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Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft -- CONGRATS DOK!


GenCon Main Event Champion - 2010, 2011, & 2017
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Online Heroscape Season 22​

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This is a 2015 End of Year Championship qualifying event.
Games are played using the online Heroscape interface. Links to how-to-play videos below:
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Using an online voice chat utility, such as Skype or Google Hangouts, improves the playing experience considerably.

Format: Reverse Draft

  • Each player submits one army of between 400 and 600 points, and between 7 and 20 figures. Army submissions may have more than 20 figures, but no more than 20 can be placed at the start of the game. VC Allowed, no Marvel. Standard 24-hex startzone restrictions apply when placing your army.
  • There is a dice-off at the beginning of the game. The winner of the dice-off chooses whether to make the first army selection, or defer the opening choice to their opponent.
  • For the opening army selection, a player selects one of the two armies to play (their army or their opponent's army). They may also state that they intend to sit (leave out) specific figures from that army. Figures left out are not part of the army for that game.
  • The player who did not make the bid has two choices:
    • Let their opponent play the chosen army, and take the other army.
    • Make a counter-offer for the chosen army. The new offer must sit enough figures to make the partial card point total lower than the offer that came before.
  • Continue the counter-offer process until one player decides to take the other army (with all figures available) instead of making a counter-offer on the bidded army.

Example Reverse Draft:
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The regular season will last four weeks, with one game each week. After the regular season ends there will be a single elimination bracket for the top finishers.

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TG Pool:
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Event Details and Rules:
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Players in the event:
  • Arrow Grut
  • Chris Perkins
  • Crixus33
  • dok
  • Dysole
  • jcustar07
  • kevindola
  • Kinseth
  • MegaSilver
  • Mew28
  • mtl1998
  • Roballtogether
  • Smithy Winfred
  • Soundwarp SG-1
  • Taeblewalker
  • Tom_Bombadil_
  • twigleg2
  • vegies dad
  • vegietarian18
  • William099
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Re: Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft (Signups Until 9/27)

Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't see the Zettian Infantry, the Zettian Guards or the Zombies of Moridan on the lists

Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't see the Zettian Infantry, the Zettian Guards or the Zombies of Moridan on the lists

Corrected. There was some miscommunication between the code we have to set this up and the google forms and it cut off everything after Wolves of Badru alphabetically. I'm not sure exactly what happened but a work around was implemented and it should be good to go.

~Dysole, appreciatively
Re: Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft (Signups Until 9/27)

This sounds super confusing. What's the incentive as the second player to bid. Almost seems convoluted enough that i'd just want to skip it and go straight to playing. Furthermore it seems like winning the dice off is more of a bane than a boon as the other player can force you to play under the point total.

This sounds super confusing. What's the incentive as the second player to bid. Almost seems convoluted enough that i'd just want to skip it and go straight to playing. Furthermore it seems like winning the dice off is more of a bane than a boon as the other player can force you to play under the point total.

If I've brought Drudge and you've brought Stingers and my opening bid is "Eh, I'll play a Stinger light.", if you don't bid lower you're going to have to beat Stingers with Drudge.

As to the diceoff, well it all depends on the armies. In some situations, playing under the point total is not a bad thing. I'll take 2 squads of 4th Mass against about 5 squads of Groks. The goal is to end up with a balanced matchup. In some matchups, winning the diceoff will give you an advantage and in some it won't.

~Dysole, hopefully clarifying
Re: Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft (Signups Until 9/27)

Hmm I see. So as far as building my own army goes what level/grade of units should I focus on?

Hmm I see. So as far as building my own army goes what level/grade of units should I focus on?

What's more important is that it's breakdownable (i.e. something with a lot of high point heroes could struggle unless they're all bad so you'll be dissecting the other guys' army). You can pretty comfortably submit just about any level of units.

~Dysole, helpfully
Re: Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft (Signups Until 9/27)

Is there a space limit for armies?
Re: Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft (Signups Until 9/27)

Standard 24-space startzone rules will apply. No extra hexes.
Re: Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft (Signups Until 9/27)

So let me get this straight,

I make an army 400-600,
opponent makes an army 400-600.

We die roll, highest # wins.

Winner gets to either choose:
Picking their own army
Picking their opponent's army.

The opponent can then offer; "I will trade you armies under the condition that I sit out x many of x units."

Then I can either say "Yes, that's good, let the game begin." or "No, offer up more." until both parties are satisfied / ready?
So Close

So let me get this straight,

I make an army 400-600,
opponent makes an army 400-600.

We die roll, highest # wins.

Winner gets to either choose:
Picking their own army
Picking their opponent's army.

The opponent can then offer; "I will trade you armies under the condition that I sit out x many of x units."

Then I can either say "Yes, that's good, let the game begin." or "No, offer up more." until both parties are satisfied / ready?

The second option instead of "Yes, good" is "No, I'll trade and sit x+y units." and repeats until someone says "Yes, good"

~Dysole, hoping that explained it
Re: Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft (Signups Until 9/27)


Ok so if someone decides "I will trade armies and sit out some units."

That happens regardless if the other player wants it to or not? And the only way that player can keep their own army is if they drop out some units as well?
Re: Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft (Signups Until 9/27)

and what does "VC allowed" mean? Valhalla Customs?

Is the meta to draft a bad team to force your opponent to play?


Ok so if someone decides "I will trade armies and sit out some units."

That happens regardless if the other player wants it to or not? And the only way that player can keep their own army is if they drop out some units as well?

Basically, the first army to have units dropped from it is the one that keeps getting passed around until the person playing the second army is happy(either by thinking the matchup is even and that any further reductions will give them a disadvantage or by thinking they now possess an edge).

and what does "VC allowed" mean? Valhalla Customs?

Is the meta to draft a bad team to force your opponent to play?

Valhalla Customs is correct. Any released C3V or SoV unit is fair game (although we're working on getting top downs for the latest set of units). As for the meta, this format is fairly metaproof. You can bring something way better than what everyone else brought (and it will get picked first and pared down) or way worse than what everyone else brought (in which case you will be paring opponent's armies down to its level). More importantly, like I told William099 is that you need your army to be able to lose figures without it swinging the power level too much as that makes it much easier for you to get in a bad place matchupwise. Hope that makes sense.

~Dysole, who had lots of potential options and went with one that I've never brought to a tournament (surprisingly given people that know me (4 figures I've never brought (and I don't even think I've played) at a tournament))
Re: Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft (Signups Until 9/27)

Is the meta to draft a bad team to force your opponent to play?

No, because you can't force your opponent to take an army at any point.

If you bring a bad army, than most of the time you and your opponent will be bidding against each other to see how much of your opponent's army you're willing to leave off in order to play it. Who ever is willing to leave off more will be the one playing it.

The already submitted armies so far cover a pretty good spread of power level, but none of them are fully terrible. The format doesn't really encourage that.

Did you see the example draft in the first post? I think this should clear up how it works.
Re: Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft (Signups Until 10/4)

We've decided to extend sign-ups for a week here. We will send out our reminder PMs soon.
Re: Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft (Signups Until 10/4)

Hmm, is it terribly likely I'll get booted from the end of the year event if I sit this one out? If not, I'm really not interested in this format and I'd rather skip this one.
Re: Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft (Signups Until 10/4)

Hmm, is it terribly likely I'll get booted from the end of the year event if I sit this one out? If not, I'm really not interested in this format and I'd rather skip this one.

I'd say it's terribly unlikely. What don't you like about it?
Re: Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft (Signups Until 10/4)

Hmm, is it terribly likely I'll get booted from the end of the year event if I sit this one out? If not, I'm really not interested in this format and I'd rather skip this one.

I'd say it's terribly unlikely. What don't you like about it?

It's not that I really dislike it, more that I'm apathetic to it. I don't especially care for any format where you only bring one army really.
Re: Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft (Signups Until 10/4)

Personally, I'm really interested in this format. I'm excited for this season and interesting how the armies will turn out when I actually go to play them. I'm excited for this.
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Re: Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft (Signups Until 10/4)

I don't especially care for any format where you only bring one army really.
Heh. We actually debated internally allowing people to submit as many as four armies which could be cycled through randomly (i.e. you would be assigned one of your armies to bring to each game for reverse drafting). We decided to leave it out just because this is a new format and we wanted to keep it simple. But I do appreciate the desire to play different stuff.

Of course, your army could look very different from game to game if it gets reverse drafted down a bunch, and you could always play the other guy's army too.

Interesting note: We had over 10 submissions before anything except Raelin and Isamu was submitted in more than one army. So at least on that level, there's plenty of variety in play.
Re: Online Season 22 - Reverse Draft (Signups Until 10/4)

I was wondering if any one would like to do a practices game before the events accentual start. If any one is interested just send me a PM and we can see if we can work out a time.