a refugee from the British colonies that made a home in Angel City. He eeked out a living as a scavenger working the Great Wastes until he crossed the leader of the King Street Jesters, and was taken as a slave. Years of inhuman treatment made him frail, sickly - and fiendishly clever. One morning, the Jesters awoke to find their former leader's severed head hanging from a broken street light. From that day forward, the Jesters were under new management.
Armoc Stormcaller
Figure: WoW miniatures - bloodscale wavecaller
Given enough time, the Vipers of Marr might have evolved a robust system of magic - psychic energy was no stranger to the Marr natives. One Armoc tribal leader began to perfect her skills and organize the teaching of this new power to her fellow vipers, but it was not to be. The Marro conquest of the planet would interrupt this primitive, fledgling magic, erasing it from Marr forever.
Bolt Gruts
Sultan Al-Rashid
Microcorp Riot Control
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Bolt Gruts
Figures: LOTR Combat Hex Miniatures Game - Uruk-Hai Archer and Uruk Hai Crossbowman
Even on the primitive world of Grut, the brutal science of military technology continues its inevitable and bloody progression. Plucked from a time in which crossbows are cutting edge weaponry, the Bolt Gruts are every bit as wild and as their bow-wielding forefathers, but just smart enough to use their advanced weaponry with expert precision.
Figure: Star Wars - Trianii scout
Hailing from Arctorus, Jakkar is a mystery. The events that led to his summoning are known only to himself and Aquilla, and even the other allied troops from that world don't seem to know much about him - besides Seleena. She won't talk about it, but the animosity between the felines is clear. Luckily, they rarely ever find themselves in the same area - Jakkar's skills as a pathfinder and scout are so valued that he spends most of his time alone in the wilderness, just how he likes it.
Sultan Al-Rashid
Figure: D&D - Emperor Cobra
In the endless sands of the Desert Khan, beyond even Aunstrom, lies the ruins of an ancient empire. The Cobrakhan serpents rule these ruins, their empire vast and powerful. The war in Valhalla has only brushed their borders, but their people have still been thrown into a panic, believing that war intruding upon their lands is inevitable.
The rightful ruler of these lands, the Sultan Al-Rashid, believed that they should follow the example of the Red Queen and join with Einar, defending Valhalla and launching a pre-emptive assault on the armies of Utgar and Valkrill. However, a group of rebels took advantage of the chaos and deposed him, meaning to murder the sultan and join with Utgar in an effort to forestall destruction. Al-Rashid survived the attempt on his life and escaped, an exile to his own kingdom. He has joined Einar in an effort to eventually win back his kingdom and his birthright.
Microcorp Riot Control
Figure: HEroclix - SWAT officer
In the future of 2210, not everyone is satisfied with the endlessly oppressive Microcorp. Riots are not unheard of, but Microcorp of course has taken steps to quell them. From massive street walkers ironically called "Peacekeepers," to specially-trained Riot Control agents, Microcorp is determined to put down any street-level rebellion before it can pose a real threat.
Brother Rokhan
Brother Wolf
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Figure: Orc Archer, Legends of Golarion - D&D miniatures
The magic of Grut is simple, brutal, and violent. Simple but gory blood rituals are common, binding the life force of blood to the caster's whims. Zornak the archer would be known as an Enchanter on any other world, but on Grut he is known as a Bloodbinder, enchanting his arrows with the power to seek the hearts of his enemies. Before Valhalla, he was content to bind the blood of enemy orc clans and wolfen to his arrows, but now he is more than happy to focus on the noble, powerful blood of those who follow Jandar.
Figure: Armodax - Monsterpocalypse
Garlow hails from a world that is almost entirely a desert. His people are the Terrakhan, a large species of lizards, capable of reaching running speeds unheard of. They have evolved a noble way of life, a code of honor, and a respect for prey that can be a challenging hunt. To Garlow, there is no honor in fighting a defenseless enemy.
Figure: Modified and painted Victoria JAton - WoW miniatures game
All Warforged pride themselves on being strong and resilient, but it's Anchor who could back that up the best. She is immovable, strong and stronger still when she takes a moment to gain her footing.
Brother Rokhan
Figure: Red Wolf - Heroclix
All his life, the young warrior Rokhan believed he had a guardian spirit. The spirit watched over him, helped him in the hunt, in life, in battle. His tribe lived in what is now the pacific northwest, and had a strong tradition of helpful animal spirit guardians. Rokkhan felt his was special, however. More powerful. It wasn't until that he was summoned to Valhalla that he found out he was right.
Brother Wolf
Figure: Red Wolf - Heroclix
Unbeknownst to Rokhan, Brother Wolf, his guardian spirit, watched over him from the spirit realm. On different planes but inextricably connected, when Rokhan was summoned, so too was Brother Wolf. The two became inseperable, fighting side by side. They only met when Aquila brought them to her Wellspring, but they had known each other for decades.
Gor'Mok Fire Watchers
Private Earl Porter
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Gor'Mok Fire Watchers
Figures: Gungan Infantry, Gungan Soldier, Gungan Artillerist - Star Wars miniatures
The world of Gor'Mok'Thal is covered in water. Its oceans are immeasurably deep, and there is very little land to be seen. The landmasses that do exist are almost as wet, consisting mainly of swamps and bogs covered in primitive swampland trees. IT is here that the Gor'Mok live, in the series of swampy islands that stretch in a great chain across the oceans of Gor'Mok'Thal.
The Gor'Mok are a proud people, and their way of life revolves around their discovery of simple magics that allow them to create orbs of volatile but controlled energy. This energy allows them to defend their lands from encroaching attacks from the oceans around them, as well as develop their nascent science and magic.
This 'plasma' energy needs a spark, however. By some accident, hundreds of years ago, the first flame on Gor'Mok'Thal was sparked by a thunderstorm. The Gor'Mok quickly learned that water would snuff out this dancing and flickering new power, and they ordered their society to protect and learn from the flame. Now, their culture is based on the worship of fire as a powerful force of nature, holding torches high above the wet swamps, keeping smoldering embers in emergency stockpiles, and preserving balls of plasma energy for the particularly wet rainy season. The Gor'Mok's warriors are known as Fire Watchers, dedicated to the preservation of the flame as a symbol of the Gor'Mok people.
Figure: Gungan Shieldbearer - Star Wars miniatures
La'Pok is a champion of the Gor'Mok people, a master of manipulating the plasma energy they are just beginning to understand. His shield is unbreakable, defending his soldiers against the explosive attacks of the deep-sea creatures that arise from the ocean floors with blinding bioluminescence. Recently, however, it has shielded them from attacks closer to home. A cult of Gor'Mok from a far island have declared that their people should give up land, give up fire, and return to the sea. Armed with enslaved sea creatures, the Cult of Water has declared war on the flame of the other Gor'Mok tribes, and it was in a battle with the Cult that La'Pok and his fighters were summoned from certain death.
Figure: Gungan cavalry on Kaadu - Star Wars miniatures
Thuk'Ya is a young, reckless scout of the Gor'Mok. She is one of the first to master the art of taming and riding the Yon'Tar beasts native to the southern swamps, and she is also one of the first to warn of the flames of southern settlements being snuffed out by the Cult of Water. The southern lands are her territory, and she is dedicated to purging those lands of the Cult's influence, and reignite the ancient flames of her people.
Private Earl Porter
Figure: Gabriel Jones - Heroclix
Having had success with the reliable and disciplined soldiers of Earth's wars, Jandar attempted to summon another. His visions came upon Earl Porter, a private in the American army in Earth's World War 2, in the famous 92nd Division, deployed to fight the fascist forces in Italy.
Once summoned, and once told of his predicament, Porter was in shock. One moment he was setting up barbed wire, and the next he was in this magical realm called Valhalla, being watched with interest by Jandar, Ullar, and Drake Alexander. Alexander explained that Porter had been in the sights of a sniper, and that Jandar had saved him from a swift death.
This was all a bit much for Porter, who asked for a few moments alone. Strangely, it was Jandar's ally Ullar who best talked to the shellshocked soldier. Jandar's proud bluster had unnerved him, but Ullar's softer-spoken ways immediately gained the soldier's trust. Jandar quickly saw the situation, and allowed Ullar to take the soldier into his own army. Now, Private Earl Porter serves Ullar with pride, utilizing his skill with barbed wire (and an enchanted thornvine medallion given to him by his Valkyrie) to set up obstacles to protect his comrades.
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When the Soulborg Uprising began, the scientists stationed at the Dynaco Experimental Nest feared the worst. They would not be touched by any direct violence, no - they were much too far in the wilderness for that. There was and days of travel between them and the "outside world," and the D.E.N. was on strict maximum black top secret back at Dynaco. There would be no way for the Soulborgs to know about them. They would be safe.
However...the facility relied on the transfer of food and other goods from the outside. Without the regular shipment...they would wither away.
The scientists resolved to set their experimental creations free. Their own Soulborgs, untouched by the madness and programmed to mimic the animal life around them (if a good deal more intelligent)....they would live on beyond them, their Von Neumann systems running, allowing the creatures to live, adapt, and thrive in the new, robot-ruled world.
Figure: 164 Ursa - Mechwarrior
UR54 was created to be the matriarch of the facility, a guardian of all the other Soulborgs. Over time, she became much more than that. As her matrix developed and learned, her tactical senses evolved, networking with the other Soulborgs in the facility. She became their protector, oftentimes outmaneuvering the scientists and preventing them from performing experiments on the robots. Though their weaponry was disabled until they were released, UR54 was by no means defenseless as long as other of her 'children' remained nearby.
Figure: Jaguar 50 - Mechwarrior
Developed to be the most immediately combat-ready Soulborg, J4GU4R was equipped with the latest AI learning technology, as well as tracking rockets that could follow their targets even as J4GU4R moved. He became one of UR54's most trusted companions, outfoxing Dynaco's scientists at every opportunity.
Figure: 143 Stalking Spider - Mechwarrior (this one is tricky to base, so beware)
Designed as a guard and specialized weapon suppression, W1D0W took to her designated role with remarkable aplomb, often hiding so well that she wasn't seen for weeks at a time. She adapted her own suppression technology - though her weapons were disabled, the nanofilament web she could spray was coated in a neuro-disruption compound that made it hard for opposing forces to concentrate on specialized weaponry. Unfortunately for Dynaco's scientists, this often meant the tranquilizer weapons they used in the field to disable Soulborgs for testing.
Figure: 19 Fenrir Battle Armor - Mechwarrior
Though small, F3NR1R is loaded to the gills with networking equipment, intended to act as a messenger and mobile communications array. He has no guns, but he more than aids his fellow Soulborgs in maintaining contact in the heat of battle.
Hometree Mageguard
Mage-Captain Lithael
Kalubar the Loyal
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Hometree Mageguard
Figures: High Elf Swordsman 041, High Elf Spearman 044, High Elf Spearman 079, High Elf Warrior 082 - LOTR TMG Combat Hex Game
Of all the military units in the Hometree nation of elves, the Mageguard are perhaps the most prestigious. Rivaled only by the Aubrien Archers, the Mageguard are trained to defend the elf wizards of Hometree. Agile but strong, these protectors will fight alongside any wizard or warlord who they deem worthy, dedicated to defending the lives of their society's honored wizards. To this end, the Mageguard are trained to allow their allies to pass through them easily, even in the heat of combat.
Mage-Captain Lithael
Figure: Elrond 103 - LOTR TMG Combat Hex Game
Mage-Captain Lithael is a legendary military leader among the elves of Feylund. He waged dozens of successful campaigns against the enemies of the Hometree, and kept the undead hordes of the Esenwein clan at bay. The founder of the Mageguard many centuries ago, Lithael believed that although the powerful wizards were a force to be reckoned with, they were best paired with conventional (if elite) warriors, to support and defend them. Lithael was relieved to see that his wizard colleagues also made it to Valhalla, and is determined to defend his new lands with his new allies.
Figure: Galadriel 022 - LOTR Heroclix
Though she is technically a wizard, Trysana would call herself a mage-priest. Mixing the holy magic of the Hometree's ancestral religion with arcane might, Trysana lights the dark places that evil resides, and blinds the unworthy, rendering them helpless.
Kalubar The Loyal
Figure: Olog Hai (painted) - LOTR Heroclix
Trolls are typically mortal enemies of the elves, but Kalubar was always different. He avoided conflict with the elves, believing them a weak race, but deserving of respect where it was due. It wasn't until a battle with Lithael, where the Mage-Captain spared him, that Kalubar pledged his loyalty to the elven kingdoms that Kalubar became a staunch defender of elfkind. Years later, Kalubar's favorite pasttime is serving in the elf fighting rings, taking on a dozen fighters, might beasts, and captured undead....and making a good show of it. He's become something of a celebrity, coming out to his favorite sound - the elves chanting his name. "KA-LU-BAR! KA-LU-BAR!"
Traga Slickhide
Hulok Thornminder
Chirruk Ripscale
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Traga Slickhide
Figure: Mage Knight - Serpent Invader
Known as a the Serpent King, Traga Slickhide is one of the few Lizardfolk who have tamed the giant serpents of the swamps they call home. Sneaky and backstabbing, he's more of a trickster than a king, more than willing to slither away from his comrades in order to find a better position for the next attack.
Hulok Thornminder
Figure: WoW minis - Hulok Thornminder
The Tauren of Azeroth are a natural fit for Ullar - brave, proud, and honorable, the Tauren respect the natural world as their Earthmother. Skills that aid them in the battle for Valhalla.
(Note: Not satisfied with this one. It's subject to change.)
Chirruk Ripscale
Figure: D&D miniatures - Lizardfolk Fighter
The East tribes of Lizardfolk had never seen a warrior like Chirruk. Fast, lethal, using a shield to her advantage. Her attacks her brutal, efficient and inspiring even if their targets weren't wounded, spurring her comrades to glorious, glorious battle even faster. It's no wonder she became a champion among the Lizardfolk.
Figure: Mechwarrior - Locust 97
Perhaps the most dangerous of Dynaco's D.E.N. Soulborgs, M05QU170 possessed the experimental ability to process organic tissue as fuel for specialized nanobots, that would then be used to repair and fuel Soulborg constructs. It was intended to allow the D.E.N. Soulborgs to "eat" like organic animals do, but the scientists feared that if the Zettian prisons got their hands on the technology, nothing would stop them from simply 'melting down' every prisoner on Isadora.
Sgt Buck Fletcher
Cpl Ian Ashworth
Imperiator R-5
Phalanx T-9
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Sgt. Buck Fletcher
Figure: Heroclix - Nuke
Though other Generals like Jandar took human soldiers from many of Earth's great wars, the ever-inscrutable Aquilla had other ideas. From the war-torn, jungle hell that was the Vietnam War, Aquilla summoned Buck Fletcher, and enchanted his favored rifle as a gift. His past is unknown - though he could doubtless settle many rumors about war crimes and massacres in that war, he's not talking enough to say one way or the other. All anyone knows is what is obvious from watching him fight: he is brutal, cunning, violent, and very, very paranoid. With good reason, one might argue...
Cpl. Ian Ashworth
Figure: Heroclix - Dum Dum Dugan
The son of minor British nobility, Ashworth had a comfortable spot in the British military. A safe spot as an officer, that didn't see much action. Ashworth declined every offer he received, joining the RAF as a pilot like every 'common' man must. He quickly rose through the ranks regardless, a brilliant pilot and soldier, running many missions in WW2, parachuting behind enemy lines.
His career ended in a blaze of glory - he rammed his fighter into a German bomber, stalling the Wehrmacht's plans and buying time for Allied troops to escape. Jandar summoned him out of his descending plane, where he has served valiantly with the American parachuters he called his allies.
Imperiator R-5
Figure: AT - 43 - Cogs Prowler
Each Mariedian corporation designed their Soulborgs after a certain task. Vulcanmech Inc. focused on trash disposal, junkyard processing, and hazardous waste removal. Zettian Security Solutions sold their guards and wardens to world governments for use in prisons, and later sold their walking death machines to the highest bidders. OmniCorp marketed their robots as rescue workers, disaster response, and precision peacekeepers, minimizing collateral damage.
Empire Robotics specialized in warfare and peacekeeper. Not like the combat-hungry White Mountain Systems 'entertainment' models that fought in a gladiatorial arena when they weren't being used on the battlefield. Empire Robots was secretive, exclusive, and discerning with its customers. Only those who could afford to pay for professionalism could afford the Phalanx T-9, and only those with deep, deep pockets could afford their combat commander, Imperiator R-5. Packed with the best computational systems available, the imposing figure of the Imperiator presents a brilliant tactical mind, with the weapons arsenal to back it up.
(Note: This custom is entirely the creation of @Son of Arathorn , who posted it in a brainstorming thread several years back and graciously allowed me to use the idea. Credit for this (aside from the bio) goes completely to him.
Phalanx T-9
Figures: Star Wars Miniatures - Battle Droid Officer $13, Battle Droid Officer #31, Security Battle Droid #46, Battle Doid (promo repaint)
Phalanx Soulborgs were built upon old principles of war - the phalax, the tight formation. Special networking allowed individual members to react quickly when their comrades were fired upon, but they require multiple Phalanx members in tight formation to combine their processing power. A lone Phalanx is just as exposed as any other soldier, but a tight formation are a bulletproof wall.
Brenna Anvilcrack
Agent Newton
Fu Shi
Kresnik Deadhunters
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Brenna Anvilcrack
Figure: D&D miniatures - Brenna Anvilcrack
Brenna carries on a tradition long held by the women in her family line: the title of Shieldmaiden. The Shieldmaiden not only defends her people in battle, but is also the heart and soul of Dwarvish culture, a symbol and leader of her kind.
Agent Newton
Figure: AT-43 - Tac Arms promo/special edition?
Agent Newton is a specialist, dealing in covert and nighttime ops where his advanced thermal sensors can be put to full use. The monsters and beings that hide in the dark, or in the jungles, or among the dense pine trees will find they don't have shelter from the sensors of Agent Newton, who uses his plasma guns to punch through thin barriers that his enemies might try and hide behind.
Fu Shi
Figure: Arcane Legions - Booster pack 1
The mysterious Fu Shi pledged its service to Einar, but...no one quite knows why. Unspeaking and inscrutable, the statue tends to do as it pleases, disappearing only to be found days later on the proper battlefield, already set up for a deadly ambush on unsuspecting enemies, then returning to indestructible stone.
Kresnik Deadhunters
Figures: Confrontation - Demon Hunters
The followers of Van Nessing are dedicated, driven, and resolute in their mission. They aren't as capable as their leader, but one can't deny the efficacy of their tactics and their divine inspiration.
TerraGov Troopers
Cdr. Victoria Danvers
Cdr. Alan Bennett
Patient 7B
Cdr. Raphael Marchand
Spoiler Alert!
The year is 2150. After conquering climate change, eliminating poverty and hunger, and almost eradicating war, humanity is at an easy peace. The world's nations have united into the global entity known as Terra.
Terra set its sights on space, creating a system of suborbital space stations that generations of humans would live on, die on, and be born on - new generation of humans bred for conquering space. The future looked bright. This was a bold new age for science and discovery.
Sixty years later, Terra would be dissolved. Much of the Earth would be an irradiated wasteland, the remainder ruled over by several totalitarian megacorporations. Those who remember the age of Terra remember it as a golden era of freedom and justice - an era that Jandar himself has taken a keen interest in.
TerraGov Troopers
Figures: Star Wars Miniatures - Clone Trooper 9, Felucian Stormtrooper Officer, Clone Trooper 6 (painted), Clone Trooper 7 (painted)
The finest soldiers produced by Terra, the TerraGov Troopers were a force for good on Earth. Dedicated to keeping the peace, justice, and defending the less fortunate, TerraGov Troopers were a versatile fighting force, whose tactics changed when accompanied by one of their famous Commanders. Equipped with specialized Ferroplastic Armor (a technology mostly lost after the fall of Terra) the Troopers were more than ready to shrug off many specialized and exotic attacks.
Commander Victoria Danvers
Figure: Star Wars Miniatures - ARC Trooper
Born in London to a military family, Danvers was destined for greatness. Her line could trace their history of valiant combat all the way back to World War 1, and it is a lineage she more than lived up to. She served with distinction in TerraGov's military, becoming a famous face during the Brazilian civil war and subsequent peace talks of 2146. With a reputation for her charismatic leadership, she serves with honor, justice, and self-sacrifice, unafraid to put her life on the line to help the innocent or her soldiers.
For her distinguished service, TerraGov awarded her an experimental technology - the High Altitude Magnetic Rail. This firing platform is capable of sending a solid rod of high density metal in a pinpoint arc from dozens of miles away, allowing her to unleash a concentrated barrage of heavy artillery, with the platform easily retrieving its ammunition later by use of super powerful magnets. Luckily, this platform was summoned with her when Jandar called her to Valhalla, after her supposed death in the Ukrainian Incident.
Commander Alan Bennett
Figure: Star Wars Miniatures - Republic Commando: Fixer
The Age of Terra was an age of scientific advancement, and that advancement was nowhere more noticeable than in the medical field. Doctors employed gene therapies and nanobots to work miracles, eliminating most disease and conducting most surgeries in minutes. Alan Bennett was a pioneer of these techniques, a brilliant doctor who signed up for TerraGov's field medic program and against all odds surpassed the requirements for higher rank, his cool head and merciful nature propelling him to an almost celebrity status.
His nanobiotic technologies allow him to heal wounded comrades easily, and by inoculating TerraGov Troopers with reactive nanobots prior to battle, he can pull them back from the brink of death.
Patient 7B
Figure: Star Wars Miniatures - Galactic Marine
The road to progress is littered with failed experiments, and sometimes human wreckage. No one knows this more than Commander Mikhail Solokov...if he is indeed still alive.
In TerraGov's super-soldier program, an experiment with nanobot enhancement went awry. Commander Solokov volunteered for this project, hoping that it would repair the nerve damage that so far remained untreatable with even cutting edge technology. The nanobots misunderstood their programmed directives, infecting his body with a virus that was constantly tearing apart and rebuilding his cells.
Now known as Patient 7B, his whereabouts are unknown...it's not even known if Commander Solokov is still in control of himself, or if the swarm has taken over his mind completely. All that is known about Patient 7B is that it leaves a trail of destruction and corrosion in a seemingly random pattern.
Commander Raphael Marchand
Figure: Star Wars - Republic Commando - Sev
Even in a utopia, not everyone is satisfied. Although Commander Marchand was an undeniably effective soldier and commander, his taste for conflict was defined in a sociopathic, might-makes-right philosophy: humanity needed conflict to evolve. Under the Terran dominion, humanity would stagnate, and never be worthy of its starbound aspirations.
Working from within, his cold and emotionless demeanor allowing him to hide his true plans from TerraGov, Commander Marchand accepted cutting edge psychic implants. They allowed him to enforce his will both on the battlefield and in peacetime, eventually working himself into the center of a massive conspiracy that would bring down TerraGov for good - a conspiracy that pitted him against his former comrade Victoria Danvers. A conflict he reveled in, a final battle in Ukraine that ended in nuclear fire...and truly ended when they were both called to Valhalla. Utgar offered Marchand infinite conflict, and thus infinite evolution - a concept quite amenable to Raphael.
Cell Block 816 Guards
Warden 173
Warden 477
Zettian Sub-Warden
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Cell Block 816 Guards
Figures: Heroscape - Zettian Guards, modified
The prison moon of Isadora was once used by the Mariedians to house their most violent criminals. But after the Soulborg uprising, the Soulborgs produced by Zettian Security Systems took over the moon, using the prisoners as a source of manual labor, creating the arms and ammunition they would use to conquer the planet below. The guards assigned to Warden 816's cell block are famously strict and brutal - not a single riot had broken out...until the one that ended 816's reign over the cell block.
Warden 173
Figure: Mechwarrior - (unknown, I will update this once I have the name)
Warden 173 is known as the Houndmaster. Known all over the moon for his penchant for senseless violence, he subjects the prisoners he dislikes to his "games" - little more than hunting exercises for his favored Deathstalkers.
Warden 477
Figure: Mechwarrior - (unknown, I will update this once I have the name)
Warden 477 isn't quite sure why they haven't just killed off most of the Mariedians. His calculating mind has determined that reducing the number of prisoners would reduce the stress on resources on Isadora, and while he's not allowed to simply "liquidate" the prisoners himself, he makes his beliefs known at any opportunity.
Zettian Sub-Warden
Figure: Star Wars - Dark Trooper Phase 3
The head wardens can't be everywhere at once. That's where the Sub-Wardens come in. More powerful than the standard guards, they're more heavily armed and armored, with several redundant systems and failsafe mechanisms. They don't have the truly unique personalities and identities of the head wardens, but they are programmed to help their guards put down any riot, skills that serve them well against some of Utgar's enemies in Valhalla.
Agent Egypt Monroe
Freki the Faithful
The Honored Dead
Crossbowman of Weston
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Agent Egypt Monroe
Figure: Heroscape - Nakita agent, repainted
When you've been done wrong by the system and there's no one to call?
Call Agent Egypt Monroe!
Six foot two of badassery, Agent Monroe was a US Special Agent tasked to crack down on drug trafficking on the East Coast. A loose cannon with her own rules, Agent Monroe is known for her out of the box tactics, her outrageous outfits, and brutal methods. Though her superiors hated her methods, they got results. In the drug-fueled world of 1970s organized crime, only one woman makes every drug lord quake in fear - Agent Egypt Monroe.
Freki The Faithful
Figure: Safari ltd - Black wolf
It wasn't just Aquilla that experimented with the Wellspring's waters. Jandar's favored hunting hound, Freki, was given the boon of a purified Wellspring to drink from, and as a result became a massive, celestial beast unquestionably loyal to Jandar and his army.
The Honored Dead
Figures: Heroscape - Tarn Viking Warriors (repainted)
One bright morning in Felskund, all seemed lost. In the heat of battle, without warning, a ghostly army appeared on the horizon. A familiar horn sounded - Finn and Thorgrim recognized the spectral faces of vikings who had perished on the fields of Valhalla, returned to aid their brethren. They fought with undying valor and bravery, and could not be struck down by the insidious magics of Utgar's forces. These returned warriors could only be struck down in honorable combat. Jandar's Vikings began to see that their own legends and myths were somehow influenced by this place, and embraced their fallen comrades happily.
Crossbowman of Weston
Figure: Reaper Bones - Anhurian Crossbowman
The valiant knights of Weston recognized the value of crossbows, and eagerly searched for knights able to wield these powerful weapons. Even though they serve different roles, they are still knights, and still abide by all the rules of the order of Weston, possibly even more zealously with their expanded reach.
Rodentian Sneaktheives
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The Blunt-Tooth Clan of Rodentians hail from a ruined world. Only scavengers survive, those who can pick through the ruined remains of the world, finding guns, food, clothing, and tools. The Blunt-Tooth are not the biggest clan, nor the most advanced....in fact, they're a ragtag group. Aquilla herself saved the clan from certain destruction at the hands of a bigger clan, whisking when away from a massive explosion to fill the forests and jungles of Valhalla in her service.
Keerk The Thornbolt
Figure: Pathfinder - Ratfolk Artillery
While many of the Rodentians favor guns, Keerk has a fascination with a small compound crossbow he found as a ratling. He repaired it, trained with it his whole life, becoming an agile hunter with a skill for blending in with any environment.
Figure: Pathfinder - Ratfolk Alchemist
Bessel is considered the de-facto leader of the Blunt-Tooth clan. She has a deep knowledge of herbs, flowers, and chemical runoffs from her native world, and utilizes these skills in leader her clan through the wasteland. Her potent chemical concoctions drive her allies to battle - however, the resulting gas is too heavy to waft into the air, and creeps along the ground. Bessel has shown no interest in reformulating her gas - questioning why 'bigger folk' would even need it.
Figure: D&D minis - Albino Wererat
Born in a blighted scrapyard, Whitemuzzle was mutated from birth by strange radiation - becoming massive, violent, and white-furred. IT seemed like no one could tame the beast, until Bessel's calming vapors soothed him, binding his will to the Blunt-Tooth Clan.
Rodentian Sneakthieves
Figures: Star Wars Miniatures - Jawa Trader, Jawa Scavenger, Jawa Scout, Jawa
The rank and file of the Blunt-Tooth clan clothe themselves in rad-resistant cloth. They're survivors, skilled at navigating the wasteland and working in groups. Their guns are old, and not very powerful - but what they lack in firepower, they make up for in resourcefulness.
Archers of Annelintia
Skorn the Wicked
Tomb Lord
Tomb Warden
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Archers of Annelintia
Figures: Skeletal Archer and Stinger - Mage knight. Skeleton Archer - Reaper
Cyprien's ranged support is feared for their cursed Black Arrows - inflicting their targets with a heavy despair, not allowing them to gain any comfort or morale from their allies.
Skorn the Wicked
Figure: WoW minis - Ras Frostwhisper
It was Skorn, the ancient lich, who taught Cyprien Esenwein the art of necromancy. Though Cyprien would come to rule the armies of the undead, Skorn advised him in matters of dark magic, perfecting necromantic techniques.
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Tomb Lord
Figure: WoW Minis - Skeletal Priest
The Tomb Lord of any crypt was always a person the entombed trusted, someone who would go willingly into the dark. Their dark influence animates those old bones around them, driving their unholy guardianship onward.
Tomb Warden
Figure: Pathfinder - Skeletal Infantry
Those with a strong constitution and a dedication to their Lord might find that they are well-suited to lead patrols of the Tomb. Given better armor and weapons, they lead their mindless comrades through the dark tombs, on an endless, eternal patrol.
Aleksei Petrov
Praetoricon X-2
Agent Benedict
Dominus Maximus
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Aleksei Petrov
Figure: Evil Cosmonaut - Horrorclix
The promising cosmonaut Alexsei Petrov was one of the many casualties of the USSR's space race during the Cold War. He was clever, dedicated, and a former member of the Red Army, a man tasked with guarding Nikita Khrushchev himself. Like many others, his capsule suffered damage upon re-entry, and it looked like he was doomed.
Vydar, looking for a smart and capable soldier such as Aleksei, intended to pluck him from his burning capsule. However, he pulled too late. Irradiated and dying, Vydar had no choice but to use magic to stabilize the man into a state of undeath. Unliving, undying, Aleksei Petrov is an irradiated, glowing shell of his former self, hating his cursed existence and longing for the day Vydar will see fit to let him finally stop.
Praetoricon X-2
Figures: Cogs Hunters - AT-43
The midrange models for Empire Robotics, the Praetoricon models were advertised as an affordable, powerful strike force, suitable for defense or offense. Their missiles were accurate and versatile, allowing the Praetoricon models a diverse range of battlefield applications.
Agent Benedict
Figure: Magdelena - Indy Heroclix
They could have warned Agent Benedict. About the second security system, about the advanced armaments carried by the Chirograd troopers. They knew, but they didn't tell her. Microcorp was fully willing to let Agent Benedict die in exchange for a successful mission.
They didn't count on Benedict's drive to survive. Her ability to adapt, escape confinement, live for years behind enemy lines. Scavenge technology from the Siberian wastelands, fight her way through what was once known as Russia, and Germany, and the United Kingdom - now all controlled by the Chirograd megacorp.
Microcorp didn't count on Agent Amanda Benedict showing up on their door years later with a list of questions - questions that could only be answered with blood.
Dominus Maximus
Figure: Tanarus - Heroclix
Microcorp knew how to keep people in line. The dystopian megacorp controlled all of North and South America, and you didn't get that powerful by being just a good leader. No, bread and circuses was the order of the day. Many violent bloodsports arose in the brutal regime, some of them snuffed out by Microcorp and some of them encouraged.
Dominus Maximus was once Donovan Michaels. Once a Microcorp-sponsored fighter in the mixed martial arts fighting rings, grave luck had seen to it that he was one of the poor souls who literally signed over his life and body to the megacorp. After a horrific defeat that left him nearly dead, Microcorp upped the ante on his contract, installing in him numerous cybernetic enhancements, and forcing him to fight in the newly-minted Microcorp Mechabattle Arena. Hours and hours of fights against prisoners, robots, mecha, and other gladiators have made him a husk of his former self. Only Aquilla took pity on this poor, broken soul, giving him a second life, and a chance to serve his own goals and earn his freedom.
Gargh Farhii
Nhah Scrih Cleavers
Lord Vincent Blackwell
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Gargh Farhii
Figure: Confrontation - Kheris
Of all the Nhah Scrih, Gargh is the most famous for his dedication to their cause and beliefs. His faith inspires his men to death-defying feats of endurance, and the deaths of his comrades only strengthens his resolve.
Nhah Scrih Cleavers
Figures: Confrontation - Sentinels
Those Icarians who prove themselves strong and faithful enough are given massive Dragoncleaver blades, serving as shock troops. Their attacks are a frenzy, to the point where they will sometimes destroy themselves in their fervor.
Lord Vincent Blackwell
Figure: Horrorclix - Tracker
From the jungles of Africa, to the Himalayan mountains, to the forests of Canada, no hunter has bagged more game than Lord Blackwell. It is whispered that he even engages in hunting humans for sport, in the dark and secluded places of the world. Eventually, a particularly smart jaguar nearly spelled Blackwell's end, and he has spent his time in Valhalla attempting to prove that no man or beast is a better hunter than he.
Figure: D&D - Nightwalker
Vydar is unnerved as the immense, star-filled being vanishes with its orders. It's hard to unnerve the Valkyrie - he's seen and done too much to be bothered by trifling things like monsters or demons. But that....thing. It has never spoken a word, never deigned to talk about itself or explain itself. It's perfectly loyal and obedient, and its reality-altering powers have served Vydar well and without complaint, but...
...he does not remember summoning it.
Microcorp Jet Troopers
Agent Dickerson
Magnissian the Proud
Jethro McCullough
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Microcorp Jet Troopers
Figures: AT-43 - UNA Wing Troopers
With the massive skyscrapers and multi-level megacities of the dystopian future of 2210, a versatile trooper was needed to be on demand anywhere, and combat the availability of of jetpacks in the civilian populace. Jet Troopers are highly trained and mobile, trained to fire on the move down crowded city streets and combat other aerial threats with precision.
Agent Dickerson
Figure: Heroclix - Firefly #17
Originally a test pilot for experimental stealth aircraft, Dickerson transferred to the Jet program as soon as it opened. He took to it like a bird to air, his jetpack becoming as natural as a pair of wings. Perfecting a series of aerial maneuvers that other members of the program were eager to take up, this fearless agent has not known defeat in the air.
Magnissian The Proud
Figure: D&D - Empyrean
The storm giant gladiators are famous for seeking glory in the arena, but none are so conceited as Magnissian. This wild warrior's only concern is his glory, and how much he can show off, letting his guard down after each kill to gloat.
Jethro McCullough
Figure: REaper bones - Hillbilly
Jethro McCullough sat on the back porch of his hastily-built lean-to, fingering out a tune on the banjo on his lap.
"Goldurn Uller sermernin'. Man cn't livout 'er days jus'--"
He heard a snap, and immediately pulled a shotgun free from under his chair, firing into the trap he'd set up. There was a squeak, a metallic grinding, and Jethro got up, stumbling as he took a swig from his jug, to inspect the trap. The silvery remains of a mechanical rat, sparking and twitching.
"Goldurn deffreavers 'n mypropity. Got haffa goldurn min t'--"
Another snap. Another blast from his shotgun. His cloudy eyes watched the underbrush, and - BAM! BAM! A pause, another drink from his jug. BAM! BAM!
Smoke trickled from the barrel of his shotgun as he reloaded it slowly, taking a deep drag from his pipe as he watched the thick vegetation around him.
"....goldurn Utgar. Com'n afte m'moonshine." A pause. "WELLHE AIN'T....HAVIN' IT! CAN COME GIT ME MOONSHINE FROM ME COLD HANDS, UTGAR!"
He took another drink, expertly sipping it past his pipe, and started to reset his traps, mumbling to himself.
"....and stay off m'propity."
The Deathreaver carcasses were thrown on top of a pile of similar scrap - a pile, by now, about four feet high. Jethro returned to his spot, pulling his banjo up onto his lap, and started to play again.
Microcorp Peacekeeper
Professor Abe Scranton
Microcorp HR Agents
White Hat
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Microcorp Peacekeeper
Figure: AT-43 - UNA Fire Toad
The Peacekeeper program as we know it was established in 2184. Immediately successful, the Peacekeeper mechanized hardsuits proved an invaluable asset when conducting a multitude of operations, from POI defense, to quelling riots, to breach and clear operations. The current model, the V4, is much improved over its past iterations. More agile, heavier firepower, equipped with lethal and nonlethal weaponry.
As of the date of writing, the Peacekeeper program has only experienced seven casualties - two destroyed by King Street Jesters, two destroyed by White Hat, one destroyed by the 12 Burroughs Bomber, one by the New City Resistance, and one currently MIA.
Professor Abraham Scranton
Figure: Horroclix - Gyrus
After clarifying his intentions to go forward with his plan to strip himself of his "mortal flesh", Professor Scranton was offered a choice: leave Microcorp's employ and be considered non-human as per Microcorp's Humanity Requirements best practices, or become property of Microcorp in his ab-human state and be granted a Conditional Humanity License. Professor Scranton chose the latter.
After his procedure was completed, a failsafe was hard-wired into his chassis in order to ensure his compliance. Thus far, Professor Scranton has served Microcorp faithfully.
Update 7/11/2210: After cross-referencing reports on his whereabouts and actions, it has become clear Professor Scranton's abilities have developed far beyond what he has told us. Psychic research specialist Yi has suggested that Scranton has been feeding his guards and "inner circle" a telepathic vision of what he wants them to see, hiding his true intentions behind a mental projection. This represents an obvious security breach, and I am logging my official recommendation that the failsafe be activated. - Dr. Ellison
Microcorp HR Agents
Figures: Star Wars - Galactic Alliance Scout & Galactic Alliance Trooper
After several attempts to use the bureaucracy of Microcorp against itself, the need for internal and external security was clear. The HR Agent program was founded to provide Microcorp's best assets - its employees - with comprehensive coverage in cases of physical danger. Whether the job is escorting one of Microcorp's top scientific minds, or providing one of our clandestine operatives extra backup, HR Agents provide a valuable service to our community and our workers.
White Hat
Figure: Heroclix - Scourge
Person of Interest #272
Please, call me Walter.
Aliases: Walter Hanover, White Hat, The Ghost, Street Justice
They do like their names for me, don't they?
Wanted For: Destruction of property, murder, arson, assault and battery, theft of physical and intellectual property, threatening Microcorp personnel with violence.
I'd be insulted if you hadn't included that last one.
Microcorp personnel are advised not to approach PO#272 without specialized training or clearance from at least one level 4 personnel. POI is known to work against Microcorp personnel, with them, or ignore them completely. POI seems to operate under his own morality, punishing what he sees as the oppressor. This may sometimes mean Microcorp personnel, and sometimes means other Groups of Interest such as gangs, cults, and terrorist organizations.
My to do list is very, very long.
As Walter Hanover has been considered deceased for two years, it is not currently known how POI#272 continues to appear in public. It is speculated that, using stolen Microcorp technology, Walter Hanover modified his own body to increase his resilience, strength, and reflexes, and conferred the ability to seemingly teleport. It is not currently known how this functions.
Secrets, secrets. We all have them.
All personnel are advised to stay cautious and do not engage with POI#272 until there is no other option.
Ta-ta, gentlemen.
Sheriff Clayton Pierce
Kate Crawford
Jim Whitecloud
Heinrich "Spider" Schmidt
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The West thought it was safe with the death of Jedidiah Mulroney. Even though it cost the lives of the four lawmen who stepped up to defeat the crooked sheriff, the West was safe once again. The collapse of the Dennington gold mine had insured that the legacy of the Mulroney crime family was buried forever.
Or so it was thought. Two years later, the splintered remains of the crime network that Mulroney built has started to organize itself again. There are whispers, rumors in saloons and jail cells, that there's a new hand at the reins.
Four new heroes have stepped up, to fill the shoes of the fallen ones before them, to investigate these rumors and find the truth - the truth of the bullet WITH YOUR NAME ON IT.
Clayton Pierce
Figure: Heroclix - Sheriff Steve Rogers
Sheriff Clayton Pierce was an upstanding man, a good man, a hero to everyone in the town of Vender's Gamble, Montana. He dispensed justice with an even hand, and was a fair judge to his fellow man.
However, the Pierce family owned a parcel of land that was said to have deep pockets of silver. The Pierce family never allowed mining operations to come in, but someone was keen on acquiring the land. As the last of his family name, Clayton rebuffed even the most generous offers on his land - until, that is, a package was delivered to him. Inside was a letter, in delicate handwriting, informing him that his days were numbered - and one single bullet. "The next will have your name on it, Mr. Pierce."
Clayton devoted himself to finding out who sent the letter - and in the process discovered a conspiracy that would lead him to the old remnants of the Mulroney gang, and uncover shocking truths about the events at Dennington. Clay knew that, no matter how they struggled, they may never escape the shadow of Jedidiah Mulroney.
Kate Crawford
Figure: Heroclix - Gunslinger
The Crawford family expected much of young Kaitlyn. Born in Tennessee with a silver spoon in her mouth, she was destined to live a life of luxury. Her family planned out her life. From the best finishing schools, to a massive dowry, to a politically convenient marriage to another rich family's wicked but corrupt son. She was to be a useful tool in the Crawford family's arsenal of power.
But if there was one thing Kate didn't truck with, it was destiny. From a young age, she was a rebellious girl. Taking horses for joyrides, skipping her classes to play in the river, learning how to shoot. Encouraged by her incorrigible aunt, Kate grew up to be an irrepressible force for well-intentioned mischief and chaos in her town, much to the dismay of her parents.
When the day came for her to move out west to marry her suitor, Kate Crawford conspired with her aunt to escape - ditching her fancy dress and jumping the wagon train, hitching a ride with some shifty drifters her aunt knew. KAte resolved to make her own way, by her own rules. She wouldn't be married to anyone, much less that wicked Mulroney Jr...
Jim Whitecloud
Figure: Heroclix - Red Wolf
Jim Whitecloud was always a man with no home. His father was a Shoshone, and his mother a white woman. Though his parents tried, neither world would ever truly accept their family. The worst proof of that truth was the day a man gunned down his parents in front of his eyes, for the audacity of existing. From that day forward, young Jim knew that his life would be dedicated to bringing that man to justice. His searching led him to join a cattle-herding operation, where he learned to use the lasso, and became an instant expert. Word had it he could lasso a man behind his back, take down two cattle with a single rope, or stop the wildest horse in its tracks. He became famous for this skill, famous enough that a man came to his campsite one night, wanting to buy his skill for his traveling show - the same man that had gunned down his parents.
Jim murdered that man in the dead of night, with the last item he carried of his fathers' - his tomahawk. Little did he know that put him on the wrong side of that man's employer, a circus front for a group of traveling criminals....the Mulroney Entertainment Company.
"Spider" Schmidt
Figure: Heroclix - Doc Ock
Heinrich Schmidt, German watchmaker, traveled to the United States to make a living in the new world. He was skilled, very skilled, and his devices became famous in certain circles. Famous enough to attract the attention of rich and powerful men. They knew his devices could have many more uses in the right hands, and 'persuaded' him to work for them with drinks, drugs, and all the company he could desire.
Unfortunately, this led, as it often does, to a broken man, in over his head, only his inventions to support him. Something snapped, and the genius of Heinrich Schmidt turned further towards a life of crime. Guided by the manipulating hand of his "clients," he staged many stagecoach and bank robberies by himself, with the help of the superior firepower afforded by his Rapidfire Apparatus.
But then, his client seemingly died. Alone in the world, the man now known as "Spider" Schmidt began to reflect....and began to see the broken thing he'd become. He resolved to make up for his actions, and join the other three heroes who were working to destroy the already splintered gang...because, after all, who best to dismantle Mulroney, than a man who worked for him?
Empyrean Rising
Shadow Striker
Max Karnage
Spoiler Alert!
The world of Empyrean. Wreathed in a cloud of cosmic dust, the detritus of worlds past, this world has thrived. Massive cities span this world, cities of billions living in relative harmony and peace, thanks to the Arbiters.
Because of the strange cloud of cosmic power, many Empyreans are born with powers beyond explanation. Super strength, speed, resilience - these traits embolden these heroes, these super-powerful figures, to choose a new name, a new identity, and serve their world. For generations these heroes have guided Empyrean to an era of prosperity.
Until now.
Valor, the leader of Empyrean's foremost association of super-powered individuals, is presumed dead. Slain at the hand of his brother, Vanquisher, his most trusted compatriot. Many of Valor's inner circle are missing as well, seemingly vaporized using a device Vanquisher was seen to be using - reportedly drawing the power of the cosmos out of their bodies, reducing them to dust.
In their absence, Empyrean has struggled to maintain normalcy. Those who would harm others for riches, power, or an ideology have taken advantage of the chaos, and although the remaining heroes have kept them at bay, morale remains low.
Vanquisher is still out there, in hiding, and no one knows what his next plan is.
More info about the world of Empyrean:
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Empyrean is much like Earth - covered in an equal amount of water and land, with massive, technologically-advanced cities dotting the landscape. The Dust, a source of cosmic energy, wreathes the planet, making their night skies an impressionist's dream of swirling patterns. Study of the Dust has advanced their technology and given many Empyreans powers beyond explanation. Even those born without those powers can learn to manipulate the Dust binding all things in a form of cosmic magic. Empyreans themselves look much like humans, but will often come in different colors or shapes depending on their powers, which may effect their physical appearance. Unfortunately, the Dust is unpredictable, and is known to give rise to natural disasters at a higher rate than Earth, as well as imbuing flora and fauna with chaotic, destructive power seemingly at random. In addition, not every super-powered person has an interest in keeping the peace. Many fight for power, domination, their beliefs, wealth, or just to cause chaos and carnage. Keeping these threats under control is the main goal of Empyrean's various super-teams.
In order to organize the multitude of powers roaming Empyrean, many super-powered individuals have bonded together into teams. The largest of these is the Arbiters, their outright jurisdiction spanning much of the world. They've been known to help groups or individuals outside of their influence, often whether the people in question want it or not. Other groups include the Adjudicators, a super team whose jurisdiction borders the Arbiters', and the Vigilantes, a loose coalition of supers who answer to no one but their sense of justice. The Vigilantes have an anarchist streak, disliking the centralized authority of the Arbiters and other teams. In some areas, very small teams or even individuals keep the peace.
As a mirror to those, many groups have sprung up for the more malevolent supers, such as the Malefactors, the magical splinter-group Crystalline Brotherhood, and the Deathshead organized crime family. Many other smaller groups, some temporary alliances of convenience, form and dissolve on a frequent basis, as Villains are known to be capricious.
The most recent events in Empyrean involve a surprise attack on Arbiter headquarters by the evil Vanquisher, brother to the Arbiter leader Valor. Eyewitness reports say that Valor, along with many high-level Arbiters, were seemingly vaporized by some strange new weapon. Vanquisher himself also vanished in the chaos. With their leadership destroyed, the Empyreans in the Arbiter's jurisdiction have scrambled to recover, and some have noticed more disappearances in the aftermath. The Adjudicators and other super teams have rushed to fill the void. The villains of the world, emboldened, have launched attacks on various cities and sectors, taking control of entire areas. Little do the inhabitants of Empyrean know that their heroes, thought dead, live on in another world - the eternal conflict of Valhalla.
Mechanical notes on Empyrean:
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The goal of these units is to capture superhero tropes and themes, while keeping them on a classic-scape level of power and complexity. These customs were designed to be reminiscent of superheroes, either specific characters or more broad archetypes.
Figure: Justice - Heroclix
From a young age, it was clear that Valor's powers far surpassed those of many of his generation. Raised by his parents with a sense of duty, compassion, humility, and leadership, Valor was a natural fit to lead the Arbiters when the time came.
Except....he didn't want it. He didn't want the pressure, the risk, the responsibility of such a position. He was left to decide, alone. After two days of soul-searching, Valor concluded that to not use his powers for the betterment of Empyrean would be the greatest crime he'd ever commit, and his conscience would not allow such an offense. He accepted the mantle, promising justice and valor as long as he served.
And his brother would never forgive him for it.
Figure: Speed - Heroclix
Valor's friend from a young age, Express was an ideal partner. Quick to act and quicker to lend a helping hand, impulsive where Valor was measured, as fast with his words as with his feet - he was one of the voices of advice that Valor employed as he decided his future. Others may joke that his memory is so short that he forgets grievances easily, but forgiveness is a skill and a power just as strength or speed. Though he may get into trouble easily, there is no better friend to his companions than Express.
Figure: Black Lightning - Heroclix
Overlooked and underestimated all his life, Current began his exploration of his powers by noticing he could control minor static electricity. Experimenting, insisting his powers were manifesting late in his preteen years, no one believed he would ever show more than an aptitude for annoying zaps.
When a being made of electricity attacked his city's power plant, he knew his time had come. Using his powers, he absorbed the entity into himself...slowly at first, causing a feedback loop that gifted him the same control over electricity as the entity possessed, and teaching him to know his own potential.
Figure: Amethyst - Heroclix
The group known as the Sisters of Theosophy believed that they could divine the secrets of the Dust, and unlock its true potential. They hoped that, by studying the cosmic dust that surrounded their word, they could see the face of a Creator God, or become gods themselves. They were able to compress that cosmic potential into massive crystals, allowing them to control their powers more effectively than others could.
Gemchantress is the most well-known outside the covens of the Sisters. An unofficial ambassador to the outside world, she joined the Arbiters in many endeavors, and her ability to divine the shape of the future through her gem was essential in convincing Valor to take up leadership.
Shadow Striker
Figure: Midnighter - Heroclix
Shadow Striker was once an Arbiter - formerly Vindicator, he was blessed with resourcefulness and an aptitude for close combat situations. He often patrolled the streets, back alleys, and shady areas of the capital city, descending from the rooftops to dispense justice.
Over time, the Arbiters began to disapprove of his methods. Blindly dealing 'justice' was irresponsible, especially when the hand that dealt that justice worked alone. No one could keep him accountable.
In anger, Vindicator left the Arbiters and began to work on his own, taking up the new name of Shadow Striker. Before the attack that seemingly claimed Valor and his companions, Shadow Striker was negotiating his return to the Arbiters after several years away.
Figure: Deathstorm - Heroclix
Once a well-respected astronomer, the man who would be known and feared as Solarstorm witnessed some incredible cosmic event. Some way he learned some secret about the Dust, or saw a forbidden God in the flames of Empyrean's twin suns. No records survive as to what that event was - whatever he saw, the revelation drove him to madness, and he believed that all life on Empyrean was doomed. He found he could harness the power of solar flame, and with it he set out to bring the world to his belief....even if it was one person at a time.
Max Karnage
Figure: Deathshead - HEroclix
Max Karnage, heir to the deposed kingdom of Tavatasia, is the sole reminder of a brutal legacy. Even after his warlike nation was dissolved and quarantined by the world's other powers, he was obsessed with bringing his people and himself back to its greater glory.
His theft of the Bio-Force technology was worldwide news - rumors abounded that he was seen in the fight at Arbiter Tower, perhaps promised glory or political power by the traitor Vanquisher.
TerraGov v2
TerraGov Troopers
Cdr. Victoria Danvers
Cdr. Alan Bennett
Patient 7B
Cdr. Raphael Marchand
Cdr. Miyako Tojo
Cdr. Graham Crowchild
Cdr. Amina Abiola
Spoiler Alert!
My TerraGov customs are some of my favorite units I've made theme-wise, and over time the way I did the first few never seemed like my best work. I've gone over the ones I made originally and added a few more, attempting to simplify where I could and make them a bit more Scapey. Let me know if I succeeded.
The year is 2150. After conquering climate change, eliminating poverty and hunger, and almost eradicating war, humanity is at an easy peace. The world's nations have united into the global entity known as Terra.
Terra set its sights on space, creating a system of suborbital space stations that generations of humans would live on, die on, and be born on - new generation of humans bred for conquering space. The future looked bright. This was a bold new age for science and discovery.
Sixty years later, Terra would be dissolved. Much of the Earth would be an irradiated wasteland, the remainder ruled over by several totalitarian megacorporations. Those who remember the age of Terra remember it as a golden era of freedom and justice - an era that Jandar himself has taken a keen interest in.
Edited Units:
TerraGov Troopers
Figures: Star Wars Miniatures - Clone Trooper 9, Felucian Stormtrooper Officer, Clone Trooper 6 (painted), Clone Trooper 7 (painted)
The finest soldiers produced by Terra, the TerraGov Troopers were a force for good on Earth. Dedicated to keeping the peace, justice, and defending the less fortunate, TerraGov Troopers were a versatile fighting force, whose tactics changed when accompanied by one of their famous Commanders. Equipped with specialized Ferroplastic Armor (a technology mostly lost after the fall of Terra) the Troopers were more than ready to shrug off many specialized and exotic attacks.
[Notes: Renamed their bonding and removed the ability for them to activate Soldier heroes. Bonding with Drake seems like a bit much. Simplified and narrowed the scope of Cover Retreat, removing the d20 roll and simply allowing them to cover Commanders.]
Commander Victoria Danvers
Figure: Star Wars Miniatures - ARC Trooper
Born in London to a military family, Danvers was destined for greatness. Her line could trace their history of valiant combat all the way back to World War 1, and it is a lineage she more than lived up to. She served with distinction in TerraGov's military, becoming a famous face during the Brazilian civil war and subsequent peace talks of 2146. With a reputation for her charismatic leadership, she serves with honor, justice, and self-sacrifice, unafraid to put her life on the line to help the innocent or her soldiers.
For her distinguished service, TerraGov awarded her an experimental technology - the High Altitude Magnetic Rail. This firing platform is capable of sending a solid rod of high density metal in a pinpoint arc from dozens of miles away, allowing her to unleash a concentrated barrage of heavy artillery, with the platform easily retrieving its ammunition later by use of super powerful magnets. Luckily, this platform was summoned with her when Jandar called her to Valhalla, after her supposed death in the Ukrainian Incident.
[Notes: Simplified H.A.M.R. Drop by removing the reduced-skulls mechanic. I still think it's an interesting mechanic, and I'll figure out how to use it later. Also lowered the power level by making it a short line instead of an explosion, also differentiating it from Explosion. Lowered the power of Last Stand by making it only effect TerraGovs. 4-defense 4th Mass is scary.]
Commander Alan Bennett
Figure: Star Wars Miniatures - Republic Commando: Fixer
The Age of Terra was an age of scientific advancement, and that advancement was nowhere more noticeable than in the medical field. Doctors employed gene therapies and nanobots to work miracles, eliminating most disease and conducting most surgeries in minutes. Alan Bennett was a pioneer of these techniques, a brilliant doctor who signed up for TerraGov's field medic program and against all odds surpassed the requirements for higher rank, his cool head and merciful nature propelling him to an almost celebrity status.
His nanobiotic technologies allow him to heal wounded comrades easily, and by inoculating TerraGov Troopers with reactive nanobots prior to battle, he can pull them back from the brink of death.
[Notes: Simplified and renamed his heal. Gave him Neurostim Booster to encourage taking turns with him and keeping him in combat.]
Patient 7B
Figure: Star Wars Miniatures - Galactic Marine
The road to progress is littered with failed experiments, and sometimes human wreckage. No one knows this more than Commander Mikhail Solokov...if he is indeed still alive.
In TerraGov's super-soldier program, an experiment with nanobot enhancement went awry. Commander Solokov volunteered for this project, hoping that it would repair the nerve damage that so far remained untreatable with even cutting edge technology. The nanobots misunderstood their programmed directives, infecting his body with a virus that was constantly tearing apart and rebuilding his cells.
Now known as Patient 7B, his whereabouts are unknown...it's not even known if Commander Solokov is still in control of himself, or if the swarm has taken over his mind completely. All that is known about Patient 7B is that it leaves a trail of destruction and corrosion in a seemingly random pattern.
[Notes: Made Nanoswarm clear that it was required. Removed Corruption Pulse, which was my attempt to be cute with Ferroplastic Armor on the Troopers, being that they'd be immune.]
Commander Raphael Marchand
Figure: Star Wars - Republic Commando - Sev
Even in a utopia, not everyone is satisfied. Although Commander Marchand was an undeniably effective soldier and commander, his taste for conflict was defined in a sociopathic, might-makes-right philosophy: humanity needed conflict to evolve. Under the Terran dominion, humanity would stagnate, and never be worthy of its starbound aspirations.
Working from within, his cold and emotionless demeanor allowing him to hide his true plans from TerraGov, Commander Marchand accepted cutting edge psychic implants. They allowed him to enforce his will both on the battlefield and in peacetime, eventually working himself into the center of a massive conspiracy that would bring down TerraGov for good - a conspiracy that pitted him against his former comrade Victoria Danvers. A conflict he reveled in, a final battle in Ukraine that ended in nuclear fire...and truly ended when they were both called to Valhalla. Utgar offered Marchand infinite conflict, and thus infinite evolution - a concept quite amenable to Raphael.
[Notes: Made Psychic Blades a little more useful by allowing him to attack with PB and then normal attack. Renamed and extended his Attack bonus to TerraGovs.]
New units:
Commander Miyako Tojo
Figure: Star Wars minis - Boss
IT was a long while before Japan joined TerraGov, but when it did it brought with it advancements in quantum communication technology, wielded in combat by such commanders as Miyako Tojo. Her calculating and bold strategy keeps her troopers safe on the front lines, while directing reinforcements more efficiently.
Commander Graham Crowchild
Figure: Star Wars Minis - Clone Trooper Commander
An Alberta, Canada native, Crowchild grew up on a reservation, and learned from his family the skills and art of traversing difficult terrain. To that end, Cdr. Crowchild carried with him a TerraGov-designed quick-deploy zipline system, allowing him to set up an alternate traversal system in a combat situation.
Commander Amina Abiola
Figure: Star Wars Minis - Scorch
Cdr. Abiola's records are sealed by TerraGov. The reasons why are obvious - with a flick of her hand, she is capable of harnessing and loosening the power of gravity, allowing her to lift heavy weights. Whether the source is experimental psychic implants or cutting-edge technology, the results are undeniable. There is, however, side effects....the woman never seems to display any emotion or falter in her actions. Rumors abound that she was witness to a singularity and what laid beyond, or perhaps the psychic implants lobotomized her. Either way, TerraGov Troopers find her impassiveness alternately chilling and bracing.
Spoiler Alert!
This is a remake of my first set of Western customs; simplifying, redoing powers, and using more easily-accessible minis. All minis pictured I painted and/or modified.
Think of it as a remake of a classic movie.
Four outcasts. Four broken lawmen. Four people, drawn together by one single goal: the death of the crooked sheriff Jedidiah Mulroney. Mulroney was powerful - officially the sheriff of Lost Springs, Wyoming, he was in reality the head of a massive gang of outlaws, drug runners, prostitution rings, and merchants of death and destruction that spanned from Missouri to California. No one questioned his judgement. No one spoke out against him. No one dared challenge his authority....until, that is, the four misfits who banded together - for LEAD VENGEANCE.
Ginnie "Gravestone" McCaskil
Figure: Reaper - Ellen Stone (modified)
Ginnie McCaskil was once an every day housewife on a farm in the Wyomg territory. Although unable to have children, she and her husband James McCaskil eeked out a small but happy life...until James spoke out against the the slaughter of a Native settlement, rumored to be perpetrated by Jedidiah Mulroney. Retribution was swift - Sheriff Mulroney doesn't take kindly to those who question his authority. James McCaskil was arrested for a murder he didn't commit, tried in a kangaroo court, and hung at sunrise not two days later. Lesser women would have drowned in sorrow, but it wasn't long before Ginnie McCaskil sold her farm, packed up her belongings, and started to hunt down the men who killed her husband - most of all, the murderer Jedidiah Mulroney.
Chief Black Bear
Figure: Black Scorpion - Natives Chief
Black Bear looked forward to spending the last of his twilight years as chief of a Shoshone settlement in eastern Wyoming. The preparations to pass leadership to his eldest son were almost done. Relations with the nearby white men were...uneasy, as they always were, but with no signs of violence. It seemed as though Black Bear would live out his days in peace. Gold, as it always does, got in the way. Gold was found on native territory. Tensions rose. War seemed inevitable. But war wouldn't come - instead, a night attack by masked men. Hired goons from Texas, under orders from Jedidiah Mulroney, slaughtered half of the Shoshone camp before they could react. Black Bear's son was killed - his people scattered. After the attack, the survivors were forced to flee to neighboring tribes. Except for Black Bear. He resolved to spend the rest of his life seeking honor - seeking the death of the treacherous Jedidiah Mulroney.
El Santo
Figure: Reaper - Texas Ranger Male (modified)
Gerardo Reyes was the son of a catholic minister in the outskirts of El Paso, Texas. Life was good - the church looked after the sick and needy, served the public good, was a respite from the violence of El Paso. That was, until, Father Reyes felt the influence of a new, altogether more violent group trying to seek power in Texas. Father Reyes preached, as he always did, against violence and fear and the abuse of power. Unfortunately, this was seen as an attack on Mulroney's new power grab. Gerardo awoke one night to find the church in flames - and it was far too late to save his father or mother. In his haste to escape, the heated metal cross that hung on the wall above the pulpit fell on his back, pinning him long enough to burn the shape into his skin. He survived, but just barely. Giving up his old name and his old life, he took up the mantle of El Santo, The Saint - traveling Mexico and the Southwest, putting down outlaws, helping those in need, protecting the innocent. All in service of a broader goal - forcing to hell the man who deserved it most - that devil Jedidiah Mulroney.
Samantha Knight
Figure: Heroclix - Daisy Fitzroy (repainted bandana)
Samantha Knight was born a slave in South Carolina. Mistreated and tortured, the woman escaped out west, where they could eek out a life away from the former slave states, where life could still be rough for people like her. Samantha found work in a traveling show - at first, just helping with the horses. But she proved herself a remarkable talent with a rifle, making incredible shots no man could better. It was a good life, traveling the west, putting on shows and exhibitions of her skill, but it was not to last. A man who worked for a powerful sheriff wanted her spot in the show, thinking he was a better shot, and more worthy of it besides, being a white man. That man failed in his challenge to beat her in a shooting match, accused her of faking her infamous trick shots, and she was rode out of town. Destitute, desperate, and with only her rifle to her name, Ms. Knight sought out those who also had a grudge with that hateful Jedidiah Mulroney.
Together, these four represented the first resista--
--when he--
--thrilling advent--
Spurs jangled as a figure walked across a stone floor. A confident, almost haughty stride. Other shapes were gathered around the edge of the chamber, watching the figure stride towards a throne flanked by fires.
"I must thank you, Mister Utgar, for your....hospitality."
Gloved hands brushed over his clothes, straightening them despite their ragged, stained condition. Once an immaculate white, the man's clothing was black from coal dust, torn, red from blood.
"I hear that I must also thank Mister Esenwein and his companions for my...condition. But I must admit...I can't imagine why you'd go through the trouble. Plucking some small town sheriff from his rightful demise. What's a man like you playing at, Mister Utgar?"
The vampire standing near Utgar's throne sneered a fanged smirk, but said nothing. The archkyrie himself motioned his hand, and a spidery form emerged from the deeper shadows, holding a velveted plate. The man with spurs thought it almost looked like a collection plate at a church. Inside, in the gloom, he saw one cylindrical shape. It was Utgar that spoke next.
"My visions showed me a ruthless, dominating tyrant. You ruled with an iron fist. You slew all that opposed you. You tolerated no dissent. You manipulated, murdered, extorted. You are....perfect for my purposes." Utgar motioned to the plate. "Take it."
The figure did. Holding the object in a gloved hand, it shone with a dark violence. He could feel the black metal suck the light from around it. Magic or not, it was unmistakably a bullet. The figure pulled his revolver from its holster. The chamber slid open, the bullet loaded, chamber snapped shut. The figure could not help but grin as he spun the chamber, hearing the subtle clicks slow down as it stopped. He knew right away that bullet had landed in the top, ready for the barrel. He just knew.
"Arise, Jedidiah. Arise, and your service will be rewarded. Riches, power. Whatever you desire."
The figure considered this, holstered his weapon. He stepped forward, further into the light - bone white skull under the brim of his hat, torn clothing, a tarnished badge on his chest.
Jedidiah Mulroney looked around. The vampire, the warlord from another world, figures from his own world's past and future. Doubtless he could have asked for anything from Earth - or anyone. When he spoke again, his drawl was low and wicked.
"Bring me the head of Clayton goddamned Pierce."
Figure: Reaper - Undead outlaw
Empyrean Issue 2: Empyrean Imperiled
Big Monty
Spoiler Alert!
Issue 2: Empyrean Imperiled
The disappearance of Valor and some of the top Arbiters has created a power vacuum, and both sides have scrambled to fill it. On the side of order and justice, teams such as the Adjudicators have stepped up to annex the remaining Arbiter infrastructure, and the Vigilantes have taken the opportunity to decry the centralized authority Valor represented. On the side of chaos and evil, organizations such as the Malefactors, the Crystalline Brotherhood, and the Deathshead organized crime family have seized upon the vacancy to claim sectors of major Empyrean cities for themselves, taking control of entire sections of production and wealth.
In the chaos, many Supers are reported missing, presumably taken by the same weapon that took Valor, and Vanquisher is nowhere to be found. Unbeknownst to the citizens of Empyrean, a bizarre game of dimensional chess is being played with their very lives...
Figures: Power Girl #006 x3
Fractal is a young, fresh new Arbiter recruit, gaining the rank of full Arbiter only hours before the incident that took Valor. She has the ability to create semi-real "dupes" of herself, that can collapse back into her at will. With a headstrong demeanor and boundless enthusiasm, she leapt into defending the world once her mentor was gone.
....which made it all the more tragic when she disappeared while on the trail of Vanquisher. Could it be she got too close to the truth?
Figure: Shrinking Violet #007
Maxine found her powers in her late teen years - a slow star, as the polite Empyrean term goes. Shy, quiet, and hesitant to offer any information about her past, she avoided Valor whenever possible....but was always sneaking around the investigation into his disappearance, and the appearance of Vanquisher. Did she have some kind of connection to the two? Fractal always wondered, but there was never time to ask.
Valhalla has a habit of bringing stories into the open. Will Mini-Max finally reveal her secret, or will she shrink and sneak away?
Figure: Terra #20
When she heard about the incident, she had to be physically restrained. Flying off the handle at small provocations, everyone knew to tread lightly around the ferocious pugilist known as Knockout, lest their jaw be tested against her kinetic-energy-gathering fists. She was last seen charging headlong into Deathshead territory, saying she "found out something" - was she done away with by that villainous crime family, or did she really know too much?
Big Monty
Figure: Tombstone #31
Not every person with superpowers is a hero or a villain. Sometimes it's....complicated. Big Monty has been in and out of Empyrean City's prisons all his life, breaking kneecaps when it suited him. Sometimes working with the Vigilantes, sometimes making his money standing outside Deathshead hideouts and looking tough, the only thing Monty really holds any allegiance to is himself, and his only real goal is a good scrap.
And Valhalla? A man can open the biggest can of whupass in the universe with a fight like that.
Figure: Nightwatch #21
He was told that he would be the leader of the Arbiters. He was told his role would be one of adoration, power, and authority. He was also told that the weapon would vaporize his enemies. As with many things, he was lied to.
Imagine his chagrin when his once-sponsor and ally, the villainous strategist Doctor Warlock, turned the weapon on him in the heat of battle. Imagine the surprise when he "awoke" in the citadel of a being called Utgar, and was asked to serve. All those who were vaporized by the weapon - Valor, Express, Gemchantress - were actually transported to this.....afterlife? For now, his thirst for vengeance against his brother would keep him sated, but....a man like Vanquisher can only serve another for so long. Soon, with the help of Baron Karnage and Solarstorm, he would figure out what machinations his former ally had in mind, why he was in Valhalla, and how he could find his way back home.
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