• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Online Season 14 - Congrats Kevindola!


Can not ignore himself because of typo - Online HS
Online Heroscape Season 14 - GenCon Main Event Prep​

Spoiler Alert!

temporary technical difficulties

                      Soundwarp SG-1
                                          ¦ Soundwarp SG-1             
 hivelord                                 +--------------------+
--------------------+ capsocrates         ¦                    ¦
 capsocrates        +---------------------+                    ¦
--------------------+                                          ¦  
 vegies dad                                                    +--------------------+
--------------------+ vegies dad                               ¦                    ¦
 dok                +---------------------+                    ¦                    ¦
--------------------+                     ¦ Lo Pan             ¦                    ¦
 Kinseth                                  +--------------------+                    ¦
--------------------+ Kinseth             ¦                                         ¦
 infectedsloth      +---------------------+                                         ¦
--------------------+                                                               ¦
                      thesparkleinyrwtr                                             ¦
                     ---------------------+                                         ¦
                                          ¦ kevindola                               ¦
 Arrow Grut                               +--------------------+                    ¦
--------------------+ kevindola           ¦                    ¦                    ¦
 kevindola          +---------------------+                    ¦                    ¦
--------------------+                                          ¦                    ¦
 betawolf36                                                    ¦ kevindola          ¦
--------------------+ Lo Pan                                   +--------------------+
 Lo Pan             +---------------------+                    ¦
--------------------+                     ¦ vegies dad         ¦
                      Ixe                 ¦

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

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This is a 2014 End of Year Championship qualifying event.
Games are played using the online Heroscape interface. Links to how-to-play videos below:
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Using an online voice chat utility, such as Skype or Google Hangouts, improves the playing experience considerably.

2014 GenCon Main Event Prep
  • Each player brings one 425-point army with no more than 16 figures*. No VC, no Marvel.
  • During the regular season you will play the army you bring. However, the playoffs will be Reverse The Whip -- you play with the army your opponent brought for each round in the playoffs.
*An army can contain more than 16 figures, but only 16 figures may be placed on the battlefield each game. Airborne Elite and Rechets of Bogdan count toward these limits, as usual. Double-spaced figures only count as a single figure. Extra hexes will be provided for players using more than 24 hexes.

The regular season will last four weeks, with one game each week. After the regular season ends there will be a single elimination bracket for the top finishers.

First Prize - Repaint from Soundwarp SG-1 and RotV Terrain
RotV Terrain given out at the end of the tournament randomly to a player who has completed all 4 rounds of the event.

Spoiler Alert!

Event Details and Rules:
Spoiler Alert!
Players in the event:
  1. Arrow Grut
  2. awesomeunleashed
  3. belgarath
  4. Bengi
  5. betawolf36
  6. Black_Charos
  7. bobinchese
  8. capsocrates
  9. coliocole
  10. CrazyTankster
  11. Crixus33
  12. Deroche
  13. dillerbocker
  14. dok
  15. Dr.Goomonkey
  16. Dysole
  17. El Diabolo
  18. El T
  19. El Ts brother
  20. heroscaper2010
  21. hivelord
  22. Hogg
  24. I.S.B.3
  25. infectedsloth
  26. Ixe
  27. Juniour
  28. kevindola
  29. Kinseth
  30. Lo Pan
  31. MegaSilver
  32. nicktheant
  33. Smithy Winfred
  34. Soundwarp SG-1
  35. Taeblewalker
  36. TardisComplex
  37. TheLegendaryIrishSword
  38. TheSparkleInYourWater
  39. Toogwick_tuk
  40. Unseen Shadowz
  41. vegies dad
  42. vegietarian18
  43. ViideoSayg
  44. William099
Re: Online Season 14 - GENCON PREP

Note three things:

1. No VC, to align better with GenCon.

2. Sign-up form is now directly in the OP.

3. If you care about maps, you may want to wait until they're released to sign up.
Re: Online Season 14 - GENCON PREP

Signed up!

I will be offering one RotV terrain set to one random person that completes all of their games! ;)
Re: Online Season 14 - GENCON PREP

I'm all signed up with my army, "Ours is the Fury." It's comforting to know that I'll still have a chance at the terrain, even with that army.
Re: Online Season 14 - GENCON PREP

I'm half tempted just to bring Q9, Raelin, and rats so I can break even this season, we'll see.
Re: Online Season 14 - GENCON PREP

I'm half tempted just to bring Q9, Raelin, and rats so I can break even this season, we'll see.
:lol: you've had a tough run of it, for sure. Don't despair, things will come around for you.
Re: Online Season 14 - GENCON PREP

I may need to get in on this one... We'll see how my schedule looks prior to the deadline and I'll decide then.
Re: Online Season 14 - GENCON PREP

Huh, apparently I've already signed up for this. Now if only I could remember what my army was :lol:
There's a Map For That

I'm gonna wait until I see maps to sign up. It'll probably be either something similar to last year or the other crazy army I came up with. We'll have to see. I've got time. ~_^

~Dysole, spitballing ideas
Re: Online Season 14 - GENCON PREP

Signed up. My army is going to be close to last year's, no suprise there. And hey guys I'm ACTUALLY back now :D
Re: Online Season 14 - GENCON PREP

Ok so this is my first reverse the whip, and it seems to me like you would just throw together the worst army you could, but that seems rather unsporting. Am I missing something here?

{SR}, noobishly
Re: Online Season 14 - GENCON PREP

Ok so this is my first reverse the whip, and it seems to me like you would just throw together the worst army you could, but that seems rather unsporting. Am I missing something here?

{SR}, noobishly

You want to build an army that strong enough to make it to the Playoffs, but also weak/odd enough for you to beat with an opponent's army.
Re: Online Season 14 - GENCON PREP

Ok so this is my first reverse the whip, and it seems to me like you would just throw together the worst army you could, but that seems rather unsporting. Am I missing something here?

{SR}, noobishly

You want to build an army that strong enough to make it to the Playoffs, but also weak/odd enough for you to beat with an opponent's army.

In this format, you need to guess the online meta. ^_~
Re: Online Season 14 - GENCON PREP

It is a difficult format, you have to make your army strong enough to go 3-1 to make the playoffs, but not so strong that you cannot beat it in the playoffs.

If you go 4-0, you are probably doing it wrong :)
Re: Online Season 14 - GENCON PREP

Now that I have a tablet, I need to find a saturday to figure out google docs again. :lol:

If it works, I'm in. ^_^
Re: Online Season 14 - GENCON PREP

If my record is any indication, 4-0 shouldn't be a problem :p I misread the OP and thought that entire thing was going to be Reverse the Whip.

Re: Online Season 14 - GENCON PREP

Prizes added.

First Prize - Ticalla Jungle Terrian**
*Door Prizes - RotV Terrain(2)
*Given out at the end of the tournament, randomly to lucky players who have completed all 4 rounds of the event.
**If we reach 50 contestants, if not then the Ticalla Jungle will be replaced with ROTV Terrian

Definitely gonna make this one, after finally getting a new computer, ready to re-enter the world of online HS. Need a while to design my army though, no VS was a big game changer for me, as most of my units for classic scape are VC. Super pumped, can't wait to start.

I am almost certainly entering also.

So can anyone sign up for this? I'm pretty new to heroscapers and am not sure what all of this is really about.

So can anyone sign up for this? I'm pretty new to heroscapers and am not sure what all of this is really about.
Short answer is yes.